What FanFic Ideas Do You Want To See Written?

Hitler who... stopped it being a democracy, instead making it a dictatorship where the ruler rules until his death, whereupon his chosen successor takes over?

Not actually a good example of monarchy being better.
Nah, its just an example. Democracies are not.... perfect. Can be hijacked. Democracies can be fucked over via lies, propaganda, misinformation, and an apathetic populace.
Yeah, I can imagine. (Have you managed to get St. Gawain's candle in SS yet?)

Oh, I didn't mean I've played it. Playing games I buy? Perish the thought. No no... I prefer to just hoard them like a dragon.

... all joking aside, I'm gonna queue Sunless Sea up as my next game after I finish Dark Souls 2.


Remaining on topic... I don't remember if it came from the thread about creating a fictional disease, but I had the idea for a Pokemon-centric mental disorder. Basically just fantastic-Capgras delusion.

Mimikyu Syndrome: A delusional condition in which the sufferer becomes convinced that one or more people or pokemon in their life have been replaced by a pokemon. Named for Mimikyu, the most prominent source of the delusion, but there have been other cases of delusion centered around species like Ditto, and Zorua/Zoroark.
Oh, I didn't mean I've played it. Playing games I buy? Perish the thought. No no... I prefer to just hoard them like a dragon.
Well, I recommend getting the free meal at the Chapel of Lights whenever possible :D
In any setting with shapeshifters, that is a perfectly normal fear to have. The weird one would be to worry that YOU'RE a shapeshifter.
Roman Legions transported to Westeros. There's already a really good fic of it out there, but sadly it's been dead for three years now. I've started preliminary research for the idea myself, but I'll actually need to read ASoIaF before I start any real outline.
Roman Legions transported to Westeros. There's already a really good fic of it out there, but sadly it's been dead for three years now. I've started preliminary research for the idea myself, but I'll actually need to read ASoIaF before I start any real outline.
As a someone who really likes Roman Republic history, I'd love to see that. Of course, I know very little about Westeros other than its demographics (which make no sense) so I could be no help there.
As a someone who really likes Roman Republic history, I'd love to see that. Of course, I know very little about Westeros other than its demographics (which make no sense) so I could be no help there.
Their demographics? You mean... being mostly white?

And the Legions involved would more than likely by from the Imperial time period. At the moment, I'm leaning to the invasion force for Brittain getting caught up in a Magical StormTM​ and landing in Westeros during Roberts Rebellion.
I'd like to see a fanfic that goes buck wild with the new content and pushes the barrier between fanfiction and original fiction to the breaking point.

Kinda vague, sure, but it'd be cool.
I think those are called AUs.
There are like fifty different kinds of AUs. It doesn't really narrow it down that much.

I'm thinking of something that takes a series with very light worldbuilding, and just adding and adding to it until it becomes something almost completely unrecognizable yet incredibly authentic at the same time.

Example: The Game of Champions, a Pokemon fanfic that, at it's core, is a retelling of the RBY games, but has so much more going on in the background that it recaptures the same feeling of wonder that the original games had when they came out.
An SI waking up as a Yautja, on a Predator scout ship, exiting the Bajoran Wormhole.

I dunno why, but a Predator amicably wandering DS9, freaking out patrons with his masked appearance, and getting into a bar-fight with a klingon or nausican and throwing said sap through a wall would be hilarious.

Especially if the bajorans see him as a religious icon, or something (Prophecy is a weird thing there).

Also, jem'hadar being hunted and hung-skinned would be hilarious, given that they like to Shroud.
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Would that be Imposteryu Syndrome?
I mean, IRL there's already at least one disorder where you think your friends are imposters . . .
An SI waking up as a Yautja, on a Predator scout ship, exiting the Bajoran Wormhole.

I dunno why, but a Predator amicably wandering DS9, freaking out patrons with his masked appearance, and getting into a bar-fight with a klingon or nausican and throwing said sap through a wall would be hilarious.
Screw the preds, I wanna see an alien queen SI. If only because they'd have to redesign fucking everything for her.
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What I'd like to see is a story where someone who's familiar with modern Isekai stories, with video game logic and adventurer as a job and expects something like that, get swept away to the Twelve Kingdoms or a similar older Isekai setting, which don't work that way.
More Dalek SIs (you know, back when they were a nightmarish threat in 9/10's era, pre-Moffat).

I've seen one or two use the Dalek Asylum as a launching pad for their SIs, but that's all.
Their demographics? You mean... being mostly white?
The fact there are four different ethnicities in a continent sized area (for reference, GB alone has more than four), everyone speaks the same language (it's medieval, right? In medieval France northern and southern French were basically different languages.), the fact they are densely populated in cities but this would mean either they have a population comparable to present day South America which medieval farming practices couldn't really support, or have really low densities in rural areas.

Also related to demographics is how long their houses rule for. I think the North has had the same ruling family for 8000 years. For countries that the rulers actually do rule I think the longest Dynasty is like 13 people in a row IRL, and the longest ever is in Japan which has lasted over 2000 years (125 Emperors) but the vast majority of them were figureheads.
Back on the actual title topic...

Megumin from Konosuba summoned into Familiar of Zero. I'm quite frankly shocked I haven't found this anywhere already.
Personally, I'd love to see a Worm/Lupin III Fic where Taylor [either alt-power or same as canon] takes inspiration from Lupin, with Lupin being either a real person or a fictional one.

Why? Because Lupin is amazing and it would be interesting to read.
I would like to see a Bleach/RWBY where Ichigo is stuck in his hollow form on Remnant and gets mistken as a grimm (easy to see with the mask being pretty similar).
All the current Bleach/RWBY cross over either have amnesiac Ichigo, RWBY characters as soul reaper or hollows,team RWBY being his Zanpakutō spirits or something like that and have him be horribly underpowered.
I wanna see beast mode Ichigo on the world of Remnant kicking ass and taking names.