[Worm] Breaking the System Again [Complete!]

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Alright. So I tried to start writing again.

And I fucked it up.

While I may have issues in how...
Index, Descriptions & Prologue


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Alright. So I tried to start writing again.

And I fucked it up.

While I may have issues in how it was pointed out, I couldn't really refute the core point that I needed to fix a lot of the underlying substance. So I thought I'd just scrap it and start over, essentially. Especially since I was having second thoughts about the powers I'd picked. So! Let's start again.

Now, I'm doing this a little differently this time. The main difference? I picked the Friends companion choice. That's right - there's six of us, and most of them are crazier then me. This is going to be fun.

Obviously, I've changed all our names for safety's sake.

I was inspired to do this by Why Can't I Hold All These Powers?, by Shibosho. It's good. Go read it.

Also, I have not properly finished reading Worm, so I'll probably make some errors. Assume they're AU.


Serious Omake Index

Watch this space!​

Crack Omake Index

Some Descriptions
Titan (Rob)
The second-tallest, behind my own freakish size, Rob stands at about 6'2". He likes to work out, so he's pretty muscular, in keeping with his role as the team powerhouse. He has curly black hair which he keeps fairly short, blue eyes and a full beard. His voice is very deep, but he's quite soft-spoken.​
Vault (Henry)
Of middling height, Henry is fairly unremarkable-looking. He has brownish-blonde hair and blue eyes. He's a little chubby, but certainly not outside the norm. He has this snicker that's at once kind of irritating and kind of amusing.​
Wavelength (Tim)
Tim is fucking tiny. Like, he barely comes up to my sternum, he's something like 5'4". However, he's the sort of short person that seems a lot larger when they're pissed off, and he somehow tends to hold people's attention. He's just got this presence.​
Kinesis (Mark)
Mark is ginger. This, inevitably, has made him the long-running butt of various ginger jokes. He takes them in good faith, and often gives as good as he gets. He's thickset and pretty strong, but fairly average in height. The only other thing of note is freckles. I swear they breed.​
Inspire (James)
James is... interesting. He's got white-blonde hair, though fortunately he doesn't gel it, because I don't think I could be friends with someone who looked that close to Draco Malfoy. He's also got a very strange sense of humour, the sort that's only funny with a few pints in you (from my perspective, anyway; other people seem to find him amusing even when they're sober). He can be obsessive and kind of a dick, but he's also an absolute bro and God help you if you piss him off.​
Shaper (Me, Rick)
I am a beanpole. Six foot six and thin (I get it from my dad's side of the family.) I've got black hair that I keep long, usually in a ponytail. Thanks to biokinesis, I'm reasonably filled-out now, though certainly not a bodybuilder. The only other thing really of note is the fact that my eyes are really green. Really, really green.​

Breaking the System: Prologue

I hadn't thought it was real. I mean, who would? I had to give props to whichever admin had done it - the PM from "ROB", with the fancy banners and decoration around the blank-white avatar space, and the custom title ("Sending you on an adventure" ) - it looked pretty cool. He'd asked me to complete that Worm CYOA, the ridiculously broken one. I almost just dismissed it, but I thought 'well, what if?' So, just on that tiny, tiny chance I sent back a response.

Now, the obvious difficulty choice was Hard. It gets the problems to come to you, and the comparative lack of points is really a nonissue here given how strong the options are.

Perks... pretty much all of them, bar Bottled Superpowers, since that one's kind of redundant given Shattered Limiter. Oh, and Inspiration, since I don't really intend to be all figurehead-y.

Now, Companions. This is the interesting one. It's tempting to go it alone, but really, on balance, having my friends as backup would be awesome. And it only costs me a single point to get five allies with powers as broken as my own - a ridiculously cheap bargain. Of course, if this does happen to be real, they might get kind of pissed at me, but hey, awesome superpowers we get to keep.

And finally, Complications to bring the point total back in balance. I need eight. Simple enough - Leviathan and Slaughterhouse, to get rid of the need to go looking for two of the big problems. Then I'll take Marked for... ABB and Coil. The first one because I'm going to be beating up Lung anyway, and the second because fuck Coil. Seriously, that guy is an S-Class scumbag. Oh, and the Nazis too, because fuck Nazis.

Now, friends get a third of the sum of your total points and your complications to spend. That's 20/3 or six points rounding down.

Twelve plus eight is twenty. Divided by three gives seven points when rounded. So each of them get seven points of abilities and perks. One power each, plus the 'core three' perks (Blank, Invictus, Shattered Limiter) and an extra perk.

So, that gave me:

Hard Difficulty (3pts base)

Shattered Limiter
First Impressions
Cloak and Dagger
Secret Lair

Power Manipulation

Shattered Limiter
Shattered Limiter
First Impressions​
Shattered Limiter
Bottled Superpowers​
Shattered Limiter
Cloak and Dagger​
Inspired Inventor
Shattered Limiter
The Slaughterhouse is Hiring
Marked (ABB, Coil, E88)

3 base + 9 complications = 11
12 - 4 powers - 1 companions - 7 perks = 0​
I sent it.

I didn't expect anything to happen - and nothing did. I went about the rest of my day as normal, went to bed in the evening, and drifted off to sleep.

Then I woke up in an unfamiliar room, to the sound of five familiar voices in a mild panic.

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Your math seems wrong:
Hard - 3pts
Complications - 8 pts
Total: 11 pts

You spend 4 powers + 7 perks + 1 companions
Total 12 pts.

So, you need 1 more complication.

As for your friends, my read is that they get "one third of your final points" only, so would have 1/3 x 12, not 1/3 x 12 + 8,
Total of 4 pts each. But that is more up to you, you are allowed to change the rules.
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Your math seems wrong:
Hard - 3pts
Complications - 8 pts
Total: 11 pts

You spend 4 powers + 7 perks + 1 companions
Total 12 pts.

So, you need 1 more complication.

As for your friends, my read is that they get "one third of your final points" only, so would have 1/3 x 12, not 1/3 x 12 + 8,
Total of 4 pts each. But that is more up to you, you are allowed to change the rules.

God fucking dammit. I swear I fixed that.

If you look at the fine print, it mentions that your friends are affected by the same complications as you and the points from that are added to the pool before being divided. So 12+8 = 20, 20/3 = 6 rounding down.
Right, but I think that means the pool that initially starts with 3 pts. As in, clarifies that negatives give point boosts to everyone.
Exactly. So, you have your pool (from starter), then points are added, then the total is divided. Remember that in the cyoa, the complications are on the last page. It's to prevent people from being on, say, hard-mode, picking companions, and then only spending 1 point on them.
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Breaking the System 1.1
Well. This was interesting. I appear to have been ROB'd. And my friends as well.

Fuck. I have to explain this to them. And all of them now have some pretty scary powers... ohgod. Shaper just kicked in and now I can feel all the biology in Brockton Bay and a fair way outside... Jesus Christ that's a rape... I'm fairly certain I should be more traumatised than this. Thank goodness for Invictus. Anyway, knock out the rapist... and the other rapist... and the child abuser... what is wrong with these people?!

Ugh. Back to the matter at hand. Calm down my friends.

"Guys, shut up!"


"You're here as well?"

"What the fuck is happening?"

I swallow nervously. Now for the hard part.

"Uh, yeah. My bad, guys. Apparently God - or a god, at least - exists, and he's a dick. Short version, I got sent a CYOA for Worm and filled it in. I picked you guys as companions to tag along, and it turned out to be real, so... yeah, here we are."

Silence. This... may not be good.

After regenerating from Rob accidentally turning everything above my neck into goo when he gave me a slap upside the head, I gave them the rundown. We hit a minor sticking point over the lethality of this setting, but it was quickly lost when I explained just how ridiculously overpowered we were.

Tim was seriously relieved that he hadn't had his drink spiked and was, in fact, entirely sober. Apparently being able to see the entire EM spectrum is trippy - though that also apparently has nothing on the strange synesthetic sense Henry ended up with thanks to Psychokinesis.

I should also note that you do not piss off a guy who can casually materialise a chunk of neutron star - which, for all you non-astrophysics buffs out there, is a material one cubic centimeter of which would weigh more than the entire combined population of humanity over its history. Or, as he put it "the ultimate kinetic impact weapon".

'Suddenly, I'm thinking this was not such a good idea.'

It was at this point that it suddenly occurred to me that I hadn't seen James. My biology sense (which I was seriously torn on, to be honest, because the things going on in this city...) led me to the lab where I found him feverishly working away on what appeared to be a set of power armour.

Tinker. Of course.

I left him to it - best thing to do, really - and returned to find my friends in midair, laughing as they span around and flipped over. Resisting the urge to sink my face into a palm, I coughed to get their attention.

"Alright, guys. We've got three days until I absolutely have to show up on the grid. The question is, do we lie low and prepare a little, or arrive now in a blaze of glory? Because there are some people here who seriously need getting rid of."

The smirks on their faces were answer enough.

Officer Jansen was bored. This was par for the course. He spent all day, every day, sitting at the perimiter of the Ellisburg Exclusion Zone, nominally watching in case Nilbog tried anything, but really it was a punishment detail because he'd cocked up a deployment. Nothing ever happened here - at least, beyond the constant unsettling noises from inside the walls.

As such, he was not expecting five people to appear in the sky over his post.

"So, gentlemen - and lady - " he could hear the smirk in that last word "Fuck you, Shaper." "- welcome to Ellisburg. Kinesis? Fancy a little test-firing?"

"Oh yeah."

And then everything went white. When he could see again, Officer Jansen stared in disbelief at the smoking crater that had once been home to one of America's two most reviled Masters, before glancing up at where the people had been. They were gone.

Belatedly, he realised that his radio was screaming with confused chatter.

"Anyone - what was - crater! - who saw - know anyth-"

He picked it up, and clicked out the code for "urgent information". Fortunately, his fellow Nilbog-watchers were not too shell-shocked to forget SOP (though it was a close thing) and the airwaves fell silent.

"This is Officer Jansen. I... I saw five people in the sky. Definitely capes, they were flying unaided. One of them was called Shaper, he seemed to be the leader, and another was Kinesis. He did that... Shaper called it a 'test-firing'..." he swallowed nervously.

Silence prevailed for several long, drawn-out moments. Then -

"... fuck me."
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Hn. Yeah That actually works for killing him without complications. Though unraveling everything into a torture spire of doom and having him ripped apart from his cinstitient atoms would be poetic.

Hn. How exactly are you dealing with the learning curve to your powers?
Damn, can't wait to see the reactions to this, make sure to include the Simurgh, S9 and Cauldron in the interlude.
God fucking dammit. I swear I fixed that.

If you look at the fine print, it mentions that your friends are affected by the same complications as you and the points from that are added to the pool before being divided. So 12+8 = 20, 20/3 = 6 rounding down.

The twelve, however, comes after the complications are added up.

Difficulty + complications= point pool
3 + 9 = 12

So by your math complications are added twice.

3 + 9 + 9=21

This means that
A) the complications are counted twice so they have too few points 21/3=7
B)the complications are counted once and they have too many points 12/3=4
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The twelve, however, comes after the complications are added up.

Difficulty + complications= point pool
3 + 9 = 12

So by your math complications are added twice.

3 + 9 + 9=21

This means that
A) the complications are counted twice so they have too few points 21/3=7
B)the complications are counted once and they have too many points 12/3=4

I think he did these calculations for easy difficulty by accident.
Something to keep in mind is that all powers and their aspects can be disabled or enabled at will, something to mention to anyone whose power includes a thinker component (IE: you, the kaleidoscope guy, and the super legend)
Why do I get the feeling that the end conflict will be all the friends fighting amongst themselves while Scion and Cauldron watch.

"So this is how it ends."

[meanwhile in the rubble of many worlds.]
"You take that back Firefly was a great show!
"Fuck you, it's an overrated piece of shit!"
"I fucking hate Mario Party"
"You're just a sore loser!"
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Massive massive improvement over your last two... efforts.

Heh. Yeah, I'm not entirely sure what I was on when I wrote those, but it certainly wasn't "top form".

Something to keep in mind is that all powers and their aspects can be disabled or enabled at will, something to mention to anyone whose power includes a thinker component (IE: you, the kaleidoscope guy, and the super legend)

Powers come with instinctive control (mostly), but not instinctive knowledge. So Tim didn't realise he could turn his EM vision off until I told him.

Also, unless I want to be a Striker, I kind of have to keep my biology sense on. Actually, playing at being a Striker could be amusing -

"Hah! I have a way to stay out of your reach!"

*Catastrophic organ failure*

Why do I get the feeling that the end conflict will be all the friends fighting amongst themselves while Scion and Cauldron watch.

"So this is how it ends."

[meanwhile in the rubble of many worlds.]
"You take that back Firefly was a great show!
"Fuck you, it's an overrated piece of shit!"
"I fucking hate Mario Party"
"You're just a sore loser!"

This... is probably something we'd do, I have to admit.

EDIT: Also, Omake'd.

I'll fix this shit later.
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Powers come with instinctive control (mostly), but not instinctive knowledge. So Tim didn't realise he could turn his EM vision off until I told him.

Also, unless I want to be a Striker, I kind of have to keep my biology sense on. Actually, playing at being a Striker could be amusing -

I'm just saying you might want to mention it to them. Personally I'd be really pissed if someone messed with my senses like some of those powers do and knowing that I can turn it off at will would be relieving.
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