[Worm] Breaking the System Again [Complete!]

I'm pretty sure SpecificProtagonist came from Silencio in reference to one of the posters. Maybe, it's been a while but that's where I saw the name first.
Still have to take them in. If for nothing else then because they had Bombs in their head. Probably need to make sure they are all right and what not.
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...Huh. Do I sound like that? Maybe I do.
Anyway, I don't think the fallout will be that bad? I mean, they were wearing gang colors. What was he supposed to think?

I did A/N "personality accuracy not guaranteed". Mainly because I didn't even bother to try.

And yes, it's not as bad as it could be, but it's still pretty bad. What's more likely - "Armsmaster tried to arrest a bunch of people who'd had bombs in their skulls but it's all okay because he didn't know and they were wearing gang colours" or "Armsmaster tried to arrest a bunch of poor people who'd had bombs implanted in their skulls!"
This forum being full of gamers. I assumed you meant QQ as cry some more. Or Quit you are too unskilled for this game.
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Breaking the System 2.2
It took a while to sort things out. Armsmaster was, understandably, not in the best of moods, so I had to juggle fixing up the conscripts, sorting out those who'd joined willingly, and placating him all while also talking to the journalists who'd shown up at significantly over the speed limit. I've never been the best at social stuff, but I think I managed to run a reasonable level of damage control.

He still took a noticeable drop in popularity, but I don't think it was as bad as it could have been - he kept his job, at any rate...

...Maybe I should have left it for Piggot to find out.

Regardless, the next few days were actually pretty quiet. My friends and I spent the weekend in Africa clearing up after Ash Beast and smacking down some of the nastier warlords. I also may or may not have turned the Sahara into a rainforest and then opened up my enhanced senses to enjoy the freakout, but that's neither here nor there.

As it turns out, when you capture or otherwise get rid of all the major threats in a region, it's actually kinda boring.


"I'm sorry, run that by me again please, Dragon?"

"At 17:23 this afternoon, my satellites picked up anomalous activity from the Simurgh. On closer inspection, it turned out that Shaper and his group had appeared around her. She did not appear to be reacting in any way, and in fact showed no sign she even knew they were there. They spent several minutes just talking to each other and examining the Simurgh in close detail, until at 17:32 they appeared to reach a consensus. At that point, they dropped several hundred meters below her, and that was when my satellite cut out.

From what I pieced together using enhanced footage from other satellites and miscellaneous monitoring equipment, all the ambient energy in a wide radius was drawn in and concentrated into a single blast, most likely by Kinesis. This resulted in not just the sea but the very air being flash-frozen into a single gigantic iceberg. The blast was further augmented by Wavelength, displaying far more firepower than he was supposed to be capable of, Vault, using nine different types of Blaster effect each one of which I would tentatively rank a nine or ten on the PRT scale, and Inspire, who used some sort of rifle that, from the observed phenomena, I believe disrupts the molecular strong force and would thus completely bypass conventional invulnerability. When the scene cleared enough for proper observation, there was nothing left of the Simurgh and Shaper was engaging in a round of fist-bumps with his friends."

"...Okay. Alright. Um... thank you, Dragon. I need to... think about this..."

"Certainly, Chief Director."

Director Emily Piggot stared at the report open on her computer in blank incomprehension.


"Yes, ma'am?"

"Assemble the Protectorate and Wards. Urgent meeting."

"But the patrol schedule -"

"This is more important than patrols. Now, Armsmaster."

"Yes ma'am."

"That. Was. Awesome!."

"Yes, Tim, you have a fetish for blowing things up. We know."

"Hey, fuck you, Mr. I-See-You-Sleeping!"

"Oh, piss off and just come out of the closet already, Rainbow!"

Tim zapped me with an electric laser. What ensued, had it been between anyone else, would probably have been considered a fight to the death. But what's a little incineration between friends? Once I'd regrown out of the Yggdrasil down on the ground, I smiled at him as he landed.

"Ohhhh no. I know that grin. Don't you fucking dare."

"I'm sure I don't know what you mean. But all those pretty colours you just fired at me - my, my! Is this your way of trying to tell us something?"

"Hey, here's an idea! Why don't you take your fancy biokinesis, grow a vagina, and go fuck yourself?"

We glared at each other for a few moments, before breaking down into laughter.

"Am I interrupting anything?"

Oh, it's Miss Militia again. And... the entire Protectorate. And a lot of PRT squads. Huh.

"Well. This is quite the reception."