Worm: Collector's Edition (Worm/Multi)

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Long ago the Entities drew the wrath of something greater than themselves. Now, the most recent weapon against them has activated, empowering a new champion. Game On!
Prologue: ???
United States

The Technician was pleased. While it, unfortunately, couldn't -and wouldn't- simulate anything- unlike the uncaring monsters destroying life in the multiverse it was charged with caring for- it did have a more comprehensive understanding of existence than even the Entities that had drawn its ire, though testing was more difficult.

Its campaign of decreasingly subtle attacks against the Entities had started long ago, not long after they started destroying occupied planets, and had resulted in several deaths of such specimens- three had been revived by their partner; the next two had shown that process could occur without a guiding intelligence; then the pair's shards started having problems after their deaths, resulting in the ultimate destruction of the host species; and the last attempt had destroyed the shards as well, resulting in the deaths of all the afflicted and the- usually explosive- failing of any technology they had built, resulting in the planet's destruction anyway.

The last had caused the Technician to decide the best result would be the shards coming under the control of one of its champions, and caused a change in tactics- rather than using methods the Entities hadn't encountered every "cycle", it requested permission to skip several response stages, then would observe them as closely as possible to determine weaknesses- aside from the obvious one of being completely unimaginative, anyway.

After receiving permission, tests with surviving shards from the first pair had shown that living energy could be metabolized by them quite efficiently, far less than would be filtered by even the weakest of sensitive lifeforms, giving its next champion an effective tool for positive reinforcement, and after some time determined the Entities used certain types of "encryption" as an identifier- for external communication, they had "public" keys for trading and other neutral interactions, along with another set to hand out to those they were allied with, while internal communication had three ranks: core, important, and standard- and would change the top-level identifier to one reserved for the action when trading shards with another Entity- this behavior would allow for the next champion to give top-level commands to target shards, including changing the identifiers, allowing them to take undisputed control if desired. As a side effect, any shards attempting to connect would automatically be stolen, preventing the corruption that had occurred early on.

The being would spend three of the ten cycles it worked just deciphering the encryptions of every Entity it knew of, in the hopes that by the time its champion encountered others they would be powerful enough to emerge victorious. The remaining time was mostly spent getting the shard subversion functionality correct, then deciding on a good location for the champion to originate.

The base of the system was a copy of the process used to communicate with sensitive mortals- which used a small pocket dimension outside of the timestream of any reality, allowing seemingly instantaneous communication- although adapting it to allow for travel to other realities was a little more difficult, as was ensuring that while its champion could access knowledge of other realities, it would be clear what was and wasn't part of each one. Locking that down until after their death in their birth reality so they wouldn't just escape their duties was obvious, as was ensuring they needed to die to pass on to the next portion of the cycle. The decision of when to activate was more difficult; ultimately, it was decided to use the end of the champion's sexual maturation process as the primary trigger, with a situation that would activate a shard as a secondary trigger.

The death of the targeted pair's Thinker was a pleasant surprise, especially since the mortals harvesting its corpse would provide plenty of shards that could be subverted without the other one noticing. A decision was made only a few planetary revolutions before the ultimate champion was conceived, and the powerset completed under three dozen planetary rotations before it was carefully grafted to the champion during her conception. It was relieved when the champion's soul wasn't returned to its waiting pool, as that could have complicated matters.

Following that was working on a series of upgrades to it in preparation for the champion taking a mate- or several; some mortals preferred it that way, and some species even required it, so the upgrades would take such into account- and would allow her to bring them with her should she decide to continue her duties after her inevitable death. The original protocols for the champion's reproductive process would be hidden until a date that had given the being some trouble, finally deciding on the highest minimum legal age for such activities in all the provinces of the nation she was living in- as she was more likely to move to or visit such locations than elsewhere- so long as it was within certain biological milestones- onset of puberty and biological peak, so as to prevent both problems stemming from behavior the champion wasn't physically or mentally ready for and to ensure she- and any other champions that may be granted such power- was given the choice to reproduce if she desired- which was preferred by the being as that would spread most of her unique powers faster than inducing them in others, which would require she help them achieve potential beyond what they were naturally capable of.

While inducing sensitivity to living energy in a species was discouraged- hence its request- the Entities were a greater danger, and any hybrid-Entities produced by the champion, including herself, would by their very nature induce sensitivity in their shards' hosts over a period about a revolution of their home planet, and their children would all be sensitive as well. Ensuring the reproductive process would also include any chosen rewards and would adapt to its champion's lifespan had taken nearly a decade, after which ensuring the dominance of such traits was simple.

The chosen champion was mentally resilient- both the death of her mother and the betrayal of her closest friend after her mental corruption by one of the afflicted following a traumatic event failed to meet the activation conditions, as did the following campaign of harassment. It hadn't, however, missed the trap created by two of her main antagonists, and watched closely when she encountered it- even so, the actions of her afflicted antagonist was unexpected- and prepared to gently influence her when she looked at potential rewards- the Entities were capable of space-travel, so she would need to be as well.
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Interesting little story your making will be watching it, got a feeling you'll do good. Just hope you don't abandon it early on seen it happen way to many times.
I think I like it but its almost a wall of text which makes it hard to read. If you could break it up a bit, it would really be appreciated.
1.1: Tutorial
Jan 3, 2011:

Taylor was trying hard not to hyperventilate, not that anyone would blame her- not only was she forced into a locker-her locker! - that was filled with as many used tampons and pads as it could hold, but now she was, somehow, standing on the bridge of a ship, looking out at what she thought was Brockton Bay. The most jarring thing, however, was not the abrupt change in location, the lack of mess, or even the view, but the words floating in front of her.

Prologue Complete!​

'Clearly I've gone crazy,' was the first thought that went through her mind, 'but what's this about a prologue?' She tried to find a door only to find herself rooted in place, resulting in yet more panic. "Wha-! Why can't I move?!"

Main Menu
New Game
Load Game

"What?" was her only response for nearly a minute. 'I suppose I might as well play along. If I'm crazy I don't really want to be bored; if it's a Master effect I can't see them, nor how I can escape; and… if it's real I might be in a coma or something.' "Exit."

We apologize for the inconvenience, but Exit is not currently available.​
-The Technician​

"Ah… Technician? Who- or what- is that?" After nearly a minute of nothing happening, she decided to move on, "Um… Options?"

The environment rotated around her, showing a console with another menu floating in front of it

Options Menu

After a brief moment of shock, she shook herself and exclaimed, "Help!"

The environment moved again, putting her by another console.

Help Menu

"Um…" Taylor hesitated for a moment, "About."

Welcome to
Worm: Collector's Edition Alpha!
You are currently in Story Mode and need to finish the story before unlocking other options. The city of Brockton Bay, and indeed Earth Bet and its multiverse, hold myriad wonders, dangers, and secrets- what will you do to save Earth, and what will you find in the process?

"Story- Save Earth?! What do you mean- 1994?" Taylor found herself speechless for a moment. "That's before I was even born! What relevance- Whatever," she shook her head, "What's Story Mode?"

Story Mode
You start out in Brockton Bay, as the ultimate Trump, though you need to work for your powers. With the ability to live life like a video game character, complete with stats, perks, and more, and the ability to gain powers through Achievement Rewards, you are the lynchpin to saving all Earths across your multiverse.​

With a nervous swallow, she stared at what she was now certain was a delusion. How could she be that important? What could possibly threaten all Earths? Still, even if this was all in her head, playing along was better than being bored out of her skull and unable to move. "Character." When nothing happened, she tried again, "Help: Character."

Another change, this time focusing on a poster of the Vitruvian Man.



  • Strength (STR) is the measure of physical power, affecting carry weight, physical damage, and Inventory space​
  • Dexterity (DEX) is the measure of physical control, affecting movement speed, attacking speed, reflex speed, and flexibility​
  • Constitution (CON) is the measure of physical durability, affecting physical status conditions and how much damage you can take​
  • Intelligence (INT) is the measure of mental capacity, affecting spell damage, Experience (EXP) gain, and character point gain​
  • Perception (PER) is the measure of mental insight, allowing you to determine outcomes and see what others might have missed, as well as detecting magic​
  • Willpower (WIL) is the measure of mental control, allowing you to act despite other factors and governs your spellcasting abilities​
  • Charisma (CHA) is your physical and mental wellbeing and beauty, determining appearance, body language, social interpretation, and stat caps​
Each stat starts at 10, with a base cap of 5 times level plus 10.​

"Right… next is… Characters: Perks."

Most perks are linked to your basic stats, each tier unlocks at a given amount of the corresponding stat. Upon unlocking the final perk tier at 100, or upon mastering a skill, you gain a choice of Prestige Perk, special, powerful perks that relate to the stat or skill in question- choose carefully, as you can only choose one of the options!​

"Mastering- no, go in order, Taylor. Character: Attributes."

Taylor went through the menu options, finding that negative attributes could be bought off or mitigated with attribute points, the inventory would allow her to change clothes instantly, though she would apparently have to make a deliberate choice to change- or remove- her underwear, relationships would track everything from "Family"- or "Lover"- to "At war", and the party system was dependent on her level and charisma, and anyone, including "Non-Player Characters (NPCs)", could become a party member.

Moving on to the "Achievements" section of the Help Menu, she was told that any action she took, from fighting or playing games to helping others or certain behavior could and probably would contribute to Achievements, which would grant powers in the form of Rewards, which she could select from the Rewards menu. Most Achievements, and thus Rewards, had multiple ranks, and some Rewards could apparently unlock others, usually in conjunction with different "Reward Lines", or Rewards that were related to each other. In addition, some Rewards that would normally be in "Science" would be in "Technomagic" due to some of the components containing or being made of various forms of "Magicite", such as Star Trek's Dilithium.

It was in the "Interface" section that she got another shock- while in the Main, Achievements, and Rewards Menus time was paused, at least if the text was accurate. She took a moment to digest that before learning that the menu she could call up "in-game" would not pause time, and that she could choose to command the interface mentally, though it was not the default. Quests was obvious, but hidden objectives and quests less so, as some Perception Perks would reveal them. Miscellaneous told her that some features had not been implemented yet, such as Multiplayer and Modding, whereas "Exit" could not be selected while a game was active- she would have to die before she could exit the game.

With that pleasant thought, she moved onto the "Options: Interface", moving from the "Help" console to a third, along with another menu.


In "Graphics" she made it semi-transparent, changed the background color, after some deliberation, to a medium blue, then moved on to Audio, then Controls, where she set it to "Voice and Mental Commands", before selecting "Alerts", setting them to "Important Alerts only", "Keep record of all alerts", and "Sort by type and time" before deciding to take a look at the options for Rewards so she could set herself a goal.

This time the movement was more pronounced, taking her to a spot overlooking the cargo holds of what she was now assuming was the ship blocking part of the bay.


Here Taylor hesitated; while she preferred fantasy, she didn't care to be ridiculed like Myrddin for claiming her powers- if the boxes could be trusted, anyway- were magic, and the idea of creating spaceships called to her, but most series she knew of introduced some new element or material, which she thought would likely be considered technomagic by her power. Finally shrugging, she chose "Technomagic", immediately being moved into one of the cargo holds which was filled with statues, to find she could move around.

Your First Goal
You've discovered the powers you can gain! Choose one to work towards.​
  • Select a Reward to work for (0/1)​
Reward: EXP +15, Player's Guide to Fiction​

As she looked around, three statues immediately caught her eye. One had her dressed like Han Solo, blaster in her hand and holograms of ship blueprints around her. Another had her dressed in captain's dress from Star Trek, leaning over a console. The third had her clad in the oddest-looking dress she'd ever seen, under which was white and gold armor. Choosing to take a closer look at the third, as she thought she could tell what the other two were, she found it was called "ArkShipgirl Spear of Adun," required "Protoss Mothership Tier 2" and "Shipgirl Tier 4". While Taylor had never heard of the first or last, she did vaguely recall Greg Veder talking about the Protoss, though not what game. Considering the dress looked like a stylized ship, she guessed if she chose this she'd be turned into a starship but maintain a human appearance, which the ratings seemed to bear out.

Arkshipgirl Spear of Adun
Blaster 10 (Weapons)​
Brute 12​
Breaker 12 (Shipgirl form)​
Master 12 (Crew, Arkship Projection)​
Mover 12 (Superluminal)​
Shaker 9 (Shields)​
Stranger 8 (Cloaking)​
Striker 8 (Material Transmutation)​
Thinker 12 (Sensors, Computers)​
Tinker 12 (Protoss Tech)​
Trump 8 (Empowers crew and allies)​

She was certain she could fight- and maybe even win- against an Endbringer with such a power, but she wanted to look at the others that caught her eye, and maybe a few others before looking at the prerequisites, so she moved on to the Star Trek statue.

Star Trek Captain
Striker 8 (Material Transmutation)​
Tinker 12 (Star Trek tech)​

This was… much more limited, though the requirements- "Star Trek Fanatic Achievement" seemed less difficult as well. She moved on to the Star Wars statue.

Star Wars Admiral
Blaster 7 (Force Manipulation)​
Brute 2​
Master 7 (Force Manipulation)​
Mover 2​
Shaker 7 (Force Manipulation)​
Striker 8 (Material Transmutation)​
Thinker 7 (Precognitive, Sensing)​
Tinker 12 (Star Wars tech)​

This one had "Jedi Master" and "Any Tinker power" as requirements, but again was less powerful than the Arkshipgirl. She looked around, seeing powers like "Alteran Tinker", "Dune Fremen", the vaguely familiar "Kryptonian", and even found "Shipgirl", which had a requirement of "Shipgirl Tier 4," like the Arkshipgirl. She moved on to "Magic", which had a variety of dragons as the most apparent top-tier powers, though the "Midchildan" and "Belkan" powers also were high-level Tinkers, though they apparently required high mathematics skill- 75+- and another magic system. In the "Science" section she was entranced by yet another top-tier power- the "Entity."

Brute 12​
Master 12 (Control of shards)​
Mover 12 (Superluminal)​
Shaker 12 (Interdimensional)​
Thinker 12​
Trump 12 (Controls and creates powers)​

The requirements- "Subvert 1000 shards" for "Minor Entity" and "Subvert 5000 shards" for "Entity" made her wonder if she had discovered the ultimate source of powers- it said it controlled "shards" and "powers," so could these shards be what grant powers? Either way, while this would be desirable, it would also leave her vulnerable- even Brockton Bay, with its unusually high percentage of capes, did not have even the 1000 for "Minor entity," and that's assuming a shard could only grant one person a power at a time, which Fenja and Menja, a pair of Neo-Nazi twins who could grow into giants, made unlikely. She went back to the Rewards menu, hesitated, then selected "Unlocked".

Arthropod Control
Master 8 (Bug control)​
Thinker 3 (Multitasking, Bug senses)​

Magical Being
Thinker 6 (Spirit sight)​
Trump 12 (Develops magic systems, Allows subversion of shards)​

She noted "Magical Being" was listed as "Equipped," so assumed the different color title and the faint glow indicated the same. She also assumed that "Bug Control" was what she would have gotten if not for this game power. With an uneasy glance at the two statues she left for "Rewards: Technomagic," heading immediately to Arkshipgirl, before hesitating briefly.

"This is crazy…" she sighed, then firmed her resolve. "Show requirements." She Immediately got 18 results in two lines- 16 two-tier selections led by a one-tier selection on one side and one four-tier to the other. Taylor blanched, then looked closer at the longer line, seeing that, with two exceptions they all had Brute and Blaster or Striker powers on the second tier and a Master and Striker component on the first tier. The one-tier was a Master power that summoned a "Probe", and the odd two-tier either summoned or turned her into a "Warp Prism" which could apparently be a transport or power source.

Aside from the first power, they all had two ways to unlock- play an Earth Aleph collaboration game- the name was blocked out, unfortunately- with an increasing number of players or have the "Probe" build the required buildings- and all of them had a Striker power for "Material Transmutation" on the first tier. The four-tier was more complicated- with each tier she could summon, maintain, upgrade, and eventually become a Shipgirl, but the requirements… "Aide the Shipgirls of Brockton Bay's Boat Graveyard" sounded easy enough at first, but what if they wanted her to repair them? Where could she get the materials, or the money for them?

Either way, she'd probably have to talk to her father about what to do about this. She was hesitant to bother him, considering he'd all but collapsed upon the death of her mother, but she'd tried dealing with everything herself and look what happened- stuck in her locker among biological waste. Moreover, her city was dying because of the Boat Graveyard, and she knew it. She made her choice.

Your First Goal
You've discovered the powers you can gain! Choose one to work towards.​
  • Select a Reward to work for (1/1) EXP +15, Player's Guide to Fiction​

Adun's Spear
You're considering getting the power "Arkshipgirl Spear of Adun", but there are prerequisites. Complete them all to earn this power.​
  • Complete Protoss Achievement Quests​
    • Current level: Compete Probe
      • 0/1000 AI games as Protoss
  • Compete Shipgirl Achievement Quests​
    • Current Level: Summoning
      • 0/5 Shipgirls assisted​
Reward: EXP +750, Protoss Faction Units​

Quest aside, she had distracted herself from her situation for nearly two hours, but if the help text was right, she would be right back in the locker and looking at achievements wouldn't change that. The beginnings of a plan had been percolating in the back of her mind, however, and several minutes later she had a plan worked out. Taylor took a deep breath, steeled herself, and said "Main Menu: Continue."
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1.2: Tutorial
Jan 3, 2011

The smell was terrible, the locker vile, and the laughter of her tormentors monstrous. Fortunately, she was let out within three minutes by the janitor, upon which she demanded someone call the police about the locker filled with biological waste and an ambulance for herself in case she got infected- she could feel the muck squishing in her shoes every time she moved, and her hands were covered from the parts that had been taped or glued or whatever to the sides of the locker.

She forced herself to ignore the names and titles- those she knew anyway, otherwise they read "???"- hovering above the heads of those around her, instead making a point to thank the janitor and whoever went to get him for getting her out of the mess in her locker. A couple hours later, after having had blood drawn, and alone in a hospital room, she determined it was time to check her stats.

Taylor Hebert
Locker Girl​
Level 7
603/700 EXP 86.14%
EXP Multiplier: 300%​
60/60 HP +3 HP/min
200/200 MP +10 MP/min
2200 STA +22 STA/min​
STR 13 (6)
DEX 15 (16)
CON 13 (6)
INT 17 (20)
PER 15 (13)
WIL 17 (23)
CHA 15 (5)
0 Stat Points​

Taylor winced at the low stats for strength, constitution, and charisma, but moved on anyway.

3 Perk Points​
Perk Menu​

After pausing briefly to wonder why perks had not been assigned like the stats apparently were, Taylor opened the Perk Menu

Perk Menu
3 Perk Points​
STR: 2 Perks Available​
DEX: 2 Perks Available​
CON: 2 Perks Available​
INT: 2 Perks Available​
PER: 2 Perks Available​
WIL: 2 Perks Available​
CHA: 2 Perks Available​

She hesitated, before choosing INT, remembering it handled experience and point gain as well as "spell damage".

INT Perk Menu
3 Perk Points​
Spell Damage + 10%​
Stat Point gain +1 per level​

She immediately selected Stat Point gain, reducing her to 2 perk points, before looking at the other options. Strength had a similar damage increase and an additional inventory page; dexterity gave options for attack speed and movement speed; constitution gave damage mitigation and a hit point increase; perception granted increased loot value and the ability to tell when quests have secret objectives, the latter of which she bought immediately; willpower listed mana point increase and pain resistance, which she hesitated over before moving on; and charisma could improve the "Haggling" skill or reduce any charisma penalties incurred by her clothing by 1 point per item, which she also considered before opting to see what the next tier of intelligence perks would have and moving on to "Character: Attributes"

Relationship Growth -50% below "Trusted, Cost: 0
INT +5, Gain Skills through reading, Cost: 1
CHA +2, Disabled by Depression, Cost: 1
PER -2, WIL -5, CHA -2, Cost: -2
CON +2, WIL +5, Cost: 1
Better interactions with heroes, Cost: 1
INT -2, WIL +5, Cost: 1
CHA -2, CHA +6 as Adult, Cost: -1
Perceived self-worth -25%, Cost -1
EXP +100%, Enables mana, Enables spirit sight, Enables Shard subversion, Cost: 2
STR -5, DEX -2, CON -2, Cost: -1
WIL -2, Chance of Flashbacks +15%/50% while sleeping, Cost: -1
WIL +5, Percieved self-worth -25%, Cost: -1
Poorer interactions with age group, Cost: 0
STR -2, CON -2, PER -2, WIL -2, CHA -5, EXP +100%, Cost: 0
STR -3, DEX +3, CON -5, Cost: -1
8 Attribute Points​
Attribute Menu​

Forcing herself not to scowl at the number of negative attributes, she immediately opened the attribute menu, finding she could sell good attributes and buy off negative ones in addition to buying positive attributes and selecting negative ones for additional attribute points as long as she had encountered them- she noticed her active power was included in her AP total before buying off "Depression" for two points- one to reduce it to "Minor Depression" which had half the effect and one to eliminate it- and immediately felt like a weight she hadn't even noticed had lifted from her mind. She could tell already that her more cheerful outlook from before her mother died had re-asserted itself, though apparently the minor case of PTSD caused by being trapped in a locker filled with used pads and tampons was mitigating that somewhat.

She hesitated before buying off "Low Self-Esteem" and saving "Out of Shape" and "PTSD (Minor)", along with the other three points, for when she wasn't surrounded by medical professionals. She didn't notice anything immediately different, unlike when she bought off her depression, but having a more accurate view of herself was probably a good thing. She was also worried by the implication that she likely had a much lower perception previously, as Magical Being increased it quite a bit, relatively, and she didn't think that was active before.

Inventory showed nothing new, and Relationships showed that Emma was probably the driving force behind the Trio, considering she had the worst relationship at "Hostile"- Taylor shuddered to think what she would have done if she was at "At war"- but Emma's family was much higher up than she thought they would have been from Emma's cruel taunts- her mother Zoe was at "Family" while her father Alan and sister Anne were at "Trusted"- perhaps they could moderate Emma's behavior, or at least explain what happened?

A Sister's Betrayal
Discover why Emma betrayed you​
  • Talk to Alan Barnes
  • Talk to Zoe Barnes
  • Talk to Anne Barnes
EXP +30, "Betrayed" replaced by "Mistrustful"
EXP +30, "Mistrustful" removed​

A Fair Punishment
You were tormented for a year and a half and were recently tortured by being forced into a biohazard. Get your bullies punished!​
  • Get Emma Barnes punished for tormenting and torturing you
  • Get Sophia Hess punished for tormenting and torturing you
  • Get Madison Clements punished for tormenting you
EXP +30, "Betrayed" replaced by "Mistrustful"
EXP +30, "Mistrustful" removed​

Taylor paused first at the quests, then at the description of "torture" the second used- perhaps it was referring to the locker? That suggested Madison didn't take part in it; she may not have even known about it beforehand.

Just then Taylor heard footsteps, so she closed her menu so she would not be distracted by it shortly before her father rushed into the room. Above his head floated his name, title, and level.

Danny Hebert ???
DWA Director of Hiring

"Taylor!" he sighed in relief, "What happened? I came as soon as I could when I heard you were in the hospital!"

"I-I was forced into my locker after it had been filled with biological waste- u-used pads and tampons which, based on the s-smell, were left to rot over break." Taylor's voice was a little shaky, as she forced herself not to get lost in the image of the locker, now determined not to give the Trio even the smallest victory more than she had to. "I'm pretty sure Sophia Hess pushed me in, though she grabbed me from behind as I was th-throwing up."

"Is there anyone else you suspect to be involved, Miss Hebert?" came from a police officer who had followed her father in, along with a PRT officer, the latter of whom confused her. Both of them were female, presumably to make her more comfortable

??? ???
BBPD ???

??? ???
PRT ???

Taylor took a deep breath to calm herself. "I- Sophia Hess is one of three ringleaders who've been tormenting me since school started last year- she usually does the physical stuff, like pushing me around, shoulder-checking me, that kind of thing; Madison Clements usually sticks to juvenile stuff- glue in my seat, spitwads, pencil shavings in my hair, stuff like that; and the last," she hesitated, "the last is my former best friend Emma Barnes-"

"Emma's what?!" came from her father.

"I don't know what happened, but when I went to visit her after camp last summer she- she pretended she was looking for an excuse to stop being my friend after Mom died- that's when I first met Sophia, as she was there- and told me to leave, that she'd call the police if I didn't. After that she started to use things I told her against me. The three of them got other students to do things like hem me in and insult me, or push me around- that was usually boys that wanted to date them, I think- and they- I'm sorry dad- they stole Mom's flute and destroyed it-"

"They WHAT?!"

"I brought it to school, put it in my locker- so I could look at it throughout the day- and they somehow got it, smashed it up and coated it in something nasty, and put it in a dumpster. Emma told me where it was, but I couldn't bring myself to touch it as it was, so I left to get something to pick it up with and when I got back it was GONE!" Taylor sobbed, the memory hitting her hard. After a few moments she visibly pulled herself together and continued, "She told me that her family didn't want to see me again-"

"Zoe asked about you shortly before the break, Taylor. She seemed concerned about you."

Taylor paused to absorb that, then continued, "I'm not sure if Sophia was pushing them to go after me or if it was Emma- Madison strikes me as more of a follower, especially since she didn't join in for a month or so, and the stuff she did was mild, if frequent, so I'm not sure if she was involved, but Emma taunted me about my locker before I opened it, and laughed after I was forced in it. I don't know if she's Mastered or just broken, but something changed over that summer and I think it has something to do with Sophia."

The detective spent the next hour gently drawing details from Taylor, while taking notes via a tape recorder. Then her PRT counterpart drew attention by re-entering the room during this time, informing them that she had contacted her superiors, telling them that because she suggested one of "the suspects" had been Mastered, they would have to put them in M/S Quarantine for a period of time. Eventually, the detective finished and reviewed her notes, before wishing them a better day.

"Thank you, Miss Hebert, we'll look into this- improper disposal of a biohazard is a crime, as is illegal imprisonment. It's possible we'll get destruction of private property as well." The detective left, leaving them with the PRT officer.

"Good morning Miss Hebert, I am Lieutenant Harlow. Have you ever heard the term 'Trigger Event?'" Her nameplate updated to "??? Harlow ???"/"PRT Lieutenant"

"No, but since the PRT's involved I'm guessing it's to do with how powers happen?"

"Essentially, yes. Parahumans get their powers in what's called a Trigger Event, after an incredibly stressful event or series of events. What you went through could easily be considered a potential Trigger Event and the PRT, when we find out about them, try to have someone come by, both to try to convince new triggers to join the Protectorate and to help them get used to their powers. I'll let you two think about that and talk with each other and wait outside."

A New Path Forward
The PRT suspects you have triggered, you now have a decision to make: what does your future hold?​
  • Join the Protectorate Wards
    • More restrictive, more duties, more authority, more resources
  • Join New Wave
    • Very restrictive, fewer duties, less assistance, less authority, unmasked
  • Stay Independent
    • Independent: less authority, less restrictive, less assistance, fewer duties
    • Vigilante: minimal authority, minimal restrictions, no assistance, no duties
  • Join a villain group
    • No legal authority, restrictions based on group, duties based on group, criminal background if captured
  • ???
Reward: Depends on choice​
Time Limit: 3 Months​

Without even waiting for a response, she leaves the room, closing the door behind her. Taylor and her father stared at the door for a moment, then looked at each other.



They stopped, then Danny indicated for her to go first.

"Dad, I-" she hesitated, before forging on, "I did get powers in the locker, but they're… weird."

"I… see. Weird how?"

"They- They're like I'm the protagonist in a videogame, and when I got shoved into the locker I was taken to the main menu, and even though I spent a couple hours there it was like it took no time at all. It also said something about the prologue being complete. I thought I was going crazy."

Danny absorbed this for most of a minute, then hugged Taylor, who tensed, then hugged him back, a few tears rolling down her face. "Well, I can see what you mean by weird. Any idea what kind of game?"

"Um, I can unlock more powers by performing certain actions, for example to get one of the powers I was looking at I need to unlock others, and the first two require me to- hold on, I need to check my quests."

He paused, then nodded, "Alright."

"Menu: Quests."

Active Quests: 4​
Completed Quests: 1​
Failed Quests: 0​

"Active Quests: Adun's Spear. The two initial Rewards require me to 'Play 1000 games as Protoss' and 'Assist 5 Shipgirls'. There are thirty-three tiers in the Protoss line separated into seventeen distinct Rewards and four tiers in the Shipgirl line." Taylor looked at her father, "Apparently there's also a party system, and there are stats, relationships, attributes, perks, and more. I already made some choices, like getting rid of "Depression" and selecting a couple perks."

Danny was frowning, "I see… Depression? I'm sorry I didn't know. I-"

"It's- well, it's not okay, but I understand. I wouldn't be surprised if you're the same, Mom's- Mom's death hit you harder than me."

Danny deflated a bit, "I suppose. Still, I should have paid more attention, and I'm sorry I didn't."

"Apology accepted."
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probably best to stay independent. definitely not villain or new wave. maybe wards/protectorate(if you can somehow bargain it) if they deal with sophia.
wards/protectorate pros: may help with boat graveyard mission and easier access to games mission from pay
wards/protectorate cons: may not believe you about power upgrade requirements, and try to stop you from turning into another myrrdin.
Independent pros: no-one to stop you from gaming mission etc. one graveyard mission done, may have own independent team of ship-girls.
independent cons: have to figure out how to do ship graveyard on your own
So, she can become a shipgirl of a Protoss ship? Neat.
I got confused for a bit because I thought she could become a shipgirl of an Alterean City-Ship or better. Now that would be cool.
A promising start, but for the love of all that is holy and evil do not go stat-wanking. Nothing ruins the flow and immersion of story better than constant INT+1 or CON+5 drops.
I rather like the stat gain stuff but I've come around to the idea of either describing them narratively or putting them in invistext. But I love having stat windows at the end of a chapter in that case.
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Shipgirls will obviously be a thing later on, but may I ask what kind since there are two popular flavors? Azur Lane or Kantai Collection.

Also, since it's still available will Taylor make use of her bug powers on occasion?
We all know that words can be pulled into sexual connotation when they did not start out that way -balling, etc. Some words didn't exist before the connotation and have evolved through use to be other actions : wank. Let it be. Don't drag it back into the gutter, it wants to be free and walk on dry land...

That aside, good start. I know some folks have mentioned not liking the stat notifications. I would suggest showing the first couple, then having her 'in story' change the setting. But a summary of changes in spoiler at the end of a chapter would work for us that like to see it. Not just the modified charsheet as things get hidden easily. Pretty please?