Why Have One Wang When You Can Have Four? (Shadow Warrior 2)

Wow, where'd you see that? If it's true, I wonder how they're going to ensure that they're all distinct and worth using. I just hope they don't go the CoD route of making them near-indistinguishable except for minor stat differences, but I doubt that's going to happen considering what we've seen so far.

There was mention of it in some of the E3 2015 coverage. It's part of a loot drop system. Weapons also have three gem slots so you can upgrade them.
I wonder if there are still like a billion upgrades for the powers.

That was probably like my least favorite bit of the first one. I mean yeah the NG+ stuff was nice but like I felt like there was too much to upgrade, y'know?
Who's ready for a little Wang?

It's out on PS4 folks, so those of you who worship the mighty black monolith can get some hot sticky goodness down you.

PC users will have to wait a little while longer, it seems...

...but absence makes the Wang grow fonder.

Edit: whoops it's not out yet disregard my bad dick jokes and enjoy the pre release video
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@Claudette Savagely: Is that video actually new? I distinctly seem to remember watching it before.

You know what, I feel like an absolute mug. You're right, you remember watching it before because you have; I didn't realise this initially but the video I posted is actually a splice of the 15 minute E3 footage and the 12 minute demo Devolver published last year.

I apologise for displaying such a deceitful Wang. :(

To make up for it, here's three videos of some guy playing the new demo that Devolver have allowed select Youtubers to get their hands on.

I hope a tripartite Wang is sufficient recompense :V
You know what, I feel like an absolute mug. You're right, you remember watching it before because you have; I didn't realise this initially but the video I posted is actually a splice of the 15 minute E3 footage and the 12 minute demo Devolver published last year.

I apologise for displaying such a deceitful Wang. :(

To make up for it, here's three videos of some guy playing the new demo that Devolver have allowed select Youtubers to get their hands on.

I hope a tripartite Wang is sufficient recompense :V

Alright, yeah, that's much better.

Having watched the videos, I have to admit that I like what I'm seeing. It looks dynamic, the different guns all look to be worth using, the chi powers aren't as varied but seem more convenient to use. Though I can't help but want to yell at that lp-er for constantly wasting ammo blowing things up for no reason. I do agree that it looks beautiful, though.
So, new gameplay video out. I can hardly wait for the game to come out and reveal just how disappointed we're going to be, because there's no fucking way it'll live up to the hype I'm feeling right now.

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New gameplay video out. What stands out to me is that the miniboss fought halfway through had to be literally hacked to pieces to stop it from pursuing Wang, as well as the fact that I really hope that they are using cheat codes because SW2 switching to regenerating health from the perfectly functional system used in the first game would be disappointing. And the enemies still seem a bit too durable, or maybe the guns are underpowered.
I haven't actually played it yet, but me and a friend of mine were so impressed with the 2013 game that I resolved to buy it for both of us when it came out for co-op purposes.

I'll post a report when I have an impression.
What are the system requirements like? I can run the 2013 game fine but Doom 2016 won't even launch, will I be able to play this game?

Also, please don't spoiler me. I would like to find out the plot twists for myself.
Unfortunately, I can't give you anything concrete, for a couple of reasons:
1) I haven't played it yet,
2) I have a BeastRig(tm) that isn't comparable to computers owned by people with sense or responsibilities

But based on the trailers, it seems like it's not as graphically challenging as DooM is. Otherwise, you may just have to examine the requirements on the Steam page to get the best sense of how your system will handle it.
I've played the game for about an hour and a half now, so here are some thoughts:

1) The environments are kind of pretty, I guess--and they show off a few cheap technical tricks. The character models are uglier than a winter warthog orgy.
2) The dialogue is hilarious, and the voice acting is awful.
3) The transition between gameplay and "interface elements" like accepting quests, using menus, or changing locations is janky and unpolished.
4) The UI in general is super, terribly, awfully bad--mouse clicks occasionally don't register, or they only register if you use them in a certain way, and using KBAM in general appears to be a massive afterthought. It's not literally unusable, but it makes me want to gouge out my eyes.
5) There's no transition between discrete locations beyond the loading screen. This makes levels feel bizarrely artificial, as you are just spontaneously dropped without warning into a new locale when it's time to go somewhere else. The same thing will happen with story scenes, too, so don't expect the narrative to set up anything about where you are or how you got here.
6) The game is absolutely chock full of fiddly bits, knick-knacks, and widgets that upgrade your guns, your powers, your multiplayer server, your bullets, etc. The interface to make use of them is offensive.
7) The levels are full of treasure chests. You can see them on the map, but they are completely undetectable as something you can or should interact with--they look like any other piece of set dressing.
8) I watched two rabbits have sex. One of them rolled over afterwards and had a cigarette.

I'm running the game at maximum everything, and frankly it doesn't look very good. I can't otherwise comment on performance because I have a GTX 1080.
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I'm having a pretty good time at the moment. Honestly I like the interface in this a lot better than Shadow warrior 2013, but as said its not very polished and there are a lot of fiddly bits. The dialog and the voice acting work well together and Wang is just as well...Wang as usual.
I want to like it but it is, as of this moment, a badly optimised, poorly running, can't-exit-to-desktop-without-crashing-and-losing-your-save piece of shit.

Wait a couple of weeks for Flying Hog to patch some things out/in/up (if they can) before buying.
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I'm kinda surprised Shadow Warrior 2 is apparently amazingly unoptimized considering it has a really high user review score, and a quick check of the discussion pages indicates the biggest issue people have is with a reviewer who felt the game's humour just didn't work at all for him and not "this game is literally unplayable".

Like I believe you, I'm just curious why the major gap in opinion between SV and the general population.

Stockholm syndrome kicked in for most people re: game technical quality? :V
I'm kinda surprised Shadow Warrior 2 is apparently amazingly unoptimized considering it has a really high user review score, and a quick check of the discussion pages indicates the biggest issue people have is with a reviewer who felt the game's humour just didn't work at all for him and not "this game is literally unplayable".

Like I believe you, I'm just curious why the major gap in opinion between SV and the general population.

Stockholm syndrome kicked in for most people re: game technical quality? :V

I honestly have no idea why.

It's really weird, because I checked out various forums (is it fora? I can never remember) and review aggregators before posting the above, and not many people seem to have had to the same experience. If anything, it looks like it's markedly the opposite. Shit, check out Metacritic as of today and see how many people praise the optimisation :V .

It could be something to do with the build I purchased because I got my copy from GoG and not Steam (and maybe Flying Hog forgot to release a unified version everywhere?), or it could be my machine that's causing the issues I've had. I'm a little sceptical of the latter because this shit is old but runs DOOM 2K16 comfortably on moderate settings, but I'm not an expert.