Winter is Coming: House Stark Quest

But that was when it was the only way to protect the lives of his children. Here, he could do a simple prisoner exchange with some payment as weregild, and still support Stannis. There is no need for Ned to sacrifice either his children or his honour, so why would he choose to not do what he feels he is obligated to?
Because he was burned hard and knows the only reason he' alive is through sheer luck and his son pulling off a miracle. Near death experiences change people and Ned now knows being too honourable in the South gets him jack shit. Also don't diss his honour its the difference between men fighting in his name long after his death and men spitting on his grave as soon as he dies like Tywin.
[X]Plan Hand of the King
-Publicly acknowledge Ned as the rightful Hand of the King.
-In return Cersei and her children can go to exile wherever they want.
-Tywin and his sons can take the black, making Kevan the new lord of Casterly Rock.
-Release Kevan's sons. (Basically making it worthwhile for Kevan to not support Tywin's descendants.
-Weregild for the Northmen and the Riverlanders paid from the Rock's coffers.
-Return the Ice and other stuff seized from Starks.

Thoughts ?

Remember this is just the starting offer. They will counter-offer, we gotta open strong.
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But that was when it was the only way to protect the lives of his children. Here, he could do a simple prisoner exchange with some payment as weregild, and still support Stannis. There is no need for Ned to sacrifice either his children or his honour, so why would he choose to not do what he feels he is obligated to?

If Stannis doesn't act like a king should and fulfill his part of the feudal contract, then there's no darkening of Ned's honor if he doesn't follow him.
Ned's leg might end up amputated if it still burns and Pycelle decides to fuck us over. Too bad I was looking forward in having Robb running the Riverlands army while wrecking havoc on the Iron Islands with Ned and annexing it.
Myrcella+Robb marriage maybe? To make Robb the king.

The other option would be to hope that Renly die and then marry Robb with Margaery.
Myrcella+Robb marriage maybe? To make Robb the king.

The other option would be to hope that Renly die and then marry Robb with Margaery.

That won't be happening now that Ned's alive.

You should probably add to return Ice if you can, I'd really like to get Baelish as well so that we can sort out this mess with the Iron bank but ho well.

This plan puts the power back in Ned's hand so he can do things as he sees fit after deciding the Lannister matter. But I'll add it it anyway.
Because he was burned hard and knows the only reason he' alive is through sheer luck and his son pulling off a miracle. Near death experiences change people and Ned now knows being too honourable in the South gets him jack shit. Also don't diss his honour its the difference between men fighting in his name long after his death and men spitting on his grave as soon as he dies like Tywin.
If Stannis doesn't act like a king should and fulfill his part of the feudal contract, then there's no darkening of Ned's honor if he doesn't follow him.
See, I agree with all of this. I just want to make sure Ned does too.

[X] Plan NN
(aka CM 2.0)
-[] Prisoner exchange. All of 'em. Except:
--[] The Mountain will be executed for raping and pillaging in the Riverlands.
--[] Tywin will be sent to the wall for ordering said pillaging.
-[] You will also be given back Ice.
-[] The North and Riverlands will also receive fair compensation directly from Casterly Rock's coffers for the damage caused and men lost.
--[] And then some more, if we're to fight in Stannis' war.
-[] The Northern host will withdraw from King's Landing.
--[] If we can be neutral, to the Riverlands to wait out the Baratheon vs Lannister war.
--[] If not, we'll probably go join Stannis. *sigh*
-[] Baelish betrayed you. He was likely lying about Tyrion and had sent the catspaw assassin to kill Bran himself. Have him arrested and brought to you in chains.
--[] Tell Cersei how it was Baelish who pointed you towards Tyrion as Bran's would-be murderer and set the Starks and the Lannisters at each others' throats.
--[] (Knowing he was conspiring with the Lannisters, maybe he knows something about Jon Arryn's poisoning?) Is this to metagamey?
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[] Plan CM 1.0

This seems to be the only viable plan that doesn't involve letting Littlefinger and Tywin run around and cause trouble(to put it mildly) so I'm voting for it.
that book 'proving' Cersei's incest
Isn't this a little silly considering the book is probably not that uncommon and the fact that it doesn't actually prove anything? Not really a big deal though.

Depends. If you're aiming for Westeros crown, then no. They are legit Lannister childs though. Can be recognized easily enough as heir to the Rock if Tywin wants it.
Bastards born of incest are legitimate? Suuuure.
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I'm honestly interested in how Tywin is feeling right now.
Also, I think the treatment of Prisonner should also be included in the plan.
Ok, on the premise that Ned's honor will require him to declare for Stannis...

Need makes two offers. The first is a simple hostage exchange. He offers Jaime and Kevan's sons in exchange for himself, Sansa, Ice, any of his men who still live, and a negotiable amount of gold. His army may also delay temporarily.

The second offer is one that tries to get House Lannister's support for King Stannis. House Lannister acknowledges that Joff and his siblings are bastards. Cersei is either banished along with Jaime, or Cersei is put under house arrest and Jaime takes the black. In either case Joffrey takes the black, Tommen is squires with House Manderly, and Myrcella becomes House Stark's ward. Tywin takes the black, Tyrion either takes the black or otherwise foreswears his rights to Casterly Rock. Kevan becomes Lord Paramount of the Westerlands, and swears for Stannis. We release the older of his twins. The Golden Tooth is ceded to the Riverlands, and the Lefford heiress is betrothed to Edmure to secure ties. The crown's debts to House Lannister are null and void.

In this case we secure the Westerlander army being raised for Stannis. No Lannister blood is spilled, but they are weakened and cede the throne in exchange for a better chance of their house surviving.

Sorry for lateness anyone who tagged me. Been out and making some medical appointments. Ned is more restricted than Robb (who could have married Myrcella and so on). That said, he's been through a sort of transformative experience and you are the players. His promise to Robert is to protect Gendry, Mya, and any others. That he will never break. Ned by default will side with Stannis but he can be convinced to remain neutral if he thinks his family depends on it. He showed that they mattered more than honor in canon. That allows for reluctant neutrality, but not siding with the Lannisters.
CM takes the lead. I'd vote for it too if it dealt with the threat of Tywin. Seriously can't let him get back in power to fuck us over.
And I'd hoped to get some truth out of Baelish, so that Lysa couldn't mobilise the Vale against us.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by NúmenoreanNazgûl on Jul 18, 2017 at 3:06 PM, finished with 142 posts and 22 votes.

  • [X] Plan CM 1.0
    [X] Plan Neutrality
    -[X] Ned, Sansa, Ice and any still living men of our household are exchanged for Jaime and Kevan's sons.
    -[X] Robb's army will withdraw to the Riverlands, thus giving the Lannisters a chance to deal with the Baratheons.
    -[X] If, after a year, no Lannister attacks happen upon our territories, then Lannister men can be ransomed back. Tywin goes last.
    -[X] Somewhat high but bearable reparations for all the losses.
    -[X] As long as Cersei's line are on the throne, the North and all territories under its rule don't acknowledge the King of the Iron Throne as their sovereign.
    [x] Tell Robb to keep all prisioners alive and treat them honourably. Demand to have Arya and Sansa return to Robb in exchange for Jaime and Tyrion (daughters for sons), Ned can go home in exchange for Tywin (Lords for Lords). Now, I think the Lannisters won't accept this if Ned/Robb just immediately declares for Stannis, so assure them of the North's neutrality and have them publicly forgive any and all perceived ills and treasons against the crown for now. This is a sucession crisis, the North has nothing to do with it.
    [X]Ned negotiates a truce between Stannis and the Lannisters. Stannis takes the throne but his daughter marries Tommen so he will be the next king.
    [X] Plan Neutrality 1.1
    -[X] Ned, Sansa, Ice and any still living men of our household are exchanged for Jaime and Kevan's sons.
    -[X] Robb's army will withdraw to the Riverlands, thus giving the Lannisters a chance to deal with the Baratheons.
    -[X] If, after a year, no Lannister attacks happen upon our territories, then Tywin and Tyrion can be ransomed back. The various other nobility can be ransomed back immediately. -[X] High reparations from the Westerlands and the Iron Throne.
    -[X] If, after a year, no Lannister attacks happen upon our territories, then Lannister men can be ransomed back. Tywin goes last.
    -[X] As long as Cersei's line are on the throne, the North and all territories under its rule don't acknowledge the King of the Iron Throne as their sovereign.
    -[X] Exchange of prisoners to take place halfway between our army and King's Landing, with Robb bringing as large an escort as he wants.
    -[X] If they want Tywin, Tyrion, any of the others, etc. that is to be agreed upon with further negotiations once we're back with our army.
    -[X] We won't execute any of the hostages who haven't committed obvious crimes until further negotiation (so we can't execute Tyrion, for example, but we can execute Gregor).
    [X]Plan Hand of the King
    [X] Plan NN
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