[Webcomic] Marie & The Adventurer's League

Did Marie try explaining that a man who doesn't eat Pork buns isn't a whole man?
She only just lost an arm, that is a pretty relevant concern.
I just wanted to make it really clear that the spoiler was not censored, and that you'd see some titty if you clicked. I put it on top and below juuuust in case.
I've noticed a stylistic drift that I want to course correct for, because something has been bothering me about Marie's face, and I can't escape the fact that I did something to make her look alien and weird. Can someone go through this album (it's 11 pictures from newest to oldest,) and tell me if they notice a pattern or where I started fucking up? The last two are where I felt like things were good.

View: https://imgur.com/a/zpIRaTW
Well I can identify the issue with no. 4/13 at least.
You were possessed by the spirit of pablo piccasso. Next time try and draw something you can sell for more money.

I'd guess that the shift is the changing level of detail rather than a more cartoonish style as the album goes on. The colour also shifted, from a bright lavender to a darker bluer purple.
Well I can identify the issue with no. 4/13 at least.
You were possessed by the spirit of pablo piccasso. Next time try and draw something you can sell for more money.

I'd guess that the shift is the changing level of detail rather than a more cartoonish style as the album goes on. The colour also shifted, from a bright lavender to a darker bluer purple.

Yeah, I've done a slight re-design on the character, Marie's face is a lot less pointy now for one.

e: Careful on the twitter, I post some NSFW work and while it's all tagged I don't want someone to think "haha funny comic girl twitter," and accidentally get a face full of porn.

View: https://twitter.com/pearl_boba/status/1514251321234231303