...Who Needs Enemies? [AltPower!Taylor / Worm]

I wonder how the heroes will react to the results of Taylor's no death order. Maybe the heart attack and stroke people could escape scrutiny, but the guy with a bolt in his stomach and the person who came back on the autopsy table will probably spend the rest of their lives under a microscope.

Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm not sure how the person who was being partially dissected could be the Endbringers' fault. The timing seems off. The wording makes me feel like the autopsy was interrupted by the Endbringer sirens, but wouldn't that mean that whoever the corpse is died before Leviathan arrived?

Assuming that the looter Sophia shot isn't horribly damaged and can remember how he died, how much trouble will the PRT be in when he starts talking?

Finally, how do Endbringers induce amnesia? Most of the seventy-seven people would be students without access to alcohol like Danny did, so would they all trip and acquire brain damage? Have strokes?

77 highschoolers all having mild strokes that obliterate precisely 1 day of memory.

very subtle. no one will notice that.
What happened with Tattletale:

Simurgh: Command <TT-Shard>->Emulate Host.Yourself.Behavior

TT-shard: What would host do ? Assessing memories of past interactions, classifying momentary situation... comparing. Done. Conclusion: I'm a Zombie, I was dead and now aren't, therefore I'm a Zombie.

TT-shard: Clarify Zombie. Retrieving host memories... done. Suggested behavior: Feeding. Commencing.
Did The Steve say it was an autopsy or could it have been open heart surgery or something, if the EB interrupted surgery that would make it their fault.
- A man half-dissected in a morgue had his organs lifted and stuffed back into his body. His empty skull found it's brain returning to it, and through a combination of welding and watery manipulation of cells was repaired and then reactivated. His mind forever gone, barely above an animal, it was however, alive.
In a nutshell, if you wouldn't be dead if the Endbringers were not there then they have to fix you. Orders is orders.

If you would be dead only in a different fashion. Then you were put in the ignore pile.

Now, if you got fixed and then happened to kill someone, well that was because of the Order, and thus, not their fault.

And yeah, alive is defined as 'Not Dead', and they've seen a bunch of definitions of life in their time.

And if the time frame happened to be for the entire day, then you get a whole pile of false positives that do qualify as positives.

Now, we as human beings simply don't think in that scale unless we had a Thinker stapled to us.

Say it with me folks ASBMT™.

And, about halfway through next chunk.
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Well, we are on the right forum for legalese.
Too bad this isn't a quest. :V

A quest-this would either be very short, involve dimensional crossovers, involve fiction crossovers, involve some combination of two of those options, or involve all three of those options.

It'd be fun, as long as people didn't mind the main drama coming in the form of social, because all physical conflict could be solved by commissioning a lawyer.
Say it with me folks ASBMT(TM).

Not even that. Keep in mind that she is NOT directly ordering the Endbringers. She is issuing orders, which are compiled by QA into something the Endbringers can understand. It gets even worse when you realize that this is still a conflict-inducing shard, which means that loopholes won't just be a potential problem, but a definite one.

because all physical conflict could be solved by commissioning a lawyer.

Nah, get a programmer. Preferably one with C++ experience, exception handling, and security.
Not even that. Keep in mind that she is NOT directly ordering the Endbringers. She is issuing orders, which are compiled by QA into something the Endbringers can understand. It gets even worse when you realize that this is still a conflict-inducing shard, which means that loopholes won't just be a potential problem, but a definite one.
Nah, get a programmer. Preferably one with C++ experience, exception handling, and security.

C++ experience just means that he'll be able to work with clunky and asinine syntax that's reinforced by dumb conventions.

Hell, Java experience would probably be better since Taylor is essentially working with a Virtual Machine in the form of the Queen Administrator.
Who is also a lawyer.

I would argue against.

A lawyer doesn't so much deal in logic as much as precedence and procedure. A programmer deals in logic. In other words, a lawyer seeks to exploit the rules to his client's benefit while a programmer uses the rules to eliminate exploits.

The difference is:

Programmer: "IF this, THEN that, ELSE that other thing."

Lawyer: "Since this has happened this way in the past, then it should happen the same way now."

The programmer is the better choice b/c the lawyer would have no precedent or procedure to follow or exploit.
C++ experience just means that he'll be able to work with clunky and asinine syntax that's reinforced by dumb conventions.

I know, I've studied it. It's shortcomings are the reason I suggested it.

A C++ programmer approaches coding with the mindset of: "This code HATES me, and is looking for an excuse to mess up." A C++ programmer would've assumed something like Autopsy Man™ would happen, and would've issued instructions dictating what constitutes 'fault' in order to exclude him. He also would've gone back over Taylor's previous instructions regarding the rain and caught the "not our fault" loophole there. Professional C++ personnel are not programmers per se, but rather paranoid individuals with OCD and a keyboard. :)
Personally, I think "Autonomous Weapons Platform" is more accurate than "Space Battleship", but the difference is academic, pedantic, and semantic.