What FanFic Ideas Do You Want To See Written?

Eh... its a mix of Nanoha and 40k. I took elements from both.

Is it really original fiction?
Yes. That's how original fiction works, mostly, you take ideas from other stuff and make your own thing. What you've written would only be fan fiction if you used Nanoha or 40k characters, and even then you could still make it original by changing their names. Like Myrdden from Worm is a Dresden Files character but Worm isn't fan fiction.
Yes. That's how original fiction works, mostly, you take ideas from other stuff and make your own thing. What you've written would only be fan fiction if you used Nanoha or 40k characters, and even then you could still make it original by changing their names. Like Myrdden from Worm is a Dresden Files character but Worm isn't fan fiction.
Hmm.... well, can I still put it in this thread?
Only in fanon. In canon, he has literally nothing more to do with DF than 'Claims to be a Wizard' and 'Is based in Chicago'.
I believe WoG said he was a DF expy, so yes in canon. I can't find the quote atm, but in any case he has the same powers appearance and personality. Obviously he doesn't actually use magic, he has normal Worm powers, if that's what you are caught up on.
Nrvnqsr chaos in the grail war, Ciel is in it too

But it barely reached the first battle. Grr.
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Something that has been on my mind lately, an Ah! My Goddess cross with Alan Wake.

Most people are probably familiar with AMG, but Alan Wake is a little-known and criminally underrated masterpiece of a game. It deals with themes of causality, paradox, action vs reaction and good vs evil. It also has a lot of norse themes due to a heavy metal band in the backstory.

Brief plot, spoilers for Alan Wake:
The centerpoint of the game is a magic lake which makes real the dreams of talented people, based on their talent. The main character, Alan, is a writer, and whatever he writes becomes reality. Another man was a poet, and his poems transformed people into new roles. Since Keiichi is a mechanic, he'd probably build some type of engine that altered the world around it.

The big reveal would be that Odin, the god of Ah!, My Goddess, would be an ancient norse priest who discovered the lake in ancient days and used his talent of faith to create a real religion where there were once only stories. Hild spawned as the lake's balancing act against any use of its power, leading to the endless struggle between the two factions. Keiichi's meddling would spawn an evil girl (and romantic rival to Belldandy) who wants Keiichi to build ever-greater engines and help the lake's dark magic corrupt the world. It would climax with Keiichi trying to stop all the dark mirrors, requiring him to fight Odin mano-e-mano in the lake, where their powers would be equal.

Sadly, it would be an incredible effort for the sake of a minor fandom, so unless I do it myself it's probably not going to happen.

It's probably not going to happen.
Isn't that the game where you kill shadowy people with flashlight? I never knew it goes deeper than that.

More than even that

Alan himself is actually not real. Its discovered that his backstory is literally that, a story.

He was written into existence by another author who needed a character capable of defeating the darkness in the lake. Thus Alan's plot armor is literally what keeps him living throughout the story of the game.
Been on a bit of Exalted fic binge, and now I want to see an Exalted & Mass Effect cross where Autocthonia replaces the systems alliance. when Autocthon leaves, he ends up replacing the earth. in a last ditch effort to not die, they built spaceships, and discover the mars archives. I'd live to see what whack ass tech fusion the alchemicals come up with, and how they deal with the reapers.
Just want to clarify a thing
Are you sure? I recall that the game was "normal" up until his wife got dragged into the lake and Alan was brainwashed by dark barbara, so Alan wrote himself into the story, effectively rewriting his own history and actions. But it was always him, not someone else.
Continued spoiler talk. (I will stop after this to prevent thread diversion)
Just want to clarify a thing
Are you sure? I recall that the game was "normal" up until his wife got dragged into the lake and Alan was brainwashed by dark barbara, so Alan wrote himself into the story, effectively rewriting his own history and actions. But it was always him, not someone else.
Maybe? I distinctly remember someone wearing an old diving suit floating around. I thought he was some previous author who wrote Alan initially.

That's why the thing that destroyed the darkness was Alan's old light switch. For Alan that had always been his, he mentions it at the beginning of the story. Afterwards his wife disappears and we find lost pages of Alan's story that seems to describe the events happening to him. I may be wrong.
Maybe? I distinctly remember someone wearing an old diving suit floating around. I thought he was some previous author who wrote Alan initially.

That was Tom the Diver. He was the poet I mentioned earlier, and the one to discover the lake before Alan. He left behind some clues, but Alan deliberately wrote him back to life so he could help defeat the dark lady. Tom even says it, "I am here because it was written."

And yeah, all the stuff from the beginning coming into play later, like the crazy lady with the lights and the switch, is part of the game's non-linear story. It's all because Alan writes himself into the "plot" in order to defeat Barbara.

Like I said, criminally underrated.
I want to see a Star Wars fic that deals with the dangers of space. Like, someone gets sucked out during a battle where single piece of debris or a stray laser bolt could kill them.
oddly enough i kinda like the whole "transformed into something nonhuman and has to deal with it"
not sure why...
ideas and scenes come into my head and i don't really know what to do with them
Someone wakes up as a Deathclaw, they now have to deal with the consequences..
they might not even be in the right world...
or if not Deathclaw, Mirelurk queen...now they are even bigger and amphibious...
i can picture scenes featuring these characters vividly...

or even just the whole "sent into a world with other settings abilities" bit, experimenting with their powers, being an Outside Context Problem/Solution...e.t.c
Yeah know, there's been some talk.

So i want the smug protags to basically smash apart a nobility. I want them to destroy the nobility, kill them, take away their power, defeat the royal family, and basically install a democracy in a formerly medieval period.

I want the smug protags to keep the formerly deposed Queen alive, just so they can force her to watch as the society marches on without her, and make her obsolete....

Only for them to watch aghast as she walks up, runs for president, becomes the president, abolishes term limits, and sets herself up as dictator, ala hitler, only this time with even more power since they've smashed apart the nobility, meaning there's no one that can possibly have the resources to oppose her, or even the leadership. And not to mention, many of the officials she appoints in the highest positions? Formerly nobility. They pass the test and are qualified. They have experience. Why can't they be officials.

Incidentally, the treasury always seems to be leaking money.

Democracy? Why, our great leader was democratically elected. After all, only she had the training to make speeches, to sway crowds, and the expertise and bureaucratical skill to run a proper campaign and a platform. Only she is trained to know what people want, and promise to get it for them. And she has the most experience in the court, and so know politics that peasant joe schmoe.

And after taking over the country yet again, she gets a high approval rating. Why? Because she knows her stuff. She knows her economics. And so, the country prospers because of her.

Then she takes it. All the uplifts. All the reforms. The newly trained army. The new tech. She takes it all up, and then points it at the smug protags.

See how they like that.
Yeah, Democracies arent naturally better than Monarchies.
it honestly depends on the ruler in question
Yeah, Democracies arent naturally better than Monarchies.
it honestly depends on the ruler in question
And the people.

Don't invest in education? Don't invest in creating a middle class? Don't make them give a shit who's in charge? Don't give them tech so they won't have to scrabble in the dirt all day?

Then be prepared for hell to come.
I do want to see Alexander Anderson(abridged version) in any anime or manga or story with devils and whatever crawls in the night like highshool dxd, supernatural, twilight(lol), etc.
Okay, so this is probably a bad idea and is basically crack in its purest form, but I think I would want to see Alucard meet the Captain N version of himself just to see how he would react to such a thing.

But for an actual idea that ISN'T complete crack, I think it would be cool to see a story about Batman arriving in the world of Castlevania and having to fight against THAT version of Dracula alongside the Belmont family.
I would love to see a yugioh fic that has a duel that plays like how real life people duel and using a real life card as opposed to oc made card.
You know dimensional travel?

You know ftl?

Why do no settings combine them together? I mean, shit, you can literally have a massive setting, what with having multiple billions of planets to work from.