Three things:
1: This 'What If' is a brief glimpse into how Eve might have turned out had Eve never experienced what caused her canon Trigger Event that gave her Admin. Instead she basically became a runaway.
2: It has a Trigger Event in it. The situations in Trigger Events are generally awful. This one involves nazis. Expect Naziness.
3: Thanks to Jefardi for once again betaing my stuff. He's fantastic folks, really helps with improving Shard's Quest.
"Eve help! Dammit Eve I need help! No!NO! NOOOOOOO!" Kassidy cried out in terror as the explosive force shoved her off the building she was on to her death.
Her head thumped against her desk. "Dammit I had good stuff."
"Don't run ahead then!" Eve snapped at her sorta-girlfriend. "How am I supposed to help you when you aren't even near me?" she hammered the keys awkwardly, still not able to keep up with Kassidy.
"You're the one that likes to strip mine. I was just trying to build an extension on our base." Kassidy huffed. "I lost all that iron."
"Just spawn in your bed." Eve huffed. "And I do not. I like exploring Caves. We spent a lot of time modding the damn game, might as well enjoy the fruit of your labor. We don't even need it."
"But I waaaaaant it." Kassidy whined "What's the point of having storage space if you don't fill it with shiny things?!"
"Conquistador." Eve grunted.
Kassidy puffed her chest out. "All your gold are belong to me. And your women, especially your women." She leaned over and kissed Eve on the cheek who ducked her head, flushing hard. "Oh and the spices."
A groan escaped Eve. "Look, just respawn you spicy bitch and get your iron."
"I can't!" Kassidy huffed "I picked my bed up cause it was supposed to be our new bedroom."
"What? Why?! We have one already!" Eve turned her chair to face Kassidy, looking at her accusingly. "You wanted an underground sex dugeon!"
Kassidy huffed haughtily "It's a girl's prerogative to change her mind." She ducked as Eve threw her mousepad at her even though that just caused it to fglop against her head..
"You change your mind like you change your socks!" Eve gave Kassidy a look.
"So do you!" Kassidy countered.
"You only need one pair a day!" Eve motioned to her feet as she lifted them up. "Unless they get wet or dirty all you need is one pair, you use three a day, not counting when you put stockings on!"
"Hey you like the stockings!" Kassidy stood up and slapped her thigh loudly, grinning as Eve's eyes locked onto her thigh high stocking clad legs
"Uh." Eve replied dumbly before shaking her head "That's not the point. Three pairs of socks Kass, every damn day. You have more socks than the rest of us combined."
"Putting on new clean clothes feels nice.'' Kassidy sniffed as she grabbed her drink off her desk and took a long drink from it. "Besides." She wiped her mouth. "At least my feet don't stink."
"It's called working up a sweat. Something I'm sure you've heard of in your horror stories." Rolling her eyes Eve spun around.
"And the porn too." Kassidy shot back with a grin.
"Ahem." Both girls whirled around to face the entranceway into the room. Kassidy's face flushed a bright red. "It's currently twelve thirty. I am going to bed." Mr Holloway told the two. "I recommend you two girls do the same. Goodnight."
"Goodnight." Both girls murmured, unaware of just how much Kassidy's father had heard before he announced himself.
Still on her death screen Kassidy left the world and let her PC power off as she looked at Eve. "Dibs on the bathroom." Then she was off, leaving Eve to log off their world and shut her PC down as well.
For a moment Eve stared after Kassidy, not even ogling her. Just… watching her go. Her thoughts a mixture of nerves and warm bliss as she thought about the girl she was sure she loved, but didn't know how it would turn out.
Eve owed her a lot, her family even more for taking her in.
Kassidy had literally gotten on her knees and begged Eve not to try and talk to her parents about how she felt about women. Given their reaction to her leaving the house for good, Kassidy had been right, likely saving Eve a lot of pain. It was one of the many reasons Eve loved the girl beyond her body.
Eve then stretched and went into the kitchen to start up the coffee machine. Just like the other night and the nights before that one, she planned on staying up a bit later than everyone else.
Eve grimaced as she sipped at the plain black coffee before carefully setting the thermos down beside the chair she sat in. Then she shifted the shotgun in her lap as she continued her vigil at the door. In the dark. Because she was paranoid. No, paranoid was worrying without a reason right? Or was that phobia?
No, she had every right to worry. Hence the shotgun. Not that it was a legal shotgun of course. The gun laws in the state were too strict for it. After all, the thing was fully loaded and loaded with homemade slugs at that. God bless her grandpa and his stashes. Even if most of them were very, very illegal.
Perhaps especially because of that.
She'd left the IEDs behind. Though she might go back for them later if the Empire tried something. Let's see one of the freaks in costumes survive homemade napalm.
A yawn escaped her, a good one that popped her jaw and back when she let it run its full course. Slowly she got up and rubbed her face, it was getting early and she was starting to really feel the late nights she was staying up to be vigil. Though it gave her the perfect excuse to use Kassidy as a pillow during the ride to school and during lunch.
Not that she got much of a chance to do that anymore, keeping her head on swivel for any Empire gangsters trying to shiv or ambush the open lesbos. Of course they'd been keeping their distance after she, mostly, bit off that dude's ear. But like a pack of hyenas, they were just circling about and waiting for a time to attack. Since they couldn't do anything overt at school, there was only one other choice for the skinheads. When they weren't at school.
Clearly she had pissed them off too, by existing. By spurning her parents, and by denying them any chance at getting at either of her or Kassidy. With Kassidy's parents being big, importantish people the fuckers didn't have much chance at getting at them either. Only one more option besides sending a freak in a costume.
A Bloodening.
When someone was taken into the Empire, they had to beat, or kill a minority. Having to do the same each time they climbed the criminal ladder. Well there were two minories that lived in the house here, and the house went fully dark around 12pm. So if they were to try anything it would be around the t-"Thi….ouse….dykes"
Outside the door.
The hushed voices of people who thought they didn't have to be all that quiet but didn't want to be outright loud. Immediately her heart began to thunder in her chest, her palms growing sweaty as she readied her shotgun. Something, likely a crowbar, worked at the door crevice.
A moment passed.
Then, a moment later time seemed to slow a moment as the door was kicked in. Even in the dark and framed by the street lights, Eve got a brief glimpse of the lead man's eyes turning from bloodlust to shock before she pulled the trigger.
The shotgun roared and kicked into her shoulder hard enough that she knew it was going to
bruise. Also her ears were ringing and she couldn't hear shit, along with the flash from the shotgun effectively blinding her in the dark house.
Still- she didn't just sit there, despite how her limbs shook and how her ringing ears left her feeling dizzy, Eve pushed herself out of the chair grabbing for the slide on the shotgun and racking it to load another shell like grandpa had shown her. She ducked behind the chair and blinked the splotch out of her eyes before turning to aim the shotgun again.
Four men lay on the ground in a line, writhing and squirming on the ground and as the ringing faded Eve heard their groans and crying. The sound of four men in agony made her stomach twist, especially with the acrid smoke from the gun in her hands being the only thing she could focus on with her nose.
"Th-OU-ght you'd find an easy mark didn't you?" Eve spat out, voice cracking as she stood. Restless with energy she bounced her leg as she waited for the men to do something, anything other than lay there moaning and crying. The street lights were the only reason she could see anything in the- The lights flicked on, Eve turned her head and saw Mister Holloway there with a gun in his hand and drawn.
He stopped pointing it at her after realizing it was her. "Eve? What-That a shotgun?" he blinked, eyes still trying to get used to the light.
"Yeah. Uh." Her leg kept bouncing. "There were these guys trying to get in. I shot them. Probably the Empire sent them." She started to turn when another gunshot broke the silence of the house, agony laced across her face and Eve fell back as another six gunshots went off.
She couldn't hear shit but she could feel warmth spreading down her neck, pain flaring up from her face and ear with every heartbeat. Mister Holloway entered her vision and kneeled over her, his mouth moving but all Eve could make sense of was the ringing. The world bobbed in and out of time with it- he stopped and looked up and said something to someone before leaning over her again, taking something and applying it to her neck which caused the pain to spike. She hissed, or tried to. Without being able to hear it, she might as well have blown air through her lips.
Kassidy appeared in Eve's vision, kneeling over her and saying something. She had tears in her eyes. Her dad said something and she nodded, putting her hands against where Eve had been shot.
Holy shit she'd been shot.
And she could
definitely fucking feel it now.
Sound started to return to her as the ringing dulled. She could hear Mrs Holloway on the phone talking to the police about the four intruders that had been shot and that one of her kids had been shot by them. Mr Holloway was talking to Kassidy before he leaned over directly in Eve's sight. "Eve? Sweety, can you hear me?" When she nodded he let out a sigh. "Thank god. I don't know whether to throttle you for bringing a shotgun into my house without telling me or to hug you because of why you had it."
"Dad." Kassidy choked out.
"Don't worry, it's just a graze. Though, sorry Eve but your earlobe is gone." The older man replied as he glanced back at the entrance to the house. "Hopefully there isn't a next time, but make sure they don't have any weapons on them Eve. Or that they're dead and can't use one anyway."
"Cah du." Eve replied, words slurred because it
hurt to talk.
"Careful, no talking. The graze is a bit deep, it's definitely going to scar." Mr Holloway noted as he checked her over
"She's bleeding a lot," Kassidy replied shakily, keeping pressure on the throbbing wound.
"Head injuries always bleed a lot, making them look worse than they are." Her father noted
"Where the hell are the police?" Kassidy asked, and Eve placed her hand over the one Kassidy kept on her wound, trying to give her girlfriend some comfort.
"Probably scrambling to get someone over here. Not like this is a crime heavy area. They usually aren't patrolling around here." Mr Holloway remarked.
"Just like the Protectorate." Kassidy remarked bitterly. "Wouldn't need a damn gun if they actually helped people."
"They're not perfect Kassidy." her father remarked. "Besides. Them coming down here would just invite the criminal capes to try something."
"Jut wan a'uograf" Eve didn't laugh, mostly because the pain flared up too much. Weird, she felt sort of cold.
"Stop. Stop talking please." Kassidy swallowed. "You're hurt."
Eve could hear sirens as Mrs Holloway came up and carefully checked Eve over. Kassidy got out of her way, a smart choice considering that the woman was a surgeon. That left Kassidy pacing around the room.
"Jesus!" someone from outside called out
"We've got wounded in here! Shock and loss of blood!" Mrs Holloway called out. "Eve do you know your blood type?"
Eve tried to shake her head-the hell was a blood type?
"Percy gonna need you to put the gun down." said the same voice from outside.
"Yeah. Yeah Jackson I know. One of the bastards had a gun so-" Mr Holloway started only to get cut off by the other man
"Be that as it may, I know one of them's dead from here and the others are lucky if they don't follow 'em. Kelly's gonna police 'em. But put the gun down. They aren't a threat."
"Fuckers tried to break into my house. A grown man and a bunch of teens Jackson. You know how this city is. I got two girls here." Mr Holloway spat.
"I get that. Look, the ambulance is here. How bad is her wound?" The cop asked as he came in to shine a flashlight on Eve to try and assess her injury.
"Not bad, as far as I can tell the graze didn't go deep enough to do damage to her muscles, but the earlobe is a loss." Mrs Holloway replied in a tone Eve hadn't ever heard from her. She sounded kinda badass.
"Alright. They're gonna have to load the intruders up first. They aren't looking too good. The ones still alive that is… Didn't think you had a shotgun Percy." The cop mused
"One of theirs." Eve can see Mr Holloway, Percy, motioning to the perps. "Guess he wasn't expecting a slip of a girl to steal it from him."
"Right." the cop answers, clearly knowing it was a lie but accepting it anyway. "I'll handle the report then."
Yay corruption?
"Another ambulance is on the way." Jackson remarked. "Won't take too long now."
Oh good because with the adrenaline coming down it was starting to hurt and Eve felt super tired. She'd just rest her eyes, they felt heavy anyway.
The stay at the hospital only lasted a few days, then she was carted down to the police station where she got to drink a milkshake while officers wrote a report for the attempted bloodening. Turns out all but one of the gangster wannabe's died, that being the second man in the stack.
Another would have survived if Mr Holloway had shot him six times after the jackass had the bright idea of trying to shoot back. He had been the one to shoot Eve.
Her grandpa would probably be proud of her. Probably would have told her that she had done the most American thing he could think of aside from shooting a taxman. Though, he likely would have been a bit miffed about the blatant corruption working in her favor.
Or maybe he wouldn't since it was corruption working towards people defending themselves from nazis? Eve wished he was alive if just to ask him about it.
Even so, she had been glad to get back to Kassidy's home. Though she got a wicked scar along her cheek out of the ordeal, Eve had been glad it was over.
But she lived in Brockton Bay.
The police told them, her and the Holloways, that one of the gangster wannabes got out on bail. After all, he got charged for breaking and entering with intent to commit armed robbery. Not a hate crime or murderous intent or whatever.
This far south in the city meant that E88 gangers and wannabes alike got to do as they wanted. Thankfully the bastard would be too injured to do much other than seethe about getting his and his buddies' asses handed to them by a little girl.
Weeks passed, leaving Eve and Kassidy's buddy relationship to really bloom into a 'torrid lesbian love afair' as per Kassidy's own words.
Eve just thought of it as the best thing to ever happen to her. Getting out from under her parents and moving in with Kassidy had turned her life around so fast it seemed like a coin had been flipped. Of course she had to sleep in the guest room, which was just her room now, but the Holloways trusted her not to sneak into Kassidy's room and she refused to break that trust. Of course, Kassidy had needs like all women did.
"Eeeeeeeve." Kassidy whined as she draped herself across the couch, and Eve. "I want sushi."
"You always want sushi." Eve replied as she did her best to ignore Kassidy as she fiddled with Dragon's newest phone line. They had holograms!
"Yes." Kassidy agreed. "And you know that I desperately want some right now? Along with some spicy shrimp and that rice I like."
"I will forever hate Americanized Chinese food." Eve grumbled.
"Eve, that's a sin. I'm fairly certain it is." Kassidy remarked with a pout on her face.
"Who died and made you God?" Eve shot back.
Eve set her phone down and gave Kassidy a look. "You're horrible."
"And you love it!" Kassidy replied with a shit eating grin on her face.
"I'd be more upset if that wasn't true. Alright sushi it is then. Go put on your shoes." Eve went to push herself up only to have Kassidy's 'bulk' stop her.
"I know you don't want to go, thanks Eve." And then she kissed Eve before heading off to put on her shoes.
The shorter girl sighed as she got up and got ready to leave, a minute later and they were both heading out, the weather surprisingly cool and definitely windy for mid-April weather. Eve of course kept her head on a swivel; it was Empire territory in the end. Even if they didn't show up often.
It proved to be the right thing to do when she spotted two men with shaved heads starting to follow them.
That and a floating platform.
Eve felt hilariously outgunned with only a knife on her.
Gossip tends to spread faster than news, often the two are intertwined. At least in Rune's experience the two are. Especially when it's ragging on someone or highlighting a failure.
Especially when ragging on people. Like someone who gets two potential recruits killed in a spectacular failure of a bloodening.
Tammi didn't expect much from the riffraff used as cannonfodder in the Empire, but getting past the fucking door before getting blown away by a midget rugmuncher.
Though it was kind of hilarious. Tammi wondered if the midget got thrown by the recoil.
Even so, the Empire couldn't lose face like that. You let one of the faggots act up without reprisal and all the others get uppity as well. So she was told to rough the dykes up. She couldn't kill them, not really. The family was a little too well off, a little too well connected, and in a nicer neighborhood at that.
So she got to oversee the beating of them, rather than witness a double homicide. That was fine with Tammi in all honesty. Iron Rain and her little band of viking wannabes could hoot and holler at the moon while talking up fighting and killing all they wanted. Hell, Rune often enjoyed a bit of a tussle herself!
But killing sometimes just went…. Too far for her palette. Her fault for seeing the aftermath of Night and Fog working together, or maybe just a natural consequence of it. A shudder ran through Tammi's frame. There was righteous killings, yes, and then there was….
That. She wasn't entirely sure, but if Night and Fog could actually feel anything, they might get off on the murder. Probably make snuff films together, the fucking freaks.
Yet they were still the nicest people in the Empire, nicest to her at least.
Her phone rang and she answered the call, using her costumes hood to help shield the phone from the winds.
"We found them. Jake and Roger are tailing them. Gonna try to herd them into the parking lot of that old pizza joint on 41st street, near the junction."
She didn't know which grunt was on the phone "Good. Herd them there and we'll teach the shitheads a lesson." She closed the flip phone and made the old ass truck she was riding in the bed of turn slightly as she changed the direction she was heading in.
She found who she guessed was Jake and Roger trailing two girls. One short as hell with a facial scar that would make Melody proud, and the other looks as if puberty had hit her with a truck. If puberty was Alexandria that is.
The boys were hounding them openly, and the others were waiting near the parking lot to surround the girls. From the bird's eye view she got, it sort of felt like nothing sinister was happening. Still, she swooped down to hangnearly overhead when the girl's almost went the wrong way causing them to move just as they needed.
The shorter girl was definitely a fighter. Her teeth gnashed and she at one point outright growled as the fodder surrounded her and her dyke girlfriend, who proved useless as a deer in headlights. One of the fodder tried to get grabby, might have been Roger? He fell back screaming three octaves higher and clutching the bleeding wound between his legs.
And she ducked under a crowbar swung by Roger's(?) Friend and slashed him across the thigh which made him fall back too. Of course now the idiots - despite outnumbering the girls 10 to 2 - were hesitant to approach. Cowards probably expected no resistance from the soon-to-be hate crime victims.
Well she wasn't going to be out here all day, the clouds were moving in fast and they looked pretty dark. No point in prolonging this just to get caught in the rain and catch a cold. Othala would fuss over her the entire time and she really didn't want to deal with that.
Reaching down she touched some of her collected ammunition, a classic really, the American made brick. Good for building things and smashing teeth or windows. She could feel her power sort of 'surround' the object like a claw from one of those bullshit arcade games.
Except this claws wasn't designed to be shitty, no, her power kicked ass. Even if she had to touch larger things longer, she liked to be able to mimic flying, or in this case attack from a distance.
The brick lifted out of the bed of the truck and swung downwards, the little shit didn't even see it coming and it smashed right into her ribs as a result. The fodder got braver as the short dyke collapsed, wheezing and clutching her side. They came in like a pack of hyenas, grabbing at the busty dyke and the short dyke in some ways that she would have to make sure didn't go further than rough touching.
She ignored one of the girl's screaming out. Pretty white girl raped in Empire territory? She'd never hear the end of it. Besides they were here to beat the faggots, not act like the slant eyes woul-
Everything was going wrong.
Eve was supposed to protect Kassidy. Supposed to be able to protect herself. It wouldn't have been easy, but like most gangsters these people were cowards. If she brutalized one enough they'd rather run. Stabbing the bigger one in the balls had worked wonders for keeping them back.
Then the costumed freak smashed a brick into Eve's ribs. Now she could hardly breathe. Couldn't move. Each attempt sent a spike of agony into her nerves, worse than the time she got shot. Now the bastards were grabbing her and Kassidy. Pulling at them, yanking them by the hair.
She heard Kassidy scream her name and Eve couldn't do anything, everything she had was falling apart again because of these Empire freaks their fucking cape-
Crystal as far as she could see, folding into itself. Quartz stretching on into infinity. So beautiful it hurt Eve's eyes. She could see reflections of Kassidy in the folding crystal, each aspect, each angle of Kassidy reflecting off a crystalline surface to make her whole, even if she didn't look entirely human in the reflection.
Eve could see herself there, less whole, less of her reflected. But a focus was upon her now. There was a sense of loss. Of affection. But also of excitement, of possibility. The sea of Quartz around her shifted and moved like a living thing. Like it was inspecting her, measuring her worth.
It seemed affectionate, in the way someone was of a new puppy or kitten. It was too much. All of it too much. The infinite folding, the focus, the funhouse mirror reflections of herself and Kassidy, the way the crystal moved as if it were alive. Eve wanted to scream, she wanted to cry. Her head felt like it was splitting open and spreading out in every direction only to coil into itself at the same time.
And she forgot it all in less than a second.
Rune came to a moment before the truck she was in hit the ground and as a direct result she hit the bed of the truck just as hard. Thankfully she hadn't been that high up or she'd suffer more than a bang on the head and the air driven from her lungs.
And everything was shimmering with some kind of…
not color that was harder to see the more she focused on it. The truck, her ammunition, her clothes, even her own fucking body shimmered.
Her first thought was that one of the dykes, likely the useless busty one, had triggered. A sour bile taste entered her mouth at that thought. Her second one was very close to '
oh shit fuck' because one of the dykes had triggered as a fucking Trump of all things! Her power refused to wrap around anything. Not the truck, her ammunition, or her clothes. Anything the shimmer touched just
blocked her fucking power.
Something hit the truck, jolting Rune from her thoughts. She angled her head up, just to see an arm draped over the tailgate of the truck, blood dripping from the mangled fingers. It was at that point that Rune became cognizant of the fact that the fodder she had brought along with her were screaming, and dying.
Pulling out her phone she began to send a text to Victor. Mainly that there was a strong Trump at her location and that they were a fresh trigger and killing her men.
She didn't just sit there while texting of course. She took a moment to peer over the side of the bed just to witness the Trump, the shorter girl, lift a man over her head and spike him into the ground hard enough to pop his skull like an overripe raspberry.
It was then that Rune decided she needed to get the fuck out of there as quickly and quietly as possible. So she shimmied over the side of the truck and started to crawl away, trying to use the truck as cover to avoid being seen by the new trigger as she typed out the message to Victor.
A hand clenched around her ankle and Rune's blood froze in her veins. She was pulled off her hands and knees, and for a split second as she was lifted into the air in an arc Tammi saw the sky. The dark clouds coming in from the ocean, swallowing up the blue clear sky. The flash of lightning traveling across the dark clouds was the last thing she saw before her brain painted the tarmac.
The world went out of focus, blurry and red in one eye and a bit hazy in the other. Eve closed her eyes and willed the tears to stop. She'd been lucid after she broke the first man's arm and threw him at the truck the Empire cape had been in.
But she knew the game, knew what the Empire could and would do if they knew she was a parahuman. So she got rid of the witnesses. All of them. Every grunt that had surrounded them now lay dead by her hands. Including the cape that had hit Eve with the brick.
She had to.
Reaching down Eve paused, gripping her hands together in order to stop them from shaking. After a moment she managed, and reached down, picking up the burner phone, deleting the unfinished text. Her hand shifted, becoming black and gel-like, and she easily crushed the phone in her changed hand. Then she crushed the remains twice more, just to be sure. Eve dropped the shards of broken plastic and electronics on the capes corpse and let her hand change back as she dropped it to her side.
"E-Eve?" Came Kassidy's voice, causing a tremor to run through Eve's body.
"I-I'm sorry Kassidy." It was difficult to speak past the lump in her throat, the knot that tied her vocal cords together. But Eve managed. She always did. "Sorry you had to see that."
"I-" Kassidy stopped, looking around at the eleven bodies, she became fairly green. "I'm not... I'm not going to hold that against you. Are you okay?"
No. "Y-Yes." Eve replied. "Just, a bit shaken up." She felt her side, where her ribs used to be broken and didn't feel a hint of damage. Physically she felt the best she ever had. But Eve didn't think she would ever get the feeling of blood off her hands and face.
"Let's-We need to go home. Get clean, before we're seen here." Eve told Kassidy "No doubt the Empire's going to be pissed one of their freaks died." She glanced down at her bloodstained hands, knowing how ironic it was for her to call anyone a freak.
No." Kassidy's voice interrupted her thoughts and Eve looked up, a bit surprised by the venom in Kassidy's tone.
"I know exactly what you're thinking Eve and it's bullshit." Much to the shorter girl's shock, Kassidy hugged her despite the bits of brain, bone, and the liters of blood splattered across her body. "You didn't do anything wrong. There's nothing wrong with you. You fought
Evil people and stopped them. That's the end of it. You saved us Eve. That's it. That's all. It was unfortunate how far you had to go, but you did nothing wrong."
Surprisingly that was enough. Eve felt her lips quiver, her eyes burning, and the knot in her throat tightening. Then she was hugging Kassidy back, sobbing into the larger girl's chest. She didn't know how long they stayed there in the parking lot. But eventually her tears dried and they started to go home even as the rain came down to wash the blood off of them and their clothes.
All Eve knew was that she loved Kassidy, and
no one was
ever going to hurt the girl she loved.