Why Can't My Worshippers Understand What I'm Saying?: A Well Intentioned God Quest

Honestly, while it's not exactly sensible to accept the deal... This is the sort of wager that's sort of a staple for beings of higher power. The wager between Philemon and Nyarlothotep from SMT come to mind. I'm inclined to accept it, because I believe our people can overcome this challenge. Others might feel differently, however, and that it's a risk with little gain.

Honestly I laud the imagination of anyone who can be horny for the interactions between two invisible bodiless/formless clumps of spacetime

There is nothing man cannot waifu. Whether it be battleships or planets. Indistinct cosmic being is simply another step on the ladder to waifu the concept of man itself.
It's not really about that. Mainly waifu the unbeing is to see if we can try to have a relationship of some kind with them. Maybe we can achieve some sort of balance or something. I don't know.

I just feel that this war was forced on us achieved we don't really have to fight the Unbeing.

It makes sense you feel that way because the War was forced on you. And the Unbeing would love to coexist with you.
So, I've given it some thought, and I'd like to amend a statement I made previously. We should infact not bully the unbeing, not anymore than isolating them already is anyway. It has occured to me that if we did that the suffering inflicted would only strengthen its belief in the end of consiousness and existence as a moral and ethical pursuit. After all if we did bully them, they'd probably just keep telling themself that the only reason we could make them hurt is because we had the will to do so and because they had been tainted enough to feel hurt.
[X]Agree. The more they become involved, the more poisoned they will become. And you believe that, with a little help from you, the Lek-kego have what it takes to overcome this 'seed' when they find it.
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With everyone and everything that they can't immediately unmake! They are fairly aggressive evangelists so co-existence is the best thing they can hope for when it comes to their goals.
And there lies a WOG that is now paradoxical to me.

The Unbeing approached our PC with words to the effect of "we like you, and have ignored you for so long because you are like us. Go back to being like us! We'd offer the others in your faction the same thing, but they are firm in their beliefs. So we don't do that anymore for those guys, but you are special."

What I'm seeing here is "The Unbeing unconditionally love existence that they seek to bring their gift of cessation to all. To everything they come in contact with, at anytime they come in contact with it."

I'm not changing my vote, because I want the lek-kego to have a trial run against the unbeing....

If we agree to allow the unbeing to do this, if our PC concludes the Lek-kego need to be scrapped, and start over with a new project, would the actions of the Unbeing stay or be unmade?

edit: nevermind, i think the answer to the bottom question is Unbeing can get inside the prison anyway, so whatever could be avoided would just happen later eventually.
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[X]Agree. The more they become involved, the more poisoned they will become. And you believe that, with a little help from you, the Lek-kego have what it takes to overcome this 'seed' when they find it.
[X]Agree. The more they become involved, the more poisoned they will become. And you believe that, with a little help from you, the Lek-kego have what it takes to overcome this 'seed' when they find it.
[X]Refuse. They can get their grubby hands off your people. As long as they are embedded here, they face slow accretion of context anyway.
Gotta keep our rocks safe from the outside until their ready to leave our little box until then we should protect them from the outside
[X]Agree. The more they become involved, the more poisoned they will become. And you believe that, with a little help from you, the Lek-kego have what it takes to overcome this 'seed' when they find it.
Adhoc vote count started by TheCynicalPogo on May 4, 2019 at 12:33 PM, finished with 62 posts and 32 votes.

  • [X]They need this a lot more than you do. Ignore them.
    [X]You're interested. It might give you a better idea of something to aim for.
    [x]You're interested. It might give you a better idea of what not to aim for.
    [X]Agree. The more they become involved, the more poisoned they will become. And you believe that, with a little help from you, the Lek-kego have what it takes to overcome this 'seed' when they find it.
    [X] Waifu the Unbeing.
    [X]Refuse. They can get their grubby hands off your people. As long as they are embedded here, they face slow accretion of context anyway.
    [X]Say something else. Specify what.
    -[X] Not that you're not interested-you are, but you'd like to say something: You've been conscripted, and forced to CREATE, by being smushed into this cage. So while you don't know what this wager is, you have something of a counter-wager- you're smushed into this world from the inside. This Unbeing shard is wedged in from the outside. Might the two of you together have the leverage to smash this cage open? And if they do? You'll leave the Lek-kego be.
    [X]You're interested.
    [X]Agree. The more they become involved, the more poisoned they will become. And you believe that, with a little help from you, the Lek-kego have what it takes to overcome this 'seed' when they find it.
    - [x] Waifu the Unbeing.
    [X]Agree. The more they become involved, the more poisoned they will become. And you believe that, with a little help from you, the Lek-kego have what it takes to overcome this 'seed' when they find it.
    - [x] Waifu the Unbeing.
Hmm. I like this plot point, but it doesn't seem to make much sense for us to invite it upon ourselves. We don't get anything out of it, and it's doubtful the Unbeing will be able to help us, even if it's willing, when the war eventually comes calling again. So...

[X]Refuse. They can get their grubby hands off your people. As long as they are embedded here, they face slow accretion of context anyway.
[X]Agree. The more they become involved, the more poisoned they will become. And you believe that, with a little help from you, the Lek-kego have what it takes to overcome this 'seed' when they find it.
[X]Agree. The more they become involved, the more poisoned they will become. And you believe that, with a little help from you, the Lek-kego have what it takes to overcome this 'seed' when they find it.
-[X] How about an additional condition. They must match your interventions. Whenever you make one, they get to make one of similar force, or save it up for later, and the same goes for the reverse Two saved interventions can be traded for the other party's cooperation on one intervention.
My opnion didnt change from when we first interacted with them.

[X]Agree. The more they become involved, the more poisoned they will become. And you believe that, with a little help from you, the Lek-kego have what it takes to overcome this 'seed' when they find it.

Tell me if I'm correct or not but it seems like the other gods have their people/weapons reject the Unbeing. What would happen if someone was confronted with the Truth of the Unbeing and instead of trying to kill themselves they simply accepted it and moved on?

I doubt the Unbeing would be able yo do anything to them since they are already technically converted, they simple aren't letting it affect them (much anyway.)

At the same time I feel the other gods would hate that and try to kill them for some reason.

If this is true then maybe we really cam live in balance with the Unbeing instead of waging war.

Unbeing in a nutshell
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[X]Refuse. They can get their grubby hands off your people. As long as they are embedded here, they face slow accretion of context anyway.

This is our first universe with people in it, so we have to see if we did it right. And that means letting them test themselves against Unbeing.

Tell me if I'm correct or not but it seems like the other gods have their people/weapons reject the Unbeing. What would happen if someone was confronted with the Truth of the Unbeing and instead of trying to kill themselves they simply accepted it and moved on?

I doubt the Unbeing would be able yo do anything to them since they are already technically converted, they simple aren't letting it affect them (much anyway.)

At the same time I feel the other gods would hate that and try to kill them for some reason.

If this is true then maybe we really cam live in balance with the Unbeing instead of waging war.

Unbeing in a nutshell

If you simply accepted it and moved on, you are presumably no longer bending your efforts towards the War so that'd be fine for them. People taking a neutral side to the War only ultimately help Unbeing.
But if you truly accepted it you would stop making things.
If you simply accepted it and moved on, you are presumably no longer bending your efforts towards the War so that'd be fine for them. People taking a neutral side to the War only ultimately help Unbeing.
But if you truly accepted it you would stop making things.
Oh never mind then. I thought something else would have happened.

Can we make the meseeks with the help of Unbeing or something?
[X]Refuse. They can get their grubby hands off your people. As long as they are embedded here, they face slow accretion of context anyway.
[X]Refuse. They can get their grubby hands off your people. As long as they are embedded here, they face slow accretion of context anyway.