The sheer volume of wrong, Orientalism and total economic illiteracy is giving me a headache before going into the "long live colonialism!" bullshit.
Not to mention retreading the common misconception that Japanese isolationism was this absolute thing: Japan's trade with foreign nations actually
increased after the Tokugawa Shogunate enacted the Sakoku Policy. It's simply that Japan's trade ceased to be with Spain and Portugal and instead was conducted with the Netherlands which was much less interested in missionary activity (which the Tokugawa saw as a major threat) than the Catholic Iberian powers were. Moreover, the constant movement of the Tokugawa court actually
stimulated regional centres of trade and thus generated more wealth even in regions which were peripheral to its authority. So isolationism actually brought considerable benefits to Japan's internal economy while still allowing it access to the foreign goods it wanted. In light of this information, we could make the argument that isolationism benefited Japan's economy, perhaps even more than it harmed it.
CalBear, like a lot of people who discuss Hong Kong, tends to forget that Hong Kong's democratic tradition and laws only came about at the
very end of Hong Kong's existence as a British colony when it had already been agreed that the handover would take place in 1997. For all CalBear crows about the greatness of British democracy, Hong Kong didn't have it: it was directly ruled by an unelected Governor appointed by the British government. We can't judge the British legacy in Hong Kong favourably by actions which took place in the last few years of British rule when Hong Kong had previously experienced
decades of rule as a colony by a nation which had seized control by force of arms.
And honestly, if you read his TLs, it's really obvious that he has a deep and abiding love for Britain, so he tends to overlook the uglier aspects of Britain's history as a great power. Not to mention a certain degree of
hard men making hard decisions that seems to underwrite a lot of it.
Oh my god, CalBear is a racist.
I'd also add misogyny to that list. If you ever see any thread where he even incidentally discusses his opinions on Hillary Clinton or Nancy Pelosi, it's so obvious that he's barely containing his loathing for them. He basically put down Trump's election to Hillary being bad, which is... pretty fecking quick to overlook how awful Trump is. He also absolutely, positively, LOVES guns and gun rights and goes into any thread where gun control comes up and basically spends the whole time naysaying about how "it'll never work!" but in such a way that makes it so patently obviously that he thinks gun control doesn't work because
he doesn't want it to.
He also feels the need to mention that, among his circle of friends in real life, he's considered a liberal on gun rights. But that just makes it more damning. If CalBear has to show that he's liberal by the standards of gun nuts, then, by Jove, he's still a gun nut.