The centipede seemed to screech With anger and frustration.
""FUCK IT! I will do it you tittering Nancy! But don't Come crying to me for What comes next!""
The Centipede suddenly turned red hot around Crane's waist. Crane could Hear it cry out in utter agony!
A grey coiling Centipede emblem appeared, and from it a massive, drooling, metal centipede rose. Then It spit molten medal on Crane, covering his body. The Centipede curled around Crane, glowed red hot...Then melted into the metal heap that covered Crane. It reshaped, as the Centipedes armor turned a blood red.
The grey emblem fades as Cranes new armor revealed himself.
Crane wore grey, segmented armor there were spikes coming put of the right gaunlets, the left greave, the shoulders and back of the armor. The helmet has short spikes on the ridge and one yellow and one red eyelens. Its most stricking feature is the red Centipede that starts as the red right greave and Then goes from behind the waist, diagonaly over the chest, over the shoulders before the red armor cover the whole left arm, the red gaunlet having grey eyes above the hand, causing it look more like a Centipede.
An inner mechanism spinned, summoning an emblem behind William. This released a wave of Darkness.
From the Darkness, a pair of red eyes glowed and the Darkness subsided.
William was now wearing a pure black armor, inlays of copper on his gaunlets, greaves and chest piece. The chestplate resembled a scorpion viewed from the front. This gave the illusion that the arms of the suit were the arms of the scorpions. Copper 'leg' patterns were across the belly of the suit. The gaunlets almost resembled pincers With the hands coming out of them. From the pack, just behind the chestplates back, came a large, spiked, tail-like whip.
On the greaves, the copper pattern formed six eyes on each leg.
Last was the helmet, like the rest a black thing, the helmet had red eyes. Around the eyes, the helmet had flaring out green ridges, making the red eyes stand out more.
Infront of Rook, a large grasshopper emblem appeared.
It flames into her chest, creating a chest plate and a featureless suit for the head, legs and arms. Then, two symbols appeard before her arms, traveling across it, covering her arms in armor.
Then the symbols appeared under her legs, causing the leg armor to appear in a flash of energy.
Lastly, the symbol smashed intoneer face, causing a helmet to take shape.
She wore a simple black suit with Dark green chest plate, greaves, gaunlets and helmet. Dark red lines were tracing from a gem in her chest plate, along her upper arms/legs towards her gaunlets/greaves. Her gaunlets were larger near the hands, great for lunching, With a gem inlaid.
The greaves had little blades coming from the back.
The helmet was Dark green With large red eyes that dominated the helmet and a ridges mouth piece.
She was Also wearing a red With green scarf.
The shell popped open, real in a little orange crab With a gem in its back.
From the crab, smoke bellows forth.
Evangeline is now wearing an orange With Cyan suit. The upper arms/legs are orange, aswel has the gloves/boots. The gaunlets and greaves are Cyan and resemble turban sea Shells. The chest plate is Also Cyan, With an orange crab inlay. The helmet is a more tan orange, With a flatter head and goggle like black eyes (the edges of goggles being Cyan.)
"Squeze my Claws to summon the machine hermit, your personal motorcycle!"
Hermadot spoke, his little legs wiggeling on the belt.