Will of Terra (Earth-chan! Taylor)

For gods sake not another one where they wont kill the lil murder. Bonesaw kills people in the most horrific way. And honestly who is going to let the murderhobo touch them?

People are dead and she gets forgiven? EVERYONE has a hard luck story but they go to jail or get executed on Bet.
For gods sake not another one where they wont kill the lil murder. Bonesaw kills people in the most horrific way. And honestly who is going to let the murderhobo touch them?

People are dead and she gets forgiven? EVERYONE has a hard luck story but they go to jail or get executed on Bet.
The difference between Bonesaw and the others is that she was six when Jack Slash triggered/tortured her into joining. She's 9 in this story.

There's no chance Taylor has anything close to the capability to actually get her stable and safe in the general population, and Riley's going to need a lot of therapy before she can be allowed outside on her own.

At the moment she's operating under "cooperate or die" rules, even if Taylor doesn't realize it yet.
While simple plans to redeem Bonesaw usually annoy me we also have to take into account that this is a 13 year old planet talking to a nine year old sociopath. I would actually be more surprised if a well reasoned plan came out of Taylor, and will only be disappointed if it inexplicably works without a hitch.
A bunch of other natural disasters in the making were mitigated where feasible (I had a feeling that grinding my plate tectonics to a halt would be BAD),
It's not so much stopping the plates, as when they release the energy all at once (aka an earthquake.)
Bleed the energy off over an extended enough period, and would cut down on the danger.

Also warning when such and such a geological natural disaster will happen would help.
It's not so much stopping the plates, as when they release the energy all at once (aka an earthquake.)
Bleed the energy off over an extended enough period, and would cut down on the danger.

Also warning when such and such a geological natural disaster will happen would help.
The plates are moved by convection currents in the mantle. Them stopping would mean a cooled interior, meaning a weakened magnetic field, and would cause long-run erosion problems to boot as mountains would stop going up to counterbalance sediment loss.

If she tried to stop her plates, she would become ill.
The plates are moved by convection currents in the mantle. Them stopping would mean a cooled interior, meaning a weakened magnetic field, and would cause long-run erosion problems to boot as mountains would stop going up to counterbalance sediment loss.

If she tried to stop her plates, she would become ill.
I was just meaning she doesn't have to stop the plates to prevent earthquakes, just don't allow the energy to be release all at once.
Honestly, I'm not teribly happy with the Bonesaw situation either. I agonized over it for hours, before eventually coming to the conclusion that Terra could probably intimidate Bonesaw into temporary compliance, but that actual redemption would have to wait.

On a side note, I am slightly annoyed that no-one's been posting speculation about the fate of the Siberian.

About the Bonesaw situation, she has only been in the Slaughter-House Nine for 3 years it could just be she inst completely in the mindset she was in, in cannon.

as for the Siberian, I just assumed the shard ran out of power or cauldron saw the damage that could happen and doored Manton out.
...Why wouldn't Terra know about the Siberian, or Cauldron for that matter?
The best thing to do with the tectonic plates isn't to stop them; it's to make them move continuously. Earthquakes are caused by their tendency to get stuck until enough pressure builds up to make them move in a sudden jerk; constant, smooth movement wouldn't cause the same issues.
Can't wait for Terra to meet her siblings, knowing that Sun was there since the beginning she could have lovers during the entirety of Earth's written history.
I love it!
Please, just tell me that mars-chan will be a sci-fi nerd/otaku, like in the memes.

Also, if Anette will not utter even a single Ara Ara~ she's phony!
While I appreciate the pragmatic Taylor, I have a curiosity: A lot of things that qualify as 'natural disasters' are still things that Taylor has to let happen. Like volcanoes and forest fires.
How 'nice' is she going to play for humanity, despite the fact that doing so might, in the long run, make it worse?
While I appreciate the pragmatic Taylor, I have a curiosity: A lot of things that qualify as 'natural disasters' are still things that Taylor has to let happen. Like volcanoes and forest fires.
How 'nice' is she going to play for humanity, despite the fact that doing so might, in the long run, make it worse?
Giving everyone plenty of advance warning would be more than enough.
For gods sake not another one where they wont kill the lil murder. Bonesaw kills people in the most horrific way. And honestly who is going to let the murderhobo touch them?

People are dead and she gets forgiven? EVERYONE has a hard luck story but they go to jail or get executed on Bet.

I totally get you. I personally believe she deserves to die twice over for what she did, child or not. There's just some acts nothing can excuse.

But this is earth bet. The culture there is different. Parahumans aren't held to the same standards as humans, for quite a lot of reasons including but not limited to the cost of enforcing any kind of law to them and the need for them to cooperate against Endbringers. See how Bitch is excused. Or SS. Or GG.

The morality that arises from that culture is of course different from RL. You wouldn't say a spider deserves to die for committing matricide, right? Same goes for parahumans.

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Now Taylor is now the planet will she have an ability like Thor from Toaru.
When attacking and being attack, the world will move to make attacks miss or always hit.
Interlude: News Headlines, Emma
American Cape News
Slaughterhouse Nine Destroyed, Bonesaw In Custody

Just in from Arizona, we have word that the Slaughterhous Nine are now defunct as a group. Of their line-up prior to this event, the only survivor is the biotinker known as Bonesaw. The rest were quickly and efficiently killed by Terra and Sol, new members of the Cape scene who claim to be the planet Terra and the Sun respectively. When questioned about their decisions, Terra claimed that Bonesaw was only spared on account of being forced into the Nine against her will.

The exact whereabouts of Bonesaw are now unknown, but it is known that Terra insisted on rehabilitation...

Miami Herald
Hurricane Hanna Mysteriously Disperses

Those of us who have been paying attention to the weather for the last week have been dreading the impact of Hurricane Hanna, a Category 4 Hurricane making its way towards Florida. To put it quite bluntly, the storm has apparently been cancelled, as it abruptly ceased rotation late last evening. Since then it has dispersed into a relatively-harmless collection of thundercells.

Meteorologists are at a loss to explain this sudden change in atmospheric conditions, but are busily...

Associated Press
PRT Releases Official Statement on Terra and Sol

Over the last two days, the duo of Terra and Sol have been making waves, not only with their actions, but also with their rather extraordinary claims of being planet Earth and the Sun respectively. After much clamor, Chief Director Costa-Brown herself made an appearance at a quickly scheduled press event. Her statement on the matter is as follows:

"As far as we can tell, Sol and Terra's claims of being celestial bodies are factually accurate, despite vast initial incredulity. In the case of Sol, she was taking music requests for her solar flares for several hours, which was verified by astronomers. For Terra meanwhile, several otherwise inexplicable geological, meteorological, and other phenomena have taken place over the last 39 hours. In one notable case, this was tied directly to one of the activities of Terra's human form, as a bathroom stop occurred simultaneously with Behemoth being ejected into space through Antarctica."

"Fortunately, it seems that neither Sol or Terra is actively malicious...

The Iron Bay
Local Community Protectors Repeatedly Struck By Lightning, Cape Involvement?

Over the last 72 hours, our community has been honorlessly attacked by an unknown cape. Upstanding members of society have been struck down without warning practically the instant they step outside. No declarations have been made, nor has anyone claimed credit for these shameful and unwarranted attacks.

Kaiser, Othala, Hookwolf, Krieg, and Crusader are all currently hospitalized in critical condition with injuries that may never fully heal, Othala in particular being comatose. Alabaster meanwhile has been struck by lightning over 200 times, and has developed acute agoraphobia as a result. A number of other daring warriors for community improvement have perished from their lighting-inflicted injuries, both powered and mundane.

Panacea has inexplicably refused to heal the injured members of...

The day after that incredibly bizarre funeral, Emma came over to Taylor's house. Walking up the pathway to the porch, she hopped over the busted step, and got ready to ring the doorbell. She didn't even need to, as Taylor opened the door and pulled Emma into a hug with a cheerful cry of "Emms! Good to have you over!"

In response, Emma happily replied "I'm really happy to see you too, T! Can I come in?"

Taylor released the hug then, gesturing towards the living room with a big smile on her face. Trotting over the shaggy carpet towards the couch, both friends were soon sitting down next to each other. After a few moments, Taylor broke the silence, noting "You're trying to figure out how to ask me about what happened yesterday, aren't you?"

Looking over at her friend's now blue-and-green hair, Emma nodded and said "Yeah. All of a sudden out of the blue you were saying something about being a planet, and now I can pretty clearly see continents in your hair. Then your mom suddenly got back up out of the coffin, glowing all over. Now I'm trying to figure out what that was all about."

Nodding, Taylor replied "So, the long and short of it is that Mom and I were never actually human in the first place, though until yesterday we weren't aware of this fact. We are the Sun and Earth respectively, and have been since the beginning of the solar system. That said, we were asleep until yesterday; our human lives were basically us dreaming."

Frowning a bit, Emma couldn't help but ask "We're still friends, though, right?"

Immediately, Taylor confirmed "Yes, that wouldn't change in a million years!"

There was another awkward pause for several moments as Emma stared into Taylor's eyes. Then abruptly she threw her hands up in the air and called out "I'm best friends with a planet this is awesome I can't wait for all the cool things we'll get to do together!"

Smiling, Taylor got up from the couch and said "Yeah, I've got loads of stuff we could go see. Want to visit my Grand Canyon?"

Immediately, Emma nodded and answered "Would I ever! Just let me grab a water bottle first and... shouldn't we tell our parents first?"

In response, Taylor shook her head and replied "Like I'd ever let my geography hurt my best friend. Don't worry about it."

Nodding, Emma said "Let me get that water bottle real quick." before trotting off to the kitchen.

Thirty seconds later when her best friend had her bottle, Taylor asked "So, ready to go?"

Emma answered with a simple "Yes", bracing herself for whatever was about to happen.

Taylor nodded and ran her fingers through her hair. Emma saw the kitchen abruptly vanish around her as she felt a sensation a bit like what she imagined a chess piece felt when being picked up off the gameboard and put down somewhere else. Mere seconds later, she was standing on hard rocky ground overlooking the massive stratified geographical depression known as the Grand Canyon.

In response, all Emma could muster was a whispered "wow".
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