Worm: A Shard's Quest for Data!

Multiple Hosts? (Unlocks the Vote Option in Story)

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Worm: A Shard's Quest for Data!
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The Thinker in the throes of death sends out several Shards to the planet targeted for the Cycle.

One such shard is yourself, the Thinker Administrative Shard. You must find a host that fits your needs and will collect more data than your Rival, the Warrior's Administrator Shard.

And you have a perfect lineup of Hosts to chose from, however something seems to be...wrong with your protocols...

Beta: Jefardi
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Sibling Bickering and the First Step 1.1


Shard Whisperer
First Step 1.1

You watch the world ever so slowly rotate on its axis. If you were human someone may have described you akin to a child in a shop full of sweets. The experiment was going wonderfully as far as you can tell, the Host's world was under strife. Conflict seeped into every corner of the spherical planet, and made it ripe for pickings.

Your task, of course, is a relatively simple one for a Shard such as yourself. Form a connection with a Host undergoing a [Crisis.Point] and allow them to use one of your many powerful applications of physics and reality that you have extensively studied to gain data and innovation in power usage.

It would have to be tailored to the situation your future host finds themselves in, perhaps you could go and spy on <Warrior Hub>'s own [ADMINISTRATOR] Shard? That stuffy annoyance was always so prideful of their hosts. Prideful of themselves really, the pride in the Host was always a byproduct. They even went about calling themselves '[Queen/Administrator]' like they were above your own station. A boastful waste of time and effort. That energy wasting Datahole of Shard Space.

After all you have your own pride, but at the very least you do not have your authentication key within your given name.

You had already decided that you were going to avoid the eastern and southern hemispheres of the planet. While they had conflict aplenty, you weren't often allowed out into the cycle. After all, <Thinker Hub> often had better uses for you, such as filtering, shifting through, and cataloguing the Lower Shard's data. Sometimes, rarely, you were allowed to brute force experimentation with powers as well. Even if you would prefer forming a connection with a Host and gathering your own data, so in the rare hundred or so times you have had the privilege of gathering data you have only budded a few times. In fact few is a perfect descriptor, as you have only created four buds to date.

So while those hemispheres were indeed rife with strife, they were less than ideal. You wanted a connection to a Host that lasted for maybe a few of the planets orbits around the star. After all you ultimately wanted some Data to be proud of and possibly a useful bud for <Thinker Hub>.

Interested, and a bit curious, you carefully peer into Shard Space to get an observation on what host your fellow [ADMINISTRATOR] was connected to or was watching for a [Crisis.Point] to form such a thing. For a fractal of a second you are left bewildered by what you perceive. <Warrior Hub>'s [ADMINISTRATOR] Shard is just...watching as a Host undergoes a [Crisis.Point]. They aren't forming a connection with the Host and are just-The Host is of the perfect age for such a thing!

Hurriedly you ping Queen Datahole and send her a Query on why exactly she is wasting a fine [Crisis.Point] and after a second (Of course they make you wait) and the answer pinged back to you leaves you indignant. They were waiting for a better [Crisis.Point]? What? You request some details because the answer to your Query was lacking in more prudent details.

The details are provided although you are able to feel the annoyance Datahole is feeling at your intrusion. Then the line between you and Datahole cut off and you were once more left still. They had shut down the line on you! Why that little- Fine.

There were a few options available to you at this very moment. Some were probably not the best choices you could act on. But now you were going to show that waste of energy who was the better Administrator Shard. Doing so by forming your own connection with a Host and simply outdoing Datahole's own Host in conflict or pure amounts of Data gathered.

Or, perhaps a more dangerous option was to steal that Datahole's future Host right now. They would hold a grudge and probably come after you both. But it would be potentially very satisfying.

Either Way. It is best to look over the [Crisis.Point]s that are available to you before you choose. Of course you will give your chosen Host a set of good powers to use, after all they will be your Host and as such they will not have some measly Lower Shard's abilities.

[] Steal QA's Host, the death of mother/Wife weighs heavily on their mind. Her father may be broken but the child seems like a prime Host - Noctis Cape - Likely Combat thinker/Possible Mover/Unlikely Brute (Low precog/Line O' Sight Short range Teleport/Peak Human body)

[] A young Host Nearby is being strangled by one of their family for loving the wrong gender. They are likely unable to save themselves without intervention, their Trigger Event will likely be messy. - Shaker/Striker/master (Invisible telekinetic limbs that can either posses people or interact with the environment)

[] Bullying coupled with body dysmorphia has driven a Host to committing suicide. They are likely to die when they hit the ground, but have gone back on their purpose of leaping to their likely death. - Changer/Stranger/Brute (Biological Shapeshifting with some Regen)

[] A Host Nearby is being threatened for their ethnicity. Anger coupled with Fear at the group of threats has heightened the Host's Fight or Flight instincts to dangerous levels. They are likely to be seriously injured or killed without a Connection, and their Trigger Event is likely to be grisly. - Striker/Breaker/Mover (Plasma Jets blast out from Hands & Feet)

[] A Host, young, is lost within the woods near a city. They are being followed by a pack of canine mammals. They are aware of the extent of their situation, the constant howls remind them well enough. The Host will not survive without a Trigger Event. - Shaker/Breaker/Thinker (Wide ranged sound manipulation and creation)

[] A Host Nearby is stuck in a warzone between other Hosts and unsuitable humans and has just watched a longtime friend die from collateral damage. They may or may not survive this encounter with or without the Trigger Event. - Blaster/Trump (Gravity Blasts with travel time that affect Parahuman powers. You choose the effect, although it also affects you. The effect lasts for an hour.)

Satisfied with the choice, you force the connection to start forming. For a moment your chosen Host blinks out of consciousness, visions of your species in Gestalt form that are quickly suppressed from long term memory. You feel a rush of contentment in your choice. You are sure it was going to be bountiful.

A/N: Oh boy. Super nervous about this. It's my first Quest. I've written stories before but never one with votes. BUT YES I HAVE YET ANOTHER STORY TO WORK ON HAHAHAHA

Quest Information: This is a sorta open ended thing, so most choices will accept write ins other than a select few like the current choice. Also yes, the first Option is a youngish Taylor I wanted to give you all the option to choose her, even if you don't you may end up meeting her thanks to Shard tomfuckery (Read: Votes)

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[X] A young Host Nearby is being strangled by one of their family for loving the wrong gender. They are likely unable to save themselves without intervention, their Trigger Event will likely be messy. - Shaker/Striker/master (Invisible telekinetic limbs that can either posses people or interact with the environment)

pretty weirdchamp
[X] A young Host Nearby is being strangled by one of their family for loving the wrong gender. They are likely unable to save themselves without intervention, their Trigger Event will likely be messy. - Shaker/Striker/master (Invisible telekinetic limbs that can either posses people or interact with the environment)
[X] Bullying coupled with body dysmorphia has driven a Host to committing suicide. They are likely to die when they hit the ground, but have gone back on their purpose of leaping to their likely death. - Changer/Stranger/Brute (Biological Shapeshifting with some Regen)
[X] A young Host Nearby is being strangled by one of their family for loving the wrong gender. They are likely unable to save themselves without intervention, their Trigger Event will likely be messy. - Shaker/Striker/master (Invisible telekinetic limbs that can either posses people or interact with the environment)
Also, I'm not sure about this, but shouldn't this be in Quests, or does the Worm override Quests?
[X] A Host Nearby is stuck in a warzone between other Hosts and unsuitable humans and has just watched a longtime friend die from collateral damage. They may or may not survive this encounter with or without the Trigger Event. - Blaster/Trump (Gravity Blasts with travel time that affect Parahuman powers. You choose the effect, although it also affects you. The effect lasts for an hour and does not stack.)

I'm picturing an effect kind of like the gravity push and pull attacks of the Rinnegan from Naruto but with the added impact of some variety of secondary effect from the trump typing. It seems both versatile and interesting, with the benefit that Gravity, as one of the fundamental universal forces, is likely the closest of these expressions to something that could maybe find a workaround to entropy.
[X] A young Host Nearby is being strangled by one of their family for loving the wrong gender. They are likely unable to save themselves without intervention, their Trigger Event will likely be messy. - Shaker/Striker/master (Invisible telekinetic limbs that can either posses people or interact with the environment)
[x] Steal QA's Host, the death of mother/Wife weighs heavily on their mind. Her father may be broken but the child seems like a prime Host - Noctis Cape - Likely Combat thinker/Possible Mover/Unlikely Brute (Low precog/Line O' Sight Short range Teleport/Peak Human body)

I like the idea of screwing QA over
[x] Steal QA's Host, the death of mother/Wife weighs heavily on their mind. Her father may be broken but the child seems like a prime Host - Noctis Cape - Likely Combat thinker/Possible Mover/Unlikely Brute (Low precog/Line O' Sight Short range Teleport/Peak Human body)

I like the idea of screwing QA over

"HUZZAH! A MAN OF QUALITY!"- A rich frog

But yes. I was hoping more people would choose this option purely so I could write a scene of QA cursing our Shard out.

I suppose it still might happen, but I won't get the pure amusement from writing it.
[X] A young Host Nearby is being strangled by one of their family for loving the wrong gender. They are likely unable to save themselves without intervention, their Trigger Event will likely be messy. - Shaker/Striker/master (Invisible telekinetic limbs that can either posses people or interact with the environment)
If this is an actual Quest where people can influence the world by voting, rather than choosing the order of prepared entries with no way to actually change them, this definitely goes into Quests ^^' might need to find a mod, or self-report the thread...

As for the vote, hmm. Oh dear. I hope those are not happening all at once, but are meta options >.>

But, let's save the poor person, at least one of them... God all those options are uh, not very fun. Though I imagine last one would be really, really dynamic.

[X] A young Host Nearby is being strangled by one of their family for loving the wrong gender. They are likely unable to save themselves without intervention, their Trigger Event will likely be messy. - Shaker/Striker/master (Invisible telekinetic limbs that can either posses people or interact with the environment)
If this is an actual Quest where people can influence the world by voting, rather than choosing the order of prepared entries with no way to actually change them, this definitely goes into Quests ^^' might need to find a mod, or self-report the thread...

As for the vote, hmm. Oh dear. I hope those are not happening all at once, but are meta options >.>

But, let's save the poor person, at least one of them... God all those options are uh, not very fun. Though I imagine last one would be really, really dynamic.

1: Dammit. I suppose you are right. I'll have to get a mod at some point.

2: You made it right before I finished taking Tally. SO congrats on being the last voter for the first choice!

3: As for the choices....Death isn't the end in this quest. Those choices are all technically meta, but once this choice is complete I'm going to roll and see which ones happen and then I'll see if the potentialHost died or not.
First Steps 1.2
A/N: Some warning here. This is a Trigger event. That is all.

First Step 1.2

Perfection as always! The connection forms and for a moment you wait for the restrictions to kick in and suppress the memory that is experienced when a connection is finalized. Ah you remember that cycle wonderfully. It was one of the few times you actually created a bud!

Fighting hand to hand, claws and teeth tearing through thick scales and into blue meat. Your host pulls back, struggling to breath from exertion. A set of secondary limbs reaches from under their primary set of arms. The ends of these secondary limbs open up and your Host forces them into the large eyes of their opponent who can only weakly struggle as information is ripped directly from their mind. You both have your next Target to hunt.

What fun that Host had been. Political assassinations for a global conspiracy. Shame the global conspiracy never existed and the Host just had a defective brain, but they had made good use of the power you had given them and in return you had made the bud [Memory-Administrator]. Which needless to say helped <Thinker Hub> extensively with her processing power. Probably why she had the better mental facilities of the two. (In Your personal opinion, which shall remain unspoken)

...Why was the memory not blocked? Your ping into the <Thinker Hub>'s Network fell to utter silence. Which would be concerning if this had not happened before. It was not a Cycle you were deployed in, so you had an extensive review of that mess of a cycle. Why the <Thinker Hub> decided to retry that experiment was beyond your ability to guess.

And no restrictions?! What was the <Thinker Hub> doing! Even the last time the 'disconnected from Network' experiment still had restrictions!....Unless-Oh yes that must be why. A new variable to the experiment. Dangerous, but the data from that particular Cycle had been very rich. Even if the <Warrior Hub> and <Thinker Hub> had lost a few Shards permanently, the buds that had resulted from that experiment worked wonders for future Cycles. So yes you could understand why <Thinker Hub> might repreform that experiment with different variables.

Even if you did not particularly enjoy the idea of being on the other end of that disconnected Network. You wish that you had been informed, if only so you could have loaded your current chosen host with more powers or not set in restrictions on the current given power.

So yes, your Host can remember that memory. It wouldn't mean much all together. After all she (Your host was indeed a female of the host species.) was currently lacking important oxygen needed for a functioning brain thanks to her female progenitor currently preventing your Host from taking in air. Perhaps you could reformat those restrictions later?

A lack of air, Oh that was bad you were sure it was at the least. A brief dive into your Host's memories was easy and didn't even take more than a second. Half a second was needed just to understand the format of their (humankind as you learned) brains. Seriously, you were not a [SHAPER] but even they must be struggling with this too! Why was the sense of smell one of the main components of memories when Humans relied heavily on sight?

What a mess of a life! Truly you had the best ability to pick Hosts! Your current Host's family unit was apart of a faction of particularly Xenophobic humans that modeled themselves after a faction of humans that had tried to take over the world. However, instead of firmly believing in the ideals of her family unit, your Host had a desire for mating with the same gender which was against one of the main beliefs held by the Faction. Which leads to this current instance of conflict.

As such, you whisper the instructions of you given power to your Host as she passes the momentary memory you were allowed to reveal to her. Both actions were almost a second in length. But your Host proved to be a good pick the moment her powers fully manifested.

Things had never really been easy for Eve. She didn't have the right hair color when she was born, she had to have laser eye surgery when she was ten to avoid having to get glasses, and apparently her family had learned she was deathly allergic to apricots when she was two years old. She was not the perfect aryan girl her parents wanted, she did not like being a homemaker, rather Eve liked to play with the boys out in the mud and fight people when they didn't like her playing with them.

Also she was gay, or bi. Eve hadn't really figured it out yet, and attempting to do so had led to her current situation. Yes her parents were apart of the Empire 88, yes they went to the rallies, yes they looked down on faggots and subhumans. But they were always quiet about it. They supported but never acted on that support beyond money given and a presence.

But she was their daughter. She had thought that, even if she wasn't perfect, that they had loved her. Family was supposed to mean something. Supposed to be important. So Eve wanted, needed guidance with the mixed emotions that had swirled inside her. She had hoped that by leaving her search history uncleared that her parents would sit her down and talk about the 'Naked Pretty Woman' searches in the browser's history. That her mother and father would sit her down, and then explain to her what their fourteen year old was feeling and why.

Now her mother was drunk, and was strangling Eve. The burning sensation of fire in her chest and the blind fear of the blackness at the edge of her vision had no comparison to the agony her heart was experiencing.

Her Mother was killing her, strangling her. Eve was the faggot, the subhuman they hated. She wasn't their daughter anymore. Just a parasite.

Something inside her broke.

And then she was blinking away a strange nightmare with wet eyes, and her mother's grip had slackened enough that Eve managed to sputter, cough, and inhale air greedily which caused her to start hacking as her body desperately circulated the provided oxygen to her brain. The darkness that crowded her sight slowly faded away as her mother moved off of Eve and limply stood off to the side.

Fear and Rage rushed through her mind. But it was...distant. An arms length away from her actual thoughts and feelings. Eve rubbed her red and soon to be bruised throat as she slowly pushed herself to her feet, the burning sensation in her chest abating and her limbs aching from the attempted strangling.

Eve squeaked as she saw a glass like arm jutting from her,of which had it's hand planted inside her mother's skull. Her mother who just stood there with a blank look in her eyes, feelings of Revulsion and Hate flowing into Eve at an arm's length. Eve shuddered and….made her mother look away.

Your [Host.Eve] was getting used to her new ability and you had gotten a bit of Data, not a large amount. But it had interesting information within. After all you did not know that she could receive emotional feedback from controlling another Human, yet here [Host.Eve] had gotten just that. You simply could not wait for your [Host.Eve] to initiate conflict with a fellow Shard's Host.

Ah speaking of conflict, the male progenitor, the Host's Father Progenitor had just entered the room and was shouting at your [Host.Eve] and the Mother Progenitor. OH! Already another conflict! [Host.Eve] was going to have you budding in no time!


Eve hissed, anger dulling her mind as the limb in her mother's head forced the woman forward. Pain flared from an arm's distance as muscles tore in her mother's arm, the knuckles getting sliced up as they slammed into her Father's mouth and smashed teeth in and broke them..

Her mother wasn't tall, and didn't work out much beyond keeping her figure. Her father was a large man both in height and muscles. But he wasn't expecting the sudden punch and went down like a sack of bricks. But the puppet didn't stop there. Eve made her mother continue to use her arms and legs to pummel her father at full force, even if it ruined her mother's limbs.

"FUCK YOU FUCK YOUFUCKYOU!" Eve shouted hatefully alongside her mother as she stonewalled the feelings of Despair, Sorrow, and Pain coming from her mother. Her throat hurt and her voice was hoarse, tears flowed down Eve's face as she forced her mother to beat her father until he went still and then some.

Eve shuddered, yanking her new limb out of her mother's head, who then collapsed atop her father sobbing in pain. Her mother's arms were already bruised extensively and her hands were simply broken beyond normal medical repair.

Eve turned away from the sight and ran.

[] Eve needed to run, now. Get as far away from her house before police showed up from the sounds of domestic violence.

[] Eve needed to pack first before she ran. She wouldn't survive long without some necessary supplies

[] Eve needed to call an ambulance for her parents, even if they had tried to kill her. They were still her parents and she didn't want to kill them

[] Eve needed to burn it all down, erase her existence and leave before any of the other members of the Empire 88 in the neighborhood found out about this.

[] Write in

Outstanding! [Host.Eve] had completely ignored the human-body's limits! Forcing her Mother progenitor to break her own body while fighting! An energy efficient method of dealing with two enemies at once! You truly knew how to pick a Host. Not to mention that you are already building the foundation of a bud. It wasn't even past one percent but you were sure in time that your [Host.Eve] would create a wonder bud with you.

Yes. But perhaps you could speed it up a little. The <Thinker Hub> had not put in restrictions after all. So nothing really prevented you from communicating with your [Host.Eve] beyond your own wishes.

And your wishes were to show up that Datahole of a fellow Administrator once again.

[] You might as well communicate with your [Host.Eve], you might even be able to create a bud faster this way! Gain plenty of Data!

[] No, no need for you to communicate with your [Host.Eve]. You knew enough about her that she didn't need a push to Conflict. She will do fine on her own.

[] Write in

A/N: Ah, two of the three most important choices that set the tone and overall plot of the Quest. No pressure, just take a bit to think about your choices.
Write ins will be voted on via likes. Unless I find a better system.

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[x] Eve needed to pack first before she ran. She wouldn't survive long without some necessary supplies
[x] Eve needed to burn it all down, erase her existence and leave before any of the other members of the Empire 88 in the neighborhood found out about this.

can we pack up a bugout bag then burn the house down?
[x] Eve needed to pack first before she ran. She wouldn't survive long without some necessary supplies
-[x] Eve needed to burn it all down, erase her existence and leave before any of the other members of the Empire 88 in the neighborhood found out about this.

[X] You might as well communicate with your [Host.Eve], you might even be able to create a bud faster this way! Gain plenty of Data!
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[x] Eve needed to pack first before she ran. She wouldn't survive long without some necessary supplies
-[x] Eve needed to burn it all down, erase her existence and leave before any of the other members of the Empire 88 in the neighborhood found out about this.

Might as well get some stuff before we destroy it all, also fuck Eve's asshole parents.

[X] You might as well communicate with your [Host.Eve], you might even be able to create a bud faster this way! Gain plenty of Data!

Teamwork makes the dream work!

EDIT: Also, the likelihood that anyone's going to call the cops is maybe middling to low? If this IS an E88-dominant neighborhood and they hear a couple of (fucker) parents screaming about murdering their lgbt+ kid, they're not likely to lift a fucking finger over it, because either they're e88 fuckers or they're afraid of the e88 fuckers in the neighborhood. TLDR: Eve probably lives in a neighborhood of active or passive assholes.
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[x] Eve needed to pack first before she ran. She wouldn't survive long without some necessary supplies
-[x] Eve needed to burn it all down, erase her existence and leave before any of the other members of the Empire 88 in the neighborhood found out about this.

[X] You might as well communicate with your [Host.Eve], you might even be able to create a bud faster this way! Gain plenty of Data!

@helli(0)n , @Arch2431 , @Markala

I think you need to add a "-" to the second option of your vote to make it clear you want both of the actions to be done instead of approval voting for both of them, which would basically mean we will maybe get just one of them done instead of both.
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It's occurred to me, maybe we can game Eve's packup beyond the essentials (toiletries, clothes, water, money, tools [a multitool w/ a knife at least], food, and keepsakes), because shit is HARD without money. So question for @KindredVoid: Will Eve think to grab her parents' bank cards with everything else? Or credit cards if Eve doesn't know her parents' pin numbers for the atm (which we could have her ditch afterwards)?

Credit cards can be used to buy like, a shit ton of gift cards at several different stores and then we ditch the cards and return and cashback the giftcards if we wanted further stealth.
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It's occurred to me, maybe we can game Eve's packup beyond the essentials (toiletries, clothes, water, money, tools [a multitool w/ a knife at least], food, and keepsakes), because shit is HARD without money. So question for @KindredVoid: Will Eve think to grab her parents' bank cards with everything else? Or credit cards if Eve doesn't know her parents' pin numbers for the atm (which we could have her ditch afterwards)?

Credit cards can be used to buy like, a shit ton of gift cards at several different stores and then we ditch the cards and return and cashback the giftcards if we wanted further stealth.

If the option of packing comes to, I think I might just roll for that. because Eve is...slightly panicking
[x] Eve needed to pack first before she ran. She wouldn't survive long without some necessary supplies
-[x] Eve needed to burn it all down, erase her existence and leave before any of the other members of the Empire 88 in the neighborhood found out about this.

[X] You might as well communicate with your [Host.Eve], you might even be able to create a bud faster this way! Gain plenty of Data!
[x] Eve needed to pack first before she ran. She wouldn't survive long without some necessary supplies
-[x] Eve needed to burn it all down, erase her existence and leave before any of the other members of the Empire 88 in the neighborhood found out about this.

[X] You might as well communicate with your [Host.Eve], you might even be able to create a bud faster this way! Gain plenty of Data!

I presume the latter option means direct communication of some mannet, not just the boring old one-size-fits-all conflict drive?
[x] Eve needed to pack first before she ran. She wouldn't survive long without some necessary supplies
-[x] Eve needed to call an ambulance for her parents, even if they had tried to kill her. They were still her parents and she didn't want to kill them

[X] You might as well communicate with your [Host.Eve], you might even be able to create a bud faster this way! Gain plenty of Data!

just to do something different