Whatever He Choose (No SV, You are Jaime Lannister)

Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Apr 12, 2024 at 3:46 PM, finished with 28 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X]Politic: You will talk to father, and try to weasel you way into finding a solution that will benefit him, as well as let you leave.
    [X]Ask for Cersei's help: Your sister was always the better of the two of you at the whole politiking, maybe she can help you.
    [X]Complain: Father promised you would get to squire elsewhere, so you will make sure he honors that promise.
    [x] Music: Seek out a musical instrument and someone to teach you how to play. If Rhaegar can do it then you can do it better.
    [X]Write in: go questing, rather than sitting around letting your skills wane or going through the issues of politik you think you will instead make a name for yourself and win glory through traveling the Lannister lands. perhaps at most you might fight some bandits but even your father will agree that making a name for yourself among all levels of society within the lands in your own right will serve you better than being known as only another Lannister.
    [X] Act: Instead of asking Cersei for help, you try to think what she would do to convince Father and act on it.
Yes look where it got him.
Eh, I wouldn't say that in of itself was what caused this. Our loss and then inaction after that caused it. If we had snuck into the melee or joust, even if we didn't win. We would have likely performed well enough to where no one would care about our loss to Bonifar.

Had we won against Bonifar, I could understand sitting out the Tourney. But after losing that bad? I don't see the reasoning there.

If anything, this should be a wake up call. We should take risks because look at where not committing got us. Also, we have one L and you want to play it safe from now on? Are you perhaps a…craven? 🧐

You needn't worry. The Jaime comeback arc is going to be legendary. Buddy is going to become an unstoppable force of nature with a sword.
My Name is
My Name is:

[]Politic: You will talk to father, and try to weasel you way into finding a solution that will benefit him, as well as let you leave.

You sat in your father's quarters, waiting for him to appear, and it was strange to think about so many things that had occurred and changed. The thing that you still wanted to see if Father changed anything…

There was the portrait of Mother watching over the bed, and how she had not changed… so unlike her final days where she screamed. Screamed and screamed.

But instead, you found yourself looking at it, wondering what she would think about everything… and everything that changed.

The door opened and you stood as your father frowned at your presence. "Hiding?" He seemed more annoyed than surprised now.

"Waiting." You said, trying your best not to show fear. "For you, to talk."

Father did not seem surprised. In fact, he seemed to be happy. "I am glad you understand that there is a role for you to play. Kevan is going to be-"

"That isn't what I'm talking about." You stated, and that caused your father to stop. He was not surprised at all. "I'm talking about how to regain my glory and that of our family."

A moment passed, and you could almost see Father smile, almost laugh, but then you realized that it was not laughter but rage, that was closely guarded. "No."

That made you feel strange, but you instead felt a bit of… well inconsiderateness. You did not want to listen to him or his reasons, you instead wanted him to listen to your own reasons.

And those reasons were well thought out.

Stopping Father: D100 + 20 => 80 vs D100 + 40 => 79

"No Father, I have something to say," You said as you stood up, and looked him in the eyes. You could feel something growing in your gut, fear, and bravery in equal measure, but the bravery finally won, because you felt something else that was deep in your heart.

The same feeling that Bonifar was talking about, how the Stranger was watching you now, and how one mistake would be your death. And you would not make a mistake.

"And you are going to listen."

Father for his part raised an eyebrow and instead held out his hands. "Then speak Jaime." His tone softened, not in fear, but in reluctance, and curiosity. He wanted to hear what you said.

And you only had one thing to say. "My inaction caused me to lose face to the King, and lose reputation well earned by your loyal service. I had planned to sneak into the Melee or joust, but I instead followed your commands."

"Are you implying that-" Father began.

"No, I'm implying that had I not followed your commands, I would have done far better and salvaged my mistakes." You replied. "It was because I did not act for the benefit of the family. Which I should have."

Father remained silent as if pondering the words you have spoken. "And you think that by doing this, rather than learn to be a lord, you will bring glory to yourself and to the family."

The Coup De Grace:D100 + 20 => 87 vs D100 + 40 => 57


It was the confidence that made your father nod.

There was something unspoken now said between the two of you.

You would win, or you would die.

Father came back, with both a list of names and places to go.

What do you do? Do you Remain in the Westerlands?:

If you remain in the Westerlands, who do you Squire under:
[]Lord Sumer Crackhall: Your Father's choice, a man who is of good station and travels extensively for tournaments and wealth, while also being competent at matters of state and diplomacy. You will also be with Family, Merrit Frey, your cousin, and another young squire, Addam Marberiad.
[]Ser Janos Clegane: The Houndmaster, as he is called. He is poor, but a brutal taskmaster for training, as his sons Gregor and Sandor have shown remarkable progress as his squires. But there are rumors around Gregor, rumors that are unsettling to say the least.
[]Lord Garth Greenfield: Garth Greenfield is perhaps the most well-traveled Tournament knight in the Westerlands, viewing Greenfield more as a vacation home than as a seat of his house, and leaving much of the governing to his advisors. He has been desperate for a squire since he knighted him, and has been looking for one who can handle his traveling regiment. You will be alone, with only him.

If you say no, where do you go?:

[]King's Landing: The King will not accept your presence in the Capital or in the crownlands. He says you bring great shame upon your house.

[]The North: You want to fight in the Northen Melees, in a land without the seven… or rather, without the six that they handle… the Stranger was the only one here.
-[]Lord Wyman Manderly: Lord Wyman Manderly is a young man, not well known and not well traveled, but he had that northern charm, and he was a fan of the melees. But he is no combat soldier, more a sailor.
-[]Lord Joer Mormont (DC: 40): Lord Jeor is one of the most battle-hardened to the man… and Bear Island suffers raids from wildings, pirates… and more.
-[]Lord Rickard Stark (DC: 80): Lord Stark does not suffer much. You have to convince him.

[]The Riverlands: Lord Tully has many knights willing to squire you, and it would make allies in the East.
-[]The Blackfish Tully (DC: 60): The Blackfish is trying his best to try and make things better for his family, and despite being unmarried, he is training many squires, including one Peytr Balish.
-[]Lord Jonos Bracken: Lord Jonos is a foolish man who would rather sell his services than train. It is true. But his son has been entirely self-taught, and despite being only 13, is considered a prodigy, just like you.
-[]Lord Jason Mallister: The Lord Mallister is another traveling tourney knight, and one who spends time going around doing his duties practicing statesmanship, and imparting wisdom to his squires. He is also, considered by many, the best horseman in the seven kingdoms.

[]The Vale: Father is trying to do something here, and you don't know what it is.
-[]Lord Jon Arryn (DC: 50): Jon Arryn is an old War buddy of Father, in his words, he is a good man who is old, strong, and always training, and learning, despite his statesmanship. He also has two other squires. Eddard Stark, and young Robert Baratheon. But he might not accept, because he already has two squires.

[]The Reach: The Tyrells are trying to play a game here, and your father knows it. He hopes your smart enough to realize something. You will be in danger here.
-[]Lord Mace Tyrell (DC:30): Lord Tyrell wants to have a nice… ally to your father. And there is things you will learn. One of them being… that you were a tool, nothing more.
-[]Lord Rayndall Tarly (DC: 50): The Young Lord Tarly is one of the most skilled knights and battle commanders in the Kingdom, in his words and that of many who have faced him. He is also, notoriously, brutal to his squires and does not want them to go to tournaments, he wants them to be killers and soldiers.
The Very Greatest
The Very Greatest

Jaime was lost. His mind reeling still from his visit to King's Landing, oh how he wished to take it all back. He wanted to bury himself in the deepest hole the Rock had and never emerge again. His father's words stung him more than he would ever admit, he was an embarrassment. Jaime had dreamt of being the greatest knight to ever live, to reach the highest pillars of glory and honor the world could possibly offer…but he failed.

The entire ride back to Casterly Rock, Jaime could swear it upon the Father that he could hear the laughs of court. It haunted his nights, had his dream ended before it could even begin? Would he spend his days at the Rock sitting through endless lessons with Uncle Kevan? He simply couldn't imagine a worse fate, except death. The death that Bonifar, that damn knight that had humiliated him, told him loomed close behind him…and that scared him more than any mundane lesson.

Jaime found himself haunted by dreams of his mother the night he returned to the Rock, but also of something different. He couldn't quite understand what he was seeing, a jumble of memories, both sweet and bitter. He couldn't stand it, the games his own mind played with him, so he wandered. He didn't know exactly where, it's not as if he could leave the rock. Even if he snuck out in the night, if the guards didn't catch him, the hounds almost certainly would. He wound up in the bowels, perhaps he found the place oddly comforting. He had fond memories of seeing the lions, and perhaps he felt somewhat like them now. He may not have been caged in a literal sense, but he felt caged to a life he dreaded. To spend his days at the Rock, watching the life he wants pass him by. He wanted out, to prove that he isn't an embarrassment, to show everyone what he could be.

As if the lions felt his internal struggle, they stirred. Rattling their cages and roaring louder than Jaime had ever heard before. Jaime could feel it now, stronger than ever before. The fire that blazed within him, desperate to get out. He couldn't let another moment pass that he spent idle, hating himself.

He had to be a knight worthy of his mother, he had to be... the very greatest

P.S please forgive this horrid beast that I have cooked up. Just thought about it and figured I might as well share it.

[x] Lord Garth Greenfield: Garth Greenfield is perhaps the most well-traveled Tournament knight in the Westerlands, viewing Greenfield more as a vacation home than as a seat of his house, and leaving much of the governing to his advisors. He has been desperate for a squire since he knighted him, and has been looking for one who can handle his traveling regiment. You will be alone, with only him.
Eh, I wouldn't say that in of itself was what caused this. Our loss and then inaction after that caused it. If we had snuck into the melee or joust, even if we didn't win. We would have likely performed well enough to where no one would care about our loss to Bonifar.

Had we won against Bonifar, I could understand sitting out the Tourney. But after losing that bad? I don't see the reasoning there.

If anything, this should be a wake up call. We should take risks because look at where not committing got us. Also, we have one L and you want to play it safe from now on? Are you perhaps a…craven? 🧐

You needn't worry. The Jaime comeback arc is going to be legendary. Buddy is going to become an unstoppable force of nature with a sword.

First I am not craven second are you incapable of reading? I clearly voted for fighting against the strong squire.

What i meant is not overreaching your hand like trying to fight a Veteran when you aren't even squired and I didn't vote for sitting out I don't how you can keep accusing me with something you have made up in your head.

First read someone posts before you assume shit if you can't you don't have to give any thoughts to my words and can ignore it.

This is first time in my entire life someone has asked me whether I am a craven lol.

My words are clear don't trust the dice at the same time don't shy away from taking moderate risks.
First I am not craven second are you incapable of reading? I clearly voted for fighting against the strong squire.

What i meant is not overreaching your hand like trying to fight a Veteran when you aren't even squired and I didn't vote for sitting out I don't how you can keep accusing me with something you have made up in your head.

First read someone posts before you assume shit if you can't you don't have to give any thoughts to my words and can ignore it.

This is first time in my entire life someone has asked me whether I am a craven lol.

My words are clear don't trust the dice at the same time don't shy away from taking moderate risks.
Woah, that was meant light-heartedly. I don't really care how you vote dude. Im sorry you took it that way. And fighting a veteran when you aren't squired isn't overreaching when we had a real chance to win
Woah, that was meant light-heartedly. I don't really care how you vote dude. Im sorry you took it that way. And fighting a veteran when you aren't squired isn't overreaching when we had a real chance to win

We had no chance bro you don't send a kid who isn't even squiring to fight a Veteran.

It's okay just avoid such words since it can be taken literally you can't expect me to decipher your tone.

Have a nice day.
We had no chance bro you don't send a kid who isn't even squiring to fight a Veteran.

It's okay just avoid such words since it can be taken literally you can't expect me to decipher your tone.

Have a nice day.
I mean fair enough on the craven point, I mean I thought the monocle really sold the idea that I was joking. At least in my mind.

In regards to losing the spar. We quite literally did have a chance, the rolls literally proved it. We rolled a literal natural one on the first round if I remember right. Magoose even said Jaime, even now, is damn good. So I'm not sure why you're claiming we had zero chance here. It's a weird hill to die on.
That was an incredible close call in that roll, may the Stranger Joanna watch it over Jaime....

[X] No

[X]The Riverlands: Lord Tully has many knights willing to squire you, and it would make allies in the East.
-[X]The Blackfish Tully (DC: 60): The Blackfish is trying his best to try and make things better for his family, and despite being unmarried, he is training many squires, including one Peytr Balish.
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[X] No

[X] Lord Jon Arryn (DC: 50): Jon Arryn is an old War buddy of Father, in his words, he is a good man who is old, strong, and always training, and learning, despite his statesmanship. He also has two other squires. Eddard Stark, and young Robert Baratheon. But he might not accept, because he already has two squires.
To be honest, I'm fine with whatever the wind blows on this roll. The only choices I'm not exactly too keen on are the reach choices, mostly because of the lack of tourneys for one. But I guess the clear danger we would be in is something too…I guess🤷‍♂️

Blackfish is sort of the choice for most stories I've seen. Not too enticing but could be interesting.
Jon Arryn would be wild, very interesting to see how that could go.

I picked Garth mostly because it reminded me most of Dunk and Egg. Not bothered either way though.
[×] lord Rayndall Tarly (DC: 50): The Young Lord Tarly is one of the most skilled knights and battle commanders in the Kingdom, in his words and that of many who have faced him. He is also, notoriously, brutal to his squires and does not want them to go to tournaments, he wants them to be killers and soldiers.
Only one to beat robert in war and one of the best commanders overall also grants us a chance to gain allies in the reach without having to go directly up against ollena tyrell