Will of Terra (Earth-chan! Taylor)

*glances at the hovering lady, hair spread out in a crackling solar halo, while plasma streams along huge arcs around her arms and hands, hot enough to ignite the air*

They reaaaaaally suck on social cues then.
Reaaaally suck.

I mean, that is a whole new definition of suck.
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Then again, they might have been too busy studying the solar flares to notice any social cues, so they just let their mouths run off while taking notes on the plasma streams... I mean, absent-mindedly agreeing with whatever the floating lady said while busy highlighting hotter spots on the X-ray band pictures would certainly go better for them than if they tried to be pedantic.

Unless they decided to comment how hot she is. That would most likely not go well at all.
Fic Discontinued
So. I've decided to make a decision that people probably aren't going to like. Basically, I've had an idea for an original magical girl-ish story on the brain for about six months now that I've wanted to write. My current crop of wormfics are in the way. As such I am making the following announcement: Effective immediately, Post-Mortem Activities, Will of Terra, and Horologist are all being indefinitely discontinued.
So. I've decided to make a decision that people probably aren't going to like. Basically, I've had an idea for an original magical girl-ish story on the brain for about six months now that I've wanted to write. My current crop of wormfics are in the way. As such I am making the following announcement: Effective immediately, Post-Mortem Activities, Will of Terra, and Horologist are all being indefinitely discontinued.

You do what you got to do. If your muse says origi Al that go right ahead. I can't complain Too much since well.... I got a lot of my own stories that I haven't touched in a long time...

You are right, I'm not happy, but that's just how it goes.
So. I've decided to make a decision that people probably aren't going to like. Basically, I've had an idea for an original magical girl-ish story on the brain for about six months now that I've wanted to write. My current crop of wormfics are in the way. As such I am making the following announcement: Effective immediately, Post-Mortem Activities, Will of Terra, and Horologist are all being indefinitely discontinued.
Will you be posting chapters of your original fiction on Patreon or someother place we can read it, or do we have to wait for it to be finished?
To clarify - I would love to pay you for your original works, but I avoid giving Amazon any more of my money than I have to.
Smashwords FTW. Not only are their business practices much less shady, but they take less of a cut than Amazon and you can download your purchased ebook files directly from the website without needing an app.
As I reader/buyer I completely agree, no clue how they work from the writer/seller POV.
I've been both, they're good. Upload process is painless as long as whatever you write with can output a .doc file, and as noted, their take is lower than Amazon's: Something like 20% instead of a third of the cover price.
You know, technically speaking, teleporting any soda-can-sized object into someone's head would likely make their head explode messily due to the sudden mass-displacement. Or at the very least rupture and leak brains everywhere.

Making it an explosive device, even just a flashbang, is straight up overkill.

Granted, but I imagine speed of death, just in case was important.