Warrior from Afar: A Warhammer Fantasy Quest (Warhammer/Megaverse Crossover)

Out with the old, in with the new: chapter 1
[] Plan veekie
-[] Starfire energy bolt rifle
-[] TW theives gauntlets
-[] TW glitter mount model mechanical horse
-[] The siege at Tolkeen

When the call to arms to defend the kingdom of Tolkeen and the other 4 arguably lesser kingdoms of the Minnesota baronies echoed out, you like many people rushed to their defense. After all, you were a being of magic and Emperor Karl Prosek and his Coalition States had no use for beings such as you; therefore anyone who fought against them was your ally by default...

Or so you thought. As the war dragged on however and the defenders began to become more and more desperate you started to have second thoughts...especially once the kingdom started to enlist darker and more unsavory types of magic users and forces. Then King Creed's advisors proposed their infamous plan known as the Sorceror's revenge and you knew for a fact that win or lose the kingdom was truly too far gone. Their plan was a blitzkrieg against the main coalition forces along the Mississippi using every tool the kingdom had at its disposal. Elementals, Daemonix, the brand new Iron Juggernaut automatons this and more would be thrown at the enemy forces in an attempt to wipe out nearly half of the Coalition army. The survivors would then further be devastated by an attempt to drive some of them into the dreaded Xiticx hive-lands to the north and letting the hyper territorial bug-men devastate them. Meanwhile, other forces would alternatively try to trick the bugs into attacking the Coalition capital of Chi-town in the ruins of Old Chicago, while another team would try to move in and assassinate the Emperor and his family.

Only problem? It would not only risk killing half of Tolkeen's OWN forces but it would also leave an unacceptably large amount of smaller towns and villages vulnerable. You did not feel comfortable with this and so after some haggling managed to get yourself stationed with the part of the army that would remain behind and watch the kingdom's back.

As the horror stories trickled back of the wholesale slaughter and torture of coalition troops for days on end, even those that fell to their knees and begged for their lives you found yourself glad you did not participate.

What's worse...it all turned out to be pointless.

Galvanized by the devastation inflicted on their army and the (failed) attempted assassination of their emperor the Coalition came back with a vengeance and eventually managed to punch through the defensive lines and reach the doorstep of the Kingdom. Which would be bad enough except for the fact that the Sorceror's revenge had been hyped up as such a devastating victory that half the damn mercenaries and a quarter of the volunteers had already taken their paychecks and run before the Coalition had even shown up!

And then shit really got bad... because of the facts that a). that little Coalition army group led by the legendary General Holmes that had been driven into the hive-lands not only survived but decided to circle back around and flank the kingdom and b). the Coalition state of Free Quebec which had been vying for independence from the rest of the states (due to differences in opinion with the Emperor on certain issues like education, the rest of the Coalition's use of mutant animals in the army...etc.) and which Tolkeen had been trying to make secret overtures to, decided to go "Fuck it! Humanity First!" A sentiment they proceed to show by turning on Tolkeen and backing up the Coalition in their counter attack.

The result was the annihilation of the Kingdom and you soon found yourself doing your best to help survivors escape from the ruins. A task that became infinitely more difficult when as the new year began to dawn a whole shit ton of demons decided to enter earth by exploiting the fact that the kingdom's stone pyramids which had previously kept the surrounding ley lines from surging were now so much rubble.

Yeah turns out that there was a bit of a war going on between the hell dimensions of Hades and Dyvaal going on in the background and surprise, surprise, they both decided that Earth would be the perfect staging ground from which to attack the other.

Which brings things to where they currently stand, namely you slashing away at some gargoyles trying to rip your head off, your glitter mount stomping some Ghoul into the dirt...

And now one of those damn demons is trying to open a portal...

Yeah, that's not happening. You order your mount to charge through the enemy lines till you finally have a clear shot raise your Star fire rifle and squeeze off a round.

Perfect shot...but terrible timing, as the bolt strikes home just as the spell is reaching its climax...

The last thing you see is a flash of light as the rift surges forth to engulf you...

Where do you emerge?

Naggaroth []

Lustria []

Cathay []

Mountains of Mourn []

Bretonnia []

The Dark Lands []

Tilea []

Estalia []

The Border Lands []

Kislev []

Norsca []

The South Lands []

The Empire []

Ulthuan []

Ind []

The Eastern Steppe []

Nippon []

And when does the rift deposit you?

For reference: Warhammer timeline

Additional timeline for reference

-3505 IC []

-2755 IC []

-2745 IC []

-2460 IC []

-2000 IC []

-1800 IC []

-1600 IC []

-1500 IC []

-1400 IC []

-1250 IC []

-1151 IC []

-1000 IC []

-30 IC []

-15 IC []

-8 IC []

-1 IC []

1 IC []

15 IC []

50 IC []

479 IC []

666 IC []

900 IC []

977 IC []

1110 IC []

1208 IC []

1450 IC []

1520 IC []

1681 IC []

1707 IC []

2010 IC []

2302 IC []

2420 IC []

2500 IC []
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Out with the old, in with the new: chapter 2
[]Plan Most Good
-[] Ulthuan
-[] -3505 IC

It's times like this you are very glad for the whole being a dragon thing. Otherwise, the whole being forcibly transported into another world or reality thing would be really annoying...especially when it ends with you being sent flying headfirst into a tree.

Yah okay not your best entrance but hey at least you didn't accidentally get teleported into a volcano...again.

Seriously you really hope this dimensional traveling thing gets easier with time.

Anyway, after dislodging yourself from the tree you are stuck in you manage to climb down to the ground. A quick examination of the area reveals your rifle thankfully still in one piece in a bush about 50 yards from the tree.

As you're picking it up the sound of footsteps causes you to spin about and reveal...

Your glitter mount strutting towards you.

Oh goody, that makes things much easier!

You mount up and order your mount to march in the direction of an opening in the trees. Seems you are on a cliff face of some kind. In every direction before you, the misty seas extend. Judging by what you can tell you are on an island of some sort.

An island with an utter shitload of magic if the readings you're getting from your mount are right, the indicators which normally only light up when you're on a leyline are practically burning your retinas out they are so bright, which is great because that means it'll be able to go into hover mode and should allow you to cover more ground easily. Which just leaves you with the matter of figuring out which direction to head.

You are currently on the small islands to the South East of the continent near the shifting shrine

You decide:

[] Toward the southwest and the sound of music: you have a feeling it would normally be something quite beautiful however something seems off...
[] Toward the Northwest and the glow of power. Your not sure what it is but something is glowing like a spotlight to your mystical sense, at least when it's not being blocked by an inky shadow...
[] Toward the Northeast and a familiar feeling. You thought for a moment you heard a familiar sound, you're not sure what exactly it was but whatever it is it has your dragon senses on edge.

QM: a short update I know but I wanted to get the ball rolling on this already.
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Out with the old, in with the new: chapter 3
[] Toward the southwest and the sound of music: you have a feeling it would normally be something quite beautiful however something seems off...

Carefully you weigh your options. As a being of magic part of you feels drawn to the glow to the northwest yet at the same time it's intensity makes you hesitate, after all, you don't want to go and bite off more than you can handle. Another part of you feels drawn toward the Northeast for a reason as you swore you heard a familiar cry of some sort, however as you strain to try and hear it another sound emerges which drowns it out.

One far closer...

One far sweeter...

In fact, now that you are really listening it might just be too sweet. Something you only notice when a several pained shouts echo out and interrupt it. A combination which reminds you of something unpleasant.

Disturbed at the possibility you decide to check things out. For if it is what you think it might be then innocent lives could be at risk. So with but a thought, you order your automaton to gallop in the direction of the noise till you reach the edge of a cliff. You channel your magic into the iron beast and in combination with the inordinate amount of magic that seems to fill this land it launches into the air and begins to float through the misty sky. One minute passes, then two, till at last, you breach the cloud bank to reveal your worst fear come true...

"Oh for fucks sake again with this demonic nonsense!" you curse to yourself. Seriously you had just come from a battle with some of them and your running into them again?!


You're not exactly sure from where or what kind of demons they are but they look vaguely like the succubi you've fought before so probably a bunch of dicks with emotional manipulation abilities and whatnot.

Now, who exactly are they fighting? A touch of magic and your naturally advanced dragon vision reveals that they are fighting...

Elves? Huh, it's a small mega-verse after all. You'd run across a few elves back home, heck there was a decent number back at Tolkeen either in the form of former residents or as adventurers who took up the call to arms like you.

Why are they out here though? As far as you can tell the island they are fighting on doesn't seem to be particularly noteworthy...


Is that a temple of some kind?

Yes now that you look at it there looks to be a temple or shrine of some sort. It appears to be an oddly shaped stone thing, sometimes dancing with the colors of the rainbow and other times filled with flickering shadows and optical illusions. One thing, however, remains constant though, a banner with a mark of some sort on it.

"Eyes of Thoth" you mutter to yourself. You feel the power flow to your eyes and at once the meaning of the symbol of the writing becomes clear.

The symbol means many things it seems. Trickery, deception, shadows...and a name. "Loec"

"Must be one of the Elves' gods" you mutter to yourself.

Alright judging by the abundance of spikes and demons on one side and not the other standard good versus evil nonsense. How are you going to handle this?

[] Death from above! Rain fire and judgment down on these fuckers!
[] Not one step backward! Find the part of the elven line that's weakest and jump straight into the melee!
[] Break their wills! There appears to be a demonic champion these beasts are rallying around. Slay it and strike terror in them!
[] Strike from behind! Sneak up from behind and raise havoc behind the lines!

Also, how do you want to approach this?

[] Adopt a slightly human-er elven looking form and just act like a normal albeit really strong sorcerer.
[] Tell your mount to hide and unleash the Dragon!
Out with the old, in with the new: chapter 4
[] Break their wills! There appears to be a demonic champion these beasts are rallying around. Slay it and strike terror in them!
[] Tell your mount to hide and unleash the Dragon!

You mull your options for a moment trying to figure which would be best suited for the circumstances. Ultimately though you settle on dealing with the champion. It's the biggest threat at the moment and attacking it would serve multiple purposes.

1). It's presence at the center of the horde means its defeat will be seen by all its followers and serve to demoralize the enemy.
2). An attack on the center of the horde will force those at the front to turn to face the threat allowing a distraction for the elves.
3). Again it is the biggest threat and deserves the most attention.

So with that settled you mentally give an order to your mount to hide and without a moment's hesitation, you leap from your saddle...

If one was capable of looking into the minds of those present on the battlefields of Ulthuan one would find vastly different thoughts depending on where they originated from:

On the offensive side Naimoz Heartrider, Keeper of Secrets, and greater daemon of the Prince(ss) of Excess Slaanesh thoughts echoed feelings of ecstasy and jubilation as the various sounds, smells and sights of the battlefield reached it and it thought of how it would be rewarded by its liege for completing the task given to it. For too long the symphony of destruction chaos had attempted to write upon this world was disrupted by the distractions and UGLY sounds the servants of Loec and his temple dared to assault the air with till at last Slaanesh could stand it no longer! Soon though it would be all over and then onwards to the rest of Ulthuan!

On the defensive side, by contrast, were feelings of panic and desperation despite all their attempts the daemons had managed to see their way past the shifting wards around the shrine and divine its true location. Human chaos warriors broke holes in their ranks allowing Daemonettes to dance or ride in amongst their numbers on the backs of Slaaneshi fiends and scythe them down. As the battle wore on Bel-Odyes of the Silver Helms was starting to feel that his title of "the Clever" granted to him by his fellow knights was perhaps given in haste, as he sure as hell didn't feel clever now...though he would never admit it aloud.

Two very conflicting sets of thoughts from two very different sources...

Yet in an instant, both suddenly shifted abruptly to a singular identical one as they both happened to glance up.

...what the hell is that shadow and why is it growing...?

Roll: 43 + 10 (surprise attack) +15 (what the hell is that!?) - 12 (the blessings of excess) = 56, success!

A moment after it realized something big was incoming and heading right towards it the Daemon attempted to dodge using every ounce of power gifted to it by its dark patron.

It was a moment too late for as it attempted to leap out of the way of the opponent's descending bulk a mystically summoned set of fireballs rained down just where it was about to land, the shock of impact knocking it off balance...

Enemy Recovery Roll: 52 -5 (off balance) -5 (injured) +12 (the blessings of excess) = 54 success

Only for the beast to turn a disorganized tumble into a graceful pirouette and bring itself about to face its opponent.

It faced a long slender reptilian beast which hovered just where it had once stood.

"Ooh" the daemon purred "What luck! I was just in the mood for a new outfit and scales would add quite the touch!"

"Please...with that mug of yours I think a paper bag would go much better." a voice thundered back...and in the dark tongue no less!

"You speak our tongue?" It gazed back in confusion before its supernatural senses drew it to some sort of glowing marking on the beast's wrist.

Ah magic! That explains...wait a minute...

"Did you just call me UGLY?!"
"I call it as I see it."
"I'm going to kill you, you miserable iguana!"

Enemy attack Roll: 41 + 12 (the blessings of excess) - 8 (RAGE CLOUDED MIND ) - 5 (injury) = 40, failure!

Were you an ordinary challenger than even with its injury and the rage clouding its mind you have no doubt Naimoz could easily have cut down its opponent with its charging slash.

You, however, were no ordinary challenger and as the daemon brought its blade down it found only air while the hand that held it found itself being lopped off by the edge of a totally different and very much anti-magical blade held in your hand.

Enemy Recovery Roll: 39 + 12 (blessings of excess) - 10 (really injured now) = 41, failure!

You expected a lot of things as you brought your blade around to rend yet more of the limbs from this abomination before you...it moaning in apparent ecstacy though...well that was new even to you.

Yah this is too fucking weird, magical particle beam to the face time!


Thank you.

Now that you got that settled you can move on to the next issue...

Roll: 89+15 (killed the daemonic champ) = 104, critical success!

Namely the utter horde of daemons running...right past you.

Huh, seems your little plan worked better than you thought because the daemons are running scared and in their wake are a bunch of very wrathful elves coming to get their revenge.

Well good on them...

Your response is to:

[] Join up with the elves chasing the daemons
-[] In your true Form
-[] Summon your mount and turn into an elf
[] Try and cut the daemons off
-[] In your true Form
-[] Summon your mount and turn into an elf
[] Actually, you think you're going to go head towards the shrine
-[] In your true form
-[] After summoning your mount and transforming into an elf
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Out with the old, in with the new: final
[] Try and cut the daemons off
-[] In your true Form

Eh, you've already shown your true form, why bother switching now?

So with that decided you once more activate your flight spell and just for good measure you also activate your speed tattoo.

Roll: 93 +10 magic + 10 (tattoo)! = 113, crit!

In short order, you have already managed to surge ahead of the fleeing monsters. You turn to face them and relish the moment as you watch the previously graceful sauntering forms of the hermaphrodite monstrosities suddenly skid to a halt and collide with each other.

They look at you their appearances first going from confused, to seductive than to fear once more as you continue to stare at them without the slightest hint that their weird aura or musk is having any effect on you at all.

And then...


Roll: 89 +12 (killed their boss) = 101, crit!

You watch in uproarious amusement as the daemons once more panic and try to flee

Roll: 4 + 12 (blessing of excess) = 16, failure!

Only to run headfirst into a horde of pissed off elves.

Roll: 42 + 12 (blessing of excess) = 54

Who you find are actually seeming to have a bit of trouble with dealing with the crab, demon, women...things. Maybe its exhaustion on the part of the defenders, maybe it's whatever the demonic equivalent of an adrenaline response finally kicking in from fear to give the beasties an edge but whatever it is the elves seem to be struggling in the wake of it.

Well, two can play at that game!

Roll: 41 + 10 (magic adrenaline rush) +10 (super strength tattoo) = 63!

Your claws lash out shredding demons in your wake, heads are bitten off your opponents while others get the experience what a dragon tail bitch slap feels like when your opponent really wants to hurt you.

Roll: 51

Slowly inch by inch the enemy begins to be encircled and crushed between you and the elves.

Once more they try to make a break for it...

Roll: 34 + 12 (blessings of excess) = 46, fail!

But it's too little too late and a few minutes later it's all over as the last of the demons is finally run through by the stab of an elegant blade wielded by an elf. For a moment a look of profound relief and happiness is etched on his face...

Then he looks back up and spots your scaly visage and promptly proceeds to tense up again, something which also soon happens throughout all the rest of the elves before you.

Right then, what to say and/or do to get them to calm down?

Write-in []
Awkward introductions
One minute ticks away then two as you and the elves share nervous glances unsure of how to proceed.

'Aw screw it.' You think to yourself before you will the magic to shape itself to the desired effect. In a flash it is done and you find yourself standing before the elves in a form that should hopefully resemble them enough to calm them down.

"Hi there"

Roll: 6 + 10 (elven form) + 12 (helped kill the demons) = 28, need 40, failure!

Perhaps you should have shown a bit more finesse because before you can say another word you find an arrow heading for you!

Roll: 68 + 10 (tattoo) = 78, need 55, success!

You don't know if its the hand of fate or if the local gods decided to help you out but whatever the case it is only by the skin of your teeth that you manage to avoid the bolt heading for your head.

The silence that follows is such that your fairly certain you could hear a pin drop halfway across the island.

"...is that really the smartest action to take after you saw me vaporize a giant demon's head?" you say the slightest hint of anger bleeding into his voice as the dregs of adrenaline leftover from the battle once more flare to the surface at the perceived danger.

It is a tense moment, each side looking at the other for the slightest twitch that might indicate attack.

Roll: 65 - 5(anxiety) - 5 (fear) +10 (he saved our asses) = 65, need 45! Success!

"STAND DOWN! Isha's tears have you lost your damn minds?!"

Before the situation can escalate further a voice cuts the tension like a knife. You turn to its source to find an elf, his appearance somewhat marred by the soul deep exhaustion that comes by continuous combat but still possessing of an unearthly elegance forcing his way through the crowd to stand before you. At his verbal castigation of them you see the other elves shrink back in what you can only assume is embarrassment. You have to admit some part of you is more than a touch pleased at the sight of this. This feeling is only amplified when the elf chewing them out turns and gives you a slight bow.

"My sincerest thanks and my most heartfelt apologies for your treatment sir. I am Bel-Odyes of the Silver Helms a protector of this land of Ulthuan"
"Apologies accepted sir Bel-Odyes though I must sadly admit that neither your order nor your land's name ring any bells of recognition in my mind. You may call me John Fitzroy...it is not my true draconic name but given the nature of our mutual enemies I'd rather such dangerous information be spoken aloud."

Gasps could be heard as the information sinks in to the minds of those present.

"You mean...that form from before is not merely a transformation you've assumed?"
"Nope. I am 100% a Chiang-Ku dragon from my whiskers to the tip of my tail."
"Maybe we should sit down someplace more comfortable and talk this out....this might take a while."
"Very well. My quarters are just over there." He says gesturing in the direction of the temple.

You start to walk only to pause.

"Forgive me but I just remembered I forgot something. A moment if you please."
"Of course"

The words have barely left his lips when you bring your fingers to your lips and give a whistle. From the skies descends your mount which you quickly mount to the gasps of surprise and wonder from the present elves.

"Lead the way"

Some time later you find yourself in a large tent sitting across a table from your host on a simple but by no means uncomfortable chair of wood and velvet lined cushions, whilst your mount waits just outside.

[] Write in what you want to talk about
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Awkward Introductions: Part 2
[] All of The Above, GM Edition

A thousand thoughts and possible questions flash through your head for the elf before you but in the end, you decide to start small.

"So then my friend. I have a few questions to ask of you."
"And I shall be more than happy to answer them provided you answer mine in return."
"Of course, my elven friend, that goes without saying," you say with a nod in reply to your host. " Alright then, first question; what was with your reaction to my statement about being a dragon? Are there not dragons like myself here?"
"None that I have ever seen ...there are rumors...though unconfirmed of a certain land far to the east where serpentine dragons capable of wielding magic lie. In most places, by and large, dragons including the ones here in Ulthuan are winged beasts; many are capable of speech, but besides their breath weapons they are utterly incapable of wielding the winds of magic."
"There are dragons here?" you say eyes widening.
"Indeed there are. Many of which fight alongside us even now. Some as independent fighters and others as loyal mounts, in fact, a cousin of mine is one such rider." The elf says puffing up with pride.
"Might explain that familiar sound and feeling I sensed before on the way here. Can't say I exactly approve of my kind being used as mounts...but as long as they're not being forced I guess it's none of my business of what you folks do here...which is where exactly?"
"Why Ulthuan of course! The great motherland of all elves upon this world of Malus! Rivaled only in splendor by the great Karak's of our Dawi allies."

He says speaking his voice tinged with a mixture of barely restrained haughtiness and just a touch of incredulity at your looks of confusion. At your continued lack of recognition, you see his look of incredulity drop a touch before he walks over to a desk covered in various scrolls and parchments. Retrieving one he proceeds to unroll it showing what appears to be a map of some sort.

"Hm, I'd almost say Earth had another makeover while I was gone...but no. There are still too many differences to account for. Still, the resemblance is almost uncanny."
"What does dirt have to do with anything?"
"What...? Oh, wait I see...stupid translation magic. "No, "Earth," you say momentarily deactivating your spell to avoid confusion "is the name of my homeworld. They named the element after the world it comes from."
"I'm sorry homeworld? Are you saying..."
"That I'm an alien to your world? Yep. I'm from a totally different world. One that is also dealing with its own brand of demonic nonsense. Speaking of which what's up with all...this?" You say gesturing in the direction of the carnage outside "Some would-be demon lord trying to conquer the world or did some power-mad idiot accidentally summon up more than he could handle?"

"I can assure you" he begins anger cutting through the shock that dawned on his face at your revelation "no Elf or Dawi..."
"Yeah Dawi, who are they exactly?" you say interrupting before he can get started, the anger draining out as quickly as it came.

"Eh short stocky folk, really good at forging metal, like to live in mountains and drink alcohol."
"With very impressive beards and big on oaths of honor?"
"Ah, now I get it! We have those back home to, though we call them "dwarfs". Anyways continue."
"Thank you. As I was saying, no Elf or Dawi (assuming they could even cast spells) I know of would ever be so stupid to summon up such monstrosities. I'm afraid these incursions have been a recurring problem ever since the gods left us in the days long before my time. Admittedly the invasions were much worse in the past, but even now with the great maelstrom at the center of Ulthuan draining some of the hellish energies from this world, these monstrosities continue to be an issue. Damn them and the dark so-called gods of chaos these living blasphemies worship!" He says slamming his hand in renewed anger upon the table, causing it to shake.

"Maelstrom huh?" you begin slowly trying to distract him from his anger. "That explains that ultra bright power source I was sensing. I might just take a look at that once I'm done here...which reminds me. What exactly is so special about this spot? I saw some kind of banner out there on that building. What is this some kind of temple or something?"
"A shrine actually. To the trickster god Loec. He who fills us with mirth and music and laughter when the times are peaceful and who in these dark times uses his cunning to rescue our souls from the grasp of these damned fiends."
"Rescue...so these demons are here to settle a personal grudge. Makes sense from what I know of demons. They do always tend to hold grudges for a while. So then, now that we've dealt with those weird crab-woman-man-things for the moment what's the plan? "
"My plan is to send a messenger back to the capitol to ask what is going on with the rest of the land. Depending on the response I get back I shall act accordingly. Hopefully, things are going well and I can return to my estate. You are welcome to come to visit it when the time comes."


[] "I think I'll take you up on that offer."
[] "I'd like to see this capital if you don't mind. May I go with the messenger?"
[] "I want to go check out that maelstrom you spoke of. "
[] "I think I want to try and find those dragons I sensed before"
[] "I think I'd like to be introduced to some of these Dawi you mentioned. Might you know where to find some?"
[] "I have a few more questions first before I decide on anything." Write-in what you'd like to ask.
[] Some other action, write in what.

QM note: remember this is all before the war of the beard so the elves and dwarfs are still on good terms with each other.
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Awkward introductions: Final
[] "I think I want to try and find those dragons I sensed before"

Your host nods at your words.

"Very well sir. I respect your choice. I do hope in time though that you will take me up on my offer. In the meantime I will send word to our other forces so they don't mistake you for an enemy."
"Much thanks!"

You stand to leave but before you can exist the tent you find yourself blocked by another elf. At your confused glance he kneels and presents a large box to you. Turning back to glance at your host you see him motion to open it and so you do.

Inside are some coins, a finely woven scarf, a drinking horn with what you suspect is some sort of wine and lastly some slices of meat carefully wrapped in parchment paper.

"A reward I assume?"
"Much obliged" you say before closing the box and taking it with you.

It does not take you long to find your mount, something partially due to the fact of all the elves standing around and gawking at the techno-wizardry construct. At the sound of your bemused chuckle one of the elves turns to you and upon seeing you he whispers to the other elves and they scatter.

Now alone with your mount you proceed to attach your spoils to its back with the aid of one of the bungie cords you kept stowed away for occasions like this. If being an adventurer has thought you anything it's always be prepared to carry off the spoils of war!

With that secured you hop on your mount and take the reins. Once more the runes light up and you commence your ascent into the sky.

You order your mount to pause for a moment while you get your bearings. You feel your magic flow to behind your eyes and before you slowly begin to scan the sky.

Ah there they are!

Not wanting to waste anymore time you order your mount to double time it and soon after you and your mount are flying through the air like a rocket.

Nearing where you sensed your quarry you look about and take in the scene before you:

Roll: 26
Number of Enemies Roll: 3

Gods above it never ends! First daemons and now...well also another daemon but now they've got friends!

This time instead of a hermaphroditic monstrosity you find a multicolored bird of some sort which is dueling some of your kin in the air while a pair of some kind of giant crabs are wrecking a fleet of what you assume are elven ships. One of the ships is already sinking and one of the crabs is heading toward the struggling sailors. Another crab is heading toward another ship where you can sense a build of magic happening.

Where do you go first?

[] protect the magic caster
[] help your dragon kin
[] save the sailors

How do you approach this?

[] write-in
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Can't a dragon go five minutes without dealing with demonic bullshit?
[] protect the magic caster

You know your kind, you know they can handle themselves against this overgrown peacock which just leaves two possible choices.

Emotionally you feel for the sailors and want to rush to their aid...

Mentally however you know by looking on the forming matrix of what is clearly a spell of exorcism that the most important person to protect is the magic caster.

With a heavy heart and cursing the powers that be all the while you make your choice and dive...

Kentubor known by many of his kin as "the powerful" cursed his luck for the hundredth time. Fearful of certain malign celestial portents the Pheonix King had insisted on Kentubor leading an expedition to lands to the east to enlist the aids of their Dawi allies in dealing with this mess only for it to be revealed to be a trick by the ruinous powers. And so here he was, nearly within sight of land only for another demon to come waltzing along with horde of giant marine life and start sinking their ships! Good news most of the giant crabs were dead and he had nearly finished the spell to banish the demon...

Roll: 4

Bad news was one of them was right on top of him!

Desperately dropping the half formed spell he tries to dodge...

Roll: 19

Only for the thing to grab by the leg and throw him like a rag doll in into mast, snapping it like a twig along with his arm.

Roll: 59

Gritting his teeth Kentubor fought through the pain and began to channel the wind of life to heal his wounds quickly the wounds began to mend together...but not fast enough for his taste...

Roll 90 + 5 surprise attack + 5 (strength enhancing tattoo) = 100, artificial Critical success!

And then before his surprised eyes the crab's head imploded as a massive scaled elbow attached to a huge serpentine beast collided with the great crab's carapace. Dumb struck the elf could only stare blankly as the scaly head turned to regard him barely even registering the gurgling death cries of its opponents.

"The words you are looking for little elf are thank you." The scaled beast remarked to you with a surprisingly mortal expression of smugness. "Now if you don't mind could you please be so kind as to get back to the fancy spell weaving you were up to?"

Part of him wanted to say something snide back at the great beast's flippant attitude...

Roll: 50...

In the end though practicality ultimately won out and feeling his arm at last finish mending he once more got back to work. Meanwhile the great lizard turned to regard the sea again...

Awareness Roll: 28 + (5) magic sight= 33, fail!

However it was a moment too late as another enormous pincer reached up from the briny deep to grab your new allies tale and drag him beneath the waves. Apparently the second great arthropod had turned its attention from the sailors on the other ship when it heard its...mate? Sibling? Ally? or whatever let out its gurgling death cry and had snuck up on the great lizard.

Roll: 52

Concerned but knowing the importance of what he was doing the elf focused on the task before him and slowly the matrix began to form.

Roll: 92, success!

On the plus side the beasts sudden change in targets had allowed the remains sailors on the other ship to get their bearings and begin to fish their fellows out of the sea.

Roll: 62, success!

And as it turns out the elf needn't have worried for just a moment later with a sudden burst of light and hair raising static the great sea beast from before was suddenly sent airborne by some sort of magic lightning and the elf's new acquaintance began to drag himself free from the wet embrace of the briny deep.

Now no longer distracted the elf was able to put his full metaphorical and metaphysical weight behind the spell...

Roll: 98

and at last the final bit of power clicked into place. Turning the elf looked airborne and finding the demonic mastermind behind this whole debacle distracted by the brother dragons Sear-fang and Ember-tooth the elf took aim and fired

Roll: 31 + (9 dark gift of foresight) = 40, fail

Almost comically the elf saw the demon's eyes widen as it caught sight of the incoming magical projectile and realizing its closeness and lack of time to weave a counter spell attempted to dodge it...

Roll: 27 + (9 dark gift of foresight) - 5 (very little time) = 31, failure!

For a moment the elf almost thought his opponent was going to dodge it as he saw the beasts mind work frantically to come up with a way out of this mess. Even if there was one though there was too little time for the daemon to put it into place. A moment later the spell collided with its target and with the shrieking of a thousand damned souls the daemons form began to collapse in upon itself before it finally vanished in a puff of rainbow colored smoke.

Relief crashed over the elf like a tidal wave. Almost unconsciously Kentubor turned his head in the direction away from the spot where the demon once stood...

[] And found a strange elf staring back at him where once stood the great scaled beast from before.
[] And found a scaly shape flying over towards the other previously floundering ship
[] And found Sear-Fang and Ember-seemingly engrossed in conversation with a now hovering serpentine shape.