Whatever He Choose (No SV, You are Jaime Lannister)


This was starting to become irritating.

Jaime had been spending every last second of his free time with this damn bird and he was making no progress. All it ever seemed to do was stare at him or screech at him. He tried to sit with it in his chambers but the noise became too unbearable for him to handle and figured some extra training would do more good than sitting around with some annoying bird who seemingly hated him. Well, he hated it right back! He wouldn't even give it the honor of bestowing a name. It could just be "bird" for all he cared, it was certainly all it was worth anyhow.

His long days grew ever longer with the damn bird, it was seemingly conspiring against him. Always making just enough noise to wake him and keep him awake during the night but not enough lest it wake anyone else. It was doing it on purpose, Jaime was sure of it. He can't even remember the last time he saw it sleep himself, so perhaps it was staying awake just to mess with him? It was entirely possible in his mind, he had spent an entire hour staring into its eyes once and he could swear there was something there. He was not entirely sure what he saw, but he saw something, deeper in its eyes and grinning right back at him.

Despite this damned bird going out of his was to make his life harder, he would not let it get the best of him. He was Jaime Lannister! He could tame a bird, and he would if it was the last thing he did. He pondered his next move, his grand plan to defeat the bird and for all, and found himself wanting. He had ideas to be sure, but none of them exactly filled him with confidence. Most of them half-baked and sure to end in utter failure and embarrassment, but he was out of options. He couldn't go to his uncle for help, that would be admitting defeat and that would ruin an especially glorious winning streak he had been on with his spars lately.

He stepped into his chambers with a scowl, prepared to enact his dangerous gamble. He gripped the fat slice of beef he had taken from the kitchens and etched closer to the cage that housed the beast. He placed his hand on the lock and took in one last breath before swinging the door open. He bolted back and waved the meat around wildly, as a shield if it came to it. The bird, which he fully expected to go wild…didn't move. It stared blankly at him, as if in thought. So Jaime stared back, the etchings of a smirk plastering itself on his face.

"Perhaps the cage was the problem? You just wanted more space, eh? I guess we are ali-"

The bird dove right for him, threatening to claw his eyes from their sockets. Jaime dived for the door with a yelp and slammed it shut behind him. He instantly collapsed in front of the door in utter shame.

Jaime Lannister, son of the mighty Tywin. Bullied by a stupid bird.

Jaime sat by the door to his chambers for hours, no doubt the bird was making himself right at home. Several servants passed by but Jaime just glared their way. As to show them to leave him alone, but also to spare them the pain that the damn bird would inflict on them if they dared to enter. Eventually, he had enough of the looks he was getting by sitting there so he had concocted another great plan. One that was sure to help him retake his chambers and also ingratiate himself to the bird. Jaime snuck into Cersei's chambers whilst she was out, likely pestering some of the servants about something or other he'd wager. He searched high and low before he struck gold, an old toy rabbit that she was fond of in their youth but had since been left to collect dust. He then covered himself with the thickets sheets he could get his hands on, leaving a small slit for him to see.

In the dead of night, having tied some more meat to the rabbit, he entered the falcons den. He spotted it right away, lurking in the corner. They had locked eyes for a moment, a fierce battle of willpower, a battle for dominion over the room. Jaime could see its will begin to crumble, being replaced by its own inherent bestial nature. Its gaze slowly shifted towards the bunny and its growing scent. The falcon fought all it could but eventually dove for the rabbit, ripping apart the fabric and stuffing to get to the tender meat.

Jaime stood there, watching as the monster had its fill. He couldn't deny the faint elegance of it all, despite the grotesque act itself. Once it was finished, he half expected it to charge at him next, but he was relieved when it perched itself on top of the cage in which he was kept. Jaime knew this was a step in the right direction, but he was still a while away before he could actually trust it not to fly away the moment he went hawking with it.

Though perhaps, it was worthy of a name after all. He knew it would be a fine hunter, the best in all the Westerlands if he had his way.


P.S. Not sure how I feel about this one. It's a bit more silly, and it's meant to be. Don't hesitate to tell me where I could improve.
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Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Apr 15, 2024 at 12:19 AM, finished with 23 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X]Plan: Peers and Fighting
    -[X]Talk to the Other Wards: You want to speak to Robert and Eddard. See what they seem to think.
    -[X]Talk to the Arryns: The Two Arryn boys are both very confident, and very capable, but both seem on edge for something… like they fear Lord Jon?
    -[X]Join them: You want to fight in a real battle. Fighting these savages will be a good change of pace.
The Vale 1
The Vale 1:

-[X]Talk to the Other Wards: You want to speak to Robert and Eddard. See what they seem to think. Rolled:D100 => 33+20=53

Robert and Ned were quiet, for a moment at least, as they were sneaking around to get to the Elevator to ride down to the Gate of the Moon, and of course, the more active tavern scene there. Robert was always one to bed anything, as you learned

"What are you two doing?" You asked as you stood by the elevator, watching them get closer.

"Nothing," Robert said as if he was talking to Lord Arryn, as his face went down to look at his feet. However, it quickly changed by the time he realized it was you. "Wait a second, what are you doing here?"

"Well I wanted to talk to you in your room, but you weren't there, and everyone said that you were trying to sneak out to the taverns to drink." You stated. "So I just decided to get to the Elevator and wait."

Ned then whispered. "I told you that we should stay here tonight. Lord Arryn knows-"

"I know Jon knows that we go out, and I say we still should have fun." Robert said.

You shook your head. "What about responsibility?" You asked, your father's words now in your mind about what was needed from you.

"Who cares about responsibility, we're young and we should be able to have fun, right Ned?" Robert asked.

Ned said nothing, and you could feel things becoming very uncomfortable between everyone.

Robert than bellowed. "Well come on, we have to do things right together!"

"What does Eddard want to do?" You asked. "You ever thought like that?"

Robert said nothing before he looked away. "Ned?"

There was a shrug. "Let's go Robert." He said.

The two continued towards the elevator, Robert cheering, though Ned clearly doing it for his friend, rather than… himself.

Reward: You talk, for a brief moment. And both boys realize you are interested in being friends, though with different ideas for fun

-[X]Talk to the Arryns: The Two Arryn boys are both very confident, and very capable, but both seem on edge for something… like they fear Lord Jon? Rolled:D100 => 24+20=44

The two Arryns were being rather… well you wouldn't say aloof, but they are avoiding you.

Something about Lord Arryn needing them for special assignments across the Vale.


-[X]Join them: You want to fight in a real battle. Fighting these savages will be a good change of pace.

As you rode, you could only feel excitement and wonder as you looked out to the rest of the troop, Lord Arryn, Elbert, Robert and yourself, along with many more of Jons knights traveling.

And as you travel, Jon only sighed. "It's a foolish thing, these Clansmen, and even more for bringing you." He said to you. "Why you want to come, I do not know."

Why did you want to come?:
[]Write in.

AN: Enjoy.
[X] This will be my home for the coming years and it is my duty to protect my home.

Those social rolls continue to struggle. Hope the combat rolls will be more fortunate.
Quick question, did Jaime ever go visit Riverrun for a potential match with Lysa? I have some free time now and was thinking about writing something that may mention it if it did occur. Don't want to contradict the stories events.
Quick question, did Jaime ever go visit Riverrun for a potential match with Lysa? I have some free time now and was thinking about writing something that may mention it if it did occur. Don't want to contradict the stories events.

Hmm why would you ever want to match him up with Lisa? Consider it a curiosity.

No I don't think so otherwise Magoose would have mentioned it.
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