[Webcomic] Marie & The Adventurer's League

[Webcomic] Marie & The Adventurer's League
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In a world where people only value you as much as what your parts can sell for, and money itself is the only thing that fuels magic, Marie a Sea Elf cursed to be born with legs, Taylor a Naiad Sorceress, Jaina a songstress Cat-kin, and their talking shape-shifting friend turned sword Blade embark on a dangerous quest to become the world's best adventurers. Adventurers work for the global Empire of the Red Queen. Mercenaries who are above the laws of the land, but must give up their own rights to do so.
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Original Post

Boba Pearl

Self-Requested Ban

The Adventurer's League: The Last Class

In a world where people only value you as much as what your parts can sell for, and money itself is the only thing that fuels magic, Marie a Sea Elf cursed to be born with legs, Taylor a Naiad Sorceress, Jaina a songstress Cat-kin, and their talking shape-shifting friend turned sword Blade embark on a dangerous quest to become the world's best adventurers. Adventurers work for the global Empire of the Red Queen. Mercenaries who are above the laws of the land, but must give up their own rights to do so.

Marie, a woman who recently lost her mentor, teams up with a young sorceress named Taylor. Where most people have to use their money and their body to cast magic, Taylor is special. The rules of magic don't apply to her as she pulls energy from the Aether itself. Hunted by the Protectorate Branch of the Adventurer's League, and only one last job from getting enough to apply for an Adventuring License, Marie and Taylor are in a race against the many hounds nipping at their heels. Join them on their last job for the drug Syndicate the Red Claires. They're dismantling a horrific drug lab, where the living and dead are harvested for what makes them special. An ignoble job where the poor are chummed. Turned into powerful Chems, so the powerful elite that hold the true reigns in this world can snort, smoke, inject, and consume the poor.

How will this adventure change them? And what hardships will they face to achieve their goals? You the audience decides, every chapter there is a vote that could radically change the course of the story, and a lottery decides which of the reader's votes will be the one chosen.

Thank you so much for giving this a shot, and I hope you enjoy!

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05 Intermission - 1 week break and some lore tidbits
As you know, I like to do big ass huge effort updates, and those take a lot of time!

I won't have that time this week, on July 12th I have scheduled multiple certification tests for my career, I've been taking simultaneous classes for them, and the school schedules them, so I'm actually taking like 3 exams over like 3 days but if I get these certs I'm gonna be eligible for careers making over 80k a year (A+ 1/2 Net+ Sec+.) This is absolutely huge for me, and it's expensive to take the test. I'm gonna be putting my all to cramming for this. This means that this project will probably not see any updates in about two weeks or so, I'm going to leave it open, and pick a post mid-week but I probably won't start seriously working on it until after the 12th.

Marie I might end up doing a bit of work on, because the webcomic isn't so much thinking of puzzles and clues and trying to carefully choose words to make the perfect hints, and instead just "Turn off brain, draw lines for 8 hours." That being said, that's also going to be very sporadically worked on.

I have never let a project die on the vine, (Well on sufficient velocity, I had 2 projects never get past the first post, but that's because I didn't get anyone to actually read, but still my throughput to completion is almost batting 100.) I know I've got between the two forums like 20 - 30 people reading my content, and that's amazing, I wouldn't leave you guys in the lurch. (Though in Marie, I get about 300 - 500 views on my site per update, though only liek 5% of them come here to vote!)

At the pace I'm telling Marie, it's going to take yeeeears to finish. Even posting 3 - 5 pages a week, we've not even hit the surface of the story I want to tell. If you know anyone who you'd think would like this point them my way. I can see everyone who views my images, and every person fires a bit more passion into what I'm doing.



I'm doing some extended universe stuff, so i thought I'd point out a few things that shows the connections between my stories, of which there are 3 so far. (With IMPS being in universe, but updated so sporadically that it boggles the mind,)

In Marie, you find Chase Bechdel, of Bechdel's meat buns, you find this character in Kitty Quest as well, making meat buns later (He shows up for one piece of art and then he's gone,) Marie meets a young woman named Taylor, who is a Naiad who happens to also be a sorcerer. This is interesting because in the first story I wrote in this universe (Though honestly, it's a *very* hard read, I didn't have anyone editing my work, and I have slight brain damage so writing can be difficult without someone to clean it up.,) Kitty Quest, we find out that Emily is a sorcerer, and that her Mom is a mage of some sort that is ALSO a sorcerer, they are both Naiads but separated by about 500 - 600 years. The logo from Lab 619 is also on stuff signifying the Red Queen in Marie, though we haven't seen it yet, (Well I hid some in the graffiti, but it was so covered that I don't think anyone can make it out,) it's going to be a good thing to look out for!

In Marie, I'm trying to on a macro sense give an idea of what the Queen's society was like, both the good and the bad. You can see we've gone full fantasy magical space socialism, with free food, housing, some entertainment, and we also see that we're seeing the cracks in a system stretched too far. Marie's city is so far away from the capital that they have almost no-one protecting the people, and capitalists have found ways to amass capital without tipping off the queen.

In all of my stories, having lots of resources, (in 619 humans don't understand magic very well, while in Marie meta-humans have a very strong grasp of magic, but are fundamentally flawed in ways they comprehend it,) is akin to holding lots of power. You see people trying to manipulate, extract, and hold onto that power. The metaphor is much more apparent in Marie where food is money which is magic. Your life literally gets easier and more fulfilling with each additional penny that lines your pocket. Magic has become a mass produced commodity, and we're seeing exactly what that would mean for a city forced to self regulate.

The Protectors, or Imps, or Demons depending on which story you're reading show up in every story, and for good reason. I wanted to convey a sense of really menacing terror with them, while still having them be very care free and fun. I also just kind of like this idea of these ultra powerful beings who choose to just be the Animaniacs. They're actually based on a concept from a DND game, or maybe it was in my stories first and then I put it in my DND game.

In my DND games, they're basically just DM inserts when I want to tell a joke, they show up say something funny, or kind, or threatening, then they poof, In Marie their purpose is now to be these like Protectors, and seem to be the same species as Chase is, but obviously very different.

If you need more of my content, you can find the finished Kitty Quest story on my site below, but only if you want to read 70k words and see some of the first drawings I drew ever.

K01 – In the beginning – Boba Pearl's Light Novels and Comics



Oh and finally, feel free to just chat, I know for both forums it's probably a little weird to have off-site votes being pasted in, or hearing that I'm also hosting this on my website, or that I do random instead of popular vote, but all of those things, even the last one are up for discussion. I've never done a webcomic before, and it's maybe one of the most fun interesting ways I've ever gone to tell a story, you can say a million things with a picture that you can't with words, and with the Voting options having big chunks of text, I can also have the benefits books have into the internal minds of the characters as well.

I love doing this, and I wouldn't be motivated to create if you guys weren't reading, watching, liking, and all voting and all that good shit that tells me you like my stories.