Welcome to Japari Park! - Kemono Friends discussion thread


Too lazy to leave the house
I wish I could stay
So, Kemono Friends. This show came out of nowhere with only a mobile game and a PV to it's name with animation quality that makes volume one of RWBY look like a master piece. Like seriously, the lip synch is terrible at times, the animation feels like it takes way too long at points, and well, you just really need to look at the show to see my point.

But despite all of this it still makes out to be an utterly fantastic show. The humor is funny, every episode gives us something new, animal trivia galore, and best of all the goddamn mystery that hides in the background of every episode. So let me start again.

Kemono Friends is a show about Kaban, a girl who wakes up one day in the mysterious Japari Park with no memories of anything at all. Japari Park is filled with both animals who have gained human like form due to a substance called Sandstar which are then called Friends and Ceruleans, big blobs of death that attack the Friends and Kaban. Teaming up with Serval, a Friend sheet meets early on in her journey along with a robot called Lucky Beast which strangely only talks when she's around, Kaban makes her way through the various areas of Japari Park in an attempt to find out who she is and where she belongs. Also did I mention that Japari Park is filled to the brim with structures of man made civilization? It is.

Now, this whole thread is very late and we're already on Episode Eleven which is... Well things go from 0 to 100 really really fast but allow me to say it one more time.

Please tell me I'm not the only one who watches this show here.
Teaming up with Serval, a Friend sheet meets early on in her journey along with a robot called Lucky Beast which strangely only talks when she's around,
Clearly, The robot is mute, and she is just going slowly insane. :p
Please tell me I'm not the only one who watches this show here.
If it's as popular as you describe, the odds are decent that you aren't.

That's not technically telling you that you are the only one here who watches it.
Nah, everyone else can hear him. Lucky just only speaks when she's around, much to the Friend's shock.

Something about her being a classified as a visitor while everyone else is a Friend.
Oh, right, "only speaks when she's around", not "speaks when only she's around". Gotcha.

He's just a racist robot, then. :V
He's just a racist robot, then. :V
Someone here on SV actually theorized it was due to him being a guide robot for humans, and due to the Friends not being that, it hasn't spoken to them. Having not seen the show yet, I am unsure as to this theory's accuracy.
*goes off to watch the show*
Someone here on SV actually theorized it was due to him being a guide robot for humans, and due to the Friends not being that, it hasn't spoken to them. Having not seen the show yet, I am unsure as to this theory's accuracy.
*goes off to watch the show*

That's probably the case. Episode Eleven has him being more concerned about evacuating Kaban due to her being classified as a "Visitor". He eventually cooperated after she made a speech about helping the friends and him labeling her as "Temporary Park Guide".

Wait should I be putting this in spoilers?
Realness level 100
So This is the THIRD or more Black Cerulean. The first one likely was taken out by military action as they didn't know how the entire way to starve it and the fact it really dislikes the sea. Postmortum leads to the eventual the Filter atop the mountain which Mirai later uses and records about.

But what's the deal with the second plane. The B-2 can be explained by the military solution option but the second tail? Somone suggested it was a B-29 tail section but it might be that of a C-130 which may have been used to deliver the Park Rangers that parachuted in. Since past Serval said that Mirai came from the sky. That sounds like a parachute insertion as a helicopter insertion would just have seen her getting out of the thing. the C-130 may have been downed by a sudden eruption of the mountain or possible problems caused by Sandstar concentrations in the air

And damnit I cannot wait until Monday. Even though I fear that it'll just end in just heartbreak. That lingering feeling really came true in episode 11 which went from NO to YES to NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! in like 5 minutes goddamn.
Realness level 100
So This is the THIRD or more Black Cerulean. The first one likely was taken out by military action as they didn't know how the entire way to starve it and the fact it really dislikes the sea. Postmortum leads to the eventual the Filter atop the mountain which Mirai later uses and records about.

But what's the deal with the second plane. The B-2 can be explained by the military solution option but the second tail? Somone suggested it was a B-29 tail section but it might be that of a C-130 which may have been used to deliver the Park Rangers that parachuted in. Since past Serval said that Mirai came from the sky. That sounds like a parachute insertion as a helicopter insertion would just have seen her getting out of the thing. the C-130 may have been downed by a sudden eruption of the mountain or possible problems caused by Sandstar concentrations in the air

And damnit I cannot wait until Monday. Even though I fear that it'll just end in just heartbreak. That lingering feeling really came true in episode 11 which went from NO to YES to NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! in like 5 minutes goddamn.

Going to be honest you lost me around the second paragraph of that theory. I just... what?

You know, I assumed Miari jumped out of a plane sky diver style or something. And I'm also assuming that this is only the second BC, just because there would've been a better way to stop it other then having all the Friends who can do combat Zerg Rush it, and the filter at the very top of the mountain was set in place because Sandstar Low was recorded to interact with Cerulean's... dangerously. Then again, they do already have an official term for that kind of Cerulean (Colossal Class) so I might be mistaken.

And here's my theory on things:

Kaban and Serval along with plenty of others did die during the Black Curleans attack, but were revived with Sandstar and can't remember it due to you know, Ceruleans eating memories.

And yes, I do have proof (Kind of) for this on Kaban's end. For one thing, Miari commented that the creation of a Friend was confirmed to happen when either an animal or it's remains touch Sandstar. If Kaban and the others were eaten by Ceruleans (Actually, I don't think they digest things entirely as the Hunters explain just what happens to Friends eaten by Ceruleans so... does it still count as eating? They're probably just nomming off it's Sandstar) then if they were revived using Sandstar, they'd have no memories of dying. Furthermore, Serval comments that the latest Sandstar eruption was recent in the first episode so I'm assuming it's that event that got Sandstar on Kaban's corpse.

Though, where did the hat come from? It seems like it was on Kaban when she woke up and yet Racoon had the other feather seen on Miari's hat. So... did Sandstar duplicate the hat or did it teleport the clothes onto Kaban thus causing Racoon to lose her "Treasure"?

I have no clue.
Going to be honest you lost me around the second paragraph of that theory. I just... what?
Someone looked closely at episode 11 and discovered that some of the landscape was actually wreckage; there's a wing, part of the main body, and one of the bomb bays of a B-2, and what is claimed to be the tail of a B-29. Zelinko is saying that the B-29 claim is BS, and I kinda have to agree; if they could deploy a B-2, they had much better options than a early Cold War bomber.
Someone looked closely at episode 11 and discovered that some of the landscape was actually wreckage; there's a wing, part of the main body, and one of the bomb bays of a B-2, and what is claimed to be the tail of a B-29. Zelinko is saying that the B-29 claim is BS, and I kinda have to agree; if they could deploy a B-2, they had much better options than a early Cold War bomber.


...You know, this feels so weird to discuss due to the general tone of the show. Then again, Episode Eleven. Just.

Episode Eleven.
Go watch this, ya nerds. It's the best anime of the season save Rakugo Shinjuu.

Also, Serval Nendoroid and figma confirmed at AnimeJapan.
I wonder if they'll relaunch the mobile game after this...
I believe I saw a statement that there's currently no plans to do so, which I'm fine with.
As I've said before, my main theory with this show is that it's a sort of meta-story based on the actual cancellation of the game. The lead NPC (Mirai) only exists in recordings and all the humans are gone. It feels like this anime is symbolically what is left of Japari Park after the game itself ended and no more people came to play.
I actually saw something that claimed to be summaries of the various chapters of the game, and although the early chapters sorta match the early episodes, that doesn't last for long. There is at least some acknowledgements in the anime; the comment about a Cerulean type that thinks it's a Friend in episode 10 is referring to Cerval, a Cerulean copy of Serval from the game.

Hmm... Ah, here it is:
I believe I saw a statement that there's currently no plans to do so, which I'm fine with.
As I've said before, my main theory with this show is that it's a sort of meta-story based on the actual cancellation of the game. The lead NPC (Mirai) only exists in recordings and all the humans are gone. It feels like this anime is symbolically what is left of Japari Park after the game itself ended and no more people came to play.

Doubt it as the game was cancelled only a month before the show aired and they only aired it as production was already started.

I actually saw something that claimed to be summaries of the various chapters of the game, and although the early chapters sorta match the early episodes, that doesn't last for long. There is at least some acknowledgements in the anime; the comment about a Cerulean type that thinks it's a Friend in episode 10 is referring to Cerval, a Cerulean copy of Serval from the game.

Hmm... Ah, here it is:

After stealing Sparkles, they can also assume the form of the original owner and proceed to evolve in their own way.

Well... Shit.

Also can someone clear something up for me?

When the hunters were fighting Black Cerulean, the phrase Wild... something was mentioned and it seems to be a power up of some kind. Was this a feature of the game?
*goes off to watch the show
Right, well, seen up to ep3 at present, reporting my thoughts to InfiniteDaze live via Skype as I watched. It's pretty enjoyable, and I'm having fun musing on the oddities of the world - one was whether the code in Boss's eyes in ep2 could be parsed in some manner. Was too blurry for me, but maybe someone else could read it?

I must say, though, Friends in general seem quite durable creatures. For Serval to survive a fall off a mountain from halfway up, or something, with only minor injuries at most is really impressive! As is lifting a bus over her head and hopping across platforms floating on a river.

...I think Serval has super strength :p
Someone looked closely at episode 11 and discovered that some of the landscape was actually wreckage; there's a wing, part of the main body, and one of the bomb bays of a B-2, and what is claimed to be the tail of a B-29. Zelinko is saying that the B-29 claim is BS, and I kinda have to agree; if they could deploy a B-2, they had much better options than a early Cold War bomber.

I didn't see the other wreckage outside the casings of bombs highlighted and the obvious right wing.

I think it's a transport that's responsible for the second wreck. As even if it was a B-29 that crashed during WW2 you'd think they'd have cleaned it up before they opened the park as it'd look really bad.

I believe we're in a third Black Cerulean Event. The first is when they didn't have the filter on the volcano and they didn't know how it worked and about the fact it can't get out to sea without dying. So the military option is called in and they bombed the fuck out of it and possibly killed it that way, wreck from a military transport inserting teams so they have boots on the ground, only shot down by Black Cerulean which has grown even LARGER than the one we saw.

So they installed the filter afterwards and Mirai's expedition fixed the filter and ended the second Black Cerulean Event.
So. Episode 12. Some plot highlights, in no real particular order:

Kaban came from a strand of hair inside of Mirai's hat the day of the eruption mentioned in the first episode. The last Mirai recording shows said hat getting blown away, explaining how it ended up where it did.

Humans aren't extinct, they just evac'ed the island.

If a Cerulean eats a Friend and they aren't rescued quickly enough, they revert back into a normal example of their species. This has little effect on Human Friends, for hopefully obvious reasons.

Turns out, the Lucky Beasts can talk to Friends... but only if a human is in danger.

The island the show takes place on... is the Kyoshu Region of Japari Park. The island seen in the distance? The Gokoku Region, which Lucky is basically blind on. He doesn't even know if there are Friends there!

And although Kaban left alone with the "new" mini-Lucky on her arm in the bus cab, Serval followed in the bus's passenger section.

Then the battery died. I was wondering when that would happen.

The main cast for what's next is Kaban, mini-Lucky, Serval, and an unknown number of other Friends in the passenger section, which appears to include one previously unknown and unseen Friend.
Well, finally got to watch the new episode.

Quite a ride.

We never actually got to see any other Humans besides Miari's recording though, and the ending shows Japari Park isn't the only place with Friends (Though maybe that's just the Sandstar Eruption reaching far) so maybe it just happens in volcanos?

Also, hey! You can see the Shinto shrine gates in the background of the final scene! Reminds me how Monkey is basically just a walking Monkey King reference, which for those unfamiliar, is a Chinese Legend.
A nice ending to the show, clearing up loose ends and everything.
Bit surprised the bus can manage to move when plonked into water, though - would the wheels rotating provide directional thrust? I thought you needed to push water behind ya to move, not down?
Oh yeah, two things I forgot to mention (although I implied what they meant before):

First, the last 5-10 seconds of the show have the first 5-10 seconds of the opening playing as BGM.

Second, it says つづくat the end. That is not Japanese for "The End" or similar; in fact, it basically translates to "To Be Continued".

All put together, that means that although this story arc has ended, the story itself isn't finished. We're getting a second season, OVAs, a movie, a manga, a second game... there are multiple possibilities, we just don't know what precise form it will take.
You know there's one mystery that hasn't been cleared up.

What the fuck is Kaban?

Well she was a Friend created by a strand of Miari's hat, obviously but wouldn't she look exactly like Miari if that was the case?

But no, she took the form of a black haired little girl. I am so confused...

Also did anybody notice it probably took like, an entire month for the bus to run out of battery? Jeez what kind of hardware standards do they have- Oh wait they made Sentient AIs.