But yea the Abyssals in the anime just really really liked to sit there or drive in nice straight lines. Same with the Fleet too if I'm being honest

That's a paddling. To compare it to world of warships, It's pretty much seal clubbing T3 T4 BB for the Fleet as man that's easy mode don't even gotta lead em!

Making the Abyssals a legitimate threat outside the Wo "One Eye" was really needed in the anime. Thank god they didn't see a sub hunting them or everyone's sinking

See you need to establish your enemy as a threat if it's going to be a war or combat focused story.

Mobile Suit Gundam quickly established that the Zaku was a powerful weapon by their little rampage against the Federation base and that even with how strong Gundam was that it was vulnerable so there was always tension in battles.

The Abyssals were just a first seen really as a joke and the only loss the Fleet had was due to incredible ineptitude on their part by standing down without leaving the combat zone completely. Then the slice of life episodes further hurt their threat because it became questions of "How have these idiots not lost the war? "

When the Where is Shimakaze? Episode was further hammered this point in as it was a Time Critical mission ensure the Abyssals didn't secure the supplies first. The fact they were able to waste so much time and energy and STILL get there first and win so decisively made the Abyssals seem extremely passive to the point they wouldn't deny the other side supplies. Again the Wo that became One Eye is the only one to show any real initiative. Of course because One Eye is more likely than not supposed to be Enterprise it makes some sense

Edit: There was one REALLY GOOD CHANCE to show how effective the Abysaals were but it happens ENTIRELY OFF SCREEN. The Air Strike and destruction of the Naval Base. Could have who's left frantically deploy to try deal with it only to be overwhelmed and forced to shelter. Of course it's STILL going to be One Eye doing it. Which makes her even more of the ONLY COMPETENT ABYSSAL which is a problem. I guess they had to use that time to show off the BRILLIANT PLAN COOKED OFF BY KONGO TO WAKE UP SHIMAKAZE! That was just wasting so much time. Please go away Kongo, you're worse than the Ars Nova version of Hyuuga when around Iona and that's hard to beat.
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You aren't telling anything particularly new and this is a story thread not a general kancolle thread anyways.
Research Log Entry 1.3:

The aforementioned issues with the housing unit were resolved fairly quickly, but the research team's progress has been stalled for quite some time after due to other obligations. Now, though, the effort to cover the initial period of PS1's experiences have drawn to a close, and the time has come to contact the other Primary and Secondary subjects to begin researching the first phase of the incident, marked by Enemy Subject 1's (ES1, or ANCH PRIN) occupation of the nearby seas. So far, we have been able to contact SS6 (SNDI) and SS7, (JNTS) though SS8 (NAKA) was unavailable at the time. Still, progress is progress, and we are hopeful that our work thus far is of sufficient quality to bring PS4 around to giving us a chance.

-We are also required to make an appointment with SS3 and SS4. (ADMI and NGTO) The head researcher wishes for the research assistant to get on that ASAP, and predicts that she will be tougher to get an account from.
--The research assistant would like to question why the head researcher did not make an appointment already when the opportunity had presented itself, and also reminds them that the official backing on the project should be enough to convince her of our validity.
---The head researcher cites being busy at the time as their reason.
----The research assistant questions how complaining about the summer heat between phone calls while hogging the fan counts as being busy.
-----The head researcher would like the research assistant to shut up.

(For real though, it was a bit of a wild and crazy summer. Got my classes to worry about now as well, but I think the structure has helped a bit; progress has been reasonably steady, all things considered.)
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New Map
I spent approximately ten straight hours working on this. Whether or not it was a good use of my time remains to be seen, but I'm reasonably happy with the results:

Welcome to Yokosuka.

(As far as actual chapter progress goes, I estimate I'm about 45% of the way through, and at a point where, if it takes me too long to finish up the remainder, I can post what I have thus far as a section. But I want to see if I can get through to the chapter's full ending reasonably quickly, so I'm going to hold off from that for the time being.)
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There's going to be an XCOM style terror mission at some point is there?

A couple of weeks is not really enough time to fully bring someone up to speed on modernity. It is possible that some classes could be sat in on. Or tours could be had. Or half-pint destroyers could get mistaken for students (possibly skipping class, I mean, some students have to have tried the "I am destroyer ____, so you do not have to take me to class" angle at least once). All sorts of things really.
Excerpts from my outline:

Excerpt 1: "Akagi offers alternative approach to the problem, giving Fubuki a more concrete hope for improvement and unintentionally establishing herself as an authority figure worthy of trust and admiration, sparking an infatuation (and remember to write it as an infatuation for now) that neither are yet aware of, while also hinting at the presence of faults and regrets of her own. Before the conversation progresses any further, they are reminded of their appetites and the moment is ended."

Excerpt 2: "Murakumo attac but she also protec. Achievement Unlocked: Mixed Signals, Ultra Maximum God-Tier Rank!"

As you can see, my writing process is deeply professional and thought-out. Yep.

(Probably going to regret this later, but I'm going to give an extremely tentative ETA of about a week from today.)
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Yeah, but Murakumo is a Type 1 Fubuki class.

Or, put another way, she's a Fubuki-subclass Fubuki-class.
But incestuous couples ain't new for Kancolle.
Oh, I thought that was what you were referring to. But yeah, sister ships are treated as sisters (the Akatsukis and Ayanamis more like distant cousins to the Fubukis and each other) generally speaking. Those of some classes are more closely-knit than others. And some are very tight-knit, as with the already-mentioned examples. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I guess she's in the same category as the Akatsuki sisters, who are technically modified Fubuki-classes?
Nope, still treated as a mainline Fubuki. Dunno if I want to give more details or if I want to let the story speak for itself...

Oh right, spoiler tags are a thing. Read at your own risk, as this is one of the two big focuses of Act 2 in particular.

Murakumo is generally treated as a Fubuki, but still the black sheep of the family, and when she met with the others on a rare chance to gather from the different naval districts, they... did not get along. (Murakumo was far from blameless in this.) Enter Fubuki, who is completely oblivious to all this drama and encountering an already naturally prickly 'Kumo who now has developed something of a persecution complex to justify how the reunion went down, and unconditionally accepts her as her sibling.

To say it goes over well is like calling the Abyssals cheerful and friendly folks who just want to get along.
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Oh, I thought that was what you were referring to. But yeah, sister ships are treated as sisters (the Akizukis and Ayanamis more like distant cousins) generally speaking. Those of some classes are more closely-knit than others.

Nope, still treated as a mainline Fubuki. Dunno if I want to give more details or if I want to let the story speak for itself...
Oh right, spoiler tags are a thing. Read at your own risk, as this is one of the big focuses later on; Act 2 in particular.
Murakumo is generally treated as a Fubuki, but still the black sheep of the family, and when she met with the others on a rare chance to gather from the different naval districts, they... did not get along. (Murakumo was far from blameless in this.) Enter Fubuki, who is completely oblivious to all this drama and encountering an already naturally prickly 'Kumo who now has developed something of a persecution complex to self-justify how the reunion went down, and unconditionally accepts her as her sibling. To say it goes over well is like calling the Abyssals cheerful and friendly folks.
Can I have a source for the Murakumo part? I am interested in what exactly happened.
Can I have a source for the Murakumo part? I am interested in what exactly happened.
Like I said, this is stuff that comes up later. Not based in any historical event, just something in this story that went down after she was summoned. Unless you're asking about the bit in the outline, which comes up pretty soonish.
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Oh, I thought that was what you were referring to. But yeah, sister ships are treated as sisters (the Akizukis and Ayanamis more like distant cousins to the Fubukis and each other) generally speaking. Those of some classes are more closely-knit than others. And some are very tight-knit, as with the already-mentioned examples.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Nope, still treated as a mainline Fubuki. Dunno if I want to give more details or if I want to let the story speak for itself...

Oh right, spoiler tags are a thing. Read at your own risk, as this is one of the big focuses later on; Act 2 in particular.

Murakumo is generally treated as a Fubuki, but still the black sheep of the family, and when she met with the others on a rare chance to gather from the different naval districts, they... did not get along. (Murakumo was far from blameless in this.) Enter Fubuki, who is completely oblivious to all this drama and encountering an already naturally prickly 'Kumo who now has developed something of a persecution complex to justify how the reunion went down, and unconditionally accepts her as her sibling.

To say it goes over well is like calling the Abyssals cheerful and friendly folks who just want to get along.
Of course, you can always give her delicious food when she is in her Tsun mode :V
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Can I just profess my love for this function? This way I can still talk to people and explain myself without sounding like I'm trying too hard to be cryptic and stuff, but I don't feel like I'm just blurting the whole story out and ruining it.
Spoiler : there will be various Tsun situations until by power of Yur Inces Friendship and angst the Dere came :V
Spoiler : there will be various Tsun situations until by power of Yur Inces Friendship and angst the Dere came :V

Well... you're not wrong. XD
Though that wasn't exactly the hardest of guesses or the part I'm attempting to keep under wraps :p
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Well... yeah. Though that wasn't the hardest of guesses. :p

Though I do hope it would be better than Noire-Rin Dilemma.

Naive Protag meet Tsun -> Tsun acting all high and mighty -> Protag use [Friendship] -> Tsundere is confused -> [Optional] Tsundere almost bite the dust but helped by Protag -> Protag now knew Tsun have reason acting like that from persecution, socially stunted or other dark secrets -> Protag use [FRIENSHIP] -> END.
Though I do hope it would be better than Noire-Rin Dilemma.
Noire-Rin Dilemma?

Naive Protag meet Tsun -> Tsun acting all high and mighty -> Protag use [Friendship] -> Tsundere is confused -> [Optional] Tsundere almost bite the dust but helped by Protag -> Protag now knew Tsun have reason acting like that from persecution, socially stunted or other dark secrets -> Protag use [FRIENSHIP] -> END.
Ah, yeah, won't be quite that bad.