Okay, for some reason people have this weird idea going on in their head that Taylor did wrong things for the right reasons, but that's bullshit. To summarize what Polokun is talking about, the city most of Worm takes place in, Brockton Bay, is basically a flooded ruin because of a Kaiju attack. The mayor quite reasonably wants to evacuate the citizens of the city two other, non destroyed cities. Taylor objects to the people of her City actually having decent lives, and attacks the mayor's house and holds his son hostage, saying that she will murder the kid if he doesn't abandon his plans to have the city evacuated. He complies, and she starts power tripping and becomes a warlord in charge of the City ruins, preventing anyone from leaving.
Then she attacks Caravans trying to bring Aid to the people who she's trapped in the city, loots them and distributes it according to her whims. She convinces herself that she and her fellow Warlords that she is doing what is best for the city, even though she is preventing these people from leaving and rebuilding their lives. Also, while she at least puts on a facade of care by Distributing the supplies she stole, she completely ignores that her fellow Warlords don't give a damn and their sections of the ruins that they rule over are complete shitholes.
Protagonist centered morality at its finest. This bitch has so many fanboys who are early refuse to face the facts and realize that she is a terrible person. No, I don't give a shit about her backstory or how hard she had it. It is a merely a motive, not a justification. A sad backstory does not excuse what she has done. It never excuses anything.