Rising Sun 6
- Location
- United States
Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.
Director Piggot's nails may as well have been a funeral bell, if her expression was anything to go by. The office was otherwise silent, despite how many people were in attendance: to my right, Miss Militia was sitting slightly slumped over with lingering exhaustion and mental trauma, and to my left were lined up Armsmaster, Dr. Cid, and the Director's deputy, who looked profoundly unhappy to be trapped in here.
"So many questions that I do not want to ask," Piggot said. "Let's start with an easy one. Fantasia, what in God's name are you wearing?"
"It's either body paint or some sort of temporary tattoo, ma'am." I probably should have gone with something other than Geomancer for this meeting. Looking like I just stumbled out of a paleolithic Woodstock wasn't the most professional or apologetic dress code around. Dr. Cid coughed into his hand to hide a laugh.
"...I recant, that wasn't an easy question after all. Let's try again-- Miss Militia, what in God's name happened?"
"Motherfucker suplexed a train."
"I'm sorry, what?"
"We arrived at the Trainyards around 0930, whereupon Fantasia pinpointed the... beacon, inside one of the abandoned freight cars. When we entered, however, an... anomaly? Occurred." Miss Militia rubbed a hand at her temples. "We appeared to be trapped inside an alternate space that-- according to Fantasia-- was the inside of the projection. There were hostile... projections, spaced throughout the train, and we were forced to fight our way to the engine. Whereupon we, uh..."
I decided sparing Miss Militia was worth the consequences of interrupting. "The train was a ghost train, and it kicked us out onto the tracks, and then we had to punch and shoot it a lot while it chased us. And it was really angry, and Miss Militia had to bust out an actual grenade launcher! And we alternated punching and exploding it on different sides until the whole train kinda rocked on the tracks, and then I picked it up and threw it back down so hard it broke the tracks and surrendered. And now it's another projection I can summon."
I saw a muscle underneath Director Piggot's eye start to twitch. Armsmaster must have seen it too because he headed off the imminent explosion by stepping forward-- he's a brave man. He held out his hand, where my PRT-issue phone had the saved photos pulled up. On display was one of Miss Militia, sitting wide-eyed and dazed next to the train tracks, with the Conductor's Cap perched jauntily on her head. "Care to explain this one, Fantasia?"
"Did you know that phones have cameras now?" I heard Dr. Cid cough again, harder. "...I didn't. I get excited about it sometimes." The Director very slowly propped her elbows onto her desk, and lowered her head into her hands.
"Yes ma'am?"
"Get out."
"...yes ma'am."
* * *
Well, with my career surely over, it seemed as good a day as any to ruin a friendship or two as well. It was Friday, so I headed for St. Jude's Hospital, where Panacea would be today. She seemed a bit surprised to see me, and unless I was imagining it, just a little bit pleased. I wasn't as much help in this hospital as in Brockton General--St. Jude's dealt mostly with cancers and other incurable diseases that afflicted children, while I was best suited for trauma--but White Mage could still help heal and revitalize the exhausted nurses and doctors, so I focused on that while Panacea did her thing. I didn't want to disrupt her focus, so I waited until the end of her shift before I pulled her aside.
"Hey, Panacea? Let's take a break. I want to chat with you a bit."
"Um. Sure?" Up to the roof we went, out of sight of prying eyes, and where Glory Girl could come and pick Panacea up once she called for her. I waited for Amy to finish a cigarette and tried not to pace, but halfway through she sighed and stubbed it out on the concrete.
"Okay, you're wound tight as a spring. What's going on, Fantasia?"
"Taylor. My name is Taylor Hebert." I turned to face her fully. She looked more confused than taken aback. "I wanted you to know-- it's only fair, besides."
I sighed. I knew this was going to be awkward. "I wanted you to know because you can call me Taylor if you want, but also-- full disclosure, I kinda... found out a few things about you." Yep, there's the guarded expression. I pressed on. "You see this lens I'm wearing? With the medical scanner I told you about? Well I improved on it, and now it gives me a short bio of anyone I scan. So, uh... it gave me your full name and a short history."
"Oh God. What?"
"But more importantly, and there's no good way to say this, but I think you're being Mastered." That derailed her panic into a different type of panic. I stepped forward and grabbed her wrists. "Amy. Look at me-- I can fix this. I can, okay? You know I'm not lying. I won't lie to you. I promise."
She tugged at her wrists, but-- after a couple of tries, she just stopped, and trembled. "Mastered? By what?"
"...I've got a suspicion, but I'd rather prove it before I make any accusations." I took a deep breath. "Amy-- do I have your permission to heal you?"
"No! Yes. I-- I don't-- fine, just-- fine." That was probably good enough for consent. I released her wrists, focused, and cast Esuna. I double-checked my Lens to confirm, then nodded.
"I don't know if you'll feel anything? But, uh... let's just wait a few minutes, and tell me if you notice anything, okay?"
She muttered at me, and re-lit her smoke with shaking hands. "I'm going to call my sister, and go home. And you're not going to say anything about-- about..." She trailed off.
"Um... A-amy?"
"I'm... going to call my sister." She repeated. "I'm going to call Vicky. Oh God. Vicky." Panacea's face grew pale. I winced.
"...Amy. I won't ask-- I'll listen if you talk to me, but I won't ask. And... if you want, I can make you something that will keep you cured, like my belt does for me."
Amy just walked until her back was against the concrete wall around the stairwell's entrance, and slid down until she was sitting on the roof's tarmac. After a moment, I joined her, and we sat there in silence for a while.
"Hey..." I looked up. "Can I see it? Your Lens thing?" I slipped my not-glasses off my face and handed them over. Amy put the Lens on and peered through it-- I saw her eyes flick across the different menus and features. She looked at me, and a bemused smile settled on her lips. "Huh."
"The... bio, thing that you mentioned. 'Taylor Hebert: Warrior of Dusk. Last champion of the Crystals in a world long deprived.' Does it get all flowery and dramatic for everyone?"
I laughed. "Yeah, pretty much."
She passed back the Lens, and fell silent. After a few minutes, she checked her phone. "...my sister will be here in a few minutes. You'll-- make me something, to help?" I nodded. "...okay. Um. One other question... Taylor?"
I smiled-- just a little. "Yeah?"
"What's my name?"
April 10 - 16
I wonder if it's possible to actually feel someone else's rage, without being Gallant? Because I'm making a good effort at it, either way.
"Repeat that please, Fantasia?"
"I enchanted my belt to completely eliminate my need for sleep. So now that I have a lot more time on my hands, I was hoping to increase my number of patrols again."
Armsmaster stared at me. Just... stared. I am absolutely certain that the temperature of his office was slowly increasing. I shifted in my seat, uncomfortable, and idly wondered if maybe Dragoon's armor was a little too like Armsmaster's own for his liking. Maybe he thought it was mocking him? No, Armsmaster's a pretty level-headed guy, I think. He wouldn't get caught up in imagined slights, right?
"Yes. Fine. You can take the night shifts. Start tonight." His voice was clipped. "Gallant requested the night off, so you can pair with Kid Win."
The night shifts were the most-often bartered patrols among the Wards. Nobody wants to be out and about at 3 AM on a school night, not even if you've cheated your way out of needing to sleep. I hoped that this arrangement was only temporary, but I had a sinking feeling in my chest that maaaaaybe Armsmaster isn't above human fallacies after all. I mean, I'm not saying that sticking me with the worst patrols is a petty move? But it's a petty move.
"Was there anything else you needed, Fantasia?"
To not shatter my childhood illusions of my favorite heroes, perhaps? "Sir, are you... angry with me? Did I do something wrong?"
I think I saw his teeth grind a little, but he took a measured breath. "No. You have not broken any of the rules or guidelines expected of you, but you are... disruptive. I keep a very strict schedule, and you have a habit of finding ways to force me to revise it, mostly by requiring further power and Tinkertech analysis-- which is part of my job, so I do not begrudge you for it-- but the sheer frequency is... frustrating."
"Oh." I hadn't thought of that. I knew the Power Docs downstairs were sent into a tizzy on an almost weekly basis, but I hadn't thought that Armsmaster would get caught up in the storm. And he's got his Tinkering to worry about, too... maybe I should make him a Preservation-infused item sometime, as an apology. Or find out when his birthday is. "Well, um... that, at least, should be slowing down? I've only got room for 16 power sets, and they're almost all full now."
"That is... reassuring." It sounded like he needed to search for the right word, there. "But I was referring more to your habit of sparking off unlikely events that require some manner of intervention."
"Is this about the train? Because I didn't know that was going to happen."
"Exactly my point. Your powers make you a constant mystery and a magnet for trouble. I'd rather not spend all my time waiting for the other shoe to drop, as it were."
"Hey, that's... not really fair, sir. I just got my powers a couple months ago. I don't have years of experience like you to know everything and be practiced at it. I want to be a great hero, but I have to start somewhere." To his credit, his lips twitched downwards a tad, which I choose to believe was an expression of guilt in the face of my impassioned plea. "And I am not a 'magnet for trouble,' I don't just cause weird things to happen around me."
I think maybe I deserved what happened next, for saying that.
The door to Armsmaster's office suddenly burst open, and the light from the hallway cast an ominous shadow over Armsmaster. A shadow with... ears.
"Haaaaaalbeard!" The shadow struck a pose, and I looked away from Amsmaster's paling face to watch the doorway, where a woman in a familiar costume and armed with rapier stood. Mouse Protector's face split into a huge grin.
"Get out the red carpet, 'cause the MOUSE is in the HOUSE!" She broke her pose with a sudden disappearance, reappearing just behind Armsmaster's chair, where she could initiate a Stranglehug. "Haven't seen you in AGES, Armsy! We're gonna clock out today, and find a bar, and I'm gonna make you drink until you catch me up on ALL the best gossip!" She gave his neck a squeeze. I saw his face tilt just slightly to look at me. There was murder in those eyes.
"Who's the chica? New Ward?"
"Um. Yes! I'm Fantasia, pleased to--" She teleported back to my side of the desk, hand outstretched. I took it without thinking. "--meet you."
"Ooh, I've heard of you! 'Little Eidolon!' Oh, I saw you at Canberra, I think I've got a picture even!" She withdrew her phone from a pocket and started thumbing through it. I felt my smile freeze on my face. Lucky for me, she 'ported back over to Armsmaster's side first, saying, "Look! Look at her about to tug on Eidolon's sleeves!"
I pulled out my own phone, hidden behind the desk, and tapped at it with shaking fingers.
18:53 AsIfByMagic said: MP in AM office
18:53 AsIfByMagic said: HELP
18:54 CantTouchThis said: omw
"--and here's my new cat, Horatio, you see that marking on the fur around his eyes? It's like he's wearing glasses! I saw him at the shelter, just this itty-bitty little nerd kitten, and said 'Sylvester and Agamemnon would love you, you're coming home with me little buddy', and then--"
My savior knocked on the doorframe, his breath still a bit uneven from running. "Uh, hey boss, I wanted to ask you about-- oh hi there are you Mouse Protector? I'm a huge fan! Name's Clockblocker, great to meet you." Thank the Crystals for you, Dennis.
"I got your text, what's wrong Armsma-- oh, hello Mouse." Miss Militia rounded the corner and paused in the doorframe, phone still in her hand. I saw her gaze flick between the group of people now surrounding Armsmaster. "You look busy, I'll catch up later." I heard a small, strangled sound from Armsmaster, and winced on his behalf. Betrayal. I mean, not that I was about to do anything different, but still.
"WELP I need to go get some things ready for my patrol later. Thank you for the talk, sir, and it was great to meet you Mouse Protector maybe we can hang out sometime, okaybye."
I don't think I stopped laughing all the way to the Ward's Commons.
* * *
Kid Win's face was reddened under his visor, and he kept a tight grip on his hoverboard as he laughed. I was doing much the same, only holding onto a parkour dinosaur bird, as Coco kept up with the Tinker's easy flight.
"...and I could hear the clock and time puns starting up the second I left the office. I owe him such a muffin basket, seriously."
"Who, Clock or Armsy?"
"I don't think muffins are sufficient apology for Armsmaster, unless there's a food-Tinker or something around. And even then I might need a season pass to the Tinker Bakery or something." Kid Win chuckled again, and I grinned up at him. "Oh-- that reminds me, actually. Wanted to ask you something."
"Could I, like, trade you for some Tinkertech? I really need some weapons and maybe a shield for some of my powers. I mean, I could hit up a military surplus store or wander around the ABB districts for some Hanzo steel, but I don't think I should be carrying around lethal weaponry, you know?"
"Well, I guess? I think asking Armsmaster would be a better choice, I tend to have a hard time finishing projects-- ooh, but he's probably not a sympathetic audience right now, huh."
I shook my head. "No, I really think you're the better choice, and not because I just burned that bridge. I was hoping you could make me something that I can switch between forms? Like, a staff that becomes a sword, or something? Your Modular Tech should make designing attachments pretty easily, so-- uh. What's that look for?"
Kid Win had initially puffed up a little with pride, when I said I'd prefer his tech to Armsmaster's, but now his face looked almost stricken. "What'd you say?"
"That... a sword that turns into a staff, or...?"
"No, about my tech."
"Your Modular Technology? It's your specialty, so I thought-- oh. OH. Oh my god did you not know?" My hands flew up to cover my mouth. "I'm so sorry I would have told you immediately!"
"That's-- I've been looking for my specialty for-- how do you even?!"
"My Lens scans anyone I meet and tells me their power if they have one. Keep quiet about it, okay?"
"Oh man. Oh man. This explains so much." Kid Win breathed, "I could put adapters into my hoverboard for my mounted weapon systems, and--"
Tinker Fugue alert, must derail. "Great! I'm happy for you, but please stay with me here." He blinked, then flushed a bit. It didn't quite dispel his grin, though.
Spending time with Kid Win fortifies your Spirit.
Passion has increased.
"We'll have to talk to PR and get it past the Director, but yeah, I'll definitely make you something!"
"Okay! I'll owe you something good-- don't wave it off! I'd have told you your specialty anyway, that's not a gift. You deserved to know."
"...thanks, Fantasia. I'll have to--"
Darkness billowed out into the street, a heavy black pall that enveloped us both in an instant. I heard Kid Win make a startled sound, just before all noise was swallowed by the smoke. Coco whined, and I tugged her reins to stop her while my Ribbon pulsed and restored my sight-- well, mostly. It was like being underwater, everything around me was washed in shades of grey, and I heard Kid Win's cursing through a muffled distortion. A few tokens appeared on my Lens just as three huge shapes barreled out of the darkness, the beings passing us by in thundering bounds. Normally, I'd be a bit worried about being lost in a dark expanse, surrounded by parahuman villains. But the distorted roar and flash of pale fire I saw down the street kind of dwarfed those concerns. I focused my Lens on it, even knowing there was a good chance the disturbance was too far away for a full scan.
<The Dragon>
Level --
Definitely a bigger problem, here.
* * *
Mouse Protector put her tumbler glass down with a soft clink on the coffee table. Trying to drag Armsmaster to a bar was, as she'd expected, a bit of a fool's hope, but that just meant she'd had to bring the bar to him. A decent bottle of scotch and good company, what more did anyone need?
"...so, all totaled, it hasn't exactly been quiet around here," Colin said, his glass half-empty in front of him and his attention fixated on some device he had in his hands. Looked like part of his helmet's visor, but whatever improbable thing he was adding to it now was beyond the purview of a humble Mouse. "How are things on your end, Mary?"
"Can't complain! Well, mostly. S9 poked their heads up again, I'm trying to drum up some support and clearance to go a-hunting, see if we can't prune that devil shrub a bit. In the meantime, decided to stop by the 'Bay for a couple weeks, see the sights, eavesdrop on gossip, bet on trades, the usual."
"Brockton's getting a bit of attention lately. There's talk of shaking up the roster down here, get some more heroes in." Colin scowled. "What! What's that look for?"
"I've been handling things fine here."
"That's not why, and you know it."
"Even worse." He snatched up his glass and drained it, then returned to his work on the visor. "We don't need another Dauntless, and that's exactly what's going to happen if we start bending rules for the sake of a teenager. Sets a bad precedent." He ignored his companion's frown (mostly) and sighed instead.
Mary stayed silent for a moment and sipped at her drink, just enjoying the company. It wasn't long before a grin wormed its way onto her face and she scooted a little closer to the Tinker. "And that reminds me! There's some interesting rumors going around right now."
"Your Ward's costume, for the projections? Looks an awful lot like Eidolon and Narwhal had a bit of a rendezvous. And, y'know, people have been wondering things about those two for years. And I know that you and I know that's just a rumor..."
"Please stop."
"...but I couldn't help notice that Fantasia's armor looks an awwwwful lot like a more draconic version of your armor, Colin. Is there something I should know about?" The Tinker groaned, and Mary laughed and danced fingers across his shoulder. "Arrrrmsyyyy, give me the goooods! Is there something between you and--"
Colin's helmet, sitting on the table, sparked to life as a call came through on the emergency frequency. A few words in and the heroes were scrambling for their gear.
* * *
I slid from Coco's back and released the grip I had on her presence, letting her fade away into motes of dust as I raised my hands to my chest and focused. From somewhere above the black fog, I heard Kid Win's voice call out to me, and I just knew I was going to be in trouble when this was over, for not following his directions in the field like I was supposed to. But Kid Win couldn't see through Grue's darkness like I could, and since it muffled sound, there was every possibility that the Tinker didn't know what was bearing down on us, and there wasn't any time to spare for getting out of the cloud and warning him.
Not unless I wanted to let a dragon overtake us, burning my home city to cinders as it went.
Light pulsed briefly around me, as I shifted smoothly from Earth to Water, and the Time Mage's mantle trailed from my shoulders. I could see Lung's shadow approaching--Crystals, he could move if he wanted to--and the Stop spell left my lips before I could give any more thought to doubt. Even in the dark I saw the green motes splash against his scales, and--
<The Dragon>
Level 41
A local gang leader, infamous for his rampages. Once he ramps up, he cannot be stopped, only put down.
Powers: Scale to Threat, Pyrokinesis
Current Status: Flame Aura, Regen+
Weak to: Poison
Immune to: Fire, Stop
--and he kept moving. As I watched, I saw his level tick up to 42. I swallowed down the feeling that I'd made a terrible mistake. Sometimes there just weren't any good choices.
Lung was fast. Maybe not the most maneuverable, but his sheer strength put power to his ability to heave his bulk around, and his reach was longer than it had any right to be. But Lung only had the physical constraints of his body, enhanced as it was. He didn't have magic.
Lung was fast, but I was faster.
I drew up energy into an emerald light, and this time when the sparks danced across the gang leader's silver scales, the phantom image of a clock appeared above him, the hands visibly slowing to a crawl. Lung was still charging, but now he may as well have been moving through water. I changed tack, lifted my hands, and cast.
Through the fog I saw Lung stumble, as his entire torso folded in on itself, crushed by a sudden swell of unnatural gravity. Through my Lens, I saw the indicator for his health get cut in half, and I heard his startled swearing. And above, I heard Kid Win's voice clear up, as the black fog dissipated in Grue's absence. Well, shit.
"Fantasia, we need to-- oh holy fuck is that Lung--"
"Kid! Call for help!"
"On it, I'll try and keep him off of you!"
"Don't get close, he's on fire and-- shit shit SHIT!"
Lung's arm snapped out in a vicious swipe, his limb elongated through growth and flames trailing from huge talons. I had time to see a couple of his ribs pop back into place, his power's regeneration working steadily to undo the damage I'd caused him, before his clawed hand slammed into my side. My barriers flashed under the blow, keeping him from cutting too deeply, but the impact sent me tumbling. I rolled with the movement as best I could, hoping to get some distance between us, and I saw a warning light on my Lens as my Regen kicked on, fighting against a-- Bleed effect? I glanced down at the growing stain on my side. Oh. I scrambled to my feet, and drew up my energy again.
The black orb of gravity pressed against Lung's chest again, and I heard bones and scales crack under the pressure, quickly drowned out by his roar of pain and incandescent fury. Well, at least I didn't think I'd have to worry about Lung going after Kid Win-- he was well and truly pissed off at me. His health, I saw, cut down again to nearly a quarter, before his regeneration started ticking him back up at an unfair pace. Lung tensed, then hurled himself forward, knocking me back several feet until I hit the wall of a building. His flames drained into me, consumed by the additions I'd been adding to my Libra Lens for more elemental protection. That helped, but I still ducked away and tore across the street as quick as I could. I might be able to keep him Slowed until the Protectorate got here, but I absolutely could not afford to let him pin me. Above me, red light flashed from Kid Win's guns, and I heard sizzling sounds as lasers crackled against Lung's armored hide. I cast another Gravija, before the dragon could decide the Tinker was an acceptable target. It worked-- Lung's head whipped back to me and he roared, the sound sending pebbles bouncing up from the pavement.
Lung's neck was stretching by now, his face deforming and melting off the metal dragon mask to reveal the beastly skull beneath. He tried to bite at me, but I stepped back, already running again, and his teeth closed on air. As soon as I got some distance, I turned to aim, and tried for a different energy. Comets formed in the air above the street, and I heard Kid Win's startled curse as the stones, wreathed in cold fires, hurtled down onto Lung's head and back. He buckled beneath their weight, and I started to grin, but the boulders vanished as soon as their energy was spent. In my Lens, Lung's health ticked down a fraction-- not nearly as much as I'd hoped. Crystals, how tough was this guy? He was nearly caught up with me, so I turned to dart away again.
He'd learned from his mistake, it seemed, because this time his head and neck swerved to follow the path of my dodge, and I felt his teeth--far too large, when had his head gotten so big?--catch onto my side and close down, hard.
I screamed, and batted at his face with my hands, tried to claw at his eyes. I pressed Gravija against his chest, then skull, and saw blood sizzle out of his nose and ears. Lung's teeth stayed clamped into my middle, and he drew his head up and to the side--
"Oh no, no no NO STOP!"
--and shook me, like a dog, his long neck whipping back and forth and his teeth shredding through and--
* * *
I opened my eyes, briefly, and I think I was lying on the pavement because everything was tilted at an angle. Someone tall and blue was stabbing a spear or-- no, Halberd, it was Armsmaster-- at a bright, silvery-flickery thing that must have been Lung. I squinted, but my eyes wouldn't focus past all the red lights flashing on my Lens. Someone's hands were on my shoulders, and I could hear indistinct voices very close by.
"Oh Jesus, oh fuck, please don't die why didn't I make a healing kit or something fuck--"
I closed my eyes, trying to block out the warning lights in my Lens. I didn't need sleep, but a little rest wouldn't be bad.
Just for a little while.
You were defeated.
Director Piggot's nails may as well have been a funeral bell, if her expression was anything to go by. The office was otherwise silent, despite how many people were in attendance: to my right, Miss Militia was sitting slightly slumped over with lingering exhaustion and mental trauma, and to my left were lined up Armsmaster, Dr. Cid, and the Director's deputy, who looked profoundly unhappy to be trapped in here.
"So many questions that I do not want to ask," Piggot said. "Let's start with an easy one. Fantasia, what in God's name are you wearing?"
"It's either body paint or some sort of temporary tattoo, ma'am." I probably should have gone with something other than Geomancer for this meeting. Looking like I just stumbled out of a paleolithic Woodstock wasn't the most professional or apologetic dress code around. Dr. Cid coughed into his hand to hide a laugh.
"...I recant, that wasn't an easy question after all. Let's try again-- Miss Militia, what in God's name happened?"
"Motherfucker suplexed a train."
"I'm sorry, what?"
"We arrived at the Trainyards around 0930, whereupon Fantasia pinpointed the... beacon, inside one of the abandoned freight cars. When we entered, however, an... anomaly? Occurred." Miss Militia rubbed a hand at her temples. "We appeared to be trapped inside an alternate space that-- according to Fantasia-- was the inside of the projection. There were hostile... projections, spaced throughout the train, and we were forced to fight our way to the engine. Whereupon we, uh..."
I decided sparing Miss Militia was worth the consequences of interrupting. "The train was a ghost train, and it kicked us out onto the tracks, and then we had to punch and shoot it a lot while it chased us. And it was really angry, and Miss Militia had to bust out an actual grenade launcher! And we alternated punching and exploding it on different sides until the whole train kinda rocked on the tracks, and then I picked it up and threw it back down so hard it broke the tracks and surrendered. And now it's another projection I can summon."
I saw a muscle underneath Director Piggot's eye start to twitch. Armsmaster must have seen it too because he headed off the imminent explosion by stepping forward-- he's a brave man. He held out his hand, where my PRT-issue phone had the saved photos pulled up. On display was one of Miss Militia, sitting wide-eyed and dazed next to the train tracks, with the Conductor's Cap perched jauntily on her head. "Care to explain this one, Fantasia?"
"Did you know that phones have cameras now?" I heard Dr. Cid cough again, harder. "...I didn't. I get excited about it sometimes." The Director very slowly propped her elbows onto her desk, and lowered her head into her hands.
"Yes ma'am?"
"Get out."
"...yes ma'am."
* * *
Well, with my career surely over, it seemed as good a day as any to ruin a friendship or two as well. It was Friday, so I headed for St. Jude's Hospital, where Panacea would be today. She seemed a bit surprised to see me, and unless I was imagining it, just a little bit pleased. I wasn't as much help in this hospital as in Brockton General--St. Jude's dealt mostly with cancers and other incurable diseases that afflicted children, while I was best suited for trauma--but White Mage could still help heal and revitalize the exhausted nurses and doctors, so I focused on that while Panacea did her thing. I didn't want to disrupt her focus, so I waited until the end of her shift before I pulled her aside.
"Hey, Panacea? Let's take a break. I want to chat with you a bit."
"Um. Sure?" Up to the roof we went, out of sight of prying eyes, and where Glory Girl could come and pick Panacea up once she called for her. I waited for Amy to finish a cigarette and tried not to pace, but halfway through she sighed and stubbed it out on the concrete.
"Okay, you're wound tight as a spring. What's going on, Fantasia?"
"Taylor. My name is Taylor Hebert." I turned to face her fully. She looked more confused than taken aback. "I wanted you to know-- it's only fair, besides."
I sighed. I knew this was going to be awkward. "I wanted you to know because you can call me Taylor if you want, but also-- full disclosure, I kinda... found out a few things about you." Yep, there's the guarded expression. I pressed on. "You see this lens I'm wearing? With the medical scanner I told you about? Well I improved on it, and now it gives me a short bio of anyone I scan. So, uh... it gave me your full name and a short history."
"Oh God. What?"
"But more importantly, and there's no good way to say this, but I think you're being Mastered." That derailed her panic into a different type of panic. I stepped forward and grabbed her wrists. "Amy. Look at me-- I can fix this. I can, okay? You know I'm not lying. I won't lie to you. I promise."
She tugged at her wrists, but-- after a couple of tries, she just stopped, and trembled. "Mastered? By what?"
"...I've got a suspicion, but I'd rather prove it before I make any accusations." I took a deep breath. "Amy-- do I have your permission to heal you?"
"No! Yes. I-- I don't-- fine, just-- fine." That was probably good enough for consent. I released her wrists, focused, and cast Esuna. I double-checked my Lens to confirm, then nodded.
"I don't know if you'll feel anything? But, uh... let's just wait a few minutes, and tell me if you notice anything, okay?"
She muttered at me, and re-lit her smoke with shaking hands. "I'm going to call my sister, and go home. And you're not going to say anything about-- about..." She trailed off.
"Um... A-amy?"
"I'm... going to call my sister." She repeated. "I'm going to call Vicky. Oh God. Vicky." Panacea's face grew pale. I winced.
"...Amy. I won't ask-- I'll listen if you talk to me, but I won't ask. And... if you want, I can make you something that will keep you cured, like my belt does for me."
Amy just walked until her back was against the concrete wall around the stairwell's entrance, and slid down until she was sitting on the roof's tarmac. After a moment, I joined her, and we sat there in silence for a while.
"Hey..." I looked up. "Can I see it? Your Lens thing?" I slipped my not-glasses off my face and handed them over. Amy put the Lens on and peered through it-- I saw her eyes flick across the different menus and features. She looked at me, and a bemused smile settled on her lips. "Huh."
"The... bio, thing that you mentioned. 'Taylor Hebert: Warrior of Dusk. Last champion of the Crystals in a world long deprived.' Does it get all flowery and dramatic for everyone?"
I laughed. "Yeah, pretty much."
She passed back the Lens, and fell silent. After a few minutes, she checked her phone. "...my sister will be here in a few minutes. You'll-- make me something, to help?" I nodded. "...okay. Um. One other question... Taylor?"
I smiled-- just a little. "Yeah?"
"What's my name?"
April 10 - 16
I wonder if it's possible to actually feel someone else's rage, without being Gallant? Because I'm making a good effort at it, either way.
"Repeat that please, Fantasia?"
"I enchanted my belt to completely eliminate my need for sleep. So now that I have a lot more time on my hands, I was hoping to increase my number of patrols again."
Armsmaster stared at me. Just... stared. I am absolutely certain that the temperature of his office was slowly increasing. I shifted in my seat, uncomfortable, and idly wondered if maybe Dragoon's armor was a little too like Armsmaster's own for his liking. Maybe he thought it was mocking him? No, Armsmaster's a pretty level-headed guy, I think. He wouldn't get caught up in imagined slights, right?
"Yes. Fine. You can take the night shifts. Start tonight." His voice was clipped. "Gallant requested the night off, so you can pair with Kid Win."
The night shifts were the most-often bartered patrols among the Wards. Nobody wants to be out and about at 3 AM on a school night, not even if you've cheated your way out of needing to sleep. I hoped that this arrangement was only temporary, but I had a sinking feeling in my chest that maaaaaybe Armsmaster isn't above human fallacies after all. I mean, I'm not saying that sticking me with the worst patrols is a petty move? But it's a petty move.
"Was there anything else you needed, Fantasia?"
To not shatter my childhood illusions of my favorite heroes, perhaps? "Sir, are you... angry with me? Did I do something wrong?"
I think I saw his teeth grind a little, but he took a measured breath. "No. You have not broken any of the rules or guidelines expected of you, but you are... disruptive. I keep a very strict schedule, and you have a habit of finding ways to force me to revise it, mostly by requiring further power and Tinkertech analysis-- which is part of my job, so I do not begrudge you for it-- but the sheer frequency is... frustrating."
"Oh." I hadn't thought of that. I knew the Power Docs downstairs were sent into a tizzy on an almost weekly basis, but I hadn't thought that Armsmaster would get caught up in the storm. And he's got his Tinkering to worry about, too... maybe I should make him a Preservation-infused item sometime, as an apology. Or find out when his birthday is. "Well, um... that, at least, should be slowing down? I've only got room for 16 power sets, and they're almost all full now."
"That is... reassuring." It sounded like he needed to search for the right word, there. "But I was referring more to your habit of sparking off unlikely events that require some manner of intervention."
"Is this about the train? Because I didn't know that was going to happen."
"Exactly my point. Your powers make you a constant mystery and a magnet for trouble. I'd rather not spend all my time waiting for the other shoe to drop, as it were."
"Hey, that's... not really fair, sir. I just got my powers a couple months ago. I don't have years of experience like you to know everything and be practiced at it. I want to be a great hero, but I have to start somewhere." To his credit, his lips twitched downwards a tad, which I choose to believe was an expression of guilt in the face of my impassioned plea. "And I am not a 'magnet for trouble,' I don't just cause weird things to happen around me."
I think maybe I deserved what happened next, for saying that.
The door to Armsmaster's office suddenly burst open, and the light from the hallway cast an ominous shadow over Armsmaster. A shadow with... ears.
"Haaaaaalbeard!" The shadow struck a pose, and I looked away from Amsmaster's paling face to watch the doorway, where a woman in a familiar costume and armed with rapier stood. Mouse Protector's face split into a huge grin.
"Get out the red carpet, 'cause the MOUSE is in the HOUSE!" She broke her pose with a sudden disappearance, reappearing just behind Armsmaster's chair, where she could initiate a Stranglehug. "Haven't seen you in AGES, Armsy! We're gonna clock out today, and find a bar, and I'm gonna make you drink until you catch me up on ALL the best gossip!" She gave his neck a squeeze. I saw his face tilt just slightly to look at me. There was murder in those eyes.
"Who's the chica? New Ward?"
"Um. Yes! I'm Fantasia, pleased to--" She teleported back to my side of the desk, hand outstretched. I took it without thinking. "--meet you."
"Ooh, I've heard of you! 'Little Eidolon!' Oh, I saw you at Canberra, I think I've got a picture even!" She withdrew her phone from a pocket and started thumbing through it. I felt my smile freeze on my face. Lucky for me, she 'ported back over to Armsmaster's side first, saying, "Look! Look at her about to tug on Eidolon's sleeves!"
I pulled out my own phone, hidden behind the desk, and tapped at it with shaking fingers.
18:53 AsIfByMagic said: MP in AM office
18:53 AsIfByMagic said: HELP
18:54 CantTouchThis said: omw
"--and here's my new cat, Horatio, you see that marking on the fur around his eyes? It's like he's wearing glasses! I saw him at the shelter, just this itty-bitty little nerd kitten, and said 'Sylvester and Agamemnon would love you, you're coming home with me little buddy', and then--"
My savior knocked on the doorframe, his breath still a bit uneven from running. "Uh, hey boss, I wanted to ask you about-- oh hi there are you Mouse Protector? I'm a huge fan! Name's Clockblocker, great to meet you." Thank the Crystals for you, Dennis.
"I got your text, what's wrong Armsma-- oh, hello Mouse." Miss Militia rounded the corner and paused in the doorframe, phone still in her hand. I saw her gaze flick between the group of people now surrounding Armsmaster. "You look busy, I'll catch up later." I heard a small, strangled sound from Armsmaster, and winced on his behalf. Betrayal. I mean, not that I was about to do anything different, but still.
"WELP I need to go get some things ready for my patrol later. Thank you for the talk, sir, and it was great to meet you Mouse Protector maybe we can hang out sometime, okaybye."
I don't think I stopped laughing all the way to the Ward's Commons.
* * *
Kid Win's face was reddened under his visor, and he kept a tight grip on his hoverboard as he laughed. I was doing much the same, only holding onto a parkour dinosaur bird, as Coco kept up with the Tinker's easy flight.
"...and I could hear the clock and time puns starting up the second I left the office. I owe him such a muffin basket, seriously."
"Who, Clock or Armsy?"
"I don't think muffins are sufficient apology for Armsmaster, unless there's a food-Tinker or something around. And even then I might need a season pass to the Tinker Bakery or something." Kid Win chuckled again, and I grinned up at him. "Oh-- that reminds me, actually. Wanted to ask you something."
"Could I, like, trade you for some Tinkertech? I really need some weapons and maybe a shield for some of my powers. I mean, I could hit up a military surplus store or wander around the ABB districts for some Hanzo steel, but I don't think I should be carrying around lethal weaponry, you know?"
"Well, I guess? I think asking Armsmaster would be a better choice, I tend to have a hard time finishing projects-- ooh, but he's probably not a sympathetic audience right now, huh."
I shook my head. "No, I really think you're the better choice, and not because I just burned that bridge. I was hoping you could make me something that I can switch between forms? Like, a staff that becomes a sword, or something? Your Modular Tech should make designing attachments pretty easily, so-- uh. What's that look for?"
Kid Win had initially puffed up a little with pride, when I said I'd prefer his tech to Armsmaster's, but now his face looked almost stricken. "What'd you say?"
"That... a sword that turns into a staff, or...?"
"No, about my tech."
"Your Modular Technology? It's your specialty, so I thought-- oh. OH. Oh my god did you not know?" My hands flew up to cover my mouth. "I'm so sorry I would have told you immediately!"
"That's-- I've been looking for my specialty for-- how do you even?!"
"My Lens scans anyone I meet and tells me their power if they have one. Keep quiet about it, okay?"
"Oh man. Oh man. This explains so much." Kid Win breathed, "I could put adapters into my hoverboard for my mounted weapon systems, and--"
Tinker Fugue alert, must derail. "Great! I'm happy for you, but please stay with me here." He blinked, then flushed a bit. It didn't quite dispel his grin, though.
Spending time with Kid Win fortifies your Spirit.
Passion has increased.
"We'll have to talk to PR and get it past the Director, but yeah, I'll definitely make you something!"
"Okay! I'll owe you something good-- don't wave it off! I'd have told you your specialty anyway, that's not a gift. You deserved to know."
"...thanks, Fantasia. I'll have to--"
Darkness billowed out into the street, a heavy black pall that enveloped us both in an instant. I heard Kid Win make a startled sound, just before all noise was swallowed by the smoke. Coco whined, and I tugged her reins to stop her while my Ribbon pulsed and restored my sight-- well, mostly. It was like being underwater, everything around me was washed in shades of grey, and I heard Kid Win's cursing through a muffled distortion. A few tokens appeared on my Lens just as three huge shapes barreled out of the darkness, the beings passing us by in thundering bounds. Normally, I'd be a bit worried about being lost in a dark expanse, surrounded by parahuman villains. But the distorted roar and flash of pale fire I saw down the street kind of dwarfed those concerns. I focused my Lens on it, even knowing there was a good chance the disturbance was too far away for a full scan.
<The Dragon>
Level --
Definitely a bigger problem, here.
* * *
Mouse Protector put her tumbler glass down with a soft clink on the coffee table. Trying to drag Armsmaster to a bar was, as she'd expected, a bit of a fool's hope, but that just meant she'd had to bring the bar to him. A decent bottle of scotch and good company, what more did anyone need?
"...so, all totaled, it hasn't exactly been quiet around here," Colin said, his glass half-empty in front of him and his attention fixated on some device he had in his hands. Looked like part of his helmet's visor, but whatever improbable thing he was adding to it now was beyond the purview of a humble Mouse. "How are things on your end, Mary?"
"Can't complain! Well, mostly. S9 poked their heads up again, I'm trying to drum up some support and clearance to go a-hunting, see if we can't prune that devil shrub a bit. In the meantime, decided to stop by the 'Bay for a couple weeks, see the sights, eavesdrop on gossip, bet on trades, the usual."
"Brockton's getting a bit of attention lately. There's talk of shaking up the roster down here, get some more heroes in." Colin scowled. "What! What's that look for?"
"I've been handling things fine here."
"That's not why, and you know it."
"Even worse." He snatched up his glass and drained it, then returned to his work on the visor. "We don't need another Dauntless, and that's exactly what's going to happen if we start bending rules for the sake of a teenager. Sets a bad precedent." He ignored his companion's frown (mostly) and sighed instead.
Mary stayed silent for a moment and sipped at her drink, just enjoying the company. It wasn't long before a grin wormed its way onto her face and she scooted a little closer to the Tinker. "And that reminds me! There's some interesting rumors going around right now."
"Your Ward's costume, for the projections? Looks an awful lot like Eidolon and Narwhal had a bit of a rendezvous. And, y'know, people have been wondering things about those two for years. And I know that you and I know that's just a rumor..."
"Please stop."
"...but I couldn't help notice that Fantasia's armor looks an awwwwful lot like a more draconic version of your armor, Colin. Is there something I should know about?" The Tinker groaned, and Mary laughed and danced fingers across his shoulder. "Arrrrmsyyyy, give me the goooods! Is there something between you and--"
Colin's helmet, sitting on the table, sparked to life as a call came through on the emergency frequency. A few words in and the heroes were scrambling for their gear.
* * *
I slid from Coco's back and released the grip I had on her presence, letting her fade away into motes of dust as I raised my hands to my chest and focused. From somewhere above the black fog, I heard Kid Win's voice call out to me, and I just knew I was going to be in trouble when this was over, for not following his directions in the field like I was supposed to. But Kid Win couldn't see through Grue's darkness like I could, and since it muffled sound, there was every possibility that the Tinker didn't know what was bearing down on us, and there wasn't any time to spare for getting out of the cloud and warning him.
Not unless I wanted to let a dragon overtake us, burning my home city to cinders as it went.
Light pulsed briefly around me, as I shifted smoothly from Earth to Water, and the Time Mage's mantle trailed from my shoulders. I could see Lung's shadow approaching--Crystals, he could move if he wanted to--and the Stop spell left my lips before I could give any more thought to doubt. Even in the dark I saw the green motes splash against his scales, and--
<The Dragon>
Level 41
A local gang leader, infamous for his rampages. Once he ramps up, he cannot be stopped, only put down.
Powers: Scale to Threat, Pyrokinesis
Current Status: Flame Aura, Regen+
Weak to: Poison
Immune to: Fire, Stop
--and he kept moving. As I watched, I saw his level tick up to 42. I swallowed down the feeling that I'd made a terrible mistake. Sometimes there just weren't any good choices.
Lung was fast. Maybe not the most maneuverable, but his sheer strength put power to his ability to heave his bulk around, and his reach was longer than it had any right to be. But Lung only had the physical constraints of his body, enhanced as it was. He didn't have magic.
Lung was fast, but I was faster.
I drew up energy into an emerald light, and this time when the sparks danced across the gang leader's silver scales, the phantom image of a clock appeared above him, the hands visibly slowing to a crawl. Lung was still charging, but now he may as well have been moving through water. I changed tack, lifted my hands, and cast.
Through the fog I saw Lung stumble, as his entire torso folded in on itself, crushed by a sudden swell of unnatural gravity. Through my Lens, I saw the indicator for his health get cut in half, and I heard his startled swearing. And above, I heard Kid Win's voice clear up, as the black fog dissipated in Grue's absence. Well, shit.
"Fantasia, we need to-- oh holy fuck is that Lung--"
"Kid! Call for help!"
"On it, I'll try and keep him off of you!"
"Don't get close, he's on fire and-- shit shit SHIT!"
Lung's arm snapped out in a vicious swipe, his limb elongated through growth and flames trailing from huge talons. I had time to see a couple of his ribs pop back into place, his power's regeneration working steadily to undo the damage I'd caused him, before his clawed hand slammed into my side. My barriers flashed under the blow, keeping him from cutting too deeply, but the impact sent me tumbling. I rolled with the movement as best I could, hoping to get some distance between us, and I saw a warning light on my Lens as my Regen kicked on, fighting against a-- Bleed effect? I glanced down at the growing stain on my side. Oh. I scrambled to my feet, and drew up my energy again.
The black orb of gravity pressed against Lung's chest again, and I heard bones and scales crack under the pressure, quickly drowned out by his roar of pain and incandescent fury. Well, at least I didn't think I'd have to worry about Lung going after Kid Win-- he was well and truly pissed off at me. His health, I saw, cut down again to nearly a quarter, before his regeneration started ticking him back up at an unfair pace. Lung tensed, then hurled himself forward, knocking me back several feet until I hit the wall of a building. His flames drained into me, consumed by the additions I'd been adding to my Libra Lens for more elemental protection. That helped, but I still ducked away and tore across the street as quick as I could. I might be able to keep him Slowed until the Protectorate got here, but I absolutely could not afford to let him pin me. Above me, red light flashed from Kid Win's guns, and I heard sizzling sounds as lasers crackled against Lung's armored hide. I cast another Gravija, before the dragon could decide the Tinker was an acceptable target. It worked-- Lung's head whipped back to me and he roared, the sound sending pebbles bouncing up from the pavement.
Lung's neck was stretching by now, his face deforming and melting off the metal dragon mask to reveal the beastly skull beneath. He tried to bite at me, but I stepped back, already running again, and his teeth closed on air. As soon as I got some distance, I turned to aim, and tried for a different energy. Comets formed in the air above the street, and I heard Kid Win's startled curse as the stones, wreathed in cold fires, hurtled down onto Lung's head and back. He buckled beneath their weight, and I started to grin, but the boulders vanished as soon as their energy was spent. In my Lens, Lung's health ticked down a fraction-- not nearly as much as I'd hoped. Crystals, how tough was this guy? He was nearly caught up with me, so I turned to dart away again.
He'd learned from his mistake, it seemed, because this time his head and neck swerved to follow the path of my dodge, and I felt his teeth--far too large, when had his head gotten so big?--catch onto my side and close down, hard.
I screamed, and batted at his face with my hands, tried to claw at his eyes. I pressed Gravija against his chest, then skull, and saw blood sizzle out of his nose and ears. Lung's teeth stayed clamped into my middle, and he drew his head up and to the side--
"Oh no, no no NO STOP!"
--and shook me, like a dog, his long neck whipping back and forth and his teeth shredding through and--
* * *
I opened my eyes, briefly, and I think I was lying on the pavement because everything was tilted at an angle. Someone tall and blue was stabbing a spear or-- no, Halberd, it was Armsmaster-- at a bright, silvery-flickery thing that must have been Lung. I squinted, but my eyes wouldn't focus past all the red lights flashing on my Lens. Someone's hands were on my shoulders, and I could hear indistinct voices very close by.
"Oh Jesus, oh fuck, please don't die why didn't I make a healing kit or something fuck--"
I closed my eyes, trying to block out the warning lights in my Lens. I didn't need sleep, but a little rest wouldn't be bad.
Just for a little while.
You were defeated.