Will of Terra (Earth-chan! Taylor)

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Or, in which Taylor discovers that she's actually a planet. Oops.
Awakening of Terra

We Just Write

Blatantly Plural
New England
A/N: This is all @TCGM's fault.

Date Point: 1969

As Apollo 11 touched down on the surface of Luna, Sol tossed and turned in her sleep, briefly rousing from her billions of years of deep slumber into a state more akin to REM sleep. As the sun dreamt, certain parts of reality echoed in time.

Date Point: 1995

The Hebert's wedding day was a momentous occasion for both newlyweds. With a giant cake, music, and relatives in attendance, it was truly a joyful day for Danny and Annette. Neither of them were aware that Danny had just married the Sun.

Date Point: 2008

The day was a funeral, as Annette's body was laid to rest in the wake of a drunk driver running her over on the sidewalk. Dozens of family and friends were in attendance, including the 4.5 billion year old Earth herself. Admittedly Earth wasn't aware that she was 4.5 billion years old; as far as she knew she was Taylor Hebert age thirteen, nothing more.

At the moment, Taylor was sitting next to Emma, sobbing into her best friend's shoulder. After several minutes of this, Taylor whispered in between the sobs "I wish I could just wake up and find out this was a dream."

Somehow, Taylor felt that statement resonate deep within her being, connecting with parts of her psyche she wasn't even aware she had previously. So, even as Emma stroked Taylor's hair to calm her friend down, Taylor found herself repeating "Wake up, wake up, wake up..."

After several moments of this, Terra did indeed wake up. From the perspective of everyone at the funeral, Taylor's hair suddenly changed to a deep blue with splotches of green, orange, and white as she inhaled. Across Earth's surface, the winds changed slightly as the entire world seemed to be taking a deep breath. Then, Taylor shouted out "What. HOW AM I A PLANET!?" as four and a half billion years of memories slammed home, along with awareness of her magnetic field, gravity, geological motion, atmosphere, and the aggregated emotions of every lifeform on her surface.

Across the solar system, this message propagated through a medium entirely unrelated to physics, quickly reaching Sol. As Sol still hadn't returned to deep sleep after her decades-long dream of Annette Hebert, like the insistent beeping of an alarm clock this slowly roused her to full wakefulness. Back at the funeral this prompted cries of confusion and alarm as glowing beams of plasma shot out of the coffin, Sol quickly hoisting herself into an upright position as the container disintegrated and she exclaimed "NO! I'm still in my Main Sequence! Don't bury me!", her hair and eyes incandescently glowing and difficult to look at, a faintly glowing ionized corona visible all around her form.

Unlike Earth's cry of confusion, Sol's had the full force of a star behind it. Where the former had barely been able to rouse a celestial who was already partially awake, the latter call was like a massive gong being rung right next to the ears of all the major planetoids within Sol's region of influence. As the solar system shuddered, confused, into full wakefulness for the first time since their formation, Terra had only one thing on her mind.

Namely, Terra ran over to Sol's avatar, and with a cry of "MOM!" immediately hugged the embodiment of the life-giving sun. Annette hugged back, the two celestials simply enjoying the embrace as they remenisced over both their newly accessible celestial memories, and the human lives both had lived prior to awakening.

Meanwhile in the crowd, Alan Barnes was hurriedly dialling the non-emergency number for the PRT.

Thirty minutes later, Sol/Annette, Earth/Taylor, and Danny were sitting across a desk from a thoroughly exasperated deputy PRT director.

From Piggot's perspective, the two Parahumans in front of her were clearly delusional. Yes, Annette Hebert was the mother of Taylor Hebert which was a good enough approximation of the Sun and Earth's relationship. Yes, their appearances had drastically changed to reflect their claimed celestial bodies. This proved nothing, and Piggot told them so as she said "Listen, I don't care about your outlandish claims of being the embodiment of the sun and Earth respectively. You are Parahumans, and that means you're in our jurisdiction."

Raising her hand, Taylor asked "Can I go to the bathroom? I have a really bad stomachache."

Grumbling, Piggot answered "Yes."

As the girl left, Annette noted "Well, I think I've got at least one way to convince you. There's a fair number of telescopes aimed at me to monitor for solar flares, yes?"

The yet-to-be-promoted Emily Piggot was forced to admit "Yes, yes there are. Aimed at the sun, not you."

Grinning, Sol replied "Well, please let them know I just played Ode To Joy with coronal mass ejections from my south pole, and I'm taking song requests. They should see it in a bit less than eight minutes."

Suddenly, a loud bang originated from the direction of the bathroom along with an exasperated cry of "WHY IS MY POOP LAVA!?"

Far, far from Brockton Bay, Rebecca Costa-Brown was quietly shuffling through some paperwork when one of her subordinates burst into her office and shouted "Behemoth has just been ejected from Antarctica at twice escape velocity!"

A/N: Next post we will return to our regularly scheduled first-person perspective.
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.... (checking my eyes), no I'm still seeing this story (pinch my arm), not dreaming, only two sugars today....

What I just read is AWESOME :D

Good crack, will be waiting for the follow up.

If I wasn't at work I would laughing my ass off
This thing is seventeen different kinds of awesome. Watched so very hard. Please understand; I really don't care either way, but...is this a crossover of some kind? I'm just asking.
This thing is seventeen different kinds of awesome. Watched so very hard. Please understand; I really don't care either way, but...is this a crossover of some kind? I'm just asking.

Just search for the Earth-chan subreddit and it'll explain much, but in short Earth-chan is an internet meme where the Earth is personified as a short anime girl with hair that matches the globe - blue with green continents.
Unlike Earth's cry of confusion, Sol's had the full force of a star behind it. Where the former had barely been able to rouse a celestial who was already partially awake, the latter call was like a massive gong being rung right next to the ears of all the major planetoids within Sol's region of influence. As the solar system shuddered, confused, into full wakefulness for the first time since their formation, Terra had only one thing on her mind.
So, did Danny just get a bunch of new children?

So, what happens when Danny points out that there are people presently actively worshiping Taylor?

Wonder what their cape names will be?

I mean, Annette could go with Amaterasu (being the only female Sun deity I know off the top of my head) or just use Sol, Solaria, or Solaris.
Taylor could go with Terra or Gaia.

Imagine a meeting between Sundancer or Purity and Annette.
i was drinking while reading the line where Taylor screamed why am i pooping lava now i know what tea feels like coming out of my nose its not a good thing
Well hey, now that all the other celestial bodies are awake they're going to want human bodies so they can hang out with mom too! Sorry Dan boy, looks like you're going to be busy for a while.

Also, I'd love to see the Ziz get confused and start hanging out in geosynchronous orbit... around Taylor. I mean, an inexplicable human avatar that actually is a celestial body wasn't how precognition was intended to be used. OR! Maybe it was! Eidolon orders Ziz to 'attack a city'. Ziz barrels down and starts poking/tickling Taylor.
Someone send a medic i think something burst in my guts after reading this fine expression of crackish literature , definitively wanting more .