Wasn't that Brainiac? This Superman was, at the beginning, to talk to Stalin's son who had just shot him and was really wanting to be the next leader himself, I feel like his default action, before Brainiac started to puppet him, would have been to have a sit-down with the dissenters, and either explain to their satisfaction why the problem was occuring, or change the policy. In the animated series, he kills Stalin outright with his laser vision when the extent of his monstrosity is revealed, to save peasants, I feel he'd go to similar extent to all the citizens of the SU. He is, after all, probably the only person to fully believe in the Soviet constitution.
A lot of rebels and domestic unrest are going to make Superman make some interesting decisions. He is the GenSec, after all, so if he intervenes on behalf of a black man in a KKK mob, it's not the hero of Truth, Justice, and the American Way telling them to stop, it's the leader of the uncontested superpower. Can he afford to do that? Can he afford not to?
What happens when Socialist rebels appeal for his aid in resisting oppression? Forget Cuba, what happens if workers in Paris ask for his aid, when they go on strike? Can the French Government even resist the strike, out of fear of Kryptonian intervention?