Where the Kami Blow (L5R Minor Clan Gaijin Land Quest)

I can't believe it took me this long to realise that cat stuff is talking about the Lynx.
@gman391 curious why you chose to turn away from your own set of questions?

Because asking the Fae for more usually means you have to give them something, and I'd rather give and receive something more that we can handle, rather than
"Alright I need your first born" or something like that.
Do keep in mind, the fae offer to give you blessing, gifts, and answers. You are determining priority and order. But you patterns and choices are being noted.
Eyes in the Dark 5 Of gifts and Questions
Blessings Chosen:
#2 Fer a year and a day, the shadows shall turn away the eyes of those how would seek harm to you and yours in their effort to regain a lost glory, long denied to them
#3 Within the depths of the darkest months of this your first year, joy shall come to yours and the chill of winter shall feel abated.
#4 Nae court shall be allowed to pluck from the people of the Cat to fill their numbers or slate their hungers until the seventh daughter of a seventh son's seventh son comes into her own and is acclaimed by all the courts.
What are the Courts?
What is done to keep their ire at bay?
What is below the settlement?

"Honorable Lady, if you would grant on my clan the blessing you offered from the second on, great would be our appreciation. To be given shelter from hostile eyes, joy in the winters, and your earnest safe guard is far more than I would have considered asking." Bowing low, you keep close watch on your odd and mercurial guest.

With a wide flourish of her fine boned hands, Teine scattered the encroaching shadows. Taking a step towards you, the fae stumbles slightly before sitting down heavily upon the sea chest once more. Leaning forward, she blows sweat dampened hair from her eyes. "I do nae mind admitting, that kinda shaping takes the piss outta me." A tired smile greets your gaze, as she leans further forward; the loose nature of her attire disguised by nothing but the fall of her hair. "Well, An Cait, while I rest here a spell would you care to tell me what it is you desire next? Your Gifts of your Answers?"

You too slowly lower yourself to a camp chair across from your guest. "Lady Teine, no further gifts are truly needed. By your presence and actions on behalf of my people, I am well satisfied. Though if you wish to indulge my curiosity, this humble shugenja would be appreciative."

From across the room her eyes seem to spark once more," An Cait, do not seek to make an oathbreaker of me. Three threes I offered, three threes you shall receive. But in the now, what questions would ye have of me? Think well and ask with care mine host; while i still think the being over kind, as opposed to over rude."

Bowing in your seat, a contrite apology leaves your lips; "Honored guest, I seek no such thing. I merely wished to express that your generosity is appreciated. While we have spoke, I have chosen my answers as you have put it. Firstly I would know more of your Courts, what are they? Of second, how can I remain in their good graces, as we do not seek offense. An lastly, what can you tell me of what rests beneath our streets?"

Before your eyes, the fire in the fae before you seems to gutter; as she leans heavily forward, resting her chin on an upraised knee. Eyes of flat green rest heavily upon you, filled with a lonely despair. "Could ya nae have asked of happier things? Something with a taste of joy to it? The face of your bride, the name of your eldest child's eldest, or the name of the sea perhaps? But nay, given such a chance I see you posses a core of gold and a scholars mind. Nay answers for yourself, just what is best for yours. Dinna always live this way An Cait, it is a cold an lonely road." Holding up her hand to forestall any objections, she gives you a feral smile once more. "My kin do not care for their dirty linens to be aired in the square, but you have asked. And blessings above, for the right reasons. Let any displeasure from this fall on my head an if they dinna loik it, they can go fuck a troll."

Straightening, Teine closes her eyes and begins to speak. "Listen ye well, fer this is a tale I will tell but once. Of the Courts of the Fae you would know, what are we? To know what we are now, ye must first know what we were. From the One, to the Five, to the Riven Four; all of these are what we were and what we were we are still. In elden days, before the time of my sire or his we were fae, and nothing more. Wild and unguided, each a kingdom of one; we did as we pleased and made sport with your kind when we crossed paths. But in a day this changed, when blood from the heavens did fall and the spirits of death found themselves satiated fer what I hope will e'er be the last time. On that day a great tear was made in the 'evans, and those of our kin with the keenest of eyes did swear they saw from it fall nine figures and one struck limb. And as they did fall the first of these figures did bleed and its blood mingled with that of the severed limb, er it struck earth within our realms. Shortly thereafter, did the banshees grow fat with life lost and dark clouds cover the sun. And thus did the Shattering of Kith and Kin begin."

Kneeling by the hearth, Teine gracefully drifts her fingers through the soot and ash, before applying it to her face like tears by her eyes. "Where the damn limb landed, blood pooled rounds; warm and fresh as a fresh cut wound. Deep did it lie in the hollow of its impact and long did it upwell. And from far and near came the curious, the greedy, and the stupid for in this blood was power. 'Owever, unknown then, within the blood lay madness and a hollowing. A growing emptiness that carved away at those who would sup from it. Nevertheless, not all were blind to the rot, and they withdrew from the arm that would not rot. To high hills and deep halls, woods and fen, they withdrew to debate, to argue, and to plan. From this debate came the Five of old. One for the destroying of the untouched arm, One for its ignoring, one for it containment and observation, the forth for its mastery. And the fifth, damned fifth for its worship." As she spoke, around Teine's brow did gather motes from the fire. Flitting through patterns of flame, flower, shield, and claw before dispersing on the last description. "To our lasting shame, while the gathered debated and argued, the fifth withdrew back to their alters and the crater and on its walls did they build the first of their great keeps. From the blackened walls of the crater, they carved forth walls and towers, gates and bowers seeking to guard their hellish trophy. They roofed over the great pit, to shield their activities from outside eyes and dedicated themselves to the study of the artifact and its way. In their ignorance and divisiveness, did they Four chose to ignore them and spend their days in argument and insult; growing more divided and angered."

Upon your floor, in yet more ash Teine has begun to draw. First a sunburst to the north, then a rose to the west. Across to the east a shield, while to the south a clawed paw. In the center, naught but a patch of black soot, a nothing to fill the void. "In their division they failed to note, where once the fifth were fae, they had become Other. Twisted of form and hollow of soul, often little more than warped shadow, they were united in their worship above all else. And in their unity, they stuck. But while they struck out fiercely they struck poorly. Lashing out at all whom they called disbelievers, taking captives of the young, and slaughtering others they offended all of the Four in a moment. An on that day did we teach the human kind of this land a new word. War. My sire has spoken me about this foit; twas a war without mercy or quarter. By its end, the be damned fifth were pushed beneath the mountains and their cities razed, but the victors found themselves much diminished. While we made war, the humans of this realm grew in number and strength, claiming this realm for themselves. In noticing this, the final division was struck."

In the soot and ash, she proceeds to draw mountains above the center image while using her fingers to draw an odd glyph into the darkness. It almost feels like it is drawing the room's shadows into it, as a tinge of nausea touches you. "Fir Bolg, tis the term used by the humans of this land to name that which dwells beneath. An it will serve here for the damned fifth. As far as the rest, the war did not allies make, not truly. Over the course of the fightin, there were betrayals an double crosses, with those of differin factions bein sent on forlorn hopes. And now the question of what to do with yer ilk." Tapping the sunburst Teine continued, "The Court of Summer, aggressive and fiery buggers, they felt that the old ways were best. Tradition and precedent, fae were the ruler before; why not now? Yon humans just need to be learned their place in things again an all will be well under the sun. But you'll find they ave a loving for nobility and honor, lost causes an final charges be their delight."

Waving her hand above the rose, she smirks. "The dreaming Court o' Spring, full of hopes and wishes with nary a drop o' substance among em. Twittering about how yer folk can be lifted to join us as fae in time. An until then livin in harmony like ivy on a wall. Ne'er you mind that ye dinna need our meddling to direct ya. They fancy themselves as gardeners and caretakers, whether ye want to be husbanded or nay. And like any breeder of beasts, how they love to tweak and improve on their stock. Worst of all, given their want, ye will love them fer it." Nodding to the southern quarter, her face take on a somber mien. "I joke an twit about the fools of Spring, but they hold no candle to the beasts of Winter. While Summer seeks dominion an control, Winter would see ye dead and gone. What they canna control they wish removed. They will deal with ye mortal, but they will never deal fair. If a weasel way can be found in an oath, 'twill be taken. If a desire can be granted to lead to ruin, 'twill be offered. Ne'er ferget, they want the old world back, with nary a human to be seen."

"An then the set to whom I find meself kin", smiles Teine with a flourish. "Now I admit meself a wee bit biased here, but we 'ave yer best interests at heart. Well in our own way. Our view is that ye can be left to yer own devices and we can do our own thing to the side. Neh quite live an let live, but close. Yer to interesting not to watch and besides we made things this way should we no make sure you don't suffer fer it? While Spring likes to take from yer kind for toys, Summer for fodder, and Winter for sport; to us ye have a greater chance of being if nae an equal, still a partner. Half-bloods like meself are equal members since we can understand ya far better than any pure blooded fae. Sides, yer too much fun to let die off." With a Kick of her foot, Teine sweeps the ash off your floor and waving her hand casts it back onto you fire. "Oh, an as fer how to make us all like you; ye can't. Winter hates you, Summer thinks yer uppity bugs, and Spring wants to breed ya and play with yer kin. But to not offend, simply be true. Don't attempt deception with em, be no a coward. Courage is respected by all and honor by most. Dinna invade ares ye know to be held by another unless you come as a guest, lest you seek conflict. Ye will no find us think on the ground, so you dinna need to worry about offending with every step. An of the Fir Bolg, yer presence her offends them, they wish you and all yer kind dead. But most of all they wish this land back."

"An before ye get yer dress in a twist, what lies beneath yer feet I think yer smart enough to guess? On this spot yer kind have built a home six times prior, an six times they've come ta grief. The last an most recent were kin of my blood; fer their sake I give you thanks and reward. Beneath your streets are the ruins of those before ye, home and foundries, walls an graves. Teas the village of my birth ye moved into and twas the ruins of another that their ancestors set down on. But go deep enough and ye will find why it is the Fir Bolg have come upon yer set time an again. The first o' their keeps was here and here it remains, buried deep. The Fir Bolg lust fer its core but never have they been allowed to reclaim it. Within the depths with wards tight round, there the arm remains. An ne'er should they be allowed to claim it, fer without it they are leaderless and weakened."

[] Swear to Guard it.
[] Swear to Destroy it.
[] Plan to Move.
[] Plan to Study it.

"And now comes the fun part my An Cait", Laughs Teine as she wipes the soot from her face. "As ye have given me a fine gift, let me give you yours; and in the doing let us finish our business this night and part as friends. As before and so again, four shall be offered; three to keep an one to spurn. Think well and be true, for all gifts have two edges. An Cait, the first of my offerings to ye is this, I offer you a tool that shall never break, a blade that shall never bend. Second, I would grant you a mere token of luck, to keep you shielded from harms. Nextly, mayhaps you have a wee bit of taste, a sense of style even." With a quick twirl, she flourishes her cloak. "I would make you a gift of a cloak to match mine, to keep the kill of winter from yer bones. And last, but fer from least; I offer you a kiss from one who would call you friend, an perhaps more one a future day."

Choose Your Gifts

[] A tool that shall never break, a blade that shall never bend.
[] A Token of Luck, to Shield from Harm
[] A cloak of yer own, too keep the chill from yer hide.
A Kiss From One Who Would Call you Friend, An' Perhap More One Day.
Technically you are men from the west and there are monsters under the mountain. But amusingly enough, the limb she describes does have it's origin in Rokugani lore. It's very early, pre-empire lore.
Shit that's Onnotangu's arm isn't it...but wait where'd the Obsidian Hand come form then?
[X] Swear to Guard it.

[x] A tool that shall never break, a blade that shall never bend.
[x] A Token of Luck, to Shield from Harm
[x] A Kiss From One Who Would Call you Friend, An' Perhap More One Day.
Last edited:
[x] A tool that shall never break, a blade that shall never bend.
[x] A Kiss From One Who Would Call you Friend, An' Perhap More One Day.
[X] A cloak of yer own, too keep the chill from yer hide.

Hopefully the cloak that will " keep the kill of winter from yer bones" will help against the winter court.
Without going down looking for it, there's no good way to tell :whistle:
[Q] Don't look for the Obsidian Hand
How about no? As for the vote, the first one seems more important than the gifts. However I have no idea what to do except I'm too stubborn to move. I don't really know what we'll get from studying it and the important question of why didn't the Fir Bolg settle down here again after the last six invasions or take it with them makes me wonder if other factions will intervene at some point. Probably best not to destroy it then.

Does that logic make sense? I have no clue.
[X] Swear to Guard it.

[x] A tool that shall never break, a blade that shall never bend.
[x] A Token of Luck, to Shield from Harm
[x] A Kiss From One Who Would Call you Friend, An' Perhap More One Day.
[X] Swear to Guard it.
[x] A Kiss From One Who Would Call you Friend, An' Perhap More One Day.
[X] A cloak of yer own, too keep the chill from yer hide.
[x] A Token of Luck, to Shield from Harm
[X] Swear to Guard it.

[x] A tool that shall never break, a blade that shall never bend.
[x] A Token of Luck, to Shield from Harm
[x] A Kiss From One Who Would Call you Friend, An' Perhap More One Day.
[X] Swear to Guard it.
[x] A Kiss From One Who Would Call you Friend, An' Perhap More One Day.
[X] A cloak of yer own, too keep the chill from yer hide.
[x] A Token of Luck, to Shield from Harm