Episode 1 - Introductions Part 6
Mount Justice
August 9, 02:12 EST
By the time we'd gotten back to Mount Justice, everyone else on the team was either gone or asleep.
Meaning that when the three of us got off the bioship, the only person left to greet us was Red Tornado.
As we stepped off the bioship, the hangar lights activated automatically to reveal Red Tornado standing stock still.
"Welcome back. I am glad to hear that your mission was successful," They intoned as the lights turned on.
I jumped in fright at their sudden appearance. Not to mention that their voice just sounds creepy by itself.
Couldn't they have done that in a way that wasn't liable to cause a heart attack?
"Good to see you too, Big Red," Robin said, apparently unfazed by the horror movie styled sudden appearance of Red Tornado. "Everyone else go to bed already?"
"Yes, the rest of the Team is gone. Kid Flash left, citing that he has school in the morning."
Seriously, what sort of school starts classes in the first week of August? Not even that many colleges start that early, and I'll eat my nonexistent hat if Kid Flash is college aged.
"Artemis left afterwards to return to Gotham, and Aqualad and Miss Martian have retired for the night. In light of how late your mission ran, Batman asked me to inform you that he will debrief your team at 1700 hours tomorrow at Mount Justice," Red Tornado finished before walking off. Well I guess social skills aren't their specialty.
Superboy let out a huge yawn once Red Tornado's spiel was over. You and me both buddy.
A moment later I couldn't help but follow suit. Damn. Yawns really are contagious.
"I'm just going to Zeta directly to the Batcave, are you going to be okay getting home by yourself?" Robin asked me.
On one hand I was kinda flattered that he wanted to make sure I was okay, but on the other it was a kid acting like I couldn't handle walking home by myself.
"I'll be fine." I said brusquely, before adding, "Thank you for your concern," to soften my tone, since I did, admittedly, live in Gotham.
"You sure?" Robin asked incredulously, sending a meaningful look at my bare feet.
"I could use a change of clothes and some cab fare," I admitted. Ignoring how uncomfortable it would be, walking home in my costume would probably be a bad idea. One visit from Batman wouldn't stir up too many questions, he was always investigating something or the other, but someone in a costume walking home at night a few days after a visit from Batman would definitely attract the wrong kind of attention.
"Hmm, I don't think I'm your size but I'm sure we can find something around the Mountain that you can wear." Robin respond thoughtfully.
"I have some spare clothes, she can use those," Superboy grunted, before leaving the hanger.
"Come on, I'll show you where we keep the emergency funds," Robin waved me forward. "It's the fund that we draw from for mission expenses or to cover costs in your civilian identity that arise from our 'extracurriculars'." I guess that makes sense: not every member of the Justice League is secretly a millionaire, so having a general slush fund for members probably helps smooth out a lot of everyday wrinkles.
We stopped at what appeared to be an average cabinet. Robin fiddled with the side of the cabinet revealing a number pad and a card reader built into the side and pulled out a what appears to be a black credit card with a bat emblazoned on it.
"This is the Justice League credit card, you should get one once we actually finish your initiation into the Team. For tonight I'll just use mine. The card draws directly from the Justice League's accounts, but be warned all purchases will end up reviewed by Batman so don't use it for frivolous stuff." Robin lectured. I'll have to check with Batman tomorrow to see if I can use the account to replace the phone I burned tonight.
Robin slid his bat-card through the card reader and opened the top draw, which contained paper bills for what looked like at least a dozen currencies. He took a few bills out of the American dollars' compartment and handed them to me.
"That should be enough for a cab ride home."
"Thanks. Sorry about this, I wasn't planning on being out so late." Or losing my shoes.
"Don't worry about it. I'll let you in on a little secret," Robin said grinning. "Every hero has an embarrassing first night out story; you did pretty good all things considered."
"Even Batman?" I asked half jokingly. I can think of a couple possibilities for what could constitute his embarrassing story, but I'm far more interested in how Robin will answer the question.
"Even Batman," Robin intoned, leaning forward in a conspiratorial tone.
"You'll have to tell me that story some time," I teased.
"Sorry, I've been sworn to secrecy. I do have stories about everyone else though."
"Well then, I guess I'll just have to settle for imagining how the Dark Knight fumbled on his first night out-," I wiggled my eyebrows. "-and I have a very good imagination."
That managed to render Robin speechless for a moment. Success! Now we're even for the innuendo on the bioship earlier.
Superboy returned, fully dressed with a pile of folded clothes, before Robin could muster a response. And victory goes to me!
"Here," Superboy said, shoving the pile of clothes onto my arms.
"Alright, I'm going to get changed and then head home. It was nice working with both of you," I said to the pair. Looking towards Superboy I said, "I'll wash these and get them back to you tomorrow."
Superboy and Robin called out their goodbyes, and I headed to the room Kaldur had told me was for my personal use earlier today.
I stepped into the dark room and quickly stripped out of my dress without bothering to turn on the lights.
I put on the clothes Superboy gave me more slowly. He had lent me a sweater, black tee, pair of jeans, and some socks plus sneakers.
I had to roll up the legs of the jeans to prevent them from dragging on the ground, and the hoodie was halfway to a dress on me, but I wouldn't get any second looks getting a cab now.
When I'd designed my costume I'd left out any purely aesthetic touches. Which meant no makeup which could be ruined by sweat or padded clothing that gave the illusion of certain assets, but could slow me down in the field. The only concession I made to aesthetic was the dress itself: something that would mark me as a woman and curtail my androgynous looks.
What all of this meant was that wearing Superboy's clothes hid any trace of femininity underneath them. With the lights off, I didn't have to look too closely at myself but if I did I knew what I would see. A boy.
At least my teammates won't see me like this. They'll still think of me as a girl.
I can't get a cab home wearing my hero outfit. And I can't walk home at this hour without shoes. I need to wear this, just for now, I reassured myself.
I folded up my dress and left it at the foot of the cot in the room. No reason to take it with me. I'm only going to be wearing it around here and on missions. Besides carrying what appears to be a bloodstained dress in the middle of the night would warrant unwanted scrutiny, even in Gotham.
I glanced at my athame before deciding to pocket it. It was mostly irrational, but having a weapon made me feel far safer on the streets at night. Even if I'm far more dangerous as a weapon by myself than the knife.
My hand hovered over the doorknob. This is stupid; no one I care about is going to see me. Even so, I still felt my mind racing through all the varieties of glamors and illusions that I had studied. Those aren't going to help here. I'm a Hero now. I can't be cowed by something like this.
I took a moment to center myself, taking a deep breath, before opening the door as quietly as I could. The walk to the Zeta tubes was the most stressful part of the night; I flinched at every sound, and would constantly pause to check if anyone was around before continuing on.
"B08 to Gotham." The Zeta tube lit up as I walked forward. I'd half hoped that whatever facial recognition software the tubes used wouldn't recognize me like this, but that it had at least saved me that issue. Still, I was half tempted in a masochistic way to disable my voice enchantment and try again, to see if that made a difference.
"Recognized: Bloody Mary B08."
Surprise this story isn't dead! RL got crazy hectic for the last half a year or so, but things are finally calming down and I have the time and energy to write again. Witchcraft will hopefully be updating every Saturday from here on out. A revision of the first chapter is in the works and will be posted eventually, I'll make a post announcing when I finish rewriting it.