What's the most Cringeworthy Alternate History you've ever read?

Nah Sternberg has been a meme since history YouTube videos started talking about him and he honestly deserves it, he was a living breathing meme.
I personally think Semyonov is more of a meme. I want a HoI4 mod were you can play his dreams of a pan-mongol empire in Asian Russia.
Does anyone else find it hilarious that so many of these maps have an openly pagan Reich allied with some of the most devout countries in Europe?
Even though politics did play a part, by the 20th century it was things like mutual political and economic interests that play a bigger part. I mean, we had a formerly strongly anti-Communist USA fighting alongside the strongly anti-Capitalist USSR for OTL WW2. And while many Catholics and Orthodox Christians would be uncomfortable working with an openly Germanic pagan empire, it's not like they can do anything about it; the Reich can just express its displeasure very strongly.
One wonder why the "mapmaker" didn't just post a screenshot of the HoI game itself. :rolleyes:
Because it would be too obvious? :p
I mean, that one is clearly non-serious and ASB.

Also, you should watch the rest of his videos. They are good.

Oh believe me I have. Only Ethereal Snake can take the premise of "Mickey Mouse the Vietnam Vet" and make a masterpiece out of it.
I prefer "Thomas was following orders". The twist is, to be quite frank, rather amusing (if rather bleak). It's (I'm guessing) sequel is also well done and rather touching, though the Uncanny Valley bit might put you off at first (I know I was hesitant to click on it).
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A conversation in another thread reminded me of something. Assassin's creed has it that Anastasia Romanova survives the Russian Revolution and becomes possessed by a Ming Chinese Assassin because she touched a box.
Does anyone else find it hilarious that so many of these maps have an openly pagan Reich allied with some of the most devout countries in Europe?
It's ideologically inconsistent, admittedly; but even in real life the rabidly racial supremacist Nazis allied with the exceedingly non-"Aryan" Japanese. Even called them "honorary Aryans".

If there's one thing fanatics are good at, it's rationalizing away inconsistencies that get in the way of them doing whatever they want.
A conversation in another thread reminded me of something. Assassin's creed has it that Anastasia Romanova survives the Russian Revolution and becomes possessed by a Ming Chinese Assassin because she touched a box.
That is... incredibly dumb, but then again, the Assassin's Creed timeline isn't exactly what you'd call logical. I mean, WW2 was entirely a Templar plot, for example. No, I'm serious; Hitler, Stalin, FDR and Churchill were all Templar and agreed to do the war to reshape the world "according to plan".

Yeah, Assassin-possessed Anastasia Romanova isn't the dumbest or most mind-boggling thing in that timeline.
Nazis vs. The Bloody White Baron, they each more-or-less control a continent, and something like three quarters of humanity would have the misfortune of being (at least indirectly) ruled by one or the other? I'd want off that planet!
I wouldn't want to stay in that world either, but there is a silver lining; what's the USA doing? Do we know anything about it? Is it the one bastion of freedom in the world, or is it another semi-fascist hellhole with a veneer of democracy? If the latter, the best this world could be used for is wargames and RTS. If the former... well, it would be fun to see heroic liberators giving the ol' one-two to the forces of tyranny and liberating the Old World from their clutches.

Anyone know where that's from?

EDIT: nvm, found it.
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It's ideologically inconsistent, admittedly; but even in real life the rabidly racial supremacist Nazis allied with the exceedingly non-"Aryan" Japanese. Even called them "honorary Aryans".

If there's one thing fanatics are good at, it's rationalizing away inconsistencies that get in the way of them doing whatever they want.
Also, I doubt many would want to be burned by the wrath of the Black Sun.
It's ideologically inconsistent, admittedly; but even in real life the rabidly racial supremacist Nazis allied with the exceedingly non-"Aryan" Japanese. Even called them "honorary Aryans".

If there's one thing fanatics are good at, it's rationalizing away inconsistencies that get in the way of them doing whatever they want.
Didn't Goering try to create an uprising in the USA by declaring the Native Americans "Honorary Aryans" to get them to turn on the American government? Or was that apocryphal?

Basic POD seems to be Pertinax survives ( And thus the Praetorians don't literally auction off the Emperorship) and reforms the empire enough to were it survives to modern day. Were it still practices slavery and crucfixation somehow. The world building has Issues

The books are set in a world where The Roman Empire never ended. Rome rules over all of Europe, the Middle East, South America and the north half of Africa. The Nionian Empire rules most of East Asia and Oceania and shares North America with Rome. And the Sinoan Empire covers most of central Asia. The south half of Africa comprises separate states unified under the banner of Independent Africa.

Basic POD seems to be Pertinax survives ( And thus the Praetorians don't literally auction off the Emperorship) and reforms the empire enough to were it survives to modern day. Were it still practices slavery and crucfixation somehow. The world building has Issues
People keep on reinventing 1984 for some reason.