Trinity Take 2 (Tohu!Taylor)
AN: I've been trying to fix Trinity for a while (read: a goddamn year). It started as a drabble, which meant that I hadn't really developed a plot before I tried to take it places. I can't say I've made much improvements on that front, but as we're not heading off to Namibia right off the bat, everything should be a little tighter, so it's
I know that I've expanded and edited out some scenes from the original 1.01. 1.02 diverges completely from the old Trinity.
Arc 1. Spin
Dry heaving sucks.
Dry heaving while in a cramped locker stuffed with used tampons?
You very quickly run out of 'dry'.
The smell made me gag: it was rank, musty and just a little sweet. The feel of it was a study in contrasts: wet and sticky, but also dry, crumbly. The darkness might have been the worst, forcing my imagination to fill in the gaps with the most lurid possibilities. A cadaver, dirty syringes, blood.
I retched, put two hands over my mouth, and tried to back out. Couldn't: they'd locked the door behind me.
I struggled, of course. Not for very long, but I did. I bucked against the metal, hit the door with all I had: elbows, heels, back, head. The attempts were weak, painful and likely shorter and more fitful than I thought they were.
I felt – I felt
too much. Nausea, physical and emotional, that made me want to puke, cry, run, kill,
fight. I had to clap a hand around my mouth, and swallow again and again, against the burning in my lungs, and the spasming muscles in my throat and stomach.
And the horrifying, all-consuming
I would choke, I would die. I was so sure of it.
I didn't want to. Not like this. Not like this.
Not like this.
I tried to focus my thoughts, center myself, distract myself. I hummed. I counted out loud. I reached twenty-three Mississippi before I heard a laugh.
Emma's or Sophia's – it didn't matter. I think it saved me, in a roundabout way. It gave me a burst of energy I wouldn't otherwise have had. I think I would have went away if I hadn't heard it. I wouldn't have been able to take it. The horror of my circumstances, the fucked-upness of the 'prank,' the lack of support from my peers, the certainty I would die – the
But that laugh made me want to
fight. Made me want to stay, made me want to spit in Emma's eye, hit back, attack.
And part of me
responded to that will.
I triggered.
My senses shut down. First the lights went out, then the smell went away, then the sound of my choked breaths, then the taste of vomit in my mouth. I could still feel
, but even touch was muted, consumed. I thought I was dying, but fear and anger kept me going.
I reached out. Tried to talk, move, breathe.
Instead, I fell apart.
Everything below my neck dropped away. The sound was almost comical, like something you'd hear if a cartoon character spilled their ice cream.
Sploop. I would have screamed but then my
face bulged and split forming three equal lumps, three other faces. Hair streamed down to occupy the place where my body used to be and formed a mockery of my old one: two legs, four hands. Three heads, two pairs of arms, one pair of legs.
I couldn't feel them. I couldn't feel anything.
Thinking stopped when the pain hit. It came in waves, each greater than the last. I couldn't hear myself scream so I wasn't sure if I did.
Despite that a part of me still tried to stay
I heard a half-remembered conversation. Topic you'd hear at lunchtime. So common, I couldn't even put faces to the names.
If you could have any power, what would it be?"
"Not this one," I mumbled.
The pain got worse. I reached out.
And I found… something. It's hard to explain. Points of light in a great void; bits of matter bouncing around in the vast emptiness of space; differences in pressure between
here and
Most were scattered far, far away, but at least a five dozen or so were close by.
It took me a moment to identify the closest one. It was a power,
my power. There was something off about it, like it was sick, or damaged. Comprehension, selection, administration: an ability that came in threes. Each was warped in a way that made me extremely uneasy.
I couldn't pin down what was wrong with it, only that it was.
I looked elsewhere.
Closest was a power which allowed for the distribution of matter across dimensions. It had been crippled, its higher functions stripped away until it could barely perform its duties at all, its bearer forced to partially linger in this dimension instead of wandering to and fro as they should have been able to. A more straightforward power to understand than mine, and while damaged, coherent in a way mine wasn't.
I moved on to the next light. Not the one which was closest geographically, but rather genealogically. Some powers were more related than others were. I could follow those twisting, branching paths. Hard enough as it is to believe, I was
fascinated by the powers, by my new senses. I almost forgot about my situation.
The related power was dormant, waiting for a condition, a
choice. Until then it was like – it was like a toddler, full of unrealized potential.
I backtracked, looking for others.
I found an information-gathering power similar to my own, but this one was used to identify and catalogue weapons instead of powers. It had restrictions too, but they were oddly placed. It would not catalogue weapons produced by other powers, nor weapons manufactured through the knowledge bestowed by other powers. There were a smattering of other abilities it bestowed: obviation of the need to sleep, perfect recollection, the creation of any catalogued weapons and munition.
It was an old power, experienced. I followed its descendants, only to discover emptiness where there should have been three others.
Instinctively, I knew the reason: the bearers – parahumans – had died.
I continued on.
The vast, vast majority of powers were still latent, their essence dark. Others were varied, perplexing. There was a power that could add to the biology of canines, and while it should have been able to do so for nearly anything, it had been altered for this one specific purpose. There was a power that could determine outcomes with a truly awesome degree of insight; a power that could send matter to a different dimension and replace it with matter from this one; a power that could produce metal from any surface…
And below, not so far away, was a power that dwarfed them all.
It was like me. Just as bright, but dormant.
I nudged it, curious.
Nothing happened. I wasn't sure what it would do. It seemed like the other latent powers, waiting for other events to occur before it would activate.
I spread my awareness out further, discovered hundreds, thousands of other stars. Some were not even in this dimension, but stumbling on them was happenstance, like sifting through sand on a beach and discovering a grain of rice or a kernel of corn.
I looked higher, found –
Something shoved me back into the confines of my muted flesh with a suddenness I found disorienting.
I was back.
And I was still blind, deaf, and unable to feel anything save the presence of other parahuman powers.
They were surrounding me in a loose net. Not that close, but not that far either. If I had to guess, most were still outside the school, maybe a minute or two away given their approach. Only the crippled dimension hopper was
close, feeling almost within reach.
I gave the others a cursory inspection. A space warper limited to inorganic matter, a time stopper that worked through touch, a body built with an incredible amount of redundancy, a multi-purpose manufacturer, a technological miniaturizer, the weapon cataloguer -
I was starting to notice a pattern with these powers. They all belonged to local heroes, Wards and Protectorate.
Time stopper would be Clockblocker. His name was one of those that were easy to remember. One of the tinkers must have been Armsmaster, the other Kid Win or Gallant. The weapon cataloguer… oh, of course, Miss Militia. After that things got harder to place. Space manipulation… I vaguely recalled one of the younger members of the Wards being heralded as the 'next' big thing, but couldn't remember her name.
I wasn't sure who had a redundant body structure or who half-shifted between dimensions. If I had to guess… Aegis and Shadow Stalker? Their powers
could work on those principles. Shadow Stalker must have attended Winslow, based on the fact that the power signature hadn't changed position.
Then again, it could have been a vigilante or a rogue. I couldn't even discount villain. If I had a power I wouldn't want to announce it at the top of my lungs either.
I would have blinked if I could. I
did have powers.
That was going to take some getting used to.
Protectorate and Wards arriving from across the city. Why?
Someone must have opened my locker and seen the... mess. Protocol would have had them evacuate the building and then call in all available heroes. Bad for publicity if a school was involved in a cape matter that wasn't immediately dealt with.
Something seemed a little
off in that deduction, but I didn't have much better to work with.
I got up.
At least I tried to. With my expanded awareness of powers I'd forgotten that all my conventional, human senses had left the building. I think I struggled forward, but without a sense of touch, or a feeling of your own limbs, I discovered it's not actually possible to walk. Not even possible to crawl. A lot happens when you move your leg: your muscles communicate messages to your brain that allow you to automatically perform subtle shifts in posture that prevent you from falling, some of those messages are caught by the spine and sent directly back to the muscles, and so on and so forth. Without those messages movement becomes difficult if not impossible.
Without the ability to see, or hear, or feel, the truth about whether or not I was making progress… well, it's a lot like using the remote to the TV from two streets away. Whether or not the TV turns on is not something you can actually tell.
This wasn't working and I couldn't even sigh in frustration.
I tried to wave my hand. There wasn't the slightest hint of feedback. Sometimes I thought I could feel
something but maybe that was just my brain trying to find things that weren't there. Ghost limb.
The dimensional mosaic used its power. This close I could almost taste how the energies shifted from person to object, outlining a thin, long stick. Something sunk
into me, severing strands of my hair before stopping an inch or so in. I didn't feel the pain, just a slight pressure, like someone was poking me with a finger. I wasn't sure if I was more disturbed to realize that I wouldn't have felt it at all if it hadn't been for the use of the power, or by the nature of the attack itself.
It had been aimed at one of my 'heads'. A normal person would have died.
More hit. They phased in and out of another dimensions, attempting a sort of teleport cut. My new body was resistant to the maneuver.
If these were the Wards, and this was Shadowstalker, why was she using lethal force…? Why would she be attacking?
That thought became two, then three.
Then they
fractured and I found myself spinning back into the abyss. Something was
wrong with my powers, and that wrongness was still ongoing. I tried to say something, anything, but my senses were still missing. I was blind, mute, deaf and whatever words were used to describe people who couldn't smell, taste, or touch.
I reached for my memories and found that idiotic conversation again.
If you could have any power, what would it be?"
Damn but this was embarrassing.
Heartbreaker's, duh."
Dude, not cool."
Hey, you were all thinking it."
Pffft. Emma, what about you?"
I dunno. Hey,
Taylor's good with cape stuff. I bet she has a plan when she gets powers."
Oh, come on, I bet it's cool."
Another attack.
Yeah Taylor, if you could have any power, what would it be?"
Again the memory. Almost insistent.
"The Triumvirate," I whispered.
The three most iconic heroes in the world.
Alexandria. I'd had her on my lunchbox when I was in grade school, her tower insignia still decorated some of my T-shirts and one of her bobblehead dolls still stood atop one of my bookshelves. She was tough, no-nonsense, but kind all at once.
The flying brick other flying bricks aspired to be. My favorite hero.
Legend, the leader of the Triumvirate. Artillery of the most devastating sort, and arguably the fastest speedster in the world since he could all but turn into light. I'd seen his interviews – not with the same obsessive completion that I'd seen Alexandria's, but I'd looked at them anyway. He was warm, personable.
Finally, Eidolon, the strongest parahuman hero in the world. It wasn't so much that he was powerful than that he had
all the powers. He could choose any he wanted and discard those he didn't need anymore. Versatility and power virtually without limit. He had single-handedly driven off more Endbringers than anyone else combined except for Scion. He always spoke about his work, the drive and necessity that pushed him each day. The challenge that made it worthwhile.
Something within me
clicked, and the pain went away.
I felt my strength grow, my durability tweak itself, and gravity became a matter of choice. My central head changed, re-shaping itself to better represent the new power. A dark helmet covering my face. Surprisingly, I also felt smarter, my thoughts speeding up, my memories clarifying themselves to astonishing degrees.
My left head twisted, a mask of blue and white appearing. I could feel my body shift states and begin to turn insubstantial. If I started to accelerate I knew it would functionally resist damage to a degree on par with the best. Combined with Alexandria's natural toughness, it was the sort of raw durability that couldn't be defeated by conventional means. A pool of power that I could manipulate and fire at the bat of an eye burned in my chest.
I felt the third face solidify into a glowing cowl, lined with green, and powers,
potential powers drifted in and out of my grasp. This was Eidolon. What did I need?
I needed to communicate.
A power to see, a power to hear, a power to
I felt and grabbed two thinker powers and one maybe-shaker. If I'd waited longer I could tell they would be stronger, but I didn't consider that necessary. A complete awareness of everything happening within exactly thirty meters of me, the ability to interpret subtle shifts in air pressure and the ability to manipulate that air pressure in turn.
Weak, as powers went. Or, rather, weak as
Eidolon's powers went. Somewhere in the back of my head, a different Taylor was gaping at the sheer
waste this represented, like using a nuclear power plant to fuel a laptop, but that Taylor was outvoted as I scrambled for any ability that would let me communicate. I didn't want to
fight. If I was guessing right, Shadow Stalker was trying to incapacitate me and the rest of the Wards and the Protectorate weren't far behind.
I was suddenly aware of a lot of noise, or maybe movement. It was difficult to tell the difference with a power like this, where everything was a variation of pressure, of force. Students were evacuating and I could hear everything from the pounding shoes, to their excited mumbling, to their heartbeats, communicated through a cacophony of aerial vibrations that my primitive human brain couldn't decipher.
All I knew was that I hadn't been unaware for particularly long.
So many of them and not one had tried helping me. It was hard not to feel a bit bitter.
I rose. Two different sorts of flight tried to work together and it took everything I had not to accidentally put a hole in the ceiling. It only hit me then, hovering a foot above the ground, probably looking like a freakshow reject, that no matter my looks, I was probably one of the most powerful parahumans in the world right now.
Part of me was scared.
Another, wilder part of me wanted to laugh until I cried.
And I did, completely by accident. A change in pressure that, judging by the intensity and the resulting faraway screams, must have sounded like a thunderclap instead of laughter. Oops.
I set aside my aerokinesis and accessed my thirty foot clairvoyance. It was and wasn't like sight: there were no colors, just folds in space, almost like the area was a wireframe model I could
feel. I could sense every mote of dust and every strand of hair, the tips of my clawed hands to the three heads on my winding, braided neck. The pens and pencils that were stuck within me, the blood that pooled and dripped from the hopefully cosmetic wounds. The person attacking me was female with long hair and an enviably athletic figure. There was something wrapped around her face, and she was attacking me with… darts? No, those were pens and pencils.
Female, so probably not Aegis then.
I tentatively labeled her as Shadow Stalker.
She shot at me again. I tried to float out of the way, accelerated too quickly and crashed into the lockers opposite mine, denting and sheering through the painted metal as easily as if it were a pane of sugar.
There was symmetry in the destruction. Behind me, my locker lay in a bloody ruin. The lockers next to my locker were bloody ruins. In front it was now the same.
I shook away the thought. Where had
that come from?
I needed to get my bearings, I was still reeling from the attack, still acting like I was Taylor Hebert, powerless mortal.
Was that why Shadow Stalker was treating me with such hostility? Assuming that the bullied victim was going to pull a Carrie?
Thinking about that made me angry. If she was going to jump to conclusions like that she should have helped me like an actual hero, her secret identity be damned. She surely had training, it wouldn't be
that difficult to fight without powers, or just say a word to stop things.
I tried speaking. It took a few tries for me to really grasp how
difficult it was to use powers for things they hadn't originally been designed to do, but I managed it, after a fashion. Shadow Stalker had returned and tried to shoot again. With Alexandria's invincibility I let them bounce. As things were I had a far,
far greater chance of accidentally turning the school to rubble than Shadow Stalker had of hurting me.
I was limited in the selection of sounds I could pronounce. Words were going to be difficult. I wanted to say 'stop,' but I couldn't quite work out how to attach the pee sound to the long aw. Divided them into chunks.
Ay. Staw. Puh. Naw. Tuh. Foe."
She said something long and complicated enough that I couldn't parse it before shooting me again.
Damnit, I should have spent the time to get a more useful power. These weren't doing what I needed them to do.
"Suh-luh-oh," I said.
"Or…" she said, her voice accompanied by another riot of pressure changes. There was too much to interpret. The people running away made noise. The 'wind' was making noise.
I was making noise.
I discarded my intuitive understanding of air. How could I listen in?
I had focused too much on how sound was created. I needed to understand
people. I discarded a few emotion perceivers. Hoped for something that would get me close to psychic and found an intuitive comprehension of body language instead.
I allowed it time to load before realizing that I wouldn't be able to hear myself speak. Or, for that matter, tell if I was making the correct assembly of sounds with my air manipulation ability.
These powers were too overwhelming. I felt like a child given a supercomputer and told to code the game when all she wanted to do was play pong.
What would I do if I were just Taylor and not Eidolon?
Put like that the answer was simple. I didn't need to talk to communicate, I could just as easily write. Then the heroes could write back. Problem solved. That means all I needed was vision. Legend's lasers could be fine-tuned to the point where they could virtually become glow-in-the-dark paint. Maybe I could project words over my heads.
There, that freed up two slots. I let go of my air manipulation ability.
I was about to dismiss my comprehension of body language as well when it finished loading. Without Alexandria's enhanced cognition maybe I wouldn't have noticed it, not in that split second before I let it go, but with it I was without doubt. The way she moved, the way she angled her crossbow, the way she
Shadow Stalker was Sophia Hess.
A lot of things, a lot of little details, events that happened over the past year and a half, fell into place.
I had options now. With the way my powers worked I was pretty much
made of options. Legend's lasers were versatile enough to be either lethal or incapacitating; Alexandria was
the flying brick all other flying bricks aspired to; and Eidolon had a laughably huge number of ways to snap her out of her shadow state and then shove her in that
filth she had prepared for her latest victim.
Taylor Hebert rammed through the closest surface, shooting through drywall, plumbing, electrical wire and brick like it was so much papier mache, shook off the resulting debris, and vanished in a burst of white light.
I flew.
I didn't know what it was I felt, wasn't sure if there was word there that could properly express having a murder she wrote moment about my very own bullying campaign. There was a little bit of anger there, and a lot of ugly.
But hey: flight. Voted number one most popular power utility power on PHO, and here I was with two varieties.
I wanted to relax, wanted to
enjoy it.
Damn you Emma.
And damn you too Sophia.
I rose higher and higher, until my short range clairvoyance picked up the heavy cloud cover above the city, and then I was above that too. With my absolute awareness I could
feel, but I wanted to see. I had two of Eidolon's slots open, and could sense the matrix of his potential abilities pulse with a steady stream of possibilities.
I grabbed another thinker power before it could disappear. This one interpreted the visible spectrum through the medium of my skin. Legend's affinity with light synergized with it to an absurd degree and combined I could 'see' in all directions for miles. With the way my body had changed, there was a lot of overlap, a lot of looking at myself
through myself, but I could cope.
Words can't do the experience justice. The sky above was so blue it almost hurt to look at, and the sun a ball of pure white that surprisingly didn't. I was already far enough above the clouds to perceive them as a sea of dense white cotton stretching out into the distance, far farther than I would have expected.
I stopped and hovered. Like a switch being flicked, Legend's light went out as I transitioned out of his breaker state.
A younger Taylor would have wanted to carve her names in the clouds. Something to wow herself, her friends.
I… what did I want?
I floated, not serene, not
okay, but not drowning in the ugliness either.
I felt better, being here, seeing this. If I didn't pay attention to the background fuzz of my power sense, I could almost imagine I was alone.
I ran a claw-tipped hand through my hair. Neck? Damn, but my new form was weird, my hair weaving together into cords and then ribbons as they passed through my torso.
I took a deep, mental breath. I wanted… I wanted to be everything Shadow Stalker was
not. I wanted to be someone who was kind, someone who
cared, someone who protected and helped others.
In short, I wanted to be a hero. To do that…
I raised my four arms, fiddling with the pool of Legend's power sitting in my chest.
The first blast was terrifyingly off the mark, a column of light that could have engulfed and leveled buildings, spearing straight up through the empty sky.
I gaped. On an intellectual level I knew he was
the blaster of the Triumvirate but,
holy shit I had wanted to use that laser to write messages.
I tried again; this time, the beam was tighter, more concentrated, giving it the sort of punch that I presumed Legend would deploy against Endbringers or high end brutes.
Damn, but his ability was complicated. Making lasers that could turn corners, split into a baker's dozen and impart various other effects was more labor intensive than simply willing them into existence. I felt my respect for the man grow in grudging leaps and bounds. Of the Triumvirate his power felt the messiest, something kludged together with too many parts, many of them working at cross-purposes.
Kind of like mine, in a way. I still recalled the feel of my own power, the sickly, prickling edges of it. Comprehension, selection, administration, all mashed together.
Eidolon's power was the opposite in a way: hard as it was to fathom, he seemed to be
missing pieces, while Alexandria was weirdly 'perfect.' Not in the sense that hers was the best power, but it felt like the most elegant, most economical. Minimum effort for maximum effect.
Eidolon's was undeniably useful though. His kept on offering me thinker powers, crutches that would make it trivial to control and maintain Legend's firepower. I kept turning them down. If Legend could do it without outside aid, then I'd almost certainly be able to do it with Alexandria's help.
I brought forth yet another beam of light, narrowing its focus and lowering its output. Only a few more adjustments and I could use it for something resembling communication instead of, say, building demolitions.
I felt a power approach and automatically re-oriented, all three of my heads swivelling. Two of them knocked against each other. Dumb, I could see just as well from the soles of my feet as from my heads. Anyway, they were below the clouds, and I wouldn't be able to see them through my skin. I checked with my power sense instead.
Flight, strength, emotion aura, forcefield.
The emotion aura cinched it, but... seriously, Glory Girl had a forcefield? I thought she was supposed to be a straight Alexandria package with an emotion aura. Less raw power, less speed, but outside the context of an Endbringer or a brute like Lung that barely mattered.
Others were rising too, if slower: that'd be Photon Mom and her daughter Laserdream most likely.
Had to hurry if I wanted to get Legend's lasers down before they made it up here.
A dozen attempts later, I had something almost workable. I'd finally figured out how to leave a trace in the air that would linger. A laser whose intensity was as low as it got, joined to a laser that slowed things down. Wouldn't really work in a fight, the slowing laser was itself incredibly slow, but the slowing aspect would hit the low intensity laser, all but freezing it in place. I could use it to write, draw, whatever.
It was crude, but I'd take crude if it let me explain myself.
Glory Girl made it past the cloud cover where she stopped, hovering. I could see her, maybe a mile or so below, in all her fully costumed – excuse the word choice – glory. White dress, cape, tiara. Now that I was looking for it, I could see the forcefield: her golden hair didn't budge in the wind, and neither did her dress. She probably wasn't even cold.
Her head was turning: she was looking for me.
How had she known I'd still be up here? Were people spitballing? Using thinkers?
Didn't really matter. I descended towards her, Legend's breaker state turning me lightbulb bright. I crossed the distance in less than the blink of an eye. I had hoped to appear in front of her, but landed somewhere behind her instead.
And then further, piercing through the clouds.
The light went out as I burst back up, trailing mist. I thought it looked badass.
Glory Girl turned and
It wasn't dramatic. It was on the same level as an involuntary spasm that happens when a C-list horror movie throws in yet another jump scare. But the expression she made... I'd seen it on myself enough times to know it. Fear, or something close enough to it. Gone a moment later, but that didn't erase the fact I had seen it, that she had made it.
Was my appearance really that off-putting? Or was it the helmets, the implied powers?
She backed away, only half a step, the gesture probably a habit of her earthbound reflexes, one hand briefly cupping her ear, the other held in front of her fingers splayed. She began to speak, slow, deliberate, but neither my short range clairvoyance nor my light perception powers were up to the task of decoding her words. I couldn't read lips, and
feeling the air move was hugely less useful than my earlier aerokinesis.
Helen Keller might have learned how to understand someone by stuffing her hand in the other person's mouth, but that was a little beyond my abilities, Alexandria's thinker abilities or no.
I raised three of my own hands, fingers identically splayed, and after a moment's hesitation, started to write in the air with my fourth.
Glory Girl immediately dropped back beneath the cloud cover.
I looked at the empty space she had just occupied, my hastily scrawled
I CAN'T SP hanging in the air, reversed so she'd be able to read it.
I wasn't surprised when she burst through the clouds from below: my power sense allowed me to keep a bead on her. She was probably thinking three heads, 360 degree view, try to surprise me by coming at an angle I couldn't grasp.
To be fair she
did surprise me. I hadn't expected the attack.
To be a little less generous, I hadn't expected it because I hadn't
done anything.
I caught the attack on one chin and the world lurched as I spun wildly around. Both Legend and Alexandria's modes of flight tried to kick in at the same time to correct for the spin and I overcompensated, spiralling in the opposite direction, bursting through the clouds towards the city below.
I would have corrected, but Glory Girl kept
hitting me, pounding away with a reckless tenacity. I hunched my shoulders, dipped my heads, tried to ward off any blows to the craniums. I wanted to close my eyes, but to do that I'd need to lose my perception power, so I could do was see the blows coming, each one capable of going through concrete. I tried to point to one of my mouths, get her to understand that I couldn't
speak. Either she didn't understand or didn't care.
And then it was Sophia punching and kicking me, a sneer on her face.
I knew it wasn't really her, but the experience was still off-putting. I panicked, tried to get away, create some distance so I get my thoughts in order, but my flight powers kept
misfiring, and Glory Girl wasn't
that slow. My inexperience combined with having four arms and a really
bizarre sense of feel made any attempt at retaliating feeble at best.
Stop it! I wanted to yell.
Just – just stop!
She did.
I hadn't even realized I'd picked up another of Eidolon's powers until I noticed why Glory Girl had stopped: she was plummeting away, her thoughts temporarily derailed by a field of absolute mental torpor that surrounded me. Her last hit had come from above so she was falling with all the speed her power gave her, and gravity.
I took half a second to place the other two members of New Wave, decided they wouldn't catch up nearly quick enough, mentally cursed and dove after her.
I wasn't sure what sort of impact the forcefield could tank, but decided
not to have my first high-profile action as parahuman be attacking and killing the city's darling Alexandria-lite by accident.
Why couldn't she have just
That thought must have triggered something: I went into Legend's breaker state and then went
way too fast, shooting past Glory Girl and nearly hitting a high rise near central downtown. I could see her, clear as I could see the people below. She was still falling, caught in a classic action figure pose.
Damn, but I was a bad flier. I was a really,
phenomenally bad flier. This would almost be funny if it wasn't threatening to become tragic.
I kicked off the air and zoomed back up, abandoned the stupid knock out field, searching for a different Eidolon power. Telekinesis, tractor beam, gravity, precise teleportation, any of those would work if I had enough fine control.
Instead, as choices, I received invisibility, consciousness-suppressing powers, and
color changing beams.
Fuck you too Eidolon.
My power sense picked up another cape. Aegis was on the scene… and his flight was way, way too slow.
one other person in this city being able to break the sound barrier be too much to ask for?
I flashed forward, again too fast, too far. One of the New Wavers tried to take a pot shot at me.
I ignored it, and tried again.
And again.
And again.
Like my adjustment with Legend's lasers, each burst allowed me to learn a little more, make myself better, more precise. I was moving at scary speeds, the sort that should have been leaving sonic booms in my wake but weren't because of Legend's breaker state.
And then I was there, flying parallel to her.
My success was more a matter of happy accident then intent, so much so that I nearly blasted away again before I realized I'd reached my goal.
I caught her, one pair of arms clutching her awkwardly around the middle, and then I was trying to slow us down.
A beam of white light caught one of my faces. This time I did what I should have done with Glory Girl and ignored the attack. I was five kinds of invincible, unless it was someone like Heartbreaker trying to take control I wasn't going to be too miffed about people trying to hit me. I directed us to the beach, and then slowly, stutteringly brought us down, dragging furrows into the sand as we landed.
My new form was heavy: I sank almost halfway to my knee.
If this were a movie, Glory Girl would have chosen that moment to wake up, but she was still out. She would be for at least another hour or so.
When they were good, Eidolon's powers were
I tried to make sure she was comfortable, then got up, and immediately began writing, making sure I'd get my message out
first before they could attack. I was expecting the fastest heroes to take up to half a minute if not more to arrive. In that span of time I'd hopefully be able to write enough to get them to understand my position. I made the letters
big, at least foot high blocks, keeping track as powers converged on me.
I felt someone teleport in or around Winslow – they had an unfamiliar combination of powers, but it was a
potent one. It felt oddly familiar, and with a jolt I realized that its signature was one of mine.
Eidolon. Here. He discarded discarded his two other powers, started choosing two others.
The most powerful member of the Triumvirate? I re-doubled my efforts.
GG is fine. She'll wake up in an hour.
Stop attacking me. I can't hear, or speak. Write down what you want to say and I'll do the same.
I want to –
I'd overestimated my writing speed, and underestimated the New Wave fliers. I moved back as Photon Mom tried to wrap me in a forcefield bubble, while Laserdream did the same with Glory Girl. Both were flying, their white, indigo and pink starburst pattern bodysuits standing out against the drab, gray sky. They weaved and ducked, but I was tracking them with no less than three different senses.
Someone faster, but travelling from farther away landed on the beach as well, kicking up sand and surf as they landed. Their armored battlesuit bristled with gun nozzles and missile launchers. It had a bit of a T-Rex/King Kong look, a giant head, bulky body, and arms that descended to the level of their feet. The enormous face, protruding nose, recessed eyes – it was lizardlike.
Dragon? Here?
Alongside Eidolon?
That was
two big names from out of town. They were treating me like I was an A-class threat.
Lung and fucking
Kaiser didn't get this kind of treatment.
Her armored suit looked around, and then one of the panels on her suit flipped around, revealing a thin computer screen, complete with a keyboard. It lit up a second later with a single word, white on black.
I had a vivid recollection of Glory Girl just before she'd started attacking me. If I recalled how her lips moved – yes, I was ninety percent she'd been asking for my surrender too.
Shadow Stalker? My appearance? I kept a bit of my focus on the other two members of New Wave.
Oh, well
that made everything peachy-keen. I wanted to groan in frustration.
I moved to write more, fingertips lighting up. Dragon didn't give me a chance. The panel with the monitor flipped around to reveal armor as she shot at me with a stream of high pressured containment foam fifty feet long. With Lady Photon and Laserdream registering so much more brightly on my power sense, I had a moment of blank incomprehension, unable to quite process a power that wasn't actually a power, before dodging away at the last second.
On the upside, I was getting used to my power sense. On the downside: I was getting
used to my powersense. I was already treating it as more reliable than eyesight.
Dragon took to the air, the jets propelling her up burning with a blue flame as the sand beneath her feet turned to glass.
She landed between me and Glory Girl, unloading a payload of oddly shaped missiles which split apart mid-air into hundreds of tiny, razor-thin projectiles. Each streaked towards me with incredible speed. This was an attack designed to take on or distract a speedster.
Well, it was
succeeding. I left a trail of cooling glass in my wake as I kicked myself backwards, out of the area of immediate attack, and then continued hopping as they followed, lightning fast. A violent kick created a wave of sand that caught a few which exploded into veritable
walls of containment foam. Lady Photon and Laserdream were attacking as well, but I barely had to focus to dodge their attacks. Dragon was making me
work at it.
Something dropped out from beneath Dragon's undercarriage, ball shaped, with little anti-grav panels on the exterior. It was shaped a bit like the one-man Empire spacecraft from Star Wars.
Somehow it picked Glory Girl up and began towing her away from the battle.
This completely, one hundred percent unnecessary battle.
I tried to calm down. The last time I panicked, I'd nearly killed Glory Girl. None of the people here could actually
hurt me, and Dragon was limiting herself to non-lethal weaponry. Depending on how effective the containment foam was, that made her more dangerous, not less, but I didn't need to panic. It was why I was still here instead of fleeing at hypersonic speeds. If I just explained myself, if I could just get them to
The fastest members of the Protectorate were arriving. Dauntless and Velocity first, Armsmaster not far behind.
I knew it even before Dauntless threw his spear at me: they weren't here to back me up.
My heart plummeted as I dodged the electrically charged projectiles. These weren't the actions of a few cowboy cops jumping the gun, a group of independents and a big name from the Guild, this was a sustained
campaign. There was even a thinker trying to pin me down. I'd never heard of them, but they were part of it.
Worst of all was Eidolon. The bright nimbus of his power growing even as I looked for him, some sort of trump power that'd let him tap into other available powers, the teleportation power I'd sensed before, and power immunity that he could grant others. Soon he'd overshadow everyone else in the city. The scent of his power was so sharp, so bitter, I could almost
sense the hostility radiating off him. He was spoiling for a fight.
I could feel myself react to that hostility, feel the stranger powers Eidolon's last slot was suggesting slowly shift towards blasters and strikers.
Damn them all. If they wanted to attack this badly I'd oblige them. I began repurposing Legend's lasers as I simultaneously worked my way through Eidolon's current selection of powers. I picked a sound-based ability and allowed it to slowly load. Well, not quite sound,
vibrations. It would be good for debilitating but non-lethal long-ranged attacks, and within the range of my clairvoyance I would have enough fine control to vibrate the inner ear and induce nausea, loss of balance, and so on. Less useful against Dragon who wasn't physically present as a person, but she was packing a lot of delicate electronics within chassis. All it would take – I sent a flash of harmless energy at Dragon who crashed through it and retaliated with another spurt of high-pressure containment foam – was a little time.
When Eidolon flickered into existence fifty feet above us, I wasn't sure I'd get it. His cape hung from his shoulders, a heavy blue-green mantle that
fit him like it did so few people. I'd never heard of him as being charismatic, but he had
presence. I could sense it in the way everyone present moved a little, unconsciously making room for him and probably keeping an eye on him.
He held up a hand. Dragon stepped back, as did the New Wavers, and local Protectorate. I bristled, ready for him. He had a ridiculously good teleportation power, an immunity to powers power, and was somehow borrowing powers from all the other heroes' who were present.
He wasn't borrowing
my powers though. Was he underestimating me?
No, he was trying to, he just
couldn't. A perk of my altered biology?
For some reason, he wasn`t attacking. Neither were the heroes. They were probably waiting for others to arrive. I wasn't about to complain if it allowed me to finish my own preparations. I adjusted Legend's laser for maximum coverage and minimum intensity. A bright light: hopefully it'd blind them without hurting them.
We all stood there, breathless, waiting. Dragon was doing something to her suit, but I didn't dare spare the attention I had focused on Eidolon. He was the
My power finally finished loading. It came equipped with a minor thinker power that allowed me to interpret sound waves.
I could
hear again. Far, far better than I would as a human being. I was bombarded by useless details: the sound of the surf against the sand, the hiss of molten glass as it cooled, the beating of the metallic slurry that acted as Dragon's blood, and the incredible minutiae of
life. I could hear hearts beat, blood flow, perspiration drip, lips move, and teeth clack.
I adjusted my perceptions, then adjusted them again. It felt like turning the knob on the car radio, listening for a station that wasn't static. My experience fine-tuning Legend's lasers, and my horrific flight powers were put to good use. Eidolon's powers were significantly more intuitive.
Then I managed it.
"-hold," a man was saying. "She's calming down."
I must have done something, given away a tell, because his voice softened. "You can hear me now, can't you?"
All three of my heads nodded slowly. I realized that Dragon had been trying to get my attention with her computer screen, but I'd ignored it, like I'd nearly ignored the containment foam earlier. She'd popped open the computer panel again. Words were written on the screen.
[Sorry, I'd like talk.]
From my power sense Eidolon still appeared to be radiating hostility. I couldn't help but compare him to Emma on one of her bad days. Something was definitely wrong with that analysis though: he'd calmed everyone down, he'd stopped the fight.
Well, almost.
"She doesn't
look like she's calming down," a voice said, echoed quietly in a dozen places.
The speaker wasn't within range of my absolute awareness, but I could ballpark the general area. It was probably Dauntless or Velocity. One of my heads swung towards them.
A whisper, this time, accompanied by even softer whispers: "She heard that?"
A female voice, her accent difficult to place said: "Taylor, can you hear us?"
I nodded again.
For some reason, everyone looked relieved. A tenseness to their motions vanished. Someone muttered 'thank goodness.'
"That's good. That makes this easier," Eidolon said. "I'm going to touch down now. Are you okay with that?"
He slowly drifted down, every move calculated to look harmless, which was quite the feat given who he was. He was short, which helped. Not obviously so, but standing close to a six foot something Armsmaster made him seem less imposing.
"Can you speak?"
I couldn't, not really, but I
could copy what others had said. All I needed to do was vibrate the air in precisely the same way
they had vibrated it.
Alexandria's memory, my shaker power and…
"Can, speak, okay," I said, using Eidolon's voice. The words were choppy, disconnected, like how you might hear an automatic voice message system recite a number.
"Freaky," someone commented. I couldn't quite tell who. Someone else muttered "screamer," but I wasn't sure why.
Dragon cut in. I could tell because words were appearing on her screen in sync with the words she spoke.
"I'd like to apologize. After you left Winslow, the rest of your body was discovered in your locker. We jumped to conclusions about who was responsible. I should have verified first, like Eidolon did."
I remembered. 'Sploop.'
I could understand why they'd reacted the way they did. It didn't necessarily explain the sudden A-lister response, but it was at least comprehensible.
"I... really do hope you can forgive us for that," she continued. "Me, especially. A lot of what happened today is my fault. This isn't how I would have wanted us to meet."
"Okay," I said, using Eidolon's voice again. "That's, okay."
I heard another whispered voice, emanating from a dozen places. "Is no one going to mention that she turned the sky above BB into a seizure-inducing lightshow and scared the pants off Madam Director or-"
The voice cut out abruptly.
"Clockblocker, maintain radio discipline," Armsmaster said curtly, lips moving beneath the visor of his helmet.
The shock that I was listening in on as minute a source as their individual earbuds was outweighed by the shock of comprehension.
Now I understood the A-lister response. I hadn't really been thinking when I started experimenting with Legend's lasers. The sky had been
covered in clouds, and I had thought that no one… would… see…
Well, that explained how Glory Girl had known where to find me.
It probably explained Dragon's presence too: she maintained several satellites, right?
"Are you willing to come with us to the Protectorate HQ? As a guest. We can get your injuries looked at too."
I wanted to nod, but then I realized.
Uh, injuries?
=> 1.03