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A guide through the current thread marks of this quest.
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The Opening Post


Chaotically Inclined
Anything non-rude.
You, SV, are a shark. Specifically, a carcharodon carcharias, otherwise known as the Great White Shark. The same species as the titular shark from Peter Benchley's Novel, as well as the 1975 summer blockbuster, JAWS.

You are a twenty-three foot long hunter. The Queen of the Ocean(Male white sharks don't reach this size.) And you, have gained sentience.

But, why?

[ ] Nature's Wrath: You are a literal Force of Nature. You exist because the balance has shifted, and you are the equalizer. The oceans have been polluted, and filled with two-legged invaders onboard of boats which harm the denizens of the sea. You are the sea's revenge. Starting Infamy: Zero. Infamy Gain Rate: Normal.

[ ] Freak of Nature: You were born with gigantism, explaining your massive size. This also caused your brain to be larger, thus smarter. And being so large, you require more to fuel you massive body. Starting Infamy: Zero. Infamy Gain Rate: Slightly Higher.

[ ] The Folly of Man: You are an experiment, escaped into the wild. Mankind created you, and you will be their undoing. Starting Infamy: Hunted. Infamy Gain Rate: Reduced.

[ ] Mythical: The Gods themselves created you as punishment for mankind's folly. You are their perfect creation. Bonus: This one will not take place in modern times. Starting Infamy: Feared. Infamy Gain Rate: Extreme.

[ ] Write-In: Show me what you have Sufficient Velocity, and we'll 'sea' what we can do.

If you wish to come up with an overly elaborate backstory of how you got to this size, feel free.

Mechanics: There won't be much. Dice rolls will impact what the shark is capable of. Once you've accomplished a feat, you will not need to roll dice again to be capable of doing it. Simply using 20 sided dice. 1-10 are fails, 11-20 are passes. 1 being a critical failure, 20 being a critical success.

Edit: Mechanics may change to make the quest more difficult depending on what you ask for. If you have any ideas, I'm up for listening.

Infamy: This is how well known you are. Being a sentient shark that is capable of strategy and figuring out how things work and being capable of some of what may go down in this quest? You're going to become well known. The more infamous you are, the more likely it is to be actively hunted constantly. This can also involve us getting tagged with a tracer, unless you take the Mythical route.

Gain Rate: This is how fast you gain your fame. The actions you take will increase the rate. Being more infamous, will also increase the rate.


  1. Every single site rule applies. As would be the normal case.
  2. The morals of the shark are flexible, she can change into an anti-hero depending on choices.
  3. This quest may gain the mature tag, however I do not intend to go into graphic detail whenever the shark has to eat. It's natural to the shark and a part of its life.
  4. I am not making this quest to villainize sharks. They are not monsters. Anyone who starts to act like that is the case will be asked nicely to not do that.
  5. Please be nice and respectful to myself, our beautiful hungry shark, and each other.
  6. If I make a decision story-wise, please respect it. If my writing is poor or I make grammatical and or spelling mistakes? Feel free to correct me.
  7. Omakes and fanart are not demanded, however I will be rewarding them with bonuses on rolls when you ask for them.
  8. Have fun.


This quest was inspired partially by JAWS, Moby Dick, and other various nature horror ideas. It may take much more inspiration from the 2006 video game, JAWS: Unleashed.

You may vote at your leisure.

Oh, and feel free to come up with nicknames for our shark. This is as much my story as it is your's.
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Character Sheet

Infamy: Feared. Once the people of Atlantis realize what you are and why you are created, they will fear you. Most of them, anyways.

Gain Rate: Due to your nature as a mythical creation of the Gods' themselves, your infamy will rise at the utmost of rates.

Stats: The stats shall be added to the character sheet once I have the chance. Hunger is how hungry the shark is. The more she has eaten, the better she will be able to perform. HP is generally how much damage the shark is capable of taking. Strength, Intelligence, and Willpower are the only stats that we shall be keeping track of and one of them is capable of modifying every single roll that this quest shall entail.

Hunger: 500/????

HP: 1,500/?????

Strength: Strength based rolls will have a +10 modifier to them in your favor. This stat can and will fluctuate depending upon your hunger, health, and the progress made through the quest. Current minimum modifier is +5. Current maximum modifier is unknown.

Intelligence: Intelligence based rolls shall have a +20 modifier to them in your favor. This stat is currently static, though it is liable to change when unlocking new traits during the duration of the quest.

Willpower: Willpower based rolls will have a +5 modifier to them in your favor. This modifier can only be increased as the quest progresses, even throughout reincarnations of the shark.

  • Mythical Beast - You are a product of the Gods of this world. And therefore, you are their favored champion of the seas. Adds a bonus to all rolls when attacking anything that is not natural to the sea, depending on what it is you are after.
  • Albinism - Due to your mythical nature, you have been uplifted as different than other great white sharks. You are the only albino shark. This also makes sneaking up on surface dwelling prey more difficult as you do not bear the natural camouflage that other great whites have. Bears a negative to all stealth rolls.
  • Fury Re-InCarnate: As a creation of the Gods of the seas, your spirit is everlasting, and your soul, restless. Regardless of if your mortal form dies, you will be back. Quest Loss Condition Omitted: Death.
  • Temporary Trait : Hungry - You've fed in the past days, but with your now advanced size and intelligence, you need more sustenance than usual.

Theme: Could it have been anything else?

Known NPC's:

The Goddess behind your creation and uplifting. She has appeared before you and given you your task to dismantle Atlantis. She acts motherly towards you.
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Further Developments
You are the Gods' perfect revenge upon mortal-kind.

Trait Gained: Mythical Beast - You are a product of the Gods of this world. And therefore, you are their favored champion of the seas. Adds a bonus to all rolls when attacking anything that is not natural to the sea, depending on what it is you are after.

Trait Gained: Albinism - Due to your mythical nature, you have been uplifted as different than other great white sharks. You are the only albino shark. This also makes sneaking up on surface dwelling prey more difficult as you do not bear the natural camouflage that other great whites have. Bears a negative to all stealth rolls.

However, we must further disclose exactly which Gods, or create our own with our much more personalized setting.

[ ] Fantastical Setting: This is not the Earth, this setting will utilize fantasy creatures and mortals, as well as humans. The Gods can be of any pantheon.

[ ] Greek: You were the product of Zeus imploring his brother Poseidon to create the perfect oceanic predator to punish the fisherman and swimmers of Greece. Enemies would be Greek to Spartan champions, as well as other possible predators of the sea.

[ ] Norse: You are of Loki's design, a beast created to punish and chaos mayhem.

[ ] Write-in: I cannot seem to think of any other pantheons that would make sense. If you have one in mind, feel free.

And yes, for Fantastical we can either create our own pantheon or simply use one that's already established.
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Wrath of the Ocean Gods

Trait Gained: Fury Re-InCarnate: As a creation of the Gods of the seas, your spirit is everlasting, and your soul, restless. Regardless of if your mortal form dies, you will be back. Quest Loss Condition Omitted: Death.

You are not the creation of simply one God, nor even pantheon. Mortal kind across the realm and within the seas themselves have spited the Gods, and thus, you were created.


This is the final character gen vote, depending on the choice between these two shall gain a random ally, as well as a constant recurring enemy.

Which God was the primary factor behind your creation?

[] Poseidon - Zeus informed his brother that the people of Atlantis and their mermaid friends have turned against him and the other Gods of the sea, and thus Poseidon made council with the other deities, and thusly, you were created.

[] Calypso - (Taking some liberties and going a bit more Pirates of the Caribbean with her.) Being scorned by Odysseus due to the beckoning of Zeus, Calypso made it her mission to render the seas as unsafe as possible for all of mortal kind so that no man nor woman would ever find her in such a way again. This lead to her reaching out to other sea Gods, and creating you as well as other threats.

Edit: Somehow it slipped my mind that both Calypso and Poseidon are Greek. There will be things from other pantheons, as well as mythological and fantasy tales. There will be Elves and Dwarves and such.

You may debate and take guesses as to who grants whom, I shall not be telling you until it comes up in the quest. Regardless of the results of this vote, I shall be working on the first proper update over the next several days.

The Shark's starting goal shall be the dismantling of Atlantis.
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NOTICE: Read the Following.
There is something I would like to bring up and nip it in the bud. This shark is a villain protagonist. Meaning that she is not the good guy in comparison to the humans/elves/mermaids/mortals in general.

But that isn't to say that the mortals are all good either. Nor are the Gods. This is probably one of the more morally grey quests on the site, simply due to what we've created the shark to be. The revenge of the Sea Gods upon ocean dwelling mortals.

And dwelling upon the sea Gods, this quest isn't meant to portray any religion or particular belief. It is simply The Folly of Mortalkind Vs. The Shark.

One other point: This shark is not going to be genocidal. She will not kill every living being in Atlantis. I simply will not allow that because mythical or not, I highly doubt she'd be capable of doing it. However, she can cause the collapse of Atlantis as a Kingdom. I believe there is a difference as the people can still live, but the Kingdom, which is flawed due to their turning their backs on the Gods, is destroyed. (If I am mistaken in this definition, please enlighten me so that I may avoid genocide from our PC altogether. Not something I am comfortable with a leading character in any of my works doing.)

Any and all attempts to drive the shark towards the route of genocide will be shot the fuck down. Anyone who disobeys this now that I have stated this very clearly, will be fed to the shark(a.k.a. reported to the staff.)

Otherwise, I feel if we can all agree upon this then we can have ourselves a fun filled quest about a shark doing mythical shark things.
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Vote Closed!

Alright, ladies and gentlefish, the last vote of CharGen for our Great White Shark has been closed.

I'm starting work on the prologue to the Quest now, which will involve scenes from Atlantis and the creation of the shark in story.

As another minor heads up, not everything in this quest shall be from the shark's POV so as to add more perspective and story to it.
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The Legend Begins
The surface of the sea was calm, and beneath the gentle waves swam one of the Gods' finest creations, a twenty foot long great white shark. The shark was massive, with her steel grey snout leading towards a tall, somewhat scarred up dorsal fin. Her caudal fin swaying back and forth gently to push the creature forward.

There came a sudden commotion upon the surface, and the shark's gaze turned upwards as a bolt of lightning crackled through the sky. Unknown to the shark, the lightning bolt was unnatural due to the lack of clouds. The current around the shark began to shift, and this, she did notice. Her pace increased, but to no avail as the current turned into a whirlpool. However, the shark did not get sucked purely into the swirling water, instead, she rose out of it.

The shark began to panic as she rose from the sea and into the air, unable to breath she shook back and forth, gnashing and chomping her rows of serrated teeth at the air to bite at whatever invisible force was capable of holding her above the waves. Her efforts bore no fruit, as the lack of oxygen drove the shark even more mad and simply wore her out much more.

And with each thrash of her gigantic body, she grew more sluggish, and slow. Her mouth opening, and closing slower. The life, faded away from her eyes.

And then came a bolt of lightning which struck the corpse of the enormous shark, and the thunder boomed loudly and unnaturally around the open ocean as the whirlpool ceased, allowing the shark's body to reenter the water.

The once steel-grey coloring of the massive fish began to change to a shade much more like ice on the ocean, matching her underside. Her body began to extend, from the once twenty feet to a much larger and more intimidating twenty three feet long. Her eyes once again had life in them. Electricity crackled around the massive predator, reanimating her into the Wrath of the Gods.

Dun duh….


Life as you had known it previously, was over. Sentience. A consciousness unknown to you previously had now become known. You, had been uplifted by the Gods themselves into a being of mythical proportions.

You flicked your caudal fin, and began to move. Your form simply gliding through the water with the most graceful of ease. Your mouth opened, to allow more water and oxygen through your gills.

Before you, came a stir of light. And a soft, comforting voice that made your violent aggression cool to a gentle soothing harmony with the sea arose.

"My daughter, you have been uplifted." The voice spoke, as the light before you faded.

Before you, floating in the water and staring you directly in the eyes appeared to be a human woman with sunset colored hair, which floated beautifully amongst the waves. She wore a white sundress, and her eyes were as well the color of the sun. And those sunshine filled eyes burned with all the fury that the sun would have.

"I, am Calypso. I am the one who is responsible for you creation, my darling." The celestial woman simply drifted to you through the water, and a soft hand was placed upon your snout, while her other hand danced smoothly and soothingly along your side.

"You have been called forth due to the folly of mortals. Foolish breeds who were, like you, created by the deities of this realm. However, they have turned their back against them, and have scorned me." That word comes to you with an intensity that fills you with malice and anger towards the surface-dwellers, and the invaders of the seas.

"We have a mission, my beautiful daughter. Assigned to us by those, Gods," She said the word as if it drove anger through her heart, though she continued, "You shall be the instrument of their, and my revenge. As well as yours, for your brothers and sisters of the sea placed under the control of the King of Atlantis and its Denizens."

A purpose, other than to swim, and eat, and make little sharks.

Calypso continues to gently caress your being, floating along beside you as you move.

"But you and I shall have more work to do other than the foolish Sea King, his children and subjects. Soon, my darling creation. We must prove to Poseidon and his…" She does not say the word aloud, but 'awful' enters and swims around in your mind, "brother, Zeus, as well as Susanoo especially, and the rest of the Rulers of the Seas that you seem to be exactly whom they wish you to be. My perfect revenge. "

The Goddess' hand left your side, and she trailed away from you. As if she was never there. Now, filled with a purpose, you swim down into the depths, on the hunt.


And so, down into the deeper waters of the sea you swim. Down where the invaders live, towards Atlantis.


You are the shark. You're in control. You get to say what you'll do. Depending on what it is you choose to do to simply find a mermaid or denizen of Atlantis may require a dice roll.

How do you wish to begin your search for the Kingdom of Atlantis?


Goal Gained: Dismantle the Underwater Kingdom of Atlantis, city by City, Governor by Governor, Prince by Prince, and Bite by Bite of the King.

Stats: The stats shall be added to the character sheet once I have the chance. Hunger is how hungry the shark is. The more she has eaten, the better she will be able to perform. HP is generally how much damage the shark is capable of taking. Strength, Intelligence, and Willpower are the only stats that we shall be keeping track of and one of them is capable of modifying every single roll that this quest shall entail.

Hunger: 500/????

HP: 1,500/?????

Strength: Strength based rolls will have a +10 modifier to them in your favor. This stat can and will fluctuate depending upon your hunger, health, and the progress made through the quest. Current minimum modifier is +5. Current maximum modifier is unknown.

Intelligence: Intelligence based rolls shall have a +20 modifier to them in your favor. This stat is currently static, though it is liable to change when unlocking new traits during the duration of the quest.

Willpower: Willpower based rolls will have a +5 modifier to them in your favor. This modifier can only be increased as the quest progresses, even throughout reincarnations of the shark.

Temporary Trait Gained: Hungry - You've fed in the past days, but with your now advanced size and intelligence, you need more sustenance than usual.


You may discuss and vote at your leisure.

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Official QM Communication/Moratorium Start Post
Ladies and gentlemen, I got ahead of myself out of excitement for this quest.

No, I'm not cancelling it or anything. I love this. All of this.

But, I did a goof. I forgot to make a moratorium for you all to come up with plans for to vote on. And, so.

The vote is being, *ahem*, delayed for a moratorium for you all to analyze the vote plans that have been put forth and create new ones. Once the moratorium is lifted, you may vote on the general plan of attack on how to go after the Kingdom of Atlantis and its cities, such as Seatopia.

I'd also like to apologize for doing this. I was being a little to experimental with this, but hey. We're at nine pages in less than a week. We can continue.

Moratorium: All votes prior to this update are null. However, the vote plans are valid. I'll list them below.

[] Plan Troy Shark
-[]Calypso said other sharks are under the control of Atlantis. Explore the borders of Atlantis and see how they are treated/to which degree they are under control. If they're left relatively free to move (no collars/chains/leash) let yourself be captured/tamed. Fake submissiveness.(Will require an intelligence check to ensure shark 'acts natural' enough.)
--[]Once you've been fed and are in the place in which you can deal the most damage while still being able to escape if overwhelmed go crazy and kill/eat as many as possible. Try to avoid soldiers and aim for civilians, especially kidsYounger adults/teens. We want max terror.

[]Plan Little Sharks
-[] Start swimming towards Atlantis
-[] Eat anything not shark along the way until you feel full
-[] Make sharks follow you on your trip
-[] Make little sharks

[]Plan Fear
-[] Find isolated trade caravans.
-[] Kill them in as swift a manner as possible.
-[] Allow minimal survivors.
--[] Feed on the way, as well as on victims within the caravans.

[] Plan Ooh Ha Ha
-[] Hunt outskirts of Atlantis for solitary prey.
-[] Try to be less hangry by picking off stragglers. (Starting with older/younger/injured prey, if possible)
-[] Once mostly satiated, eat one only a little bit. (Pretty sure they don't need all those limbs!)
-[] Lie in wait for other prey to attempt aid.
-[] Ambush responders, rip and tear until it is done.

Current Time for me: About 6 P.M. The Moratorium will be for twelve hours. So, 6 A.M. tomorrow morning about when I wake up. You may discuss and present vote ideas to use for the vote.
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