[Webcomic] Marie & The Adventurer's League

[Webcomic] Marie & The Adventurer's League
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In a world where people only value you as much as what your parts can sell for, and money itself is the only thing that fuels magic, Marie a Sea Elf cursed to be born with legs, Taylor a Naiad Sorceress, Jaina a songstress Cat-kin, and their talking shape-shifting friend turned sword Blade embark on a dangerous quest to become the world's best adventurers. Adventurers work for the global Empire of the Red Queen. Mercenaries who are above the laws of the land, but must give up their own rights to do so.
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Original Post

Boba Pearl

Self-Requested Ban

The Adventurer's League: The Last Class

In a world where people only value you as much as what your parts can sell for, and money itself is the only thing that fuels magic, Marie a Sea Elf cursed to be born with legs, Taylor a Naiad Sorceress, Jaina a songstress Cat-kin, and their talking shape-shifting friend turned sword Blade embark on a dangerous quest to become the world's best adventurers. Adventurers work for the global Empire of the Red Queen. Mercenaries who are above the laws of the land, but must give up their own rights to do so.

Marie, a woman who recently lost her mentor, teams up with a young sorceress named Taylor. Where most people have to use their money and their body to cast magic, Taylor is special. The rules of magic don't apply to her as she pulls energy from the Aether itself. Hunted by the Protectorate Branch of the Adventurer's League, and only one last job from getting enough to apply for an Adventuring License, Marie and Taylor are in a race against the many hounds nipping at their heels. Join them on their last job for the drug Syndicate the Red Claires. They're dismantling a horrific drug lab, where the living and dead are harvested for what makes them special. An ignoble job where the poor are chummed. Turned into powerful Chems, so the powerful elite that hold the true reigns in this world can snort, smoke, inject, and consume the poor.

How will this adventure change them? And what hardships will they face to achieve their goals? You the audience decides, every chapter there is a vote that could radically change the course of the story, and a lottery decides which of the reader's votes will be the one chosen.

Thank you so much for giving this a shot, and I hope you enjoy!

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This is just an internal counter for how many votes for my dice roll when picking a post.

[X] Option D: This gnome is an asshole, and maybe he doesn't realize I don't like being disrespected. But even so, my fixer will raise a fit if I kill him. Let's see if he's willing to give me half if I make it clear that's the only way he's leaving this alleyway alive. I did just save him, after all. And I could just as easily retract that kindness.
[X] Option D: This gnome is an asshole, and maybe he doesn't realize I don't like being disrespected. But even so, my fixer will raise a fit if I kill him. Let's see if he's willing to give me half if I make it clear that's the only way he's leaving this alleyway alive. I did just save him, after all. And I could just as easily retract that kindness.

I hope more people vote for threatening the Gnome, that'd be cool.

15 posts for the lottery now.
ah man, one of the images was broken, it's fixed now. Shame it was a cool establishing shot of the city.
Off-site votes, Vote Count is now at 8

In case anyone else was wondering, the answer to that last one is yes.
So question, do people like the open comic book format, or are you guys phone browsers who'd rather have the webtoon style? I could go either way, and help a newbie out, where would I put trigger warnings? Someone pointed out to me that that's kind of expected, and I realize I should warn people about drug use, violence, and toxicity right off the bat.
ah man, one of the images was broken, it's fixed now. Shame it was a cool establishing shot of the city.
Woah. I think I know the one you meant.
So question, do people like the open comic book format, or are you guys phone browsers who'd rather have the webtoon style? I could go either way, and help a newbie out, where would I put trigger warnings? Someone pointed out to me that that's kind of expected, and I realize I should warn people about drug use, violence, and toxicity right off the bat.
I'm on browser most of the time. Put Trigger warnings in the first post or create a pinned post if they are going to be common across the story. Place specific ones at the top of chapters or just prior to the page if they're going to be less common.

[X] C
[X] F

Today, I learned I was color blind, and am going to an optometrist and getting special glasses, because of this, I am curious what my art, and how my art style might change getting fitted with new glasses that might change how I perceive color. People have told me I have a neon style, and I thought that was what I was going for, but things may be much different than I thought they were. This update for both Lab 619 and Marie & The Adventurer's League is getting pushed back to Sunday because of this, as I am trying to figure out what the hell I'm doing and what my art looks like with protanomaly. I hope this doesn't make you not want to read my stuff, or fall off because of the delay. Things will resume on a weekly schedule, but updates will happen on Sunday Nights, instead of Early Thursdays just past Midnight.

Thank you for paying attention and participating in my works! You guys make it worthwhile, and your likes, watches, and votes sustain me. I hope you are all enjoying Marie and the Adventurer's League as much as I enjoy making it.

E: since people have been doing it all day, feel free to ask me what color something is, as it seems people find this fascinating.
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