Several days passed, and dozens of people came and went, but few paid any heed to the flyer, except for the usual suspects. Eventually, I managed to assemble my elite squad of fighters.
"This will be interesting, for sure! Who knows, we might find some hot chicks!" one of them exclaimed.
"This will be manly!" another chimed in.
"I can't believe my uncle convinced me to do this,"
"Isn't he that guy wanted by the Fire Nation?" Zuko asked suspiciously.
"Nope," Max Alors, a mage from Fairy Tail, replied, accompanied by Elfman Stratus, who remained silent.
"Alright then, I suppose I'll need to give you all the rundown. I gained access to a new world, and this one has some magic items that look interesting to me. I want you guys to go to that world and collect a few," I explained.
I began pacing like a general before his soldiers. "The Garden, in its benevolence, has granted me the capability to detect the Wu in a general area, although it is a stretch compared to my normal senses."
"And why don't you go collect these artifacts, shopkeeper?" Zuko asked suspiciously.
"Because where's the fun in that? It wouldn't be fair or exciting," I replied in a manic tone. My teeth sharpened, my voice resonated in crystalline hums, and vibrant colors seemed to radiate from my form as I merged further with my inhuman self. The method taught to me by the Garden forced my mortal and inhuman aspects to resonate, revealing the true depths of my being. However, I cleared my throat, and my inhuman qualities shimmered away. "Apologies. You see, the mighty players in that world don't actively seek these artifacts for various reasons. Using the method to forcefully sense their locations tends to make me more volatile. As you witnessed, my temper is worse in that state. I'd rather avoid causing harm to others if something were to trigger me. Moreover, directly collecting the artifacts would interfere too much with the unfolding story and pose risks to everyone involved."
"That wouldn't be very manly at all," Elfman muttered. Tension filled the room, and Zuko was ready to snap, while Max had his hands poised for spellcasting.
"I understand now why you enlisted our help instead of doing it yourself," Haru commented, a friend of the Avatar gang who had stumbled upon our shop months ago.
"Now, here's the deal. You'll undertake the task of collecting three artifacts, which is the minimum I need to learn their fabrication process. In return, I'll grant each of you the rewards you requested: Elfman, access to powerful and manly magic; the rest of you, a generous sum of money," I declared, glancing at each of them.
"According to the Guild master, Elfman possesses incredibly manly magic. Acquiring that will help me become even manlier!" Elfman exclaimed with enthusiasm.
I rolled my eyes as the others turned their attention to me. "Elfman specializes in transforming parts of his body into magical beasts. I possess techniques that grant him greater freedom and control during his transformations." They nodded, understanding the mutual benefit of our exchange. "Furthermore, by agreeing to this arrangement, you will forge a temporary bond with the Garden, which will guide you through this new world. Do you accept these terms?" As I spoke, the colors within the shop grew sharper, and my voice carried a slight lisp. There's a reason I strive to keep my inhuman self and mortal aspects separate. Primal emotions can be difficult to control in this state.
"Sure," "Alright," "Manly," "If I must," they replied in unison, their forms shimmering and brightening. They held their heads, experiencing the Garden filling their minds.
"Don't worry. I can send you back hours after you leave, so there's no need to rush. We'll conduct the missions over a few days," I assured them.
"However, we're starting today," I announced, watching as my eyes and the door shimmered with a vivid rainbow of colors. "An artifact has been activated in the city of Florance. I sense magic tied to the mind and confusion. Be prepared for the object's potential hypnosis abilities."
"Let's get on with it. There's no time to waste," Haru said with a resigned tone.
Pov: Max Aloris
"So, is anyone else weirded out to know a whole new language and how weird this world is to home?" I asked, freaking out over the entire situation. Yet the Garden quieted my nerve and ensured my task could be accomplished.
"It is odd, but I have heard from my uncle that Spirits can do far more if they are motivated." Zuko, the strange fire mage the shopkeep hired, was an entitled guy, angry too. His circle less magic is quick and strong.
"This will be Manly!" Elfman maintained his cheer.
"Come on; we'll take the Gondolas to where the garden is calling." I tried to drive the group forward.
"I won't be getting used to that for a while."
"I want to know how they have enough lacrama to power all these communication devices."
"I just want to know how that is possible in the first place."
We searched for an hour till Elfman heard a commotion. Three younger teens are fighting with a hoard of metallic robots or golems, and an older teen with a ghost. All of them have those Artifacts we are looking for, but there is a free one that the Garden whispers are our target, a golden harp.
I used my magic to pull a general feel for each person. "Zuko, can you go for the artifact, and we'll keep these guys busy... I'm clocking the guy with weird glasses and robots as the bad guy and the foursome as the good guys. Elfman, can you take the robots?"
"Of course! My Manlyness will overwhelm them."
"I'll hold off, the monkey guy," Haru shouted.
"Eya! Who are you people!" the short yellow one shouted.
"Dude, not cool!" the monkey guy screeched as Haru peppered him with rocks. "This is a private battle here!"
The ghost looked mad and confused. While the monkey deftly avoided most of the rocks, the little yellow guy got knocked out of the way for Zuko to make a fiery dash toward the Harp embedded in a tower. I need to mention sending fire from your feet to Natsu; he would love it... or throw up.
Elfman gained a draconic-looking set of scales and large horns. Snorting a stream of electricity, he charged into the fray. I kept a bead on everyone coordinating people using telepathy is hit or miss at times, because in the heat of the moment thoughts can get muddled and lost to the fog of war. The Air mage fellow and the tinker are trying to reach the harp once more. I called up another spell circle launching a telepathic screech at the duo, a move I worked hard on developing after getting a psychology book. The Mage and Tinker clutched their heads and screamed in pain.
"Get the Harp!" I projected mentally to Haru. With a stomp that echoed through the square a small mountain grew up towards the harp caring Haru, as he rose three cannonballs worth of stone shot and wrecked the robots. We need to get a competent earth mage in Fairy Tail seems useful.
"Got it!" Shouted haru clutching the thing above his had and turning the ramp into a slide down back to ground level. "Shopkeep get the door open!" Haru called out loud causing a strange tune to go through my mind. The Garden was calling us back the door rattled into existence, literally rattling it was like the ground and reality was shaking something about what Haru did was going against something. I could feel it we where doing something according to The Garden just breathing was getting tiring like swimming up river. Yet it my magic was still fairly toped of, my stamina was feeling fine, heck I've had worst battles but some part of me was tired.
"Move move move." I mutter and echo to the others. Elfman we got to go!"
"Retreat is not Mannly!" Elfman cried out in frustration as he was finishing up his bout with the kid in the ridiculous hat.
"Retreat gets the bills payed!" I shouted back at the big baby. This is why I avoid teaming up with the guy he is strong but like most of the guild slightly crazy.
Piling through the door we entered the shop and I feel like I wasn't running a marathon any more. It was weird I've ran more than that and never feel relief like this.
"Ah you lot are back exilant, though why did you call the door so quickly?" The Shopkeep asked confused.
Haru was looking confused now along with the rest of us, "To get back?"
He looked at us then his eyes widened as he realized something, a chime came through the Garden. What ever the creature sponsoring this is has mazing skill with a strange form of telepathy, the emotion and very concept of 'Humor, children making mistakes, and silly problems' came across with just a small mental chime.
"Ah well this is embarrassing. I forgot to warn you, you should have escaped then called the door... the door is part of the Garden calling it is similar to sticking a paddle into a strong stream you need to use effort to keep it stable... effort your souls and general existence provided. Nothing damaging but its exhausting. You where changing the world flow directly as free agents and foreign bodies in a universe, though the temporary connection to the garden while stabilizing also made the strain present..."
"So next time we don't go in with the contention?"
"With out the connection taking such 'large' actions would result in time or reality quakes... nothing harmful to residences but you would be put through the ringer... you would probably survive but it is a complication most would not like."
"So run away?"
"Yup Run away. Now let me see this masterpiece." The Shopkeep said in a giddy tone as he floated the harp over to inspect. His eyes changed to look like oil slicks.
Pov: Shopkeep
Harp of Pectus Placidus -(Slots 5) Made of the finest gold and silver this harp is a jewel of musical art. Further more it possess a chi matrix witch allows all who play this harp to uses the resulting music to alter the mental state of select listener this can be a subtle change or a complete flipping ones mood. Such changes are imperceptible to the victim however the more drastic the changes revert quickly.
"Huh, interesting how subtle it can be for the victim is particularly interesting..."
"So jobs done?" Zuko grunted his voice filled with frustration. Watching him he did manage to get in a good fight but he was stiffer than the others since he couldn't adapt well to the changing battle to used to bening combat.
"Job done one medium bag o' money for each of you in your native currency and elfman is all settled up. Please respond to any more of the notices if you would like to adventure once more." I said with a simile as the my new toy flew into one of the shelves around the shop. I'll tinker with it later as they left I noticed a probing from some thing... some one is poking at my door?
'Such a strange device a fold in dimensions and reality... the magic of this thing is impossible for hundreds of years I have studied magic and this thing breaks all the rules... well I might as well try.'
Slowly the door opened and wat greeted this old crone was a shop... well that was un expected to be honest a dragons domain, a realm of torment, or even a witch's house I could understand but a shop?
"Welcome to Jewel in the rough pawn and trade how can I be of assistance mrs?" Humm.... this thing is definitely not human something else. The flow of magic around me is different than the one I've adapted to for hundreds of years. I couldn't help but have a smile twist onto my face.
"Well well well, what could you possibly be? Humm no matter, I am Mab the witch queen and I have one very important question for you!" I announced in using the centuries of life to perfect my 'who-do-you-think-your-fooling-sonny' tone. "Why the hell did you put this door in my private bathroom!"
"The doors do tend to wander. I never understood their desire to exist with in 'private' areas... can get quite annoying sice they limit customers." The being grouched.
"Lets assume I believe you for now, what are you selling in the middle of a bathroom?"
"Or dungeon, farm, besieged city, first or boat. My doors appear any where for you in particular I have this lovely magical tea pot." the thing motions a shrug as ig saying what can you do as he peddles his wares.
"...well it is a very lovely teapot..." I mutter admitting the thing looks very nice.
Tea Pot of Lighter Renewal - This pot powered by a Phoenix Heart infuses the tea with a healing and rejuvenating property as it seeps. The resulting brew washes away basic aches and pains one accumulates and allows smother healing of wounds.
"So my lovely Mab shall we make a deal?" The thing asked as the surroundings shivered with power.