Warrior of Dusk: Taylor's Attempt to Dance/Firaga/Suplex All the Things REDUX (Worm/Final Fantasy)

My first Final Fantasy was the original translation for FF6, aka FF3, so I always remember them first as Vicks and Wedge. :p
(Took me years before I realized it was a Star Wars reference because of that.)

I also ended up not being able to beat it in a week-long rental because I could NOT figure out how to climb the damned towers in Zozo... Didn't figure out how to jump between the buildings until after I owned it.
(Goofy localization insane evil clown Kefka was infinitely superior to original rage-filled potty-mouth asshole Kefka. This is a fact.)
If you couldn't guess from what I write, I'm an old school geek. My opinion is that the 3 best RPGs (well, that I've played at least) are Dragon Quest 3, FFVI, and Chrono Trigger. So, here's the reactions you drew from me at a few lines.

Two men stepped from the nearby alleyway, each dressed in a pseudo-militaristic collection of leather armor and carrying tinkertech guns. They posed, and right on cue, a massive machine slammed down on the pavement behind them. It was bipedal, with a pair of mounted claw-arms, and from the midsection was the wide mouth of some sort of cannon.

When I saw 'Biggs' and 'Wedge' I literally fistpumped and said 'Oh hell yeah'. It's always nice to see the classics respected.

You defeated Biggs and Wedge!

I love that her power reports them as their roles, not their names. Though I do like the 'their parents gave them dumb (for real life) names based on Star Wars' idea.
Checkpoint Retrospective: A New Dawn
Checkpoint Retrospective: A New Dawn

We've successfully navigated Chapter One without a single death! Here's a breakdown of what we did and didn't do.

We threw our lot in with the Wards, which meant our available social circle consisted mainly of the PRT and associates.
  • We chose to hang out with Vista twice, our Dad twice, and once each for Clockblocker and Kid Win.
  • We did not hang out with any of the adult protectorate or PRT staff, so we didn't see much of the goings-on of Brockton Bay, or increase our bond with any of them.
  • It also means we were kept away from any truly dangerous encounters.

We decided to continue our path of Trusting the PRT.
  • So all of our powers gained in Chapter One are in our official documents...
  • ...and those documents are available to many hands.

We weren't very curious this chapter, preferring to spend time in relative safety. Our social circles and combat experience remains relatively low.
  • We did Visit Annette's Grave and in doing so, acquired [Anima]
  • We permanently lost [Siren] due to choices in the Prologue.
  • As of the start of Chapter Two, there are seven other summons in Brockton Bay. Two of them, however, are mutually exclusive.
  • We did see Lisa at the Boardwalk; however, Taylor's made an active effort to improve her Spirit and overcome her depression, so Lisa doesn't have any personal interest in us.

We chose to participate in the Simurgh fight at Canberra.
  • We chose the safest route possible outside of staying home by sticking with the healers.
  • Monk and Knight were pretty much death sentences.
  • [Anima] is sufficiently powerful to drive off the Simurgh... but that definitely gets her attention. It gets a lot of attention, in fact.
  • Dancer and Time Mage (or Siren) could have used Silence to interrupt the Simurgh's scream, but it attracts attention... and doesn't provide defense against TK.
  • We also introduced ourselves to the Triumvirate...

You are filled with the strength of ancient heroes. Crystal of Earth unlocked!
You confessed a difficult truth. Told Dad about the bullies and your powers.
The Path of Wisdom (1). You've rededicated yourself to improving your mundane life.
You soothed your father's heartache. Danny is much more willing to work with you, rather than following his own good intentions.
You are filled with the strength of ancient heroes. Crystal of Water unlocked!
You inherited your mother's spirit. And her costume.
You weighed the risks, and chose to trust. You told the PRT the truth of your powers.

Chapter 1: A New Dawn
You are filled with the strength of ancient heroes. Crystal of Wind unlocked!
You are filled with the strength of ancient heroes. Crystal of Fire unlocked!
The Path of Force (1) You sought out conflict.
The Path of Wisdom (2)You focused on improving yourself, and let your power grow with your spirit.
Double Trouble You've picked up a pair of recurring mid-bosses...
The Call You participated in your first Endbringer battle.

Taylor Hebert
Level 18

Current Equipment:
Star Ring (Auto-Hastega, SOS Regen, Mana Battery)

Spirit indicates the strength of Taylor's soul, and her connection to each Crystal.
Passion 3
Courage 6
Devotion 6
Hope 5


Wind Crystal
Pillar of Passion

Fire Crystal
Pillar of Courage

Water Crystal
Pillar of Devotion

Earth Crystal
Pillar of Hope

RED MAGE said:
The very soul of versatility, the Red Mage combines decent offensive skill with a selection of Red Magic to cover offensive, defensive, and utility casting.
Pros: Jack of all trades! (And very stylish.)
Cons: Master of none.

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4
Protect (Reduces physical damage taken by 25%)

Sealed Ability: Dualcast (Cast two spells in one action)
Sealed Spell: Doom (KOs opponent in 30 seconds)
Sealed Spell: Vampire (Drain opponent's health and magic to restore your own)

Soldiers of fortune and natural risk-takers, Gamblers can call on the Luck of the Draw to create a vast variety of effects, from blasting foes with exploding Dice, to healing all allies with a pull on the Slots.
Pros: A true grab-bag, able to attack, defend, buff, debuff, and heal.
Cons: A bit... unpredictable.
Special: A gambler is extraordinarily lucky. Loot is doubled while Gambler is equipped, and adds a smaller bonus when not equipped. More likely to encounter special social interactions.

Level 1
Dice (x3)
01-10 Float
11-20 Fire
21-30 Blizzard
31-40 Thunder
41-50 Aero
51-60 Water
61-70 Blind
71-80 Silence
81-90 Drain
91-100 Full-Cure

Level 2
Dice (x6)
01-10 Vanish
11-20 Fira
21-30 Blizzara
31-40 Thundara
41-50 Aera
51-60 Watera
61-70 Haste
71-80 Slow
81-90 Osmose
91-100 Full-Cure

Level 3
Dice (x12)
01-10 Regen
11-20 Firaga
21-30 Blizzaga
31-40 Thundaga
41-50 Aeraga
51-60 Wateraga
61-70 Aura
71-80 Pain
81-90 Osmose
91-100 Full-Cure

Level 4
Dice (x24)
01-10 Quarter
11-20 Firaga
21-30 Blizzaga
31-40 Thundaga
41-50 Aeraga
51-60 Wateraga
61-70 Aura
71-80 Vampire
81-90 Full-Cure
91-100 The End

KNIGHT said:
A steadfast and honorable fighter, the Knight can make use of many equipment options, and is sturdy enough that its Chivalry can be used to take hits for allies and stonewall opponents.
Pros: Powerful physical attack and defense.
Cons: Does not learn magical or ranged attacks.

Limit: Knight's Oath
Taylor's strength of will allows her to execute a powerful physical attack, at the same time inflicting all four Breaks.

Level 1
Power Break (Break an opponent's attack, reducing the physical damage they deal by 50%)
Guard (Defend, reduce incoming damage by an additional 50%)
Cover (Guard an ally, taking hits for them that might otherwise incapacitate them)

Level 2
Armor Break (Break an opponent's defense, increasing the physical damage they take by 50%)
Provoke (Infuriate an opponent, causing them to focus their attacks on Taylor)
Intercept (Applies Cover to all nearby allies)

Level 3
Mental Break (Break an opponent's concentration, reducing the magical damage they deal by 50%)
Entrench (Defend, and counterattack. Damage increases the longer you've spent defending)
Sentinel (Defend, combines the effects of Guard and Intercept)

Level 4
Magic Break (Break an opponent's magic,increasing the magical damage they take by 50%)
Vendetta (Defend, then counterattack. Damage increases the more attacks you've defended against)
Endure (Defend, and survive an attack that would otherwise kill or incapacitate Taylor. Cannot be used consecutively.

Sealed Ability: Fringeward (Reduces the damage taken by allies by 50% when Taylor is hit by a wide-area attack)
Sealed Ability: Inviolate (Become a true immoveable object, as per Clockblocker's Timestop. Can be dispelled at will.)

Ascension: Mystic Knight (via Red Mage)
--Gain the Magic Sword ability set
--50% bonus to stats while equipped

Ascension: Dark Knight (via Black Mage)
--Gain the Dark Sword ability set
--50% bonus to stats while equipped

Ascension: Paladin (via White Mage)
--Gain the Holy Sword ability set
--50% bonus to stats while equipped)

DANCER said:
Agile and light on her feet, the Dancer uses the power of Dance to enact wide-reaching buffs for allies and debuffs for foes.
Pros: Extremely good synergy for group battles.
Cons: Few options for working solo.

Standard Dances
Darkness Dance (Inflicts Blind on all foes)
Samba of Silence (Inflicts Silence on all foes)
Sleepy Shuffle (Locked) (Inflicts Sleep on all foes)
Slow Dance (Inflicts Slow on all foes)
Brake-dance (Locked) (Inflicts Stop on all foes)
Jitterbug (Locked) (Inflicts Haste on all allies)
Carnival Cancan (Locked) (Inflicts Regen on all allies)
Magical Masque (Locked) (Inflicts MP Regen on all allies)

Geo-Dances (Requires sacrifice of Geomancer)
Wind Rhapsody
Forest Nocturne
Desert Lullabye
Earth Blues
Water Harmony
Twilight Requiem
Snowman Jazz

Special Dances (Requires ???)
Swords Dance (Inflicts variable physical damage on all nearby opponents. Upper range is rather high.)

Ascension: Songstress (via Sacrifice of Bard)
---Multi-talented: Allows Taylor to sustain both a Dance and a Song at the same time
---50% bonus to stats while equipped

A mystic of a different color, the Time Mage manipulates magic to endow enemies with enhancements and foes with weakening effects with Time Magic.
Pros: Excellent support class, only means to access spells like Haste.
Cons: Few offensive options. Silly hats.

Level 1
Slow (Reduces target speed by 25%)
Haste (Increases target speed by 25%)

Level 2
Stop (Prevents target from taking any actions for a time)
Hastega (Haste, multiple targets)
Gravity (Reduces enemy health by 25%)
Vanish (Removes target from sight. Physical attacks will miss.)

Level 3
Gravija (Reduces enemy health by 50%)
Teleport (Moves Taylor to familiar locations. Noncombat)

Level 4
Banish (Removes target from space and time)
Exit (Allows Taylor to teleport out of Dungeons)

Sealed Spell: Quarter (Reduces enemy health by 75%)

MONK said:
A peerless martial artist, the monk is a patient soul with a will of iron. Uses Blitz command to unleash combinations of strikes and empowered hits.
Pros: Excellent physical stat growth, death-defying stunts of martial prowess
Cons: No magical abilities, limited equipment options
Ascension: Master (via Ninja)
---Doubles health for every job.
---50% bonus to stats when equipped.

Limit: Combo Beat
Allows Taylor to rapidly chain Blitz attacks into a total beatdown.

Level 1
Pummel (Chain several regular attacks together)
Suplex (Suplex! Small damage multiplier for larger foes)

Level 2
Chakra (Self-only heal, cures most status ailments)

Aura Bolt (Magical attack, all enemies in a straight line)
Dolphin Kick (Water-elemental attack)

Level 3
Heel Drop (Knocks an opponent to the ground)
Air Blade (Create a slicing blade of air to attack at medium range)
Different Beat (Pummel v2. Good chance to stunlock opponents of similar size)

Level 4
Mantra (Party heal, cures most status effects)

Meteodrive (Suplex v2. Removes restriction on foe size, increased multiplier)
Burning Rave (Does selective fire damage in a 10ft radius)
Final Heaven (Megaton Punch)

The Summoner uses their will to Summon beings of vast power to aid them.
Pros: Summoned beings can provide all manner of effects
Cons: The Summoner does not learn abilities unrelated to calling upon their Summons.
Special: Summons must be gathered manually. See Tutorial.

Ability: Call
Allows for better communication with Summons, both those acquired and those encountered. Additionally, provides a sense for when an unbound Summon is nearby.

Known Summons
Chocobo (Choco-kick, also usable as transportation. High Summon version becomes a black chocobo)
Anima (Pain, with [Break Damage Limit]. High Summon version uses Oblivion)

Sealed Ability: High Summon (Unlocks special abilities for summons)
Rising Sun 1
February 27 - March 5

"Harrison, Juilienne."


"Hebert, Taylor."


"Higgins, Rowley."


This was the fourth roll call today, and now I was sure of it: I was dying. I laid my head down on my desk and sighed. Here lies Taylor Anne Hebert, slain by high school. Odd that my end would come from Arcadia and its respect for due protocol instead of Winslow and its... everything.

It was my first day of classes at Arcadia, alongside a handful of other girls and boys who had been transferred in at the same time. The boys were a pretty motley group, but every girl was tall, slender, and with at least shoulder-length hair, which is as good a way to inform the school that a new Ward had arrived as any, I supposed. As much as I loved my hair, I was grateful that my costume tended to change it's color, style, and even length, because it meant that after the initial flurry of 'So are you the new Ward?' questions I'd been dismissed as 'too obvious' a candidate. I'm not entirely sure how to feel about that.

I wasn't entirely sure how I should be feeling about anything, actually. Sitting here at this shiny clean desk, surrounded by shiny clean teenagers, flipping pages through a shiny new textbook... it was, in a word, suffocating. Thank the Crystals that Wards had half days for a work-study program. Sadly it meant no elective classes, which was a bummer because Arcadia offered four different foreign language courses, but it did mean I'd be out of here after this class.

When the bell finally rang I shoved my school supplies into my battered backpack and practically ran from the building. When I got far enough on the grounds (and this school had grounds, what the hell) I sought out a bench situated beneath a willow tree and flung myself down onto it. There were a lot of benches, artful boulders, and strategically-placed flowerbeds around Arcadia, all dedicated to different high-rolling donators, but this one afforded the most privacy on the East side of the building. I lay on the bench with my eyes closed, and waited for my skin to stop crawling. Before it settled completely, I heard footsteps approaching, and I sat up.

Dean had marched out to the willow tree, and from the somber expression on his face and lack of Dallon on his arm, I guessed he was there because of me. I scooted over, and he sat down beside me.

"Hey, Taylor. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fi-- empath, right. No, I'm... I'm not sure what I am, right now."

"I, uh, kinda figured. You're a little all over the place. Do you want to talk...?"

I shrugged. "I'm just confused, I think. Maybe." Dean made an agreeing noise, and after a moment of silence I figured he wasn't going to drop it, so I continued.

"Three days ago... I was up to my elbows in someone's intestines." Dean drew in a sharp breath beside me. "He'd gotten flung into a broken lamp post by the Simurgh. I put his spine back together alright, and his tubes all reconnected, but I still don't know if he got sepsis and died, or if he's okay, or anything. And today I'm just doing... what? Taking notes on geometry? Like nothing happened."

I leaned back against the bench, sagged even, and turned my head to face Dean. "How am I supposed to go back to normal, after that? What even is normal, anymore?"

"I've been asked that before, Taylor. The best answer I can give is that 'normal' is whatever you make it. And that's not helpful, I know." He didn't look at me, and instead picked at his fingernails. "There's counselors available, if you need, or I'm always available to listen, though I'm not as good on the advice part. In the meantime, just... well, I think sometimes all we can do is find happiness where we can." Normality is whatever you make it, whatever you work for. And happiness isn't always found in grand purpose or great deeds, but in the people and places around you. Deep stuff. I smiled.

"I think you're just fine for advice, Dean."

Spending time with Dean fortifies your Spirit.
Hope has increased.

* * *

Everyone's always busy after an Endbringer attack, so when I tried to schedule some time with the Power Docs to test out the new lights in my soul, I received an appointment a full week out and an admonishment not to use my new Jobs unsupervised. That chafed, a bit, but I could understand the need for it. I can't say I was entirely unhappy about it, either, considering what the new Jobs I'd inherited seemed to be about. Berseker I didn't want to touch without knowing what it did, White Mage I had special permission to use with Panacea's direction, and Summoner...

As much as I'd resolved to be open with the PRT, Summoner seemed kind of private. Maybe it was because of where I'd received [Anima], but I felt some trepidation about calling her to me. I had a few days to think about what I wanted to do about it, though, so I put the matter aside for now. More immediate was my first day at Brockton General, where Panacea had agreed to meet with me and go over my new work as a parahuman healer. I'd already had a crash course in what my healing limits were in Canberra, but this promised to be more thorough and much less hectic.

I arrived at the hospital already in White Mage, stomach full of butterflies, which really didn't help matters when Panacea herself came out to the front lobby to greet me. She stopped a couple of feet away and gave me a very obvious once-over, eyeing my costume. I was wearing a somewhat puffy white outfit, with a white mask over the lower half of my face, and a hooded cape with a border of red triangles. Standing next to Panacea, the similarities between our costumes seemed magnified. I saw her arch a brow.

"I didn't choose the costume." True enough-- my power did. But her mouth quirked into a wry smile, so I suspect she must have been passing familiar with the PRT's ever-looming PR machine.

"That makes a bit more sense. Well, come on. We've got some patients who've signed the Experimental Treatment waiver for you." She turned and started walking, and I hurried to catch up. "You still have a time limit?"

"Kinda. I, uh, get better with practice. I think I can manage two hours, instead of one, now."

"Fine. And you still can't regrow limbs?" I shook my head. "Alright. We know you're good for basic trauma, so we'll do a few of those while I watch how your power works, then we'll move on to infectious and genetic diseases."

As I'd proven already, I could handle injuries easily, mending broken bones and lacerated skin with quick efficiency and lots of sparkly lights. I couldn't touch genetic diseases or congenital deformities at all, it seemed, and it took a few frustrated tries with infectious agents before I tried switching to Red Mage for the use of Esuna. That, at least, meant I could purge diseases, toxins (including drugs and alcohol), and correct acquired deformations. I was useless at cosmetic work and removing scars, and I had nothing for the cancer patient we saw. Still, I felt like I had a well-rounded ability, and I was eager to get some more experience for White Mage. My stamina was less eager, and I ran out of Mana after an hour and a half. Panacea got us some cheap coffees, and we found a place to sit down.

"Well, your power is pretty promising. You're not adding anything new, from what I can tell. It's more like you're resetting the patient back to a state of ideal health-- at least, whatever the patient has had as an ideal." Obesity was one condition I could not cure. "And from the looks of that concussion patient, you're safe for work on brains, within the limits you've shown." Panacea seemed pleased at that. She'd been very cool and professional the whole time we'd been working, so I was glad to see her feeling happier. Or expressing much emotion at all, really.

"It's a good thing you've got a hard limit for how long you can work. You'll have people on waiting lists as it is."

"Once I rest and get a nap in or something I'll be good as new." I countered. "Even for a city like the Bay, are there really that many people sick and injured that need parahuman intervention?"

"Easily. Of course, most of them are only here for the weekend." She sipped at her coffee. "Since I don't do a lot of travel, Brockton has become a fairly busy hub for medical tourism. Which reminds me, get yourself a bodyguard and prepare to turn down some really outrageous bribes."



We finished our coffee in reasonably comfortable silence, and then I followed Panacea up to the roof so she could have a smoke. After she took a few drags (and gave me a Look that promised retribution if I talked about her habit), she said, "If you recharge with a nap, do you want me to give you a boost and see if that helps? We might be able to clear the surgery ward today if it does." I nodded, and she pressed two fingers against my wrist. Tension that I didn't know I was carrying left me, and my mana trickled back to perhaps a third of my reserves. Not ideal, but certainly appreciated. I was about to thank Panacea when she twisted her hand and gripped my wrist, hard.


She was glaring at me, lit cigarette forgotten between her lips. "What the fuck, 'Fantasia'."

"What? Panacea, you're hurting me, what are you--"

"Every parahuman's got a node or two in their brain. They're black boxes to me so I know they're there. But you don't. You don't have a gemma! So what the fuck?"

I goggled at Panacea. "Wait, what? But I have powers! How could I not be a parahuman?"

I think my honest surprise must have been plain on my face, because Panacea started to look uncertain, and her grip on my wrist slackened to merely Firm. "The PRT never said I wasn't a parahuman. Isn't the only test for that an MRI? I never had one, I guess controlling time was obvious enough not to need one. I didn't know you could tell who was a parahuman by touch, though!" Panacea's cigarette dropped from her lips.

"I, uh--"

"Oh man. Oh man. Panacea! Do you know what this means?!"

I grabbed her other hand with my own and pulled her a bit closer to me. She leaned back, her face growing pale. "Th-that's not-- I can't--"

"I really am a magical girl! Vista is going to be so excited!"

* * *

In the end, Panacea asked me not to tell anyone about our little conversation on the roof. Apparently it's not exactly advertised that she can examine brains, even if she can't affect them, and I can kind of see her point. That she potentially could identify the civilian or parahuman identity of anyone she healed was a bit intimidating, and as much as she had some measure of parahuman diplomatic immunity, there were sure to be a number of capes who would be willing to risk removing her if they thought their mask was at stake. Or at least thought that they could get away with it.

This did mean that I couldn't tell Vista that I was a certifiable magical girl, so that was a bummer, but on the other hand it gave me one free I Told You So to everyone who insists that magic capes aren't real, if my lack of beneficial brain tumor was ever uncovered again. Honestly, that makes me think I should send a letter to Myrddin sometime. I'd have to look into getting past all his mail filters, though. Oh well, something for later.

I spent most of the week adapting to my new routine, now that school was back in session for me. Class until lunch, boredom aside, was a pretty good deal. I also had three patrols a week, and a shift at healing every day, rotating hospitals in the area. I'd had to argue the extra time, since I had a hard limit on how much I could do before resting, and Director Piggot had capitulated pretty quickly. I suspect there's not a whole lot of arguments against 'I want to go save lives for an hour.' I wonder if there are any rules against doing more, though... I could easily pop into doctor's offices and clinics and toss a few Cures around, if I knew where they were.

On Tuesday, the weather was particularly nice, and since I had Brockton General on my schedule later on I decided to gather my courage and seek out Panacea after class let out. She was never particularly hard to find, since she tended to gravitate to her sister Victoria whenever possible. I hefted my backpack and slipped into the orbit of their friends and classmates, waiting for the crowd to disperse a bit before I snagged Amy's sleeve. She turned, saw me, and her eyes widened a bit. Out of costume, she looked a lot... meeker, I suppose. Her hair was frizzy and not pulled back under her hood, and she didn't carry herself the same. I gave her a shy smile.

"Uh, hey."


How riveting.

"You've got work later, right? Me too. You wanna grab a coffee or something, beforehand?"

She looked honestly surprised. "Uh-- why?"

"What do you mean, why? Coffee. Delicious coffee. Maybe even donuts."

"Well, I..." She looked around, and caught Victoria peering curiously over in our direction. She gave us a thumb's up and a grin. I blinked.

"Sure. Let's-- yeah, okay. Let's get coffee."

* * *

Amy had a driver's license, or a permit at least (I wasn't entirely sure) and she drove us to Brockton General directly, storing her vehicle in the car park before we walked to the nearest cafe; on this side of town, coffee was fairly plentiful, if not the highbrow art-in-the-foam type you could find on the Boardwalk. Once we had our fortifying caffeine in hand, we found a relatively dry park bench to sit on.

"So, should I ask what that was about with your sister?"

She nearly choked. "What?"

"She was grinning at us and everything."

"Oh. I mentioned you to her, she was curious about the new healer. She thinks we're going to hang out like friends or something."

"...isn't that what we're doing?"

She just drank her coffee. "Since you've got time you're not healing, you should be hanging out with your friends."

"Outside the Wards, I don't have any," I shot back. "And I could say the same of you. You didn't exactly look like you were paying attention to anyone at school." She glowered at me.

"I didn't start out with a healing power, you know."


I fixed her with a look. "I set out to develop one with the hope that I could be like you-- that I could be a hero like you. Doing good means a lot more than fistypunches." Although, I didn't add, doing fistypunch was super fun. Note to self: suplex more criminals.

Amy wrapped her hands around her coffee cup, taking shelter in the warmth it provided. "I doubt your optimism will last."

"Yeah? Well, I doubt your cynicism will endure. Think of a good bet, we'll shake on it." That got a smile out of her, albeit a wry one.

"Maybe I will. C'mon, it's almost time to get to work."

Spending time with Amy fortifies your Spirit.


I felt a fluttering in my chest, and touched a hand to my heart. I thought, for a moment, that I would feel a pulse from the Crystals like I sometimes did, feel their light grow stronger with the support of my friends. Strange...

"Something the matter?"

"Ah, no, I'm fine." I put down my hand, gave Amy a quick smile.

"Just some heartburn."

Sidequest Accepted: Panacea

* * *

Later in the week, I took some time to follow my feet's wanderlust. I got on a bus and switched lines until I found myself wandering down into the Boat Graveyard. It was truly an apt name. This is where the hope of Brockton Bay died.

Sure, the city was still standing. Sure, there were still people living in it, some even thriving. But the Bay had been built on shipping, and when that collapsed, it dragged the whole of the city down with it. I never voiced such thoughts to Dad, but sometimes, I understood why the city council never cleared out the Bay. If the Dockworkers hadn't scuttled the ships during their strike... I didn't think petty vengeance was a good reason, not at all, but I could kind of understand why it happened.

But an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, and the Boat Graveyard was making a city sink. Dad worked ceaselessly to get the Ferry back up and running, saying that it would provide jobs and access to jobs, and that this would help lift the whole of the Docks out of poverty and need. I think he had the right idea, but he wasn't going far enough with it.

I dug in the sand for a rock, then tossed it into the ocean.

Parahumans could accomplish so much. I was sure that there was a way to clear the Graveyard, without spending the city's money on it. Then there'd be no excuse not to revitalize the area, in some way. I'd promised Mom I'd make her proud of me; maybe this was something I could do for Dad.

Sidequest Accepted: City by the Bay
Subquest Accepted: The Boat Graveyard

* * *

I came to on the floor of the PRT power testing arena, containment foamed to the floor and wondering if this was what a hangover felt like. "Ughhh..."

"Fantasia? Are you back with us?" I heard a voice over the intercom and tried to nod. When that failed, I groaned. "Yeah...?"

"Stay calm. We'll deploy the anti-containment spray." A sickly yellowish liquid started to rain down from the nozzles I knew were set into the ceiling, and the containment foam slowly melted off of me. I sat up as soon as I could.

"Please switch powers, Fantasia."

"Sure... what's going on? Why do I feel like I was run over by a truck?" I pushed back my tiger-head hat with one paw, then paused as details started to catch up with me. "...I think I'm getting an idea."

I ended up switching to Red Mage so I could cast Cure on myself, and managed some tense negotiations to get a towel for my now-dripping white hair. I got back to the testing area to find Armsmaster waiting, Aegis missing, and most of the power docs giving me furtive glances. "Sooo... what happened, exactly?"

"Your new power went out of control," Armsmaster said. "I had to taze you."


"Looks like some short-term memory loss, at the least. You were fine until Aegis started the bout, then you stopped responding and tore him a new one." Well, at least one of the docs sounded cheerful. Then again, Dr. Frankson was a bit of an oddball. "He's fine, by the way. We did have to call in Gallant and then Armsmaster to bring you down, though. Gallant's emotion blasts didn't do jack, we'll want to test that further."

I gulped. I could remember bits of that, now that Berseker was put away, and I was starting to understand why everyone was giving me nervous glances. The white and black stripes of my costume had some unfortunate connotations, after all. And... I did a double take, looking at Armsmaster, who was still standing stiffly with his halberd in a tight grip. I pointed at it.

"Are those... teeth marks?"


"...I am so sorry. Is this supposed to be amazing, or horrifying?"


I was never going to be allowed in his lab. "Well, uh, what's next? We still doing Summoner?"

Armsmaster spoke through gritted teeth. "Yes, provided there will be no further incidents."

There was no way I could promise that. "Probably not. But just to be safe... is there somewhere else we can do this? Summoner is, um, ranged Master projections, I think. And one of them is kinda... large."

I heard Dr. Frankson over the intercom again. "Well, there's a munitions testing site a good twenty miles out of town. That could work."

* * *

Getting that cleared took the rest of the day, so it was the weekend before I, the power docs, and a PRT escort with Armsmaster and Miss Militia accompanying got loaded up into humvees and took a drive out into the countryside. I think Armsmaster was still a bit salty about his halberd, but Miss Militia was pleased enough to chat with me, asking how I was adjusting to classes at Arcadia, and how my work at the hospitals was going. It helped to pass the time, until we all got set up at the munitions testing site. That happened to be a big open field, with a number of targets and broken walls scattered about. There were fences, followed by electrified fences to keep out animals and trespassers, and the few overgrown craters I spied made me wonder how many Tinkertech explosives had been tossed around out here.

"Just let us get some distance here, then you can go ahead, Fantasia."

"Okay." I called on my power and switched into Summoner, and was suddenly very glad that I hadn't done this at Canberra. I could feel Narwhal judging me from here. Summoner was nearly pastel in color, with soft greens and browns and cream, and a thin leather mask that covered the top half of my face instead of the bottom, to better hold up the horn. I heard Miss Militia cough suspiciously, and scowled at her.

"Fantasia... when, exactly, did you say you developed this power?"

"Um. Last week of February...?"

There was a brief silence. Miss Militia was starting to look concerned. "And you went to Canberra." I nodded. I felt the tension around me increase threefold. I did not want to discuss their theory on how I gained my powers right now. I focused on Summoner, grabbed hold of the energy it offered, and pulled.

And pulled.

And pulled.

Light gathered around me, forming circles full of glyphs and geometric shapes. I felt something like numbness spread through me, locking me into place as I pulled something from out there and forced it to come here.

And she did.

The sky boiled, frothed with red, and opened up to drop down an anchor that sank into the earth like it was made of putty. It hooked on something, then pulled back, and brought forth Anima. It--she--was enormous, rising from the molten earth with a scream that sounded like animals being slaughtered. She was chained, her ruined flesh swathed in yellowed bandages, and around her neck were arms: a woman's arms, holding onto her chains with a stranglehold, and the token of a saint in prayer was dangling from them. Her nails... I knew that color of gloss. The woman in the painting was tall, and dark of hair, and heartrendingly familiar.

Everyone was shouting, talking over each other, but I couldn't hear any of it. I saw Armsmaster intercepting a few of the PRT troopers we'd brought along, stopping them from approaching me, and I saw the mute horror in Miss Militia's eyes. It all kind of washed over me. I just stared at that portrait, dangling from Anima's neck, from my mom's pale dead hands.

From all appearances, I had turned my mother into an Endbringer.
Well, the Summoner was a never a 'nice' Job.

Have the distinct feeling that Taylor is never going to be allowed near an Endbringer fight ever again. They'd rather evacuate her than let her be near one.
What's up with "sealed" abilities? Are they too strong for this story, or can she unlock them later?
Taylor: Well, Berserker was kind of a mess, but let's hope my new power would be something good.
Power: ha ha endbringer go yeet

Researcher: Okay, Fantasia, activate your new power and we will let Aegis in. If something happens Armsmaster would rush to help.

Taylor: Well, Berserker was kind of a mess, but let's hope my new power would be something good.
"Something good":

And now I'll see myself out.

Edit: Actually no, catch another one

Taylor: Got a power to summon a monster after a battle with Endbringer. Summons Anima.
Last edited:
Rising Sun 2
March 13 - 19

Meanwhile, in the offices of the PRT...

"Well. I am at a loss for words. I never thought this day would come." Chief-Director Costa-Brown said, her eyes never leaving the horrific image on the projector screen. "So, what is it?"

The rest of the emergency conference was silent. Most of the regional Directors were in attendance, as well as a small handful of Heroes and a few specialists on parahuman sciences.

"A Master-controlled projection, as Fantasia said, though certainly the largest in history. We don't have many means of confirming if it is an Endbringer or not, if that is what you are asking."

"That's a rather important question, Armsmaster." Legend said it gently enough, but the Tinker's jaw tightened anyway.

"...It is, from current observations, entirely within Fantasia's control, however. It is immobile, and responds to her directives only. The best hypothesis we have thus far is that Fantasia's Trump power formed 'Anima,' as she calls it, in response to the Endbringer attack on Canberra. The 'Summoner' powerset's costume does bear resemblance to both Eidolon and Narwhal, who were in attendance."

On her teleconference screen, Costa-Brown's brow furrowed a tiny bit. "Anima-- Latin. Feminine principle of the soul, if I make my guess."

Director Piggot looked like she was already nursing a migraine. "It makes about as much sense as everything else she does."

"We did manage to get one field test in, before Fantasia dismissed it..." Armsmaster tapped a couple of keys on his miniaturized keyboard, and the still image on the screen changed to what had been the Brockton Bay PRT's remote munitions testing site. Director Tagg swore. "We have techs going over the crater, and they are not reporting any unusual radiation or contaminants."

"This is insane. We need to contain this-- contain her! We cannot have a teenager running around with this kind of power!" Tagg's palms struck his desk. There was a nervous murmur of agreement stirring in the rest of the conference. Legend held up a hand to interrupt.

"Where is Fantasia at present, actually?"

"I'm keeping tabs on her," Dragon's avatar responded. "At present, Fantasia has barricaded herself in her dorm and is refusing to attend classes, patrols, or her volunteer work at the area hospitals. She is under the impression that the projection may be related in some way to her deceased mother."

"You see? Mental instability. Why isn't she in restraints already?"

"Why would she think that? Tagg's right for once, that's insane."

"Maybe not." Costa-Brown mused. "It's not unusual for parahuman powers to have a subconscious aspect, and Fantasia in particular has demonstrated this before, with her 'costume.' Her primary healing power is clearly based on Panacea, this master power is visually similar to Eidolon, and the word eidolon can mean a phantasm, something that isn't truly real: in other words, something like a projection." She tapped at her computer, and the image on the display turned back to the towering creation. "It's difficult to see, but there's a token around the projection's neck with the image of a woman. 'Anima,' in Jungian psychology, is an aggregate of someone's mother figure or other strong female influences. Director Piggot, what does her psych profile seem to indicate?"

"For a parahuman, Fantasia seems to be remarkably well-adjusted. A history of depression, but that's hardly unusual, and not an indication of instability."

"Good to hear. For the meantime, I want to adopt a watch-and-wait approach. Fantasia is rapidly becoming an extremely promising parahuman, and I want to keep her within the Protectorate. This 'Anima' is restricted to S-class threats. Any further projections will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Dismissed."

Director Tagg was still protesting when his connection to the conference call winked out, alongside the majority of the other attendees. Within moments, all that was left were Director Piggot, Dragon, and Chief-Director Costa-Brown. The latter turned an intense stare upon the former. "What else was there?"

"A combination Brute and Breaker, with her appearance and behavior fairly unmistakably patterned after the Siberian."

"Who was nowhere near Canberra, and as far as we know, nowhere near Brockton Bay."

"Dr. Frankson has a theory about that," Dragon said, silently forwarding the man's profile and research to the Chief-Director. "He reasoned that, given Fantasia's predilection for temporal-based effects, that her Trump aspect might ping off of parahumans who will be in a nearby location. Fantasia did develop her Panacea-expy before ever meeting her, after all."

"Then unless the Slaughterhouse decides to visit a Simurgh Quarantine Zone... Piggot, perhaps you should look into replacing some of your infrastructure with non-silicone materials. If we can use Fantasia to create a better model of the Siberian's power, we might be able to develop a counter to her. Don't let her use this power outside of tests, and keep a media blackout on it. We don't want to start a witch-hunt."

"...about that."

Both Piggot and Coasta-Brown turned towards Dragon's digital avatar.

"At 12:32 this morning, someone leaked footage of Fantasia's power test online. Thankfully they only had the Berseker footage; we suspect the leak has access to the PRT's camera database, and the Summoner test was performed outside the base on a closed circuit."

"Then erase it, Dragon!"

"I deleted the original leaked footage, but I'm afraid it's too late, Chief-Director. It's already reached the Memes subform of PHO. It's beyond my control, now." Up on the screen, the image of Anima was replaced with a still frame from the PRT testing arena. Armsmaster was backed against a shooting range target, trying to hold off Fantasia who was dangling from his halberd by her teeth. The imaged was captioned at the bottom with 'Chibierian.'

"Oh goddamnit."

* * *

The crack under the door warped, expanded enough to permit a hand sliding a cafeteria tray underneath the wood, then twisted back to normal. I didn't look up, and Vista's quiet footfalls walked away from the closed door. I'd pulled the comforter off of my bed and draped it over myself, sitting on the floor with my back to the mattress. I'd been like that for a while, silent, hiding in my improvised blanketcave. I didn't want to go on patrol, or go to the cafeteria, or even to talk to anybody.

I wanted my mom.

And the sick part is, I knew she was here. She was right here, absorbed by my powers. I'd pulled my mom out of Heaven and put her into a hellbeast. If I could just reach her, touch that light and say I'm so sorry... Well, it wouldn't change anything, would it? I tried anyway.

Summoner's light was within the Crystal of Earth. I focused on it, brought the image of the Crystal to the forefront of my mind. I pulled on it, enveloping myself in Summoner even though my Costume was draped over my desk chair, on the other side of the room. I pulled harder, Hope feeling slippery in my grasp when I was so full of sadness.

"Mom... please..."

I called to her.

I Called to her.

Little Owl, please don't cry. It's alright, I'm here.

I swear, I felt her arms around me again. Not pale and cold like Anima, but warm and light and with a half-imagined hint of her perfume. Hope pulsed within me.

Shh, there. There's no need to be sad, sweetling.

You didn't 'kill' me, and you didn't take me away from anywhere. I'm already gone, Taylor, and I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry for many things, Little Owl, but this? This is not one of them. I am so happy that I can help you with this. So happy that I can protect my baby girl again, help her be the hero I know she can be.

I know, Anima is in pain. But it's not as you think, sweetie. She is heartache, but a burden shared is a burden halved. I am proud to be able to share this with her, with you. I know you'll only grow from it, Taylor. You're such a strong girl. I'm so proud of you.

I don't need to tell you to be good, Little Owl. You have so many wonderful things inside you, I know you'll do great things.

Good night.

You have broken a seal within the Summoner.
The Summoner ability: Call has been acquired!

* * *

"Fantasia? Are you awake?"

I blinked back to awareness, found myself tangled in my comforter. Had I fallen asleep? I struggled to free myself so I could find a clock. "Uh-- yes? What?"

"I'm sorry if I woke you," the voice coming from my room's intercom was a bit tinny, but I recognized Dragon's not-quite-there accent once I shook a bit more fog from my brain. "But there's some mail here for you, and I'm guessing you'll want to look at it sooner rather than later. Vista should have put it under your door already, is it there?" I glanced in that direction, taking note of the unfamiliar meal tray (was that meatloaf? Was it Thursday already?!) and the thick envelope resting on the carpet beside it.

"Yeah, I see it. Thank you."

"You're welcome, Fantasia." I could hear the smile in Dragon's voice. "Ah... are you feeling better today? Your friends are all quite worried about you."

I rubbed at my face, sighed, and picked up the envelope. "Yeah, I... think I am. I'll come out later, once I've gotten myself together a bit. Sorry, Dragon. I didn't mean to scare anyone."

"We know, Fantasia. There's nothing to forgive. Have a good afternoon, alright? And... if you want to talk to someone, we've got counselors available, or if that's not preferable, Miss Militia tends to have lots of free time. Or you could even email me, if you desired. Take care, Fantasia."

I nodded, forgetting for a moment that she couldn't see me, then went to my desk and clicked on a light. I opened up the envelope--it was addressed to me, but there was no sender listed--and pulled out a crisply folded letter. At the top of it was my Star Ring, held in place with a bit of scotch tape. I goggled at it.


I hope this letter finds you well. I managed to get your property back from Eidolon, he was quite impressed with it, and it did indeed prove to be an excellent aid in the battle at Canberra. He has expressed interest in perhaps commissioning an item or two from you, if you are willing, and I must say I am quite curious to know more about your particular brand of tinkertech. It is highly unusual for such things to be so easily utilized by others, after all.

Perhaps you would be willing to provide a demonstration this weekend? If that is not enough time for you to prepare, I've included an email address at which I can be reached below.

Since your debut, I have only ever heard promising things about you and your burgeoning career as a Ward. I look forward to seeing your continued contributions to the Protectorate. You're shaping up to be a fine hero, Fantasia.


"I deleted the original leaked footage, but I'm afraid it's too late, Chief-Director. It's already reached the Memes subform of PHO. It's beyond my control, now." Up on the screen, the image of Anima was replaced with a still frame from the PRT testing arena. Armsmaster was backed against a shooting range target, trying to hold off Fantasia who was dangling from his halberd by her teeth. The imaged was captioned at the bottom with 'Chibierian.'

"Oh goddamnit."
Oh, I remember this. The whiplash from deadly-serious to hilarity is still amazing.