Yep, though now that I think about it probably closer to Allisa from God Eater. Even the hair and initial attitude matched. :V
Well, I meant, what's the definition of the dillemma and the reason for the name? Tried googling it, but came up with nothing helpful.

Bah as long I could see Murakumo use her "Spear", I am happy. :V
The way this conversation's been going, I'm not sure if this is supposed to be some weird innuendo or not; but if you're just referring to her radar mast, yes that is a thing. And she's kickass with it.
Well, I meant, what's the definition of the dillemma and the reason for the name? Tried googling it, but came up with nothing helpful.
Something I made up about the relevancy and writing of Character with Tsundere or similar personality, their interaction with the protagonist and their role in narrative writing. :V

The way this conversation's been going, I'm not sure if this is supposed to be some weird innuendo or not; but if you're just referring to her radar mast, yes that is a thing. And she's kickass with it.
What Innuendo, I simply want to see Murakumo to aggresively pierce her enemies using her "spear" :V
Oh, I thought that was what you were referring to. But yeah, sister ships are treated as sisters (the Akizukis Akatsukis and Ayanamis more like distant cousins to the Fubukis and each other) generally speaking. Those of some classes are more closely-knit than others. And some are very tight-knit, as with the already-mentioned examples. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
The Duckies are late war ships.
Another aspect worth mentioning is the more rarely-observed phenomenon of Metamorphosis. The name for the phenomenon was chosen deliberately to evoke a more organic implication than terms such as remodel or modernization, as it applies to the shipgirl herself rather than the equipment she uses. On the handful of occasions it has occurred at all, it has been observed to take place during particularly heated battles with the enemy, almost always in cases of being overwhelmed and on the edge of death. Direct accounts of the exact process are therefore rather disjointed and vague, but the effects are clear to see; the shipgirl gaining a sudden boost in vigor, strength, speed, and general combat ability, often paired with subtle physical and even personality changes.

Given that these incidents have all been immediately followed by spectacular effort in solving the harrowing circumstances, and a subsequent loss of synch between the shipgirl and their rigging, we have paired such occurrences with an automatic remodel or second remodel. This way, the rigging is upgraded to better suit the girl's new strengths, and as a necessary measure to keep the equipment in synch with the warship's spirit, which seems to undergo some changes in the process as well. (According to the Fairies) However, other ships have gone through modernization or both remodels without any instances of Metamorphosis occurring; in which case the only advancement is with their technology, apparently with minute spiritual adjustments from the Fairies to maintain strong Synch to match the changes. According to the Fairies these changes are functionally unnoticeable and nowhere near as drastic as the effects of Metamorphosis on the soul.

It is also worth noting that after Metamorphosis, the shipgirls in question have reported certain missing memories of their prior life becoming accessible, and thus far reliably they have been memories concerning particular battles during which they showed especially strong performance. While it is yet untested and hard to tell for sure, it is suggested that there is some form of correlation there, with the unlocking of those memories either causing or being caused by the Metamorphosis. However, this also brings up the troubling possibility that it may only be possible for certain shipgirls; those who played more minimal roles may be completely unable to perform such a feat even if forced into similarly dire situations. This unreliability is what makes testing the limits of the process so difficult, along with the ethical concerns of creating genuine peril outside of sortie operations simply to attempt to recreate the phenomenon in a more controlled setting.

It has also been suggested that Abyssals may be capable of such a thing as well. If so, it has yet to be encountered, fortunately.
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(Unrelated tangent; I'm treating Modernization very differently from the game. No clones, obviously, and no cannibalism here.)

That's a bit too Pokemon
Probably, yeah
But how else would you explain how a green-eyed blonde becomes a red-eyed strawberry blonde? Unless you go with the "shipgirls as robots" theory.
In any case, it's not going to be a huge or remotely frequent thing, just getting it out there now for future reference.
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(Unrelated tangent; I'm treating Modernization very differently from the game. No clones, obviously, and no cannibalism here.)

Probably, yeah
But how else would you explain how a green-eyed blonde becomes a red-eyed strawberry blonde? Unless you go with the "shipgirls as robots" theory.
In any case, it's not going to be a huge or remotely frequent thing, just getting it out there now for future reference.

I usually go with "Fuckin' magic, how does it work anyways?"
(Unrelated tangent; I'm treating Modernization very differently from the game. No clones, obviously, and no cannibalism here.)

Probably, yeah
But how else would you explain how a green-eyed blonde becomes a red-eyed strawberry blonde? Unless you go with the "shipgirls as robots" theory.
In any case, it's not going to be a huge or remotely frequent thing, just getting it out there now for future reference.
Thing is the idea of "metamorphosis" implies a much more dramatic change than eye color and dyejob, and no shipgirl as far as I remember has such a big change. Plus, the number of shipgirls with such a thing happening is really low, begging the question of why, say, Ayanami, has no change to herself.
Aside from the three kujo ichiso girls (Yuudachi, Shigure, Kawakaze) and Yura (who only changes eye color and that too might just be the lighting), I don't recall anybody with a significant visual change.
It creates more questions than it answers.

A simpler and less disrupting explanation, IMO, is to simply assume shipgirl eyes are a bit weird (or she got a new radar installed and it reflected on her eyes, it's not that crazy given Furutaka's eye-searchlight and Musashi's radar glasses). Hair needs no special explanation.
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Thing is the idea of "metamorphosis" implies a much more dramatic change than eye color and dyejob,
Ah, true, not the best term perhaps.

no shipgirl as far as I remember has such a big change. Plus, the number of shipgirls with such a thing happening is really low, begging the question of why, say, Ayanami, has no change to herself.
Aside from the three kujo ichiso girls (Yuudachi, Shigure, Kawakaze) and Yura (who only changes eye color and that too might just be the lighting), I don't recall anybody with a significant visual change.
Well the explanation I had was that this isn't a thing that's even possible with 95% of the girls to begin with, (after all, most of the Kai Ni changes are just to the equipment, and as you pointed out, without any real changes to the girl herself) but you raise a good point.

A simpler and less disrupting explanation, IMO, is to simply assume shipgirl eyes are a bit weird
Hair needs no special explanation.
Ah, yeah.
Not sure if I'll stick with the Metamorphosis thing or not, but yeah, this might make more sense in the long run. Forgot this was Kancolle, where "Sparkly Magic Shipgirl Bullshit" is a valid and plausible explanation for things.

Furutaka's eye-searchlight and Musashi's radar glasses
Wait, really? I thought she was just heterochromatic. Huh.
The glasses, I feel, would count under 'equipment' as they aren't a biological part of her.
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Personally I'd avoid "It's just magic", it's just a cop-out to avoid actually establishing an internal logic.

E: It's possible Tenryuu and Tatsuta might have eye-searchlights too, given the former's eyepatch is (probably) a reference to one of her searchlights being shot out during I-forget-which-fight.
(ofc you can just ignore those and simply say the eyes changed color because the spirit reflects the machinery and eyes are windows to the soul)
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Personally I'd avoid "It's just magic", it's just a cop-out to avoid actually establishing an internal logic.
Weren't you basically arguing for that, though? Saying my explanation was overcomplicating things, unless I'm reading it wrong.
At any rate, I'm still quite a ways off from the point where any of this crops up; I'll hopefully have worked out how best to approach this by then.

E: It's possible Tenryuu and Tatsuta might have eye-searchlights too, given the former's eyepatch is (probably) a reference to one of searchlights being shot out during I-forget-which-fight.
Huh, interesting.

(ofc you can just ignore those and simply say the eyes changed color because the spirit reflects the machinery and eyes are windows to the soul)
Probably the best way to go about it.
I mean, it's different to say "X happens due to magical situation Y" than it is to say "it's just magic".
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In the process of procrastinating on learning Bismark's native language, I wound up making a huge amount of progress on the chapter. Go figure. Also, wanted to ask this now - would people prefer me to include honorifics in the dialogue, or leave them out?
Pros: Conveys respect where references to other characters may otherwise come off as unintentionally flippant, kind of helps get across how certain characters relate
Cons: A pain in the rear to remember to include, feels kinda awkward sometimes for some reason

I mean, it's different to say "X happens due to magical situation Y" than it is to say "it's just magic".
Agreed. And kinda reading back through it, the 'Metamorphosis' thing wasn't really a proper explanation anyway, though I did kinda hint at the reasoning for why it would occur. I think I was mainly trying to pre-emptively provide the context that it's a thing that is possible. At any rate, I think the explanation works independently of it being a phenomenon outside Yuudachi, so I can probably drop that without any real repercussions.

That being said, I'm writing this at 4:45 AM, so probably best to take anything I just said with a saltshaker.
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In the process of procrastinating on learning Bismark's native language, I wound up making a huge amount of progress on the chapter. Go figure. Also, wanted to ask this now - would people prefer me to include honorifics in the dialogue, or leave them out?
Pros: Conveys respect where references to other characters may otherwise come off as unintentionally flippant, kind of helps get across how certain characters relate
Cons: A pain in the rear to remember to include, feels kinda awkward sometimes for some reason

I personally lean toward using honorifics, though either option is fine.
In the process of procrastinating on learning Bismark's native language, I wound up making a huge amount of progress on the chapter. Go figure. Also, wanted to ask this now - would people prefer me to include honorifics in the dialogue, or leave them out?
Pros: Conveys respect where references to other characters may otherwise come off as unintentionally flippant, kind of helps get across how certain characters relate
Cons: A pain in the rear to remember to include, feels kinda awkward sometimes for some reason
Your story, not mine.
Just, y'know, make sure that you're clear on what honorifics get used where, where they get omitted and all.

Overall just keep it consistent. Consistency is good policy.
In case anyone was interested in seeing my initial reaction to the first episode back in the day, or had any lingering respect for me that you'd be better off abandoning now, here's a thing.
I'm making pretty steady headway on the chapter, but I have a camping trip with the family this weekend; not sure how that may affect my progress.

Overall just keep it consistent. Consistency is good policy.
Agreed; I like consistency. I'll have to go back through and add some that I know I missed into what I've posted already.
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Akashi: "Hey, catch this ball!"
Mutsuki: "Got it! Hey, this ball says 'Fubuki' on it for some reason."
Mutsuki: "And why do I have a sudden urge to blurt out hours of exposition?"

An old tradition has been brought back.
Akashi: "Hey, catch this ball!"
Mutsuki: "Got it! Hey, this ball says 'Fubuki' on it for some reason."
Mutsuki: "And why do I have a sudden urge to blurt out hours of exposition?"

An old tradition has been brought back.

N-no. Not the EVA-style 'totally not going to be in the actual episode' previews again. Anything but that, please!

Alright, here's what's up:

This graph is the chapter. The dark green section is what I've already released; the lime green and yellow sections are what I've written since then, and the red and orange sections are yet to be written. The narrow black lines represent the points where the chapter can be split up into smaller sections, such as, again, the bit that I've already released.
The yellow bit is a particular scene I want to rewrite on account of the dialogue not feeling right; the red section is a bit that's been proving rather difficult to make my way through and is responsible for most of the delay, and the orange bit is the last few scenes of the chapter, which I'm pretty confident will flow more smoothly - once I get to them.

Because of this delay, my plan is to go ahead and rewrite the yellow scene and release that whole section either later tonight or sometime tomorrow, depending on certain other things I need to take care of tonight. Worst case scenario, you'll still have some stuff to tide you over for the next while until I can get through the red; best case scenario the rewriting may actually help give me enough writing momentum again to push through. In any case, that's the plan for now.

On another note, I highly recommend you check out this wonderful EP:

While the songs from it don't really fit with specific moments like some of the other ones I've linked prior, it's still a strong overall influence on the story, as well as just being really good music in general. The first and last pieces are particularly great, in my opinion.

That's all for now; as I said, Chapter 3 Part 2 should be up very very soon, if all goes well.
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