Warhammer Tribe Quest

[X] Plan the Blind Healer
-[X] Godfred Oakentree
-[X] Clanling
-[X] Healer
-[X] Smart
-[X] Stubborn
-[X] Blind
Turn 1 - The First Month
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Winning Vote: Plan Volkhard the Diplomat
- Volkhard Tallowman
- Tumbleberry
- Clanling
- Smart
- Thoughtful
- Jovial
- Organised
- Social
- Greedy
- Stubborn
- Wrath of the Gods

The Great Migration

"I heard that Elder Tumbleberry was planning to vote to go." Volkhard raised a brow at the matronly cook dolling out soup. She nodded vigorously. "They're meeting now you know, and Tall Folk as well even!" Volkhard raised his other brow. "It only makes sense of course, the Shrinetenders are having dark dreams. Quinsberry himself sent omens of dark shadows growing out of the north." Volkhard nodded then, he'd heard about that. It was dark for much of the year on the plateau that the Halflings had long called home, but the Halflings had never had trouble finding food amidst cliffs and caves and frozen forests before.

"Well, the Brambledowns are going to vote to leave too no doubt." Volkhard couldn't think of any Clan Elders that were likely to vote to stay. "The Tall Folk are split though; some are planning to stay." The matron shook her head and snorted.

Waving her ladle at Volkhard, "Those Tall Folk haven't half a Halfling's mind I tell you. If the Elders think we're best set to leave…" Volkhard shrugged.

"Can I have some more, please?" The matron smiled, scooped another scoop of soup, and lay it on his plate. This happened at just about the moment that a few of the aurochs shifted the huge wagons blocking off the Moot from the tribe and the Clan Elders walked out still muttering to one another.

A couple hundred Clanlings gathered around Elder Tumbleberry as he started giving out tasks to the older Halflings. "We're to set way for greener pastures. Down from the Plateau and into the west. Prepare your wagons, help the cooks load up the cookwagons and be ready to leave before midday. We'll not waste today; the Moot of Elders has decided that haste is of the matter." His voice was calm, his words only slightly distorted by the great wad of tobacco he was chewing. Volkhard sighed, he'd not had good tobacco in weeks.

The descent from the Plateau down onto what seemed to be a sea of ash and scorched black stone was treacherous. The narrow path wound up and around false summits, passed through canyons with walls a gust of wind from collapsing and came to sudden stops where one of the bigger aurochs had fallen to its doom. Volkhard looked into one of the open holes in the path. It seemed aurochs weren't the only creatures that had tumbled down mountain slopes, for at the bottom were the bone frames of huge monsters. The journey was made no easier by horses trying to slip through the wagons as they made their way between the different Tall Folk tribes that were either in front or behind the many Halfling clans.

When one such horse and rider went clattering to their deaths as the path gave way beneath them, Elder Tumbleberry stopped his wagon, hopped down, and crossed his arms. "You." Volkhard looked around as the other clanlings shuffled out of the path of Elder Tumbleberry's gaze. "Stop this tumbling nonsense." And Elder Tumbleberry pulled out a new wad of tobacco, hopped back up onto his wagon and set off again. The train of wagons continued on, Volkhard's wagon now tied to the one in front by another Tumbleberry clanling. Volkhard shook his head and trudged up the path towards the Tall Folk tribe behind the Tumbleberries.

The next horse that tried to weave through the wagons found itself stopped by a Halfling with a short stick. "Oy there! Stop." The horse obeyed; the rider looked down at Volkhard. "Horses on the left, wagons on the right." Volkhard pointed at another clanling. "You! Elder Tumbleberry wants you to take this Tall Folk to the front of the tribe. Tell all the wagons to stay on the right and all the Tall Folk to stay on the left." The Clanling squinted at Volkhard who simply shrugged and watched as the clanling motioned for the horse to follow and began down the train of wagons. By the time the train made it down to the ashy ground below and was swallowed by the gloom cast by the ever present cloud cover, Volkhard had made friends with three Brigundians who were more than happy to let him ride with them up and down the train of wagons.

The path that cut across these dark wastelands was broader than the mountain path by far and there was no need to restrict the various Tall Folk from their travels. And word moved down the Great Migration from end to end of Greenskins. They would bloom out of the darkness and attack one of the various tribes as they walked the path. The more warlike Tall Folk managed to shatter the raiders and drive them back into the gloom. But one of Volkhard's fellow gossipers in clan Ashfield had mentioned that Elder Ashfield was assigning more and more clanlings to watch. Apparently Elder Ashfield was worried that the Greenskins were likely to turn away from the stronger Tall Folk and try for the cookwagons soon.

And Elder Ashfield was not wrong. Halfling bows loosed arrows at wolf riding Goblins and Ashfield clanlings with spears rushed to the edge of the tribe to meet the charging Greenskins. And most of them were barrelled through as wolves leapt at aurochs and poisoned arrows knocked archers from their wagons. Naturally the other clans rushed to aid the Ashfields and defend the cookwagons. Naturally, they didn't fare terribly well. Aurochs bellowed and kicked out at the Goblins, crushing skulls, and snapping bones.

There was Elder Ashfield with two cleavers in hand cutting through Greenskins like they were warm butter, carving wolves like a beautiful roast dinner. Volkhard was getting hungry thinking about it. Lately food hadn't been tasting as nice, it must be all the travelling. Meanwhile Elder Tumbleberry was sending clanlings to find the Tall Folk warriors to relieve them. A quick glance in Volkhard's direction and he was sprinting towards the back of the train. His horsemaster friends were back there. And between them was a nasty looking goblin atop a nasty looking wolf.

Volkhard locked eyes with the fiend. His pulled out his short stick, set his feet and watched as the wolf's muscle's tightened. And then the beast was on him. Stick whacking against wet noses, jagged blade whipping through the air and the snarl-whine of an injured wolf. And Volkhard was picking himself up from the ground with a torn jacket, the last of all of his tobacco covered in ash and blood and a sticky Goblin lying on top of him. Volkhard's Brigundian friend, spear in hand atop a snorting horse, looked down on the freshly slain wolf and rider.

The darkness came to an end with snow so white that the sun blinded those who looked at the tallest peaks. A great wall of stone and snow stretched from horizon to horizon, and the Great Migration was set to pass through. Clan Lowhaven went ahead and sought out the best valleys and mountain paths to allow the Great Migration to weave through these great steps as touched the ceiling of the world.

The mountains slowed the Great Migration again, and worryingly few Lowhavens were coming back from their scouting trips. The tribes worked their way through a number of passes, but the signs were clear that this place had once been home to some other people. Statues lined certain paths and shattered stone towers had been toppled from a few cliffs. It was a week or two into the crossing of the mountains that the Lowhavens finally came back. They brought some taller, and truly ancient, Halflings with them. Of course, they could only have been mistaken for Halflings at a great distance.

The Clan Elders gathered and met with these ancient almost Halflings. Volkhard's web of gossipers suggested that the reason it took Clan Lowhaven so long to return was that their new friends had mistaken them all for lost children fleeing a fallen home. It was fortunate then that the Clan Elders could persuade these elderly creatures that this was not some wandering of children. The Great Migration continued under the watch of the Dwarfs, passing through ancient battlefields and under the shadow of mighty holds.

Volkhard was queueing for the cookwagons, it was almost time for afternoon tea and he wanted to be at the front of the queue. Today they were handing out pies and he didn't want to have to make do with soup again. The last time he had soup he'd sat down in his favourite rocking chair and the arm had snapped. The hot soup went everywhere. Just behind him in the queue, two Halflings were discussing the day's journey.

"Where did you end up finding that then?"

"Oh, it was just in the valley back there under the snow. I kicked it as I was walking."

"What does it do?"

"Watch this." The Halfling put on the ring it was holding. Golden and marked with strange symbols it glowed as it clung to the finger. And then the Halfling vanished. Many onlookers gasped, and the Halfling came back grinning.

Naturally Volkhard spent the next three weeks of the Great Migration searching through the snow for a magic item of his own. But Phineas was not with him. Whenever Volkhard thought he found something it turned out to be broken, or a rock. And other Halflings were finding magic items all over the mountains. So, when they came to the last Dwarfhold of the mountains before climbing down into the new land, Volkhard snuck in. Maybe he could borrow something.

Or maybe not. It wasn't hard to find the Runelord's workshop. It wasn't hard to sneak past the guards and in through the door. But it was terribly difficult to get his hands on anything. Wherever he went in the workshop, the Runelord was there. "No little one, don't touch that." And the Runelord would pick him up and take him to one corner of the workshop. "Stay there little one." A tap on the head, "I'll take you back to your clan halls when I'm done." And away the Runelord went to his work.

And away Volkhard went to find something to borrow. It must have been the tenth time that he was carried back to the corner that he simply sat down and crossed his arms and sulked. The Runelord worked away, singing softly to himself all the while for what seemed like an age. And then when he had finished what he was doing he came back over to Volkhard and motioned that the Halfling should follow him.

They did not go far. The Runelord walked out of the workshop, gestured for Volkhard to sit down next to the door and went to work giving his guards a stern talking to. A little child, not even a beardling, had wandered into his workshop. On their watch! Another age passed. Clan Elders didn't give stern talking tos that lasted this long. Volkhard sighed as the Runelord then led him down to the clan halls.

"Remind me then little one. Which clan do you come from?"

"Tumbleberry." Volkhard's arms had fused into a crossed position, perhaps for the rest of his life. "I'm a Halfling. I wanted to borrow a magic item. All the other clanlings have been finding them everywhere!" And the Runelord frowned a frown so grave that Volkhard took a step back.

That was the story of how a Runelord and a company of his guards came to collect all the magic items that Clan Tumbleberry had collected so far and take them back into the Dwarfhold.

With the mountains now behind them, the Great Migration crossed windswept plains. The Tall Folk were rather pleased to be out on fair ground, and this gave Clan Hayfoot a chance to establish a small web of trade to bring in food from away from the Great Migration's dust trail. Fresh meat, a few wild plants, and the cookwagons were finally able to start fielding thirds again.

The Great Migration began to stop more and more often. It was a bit chilly, and a bit windy and Volkhard wasn't sure what he thought of all the bears. But the Tall Folk and some of the older Halflings were considering settling down. The Great Migration began to spread out further and further, tribes were no longer up against one another and even the clans were leaving some comfortable space.

Which was probably why the troll attacks were such a problem.

The Tall Folk were too far away to call upon with any sort of ease, the night was dark and cold. The clans had gathered their wagons together into a big wheel and established a camp for the past few days. And Elder Ashfield sounded a great horn in the darkness. "To arms! Defend the cookwagons!" Volkhard stumbled and fell out of his wagon and looked across to where the less fortunate Halflings were watching troll bile melt their wagon through.

The Ashfield clanlings were fastest to respond, following as their Elder carved through trolls with ease. The rest of the tribe were soon formed up however and with a little manipulation of the wagons, a firm perimeter was ready and repelling trolls. The occasional breach and the occasional Halfling swallowed whole meant that the camp could not hold alone forever. So Elder Tumbleberry had begun to pack up some travelling supplies and lash them to an ornery old goat that he'd raised since childhood.

Elder Tumbleberry looked up at the fighting Halflings. "You!" Volkhard froze, a troll's club crashing into the ground he was about to step onto. An arrow whooshed into the troll's eye as Elder Tumbleberry strode up and pulled Volkhard back from the wagon line. "Get on." And without waiting for compliance, Elder Tumbleberry lifted Volkhard onto the old goat and hit it with a stick. Perhaps picking up clanlings was just a privilege that came with old age. Volkhard didn't have the time to wonder about it, he was far too busy clinging to the goat.

It crashed horns first into a troll and sprinted into the night only ever slowing to dodge or duck around an errant troll.

Dawn the next day saw the Trolls dead. Some Tall Folk warriors laden in fur and hide armour had followed Volkhard and the goat back to the wagons and crushed the trolls fool enough to stay when the Tall Folk arrived.

As soon as the injured were attended to, the Clan Elders agreed to turn south and away from the troll lands. They needed some place that even Halflings could be safe without need of aid. Into the depths of the forests of this land they wandered.

Parted from the Tall Folk, the Halflings had to be far sneakier and more careful than before. Clinging to the shadows in the forests, only treading where Lowhavens had tread before and with Clan Ashfield ever on patrol they managed to avoid the creatures of the deep woods. Tall Folk that had been twisted into beasts; beasts that had been twisted into Tall Folk. A number of short skirmishes with Goblins ended in the Great Migration making swift way from the battlefield lest the monstrous spiders of these Goblins lay chase.

Perhaps as a result of the sneaking and care, the Great Migration managed to weave past the herds of bestial Tall Folk and even come upon their camp. A tall black stone twisted with blood and decorated with skulls stood alone in the centre of it. It glowed with foul markings; magic flowed from it like the rivers that wove across this huge forest. Volkhard could hardly bear to look upon the stone. The Clan Elders seemed to be of a like mind for the Great Migration turned away and came to the banks of one of the great rivers of the great forest.

Clan Brambledown fashioned rafts from bound logs and set the wagons of the tribe to water. Volkhard was not made for being on water. Especially not after his favourite armchair was swallowed by the river. But in the end the rafts came to stop in a verdant meadow. To the south lay rolling hills and beyond them an open plain that eventually rose into mountains again. To the east the meadows were bounded by a small wood that swayed in gentle breezes and beyond that a thin blue river that swooped round the north to meet the much large river that raced down from the mountains and marked the western boundaries of the meadows.

The only really worrying part of this new home was that a darker forest claimed the corner of the meadows where the two rivers met. Not darker literally speaking, it wasn't that Halflings tended to get lost in there. Just a little turned around, many of those who entered just kept walking straight back out without having turned around. As if the forest had moved around them.

Regardless of this small oddity, weeks began to pass, and the clans began to spread out across the meadows. The Clan Elders gathered on a hill looking down on the eastern river and when they came back down it was decided. The Halflings would henceforth call these meadows home and that hill: the Moot.

The First Month in Mootland

Clan Tumbleberry moved into a meadow in the west of the Mootland. Half a hundred families brought their wagons into a camp amidst babbling brooks and silent streams and let children loose amidst the flowers. The bright blue waters of the western river flowed right past the cookwagons. There was, naturally, a lot of work to be done in establishing Clan Tumbleberry in their new home. Elder Tumbleberry gathered all the clanlings to him and began to assign tasks.

There was time enough for Volkhard to work on two of the tasks that Elder Tumbleberry called out. He raised his hand and assigned himself to:

[] Plowing Farms

[] Foraging the Northern Forest
-[] For Food
-[] For Wood

[] Digging Out Burrows

[] Cooking the Meals

[] Herding the Aurochs and Goats

[] Acquiring Hollyfoot Tools
-[] Borrowing
-[] Buying

[] Exploring
-[] West of the Western River
-[] North of the Northern Forest
-[] East of the Eastern River
-[] South into the Mountains

Vote in plan format.
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Volkhard Tallowman of Clan Tumbleberry
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Volkhard Tallowman of Clan Tumbleberry
Age: 15


Weapon Skill (WS): 14
Ballistic Skill (BS): 10
Strength (S): 18
Toughness (T): 18
Intuition (I): 35
Agility (Ag): 9
Dexterity (Dex): 19
Intelligence (Int): 22
Willpower (WP): 30
Fellowship (Fel): 39
Wounds (W): 3/8


All through their life they've seen other Halflings do things and instantly known just how wrong it was about to go. Perhaps they're a touch smarter than their peers. +10 Int

With a mind for consequences and thinking ahead, this Halfling tends to be compassionate to their fellows and capable of avoiding any of those nasty long-term consequences. +5 Fel, +5 I

Always merry and in a good mood, this Halfling will never miss a festival or an opportunity for some good gossip. The life of every party. +5 Fel, +5 WP

Their wagon is one of the neatest wagons in the whole Great Migration. If only they had the opportunity to manage a few of the other wagons too. With everything neat and tidy and in its place, they've never lost a thing that wasn't borrowed. +5 Dex, +5 Int

With an ear for gossip, and a tongue for gossip, and a mind for gossip, this Halfling is the centre of a great web of gossipers. Their friends are many and it isn't a week before gossip from the far side of the Great Migration is already coming out of their mouth. +10 Fel

Where other races might lust for gold, a greedy Halfling has a lust for food. This Halfling has managed to defeat even the Halfling metabolism and grow fat. And they want more. -5 Ag, -5 Fel

As stubborn as the aurochs that pull the cook wagons, this Halfling can sometimes be found staring the huge shaggy beasts down. Sometimes the aurochs even win, but only because its time for the Halfling to go eat. -5 Int, -5 Fel, +5 WP


Wrath of the Gods
For whatever reason the Halfling Pantheon is upset with this character. Their tobacco is always soggy, the Haffenlyvver hasn't yet been updated with their name and the last few feasts just didn't seem to be as filling as usual. – The Pantheon will not answer prayers from this Halfling and though they won't actively harm the Halfling, will inconvenience them.


- Halfling [Master]
- Tall Folk (The Migratory Tribes) [Master]
- Dwarfen [Beginner]

- Stick-Fighting (Shortsword) [Beginner]

245 Halfling coins
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[X] Plan Making Inroads
- [X] Acquiring Hollyfoot Tools
-- [X] Buying
- [X] Exploring
-- [X] North of the Northern Forest

Let's make use of that good fellowship score, and cut some good deals for our clan, and begin to establish relations with the groups around us. Speaking of which these exploration descriptions make me feel like we're not located in the canon Mootland right now based on how the mountains are to our south rather than to our east, and our south so I'm just going to have us explore north to see if we hit the Sylvania, and Stirland tribes because if we don't we probably aren't in the canon Mootland, and if we do hit them well hopefully we can lend the Stirlandian tribe a hand.
Map of Mootland
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Above is a poorly photoshopped map of Mootland. Bounded by the Aver Reach to the north and east and the Blue Reach to the south and west with the Black Mountains marking the south-eastern border of Mootland.
This is much bigger than 'modern' Mootland, most of the extra land comes from what would have one day become Stirland.

Mootland is mostly open meadow though a region of hills splits the Mootland between the north and south meadows. There also three forests, the Sleepy Wood on the bank of the Aver Reach appears to be a safe and pretty wood. Altern Forest in the north has already gotten a spooky reputation for spitting Halflings back out before they mean to leave. A third forest at the far end of Mootland has not been investigated yet.

The Moot is a hill in northern Mootland where the Clan Elders gather to discuss matters pertaining to the whole Halfling Tribe. It was the place where the Clan Elders declared Mootland the new home of the Halflings.
Clan Tumbleberry crossed one of the largest streams of Mootland, really a small river, and has set up camp in a meadow between the Blue Reach and the hills.
Clan Hollyfoot has decided to settle in the hills between the meadows and in between two of the biggest streams of Mootland.
Clan Brambledown has decided to settle in the southern meadow on the bank of the Blue Reach.
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[X] Plan Making Inroads

Man, we just cost out entire clan to lose the found magical trinkets.
Eh, he saved them from one hell of a headache when the Dwarfs started wondering where all their magic doo-dads went.
Nah, they literally found the trinkets on a forgotten battlefield. If the dwarfs failed to comb through it after the conflict, then it is their fault when it gets found by someone else.
Nah, they literally found the trinkets on a forgotten battlefield. If the dwarfs failed to comb through it after the conflict, then it is their fault when it gets found by someone else.
That's not how the Dwarfs see it even if it is true the Dwarfs will literally come after you for a three thousand-year-old artifact or a five gold debt from two thousand years ago Dwarfs just flat out do not forget or forgive.
Clan Tumbleberry
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Clan Tumbleberry
Clan Elder:
Elder Turpin Tumbleberry of Clan Tumbleberry (Tenty and nine years old - 109)
A Master Linguist, it is said there's no tongue in the whole world he cannot speak. Some gossipers even claim he spoke to a wandering Dragon once.
Master Diplomat, while his clanlings might think he's old and grumpy, the elders of all the other clans are certain that he's their best friend.

20 cookwagons/1 kitchens. Having to make do with only Tumbleberry cooks. (What you wouldn't do to get your hands on some Rumster cooking…)

Esmerelda – 5 shrinewagons/0 restaurants (Pie Week is in month 3 each year)
Hyacinth – 1 shrinewagons/0 nurseries (Flower Week is in month 4 each year)
Phineas – 2 shrinewagons/0 item vaults (The Wad-Spitting contest is in month 6 each year)
Quinsberry – 3 shrinewagons/0 libraries (The Big Read is in month 8 each year)
Josias – 1 shrinewagons/0 granaries (Harvest Festival is in month 10 each year)

Halfling Coin – 4,000 coins
Timber – 0 logs
Stone – 0 tons
Food – 2 months (On only seconds)
Tobacco – 3 months
Iron – 1/2 tons

5 Ploughs
200 Hammers

50 Families - 5000 Halflings
5,500 aurochs, 500 goats

All Halfling clans are allied.
Clan Tumbleberry has no enemies.
The Halflings have been separated from the Tall Folk from the Great Migration.
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Month 1
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Winning Vote:
Plan Making Inroads
Acquiring Hollyfoot Tools
-North of the Northern Forest

Month 1

Elder Tumbleberry finished handing out tasks to the clanlings and they all set off to their duties. As Elder Tumbleberry turned to head back to his wagon, Volkhard rushed to catch up. "Elder Tumbleberry!" The old Halfling stopped and looked over his shoulder. "How much money should I take to Clan Hollyfoot?" He shook his head and gestured for Volkhard to follow along.

At the Elder's wagon he opened up a small chest and picked out a few bags of coins. He mumbled to himself and then gave the bags to Volkhard. "Some ten hundred should do. But bring back good tools, none of that Tall Folk iron sold twice." Volkhard nodded vigorously and raced to his wagon. With an aurochs hitched to the fore in a matter of minutes and his short stick in hand, the wagon set way into the hills.

Bumping from rock to rock and climbing from hill to hill the wagon made steady progress towards the camp of Clan Hollyfoot. The clatter and crash that came from within the wagon was unfortunate, Volkhard's favourite plate had shattered as the wagon lurched into a ditch. In the end, he rounded the busy spring that sat a little to the south of Clan Hollyfoot and came to see it laid out before him. Already a number of fenced off fields were being ploughed on one side of an awkward path, and the other saw many Halflings carving out burrows from the hills. The biggest hill seemed to be largely carved already, even if the door wasn't yet done. Instead, a wooden sign hung from a rope around a nail.

Elder Hollyfoot's Workshop.

Keep Out

As good a spot to stop as any, Volkhard pulled around to the front of the workshop and peered into the hole in the hill to see if Elder Hollyfoot was about. The Elder looked over at the curious Halfling, brought one hand up away from their workbench and waved him away. Volkhard looked behind him and another Hollyfoot had gotten very close, very quietly. "You're not a Hollyfoot." The Halfling looked him over.

"No, Elder Tumbleberry sent me to buy some tools of yours." The Halfling frowned.

"Well, we're using most of them. We're building a town you see." And away the two went to the wheel of wagons to see if there were spare tools for sale. The Halfling nodded along as they went around the wheel. "We can do you some ploughs, most of the fields are sorted for now. And some spare hammers too. Elder Hollyfoot's made too many, she wasn't happy with her first few, but I can't see the problem to be honest." To demonstrate, they picked up a hammer and swung it around loosely. "See, it's all good and fine."

"And those shovels?" Volkhard pointed across at another wagon with a few barrels of shovels.

"No, we're using those." And the Halfling crossed their arms. "It'll be half a hundred coins for a plough and 5 for those hammers each." Volkhard shook his head.

"We're in need you know. Haven't got so many tools as all your lot do." A sigh. "Look, I know you can do better than those prices. I heard you sold Ashfield a plough for half of that!" The Halfling considered that a moment.

"Maybe, but my mother's cousin fancies this Ashfield lad. Can hardly make him pay so much, eh?"

"And what if my mother's cousin fancies a Hollyfoot lass? Then it'd be unfair to make us pay so much wouldn't it?"

"Does he?"

"Well… no. He might be keeping it a secret though."

The Hollyfoot sighed. "Fine you can have the same prices as the Ashfields. You want the stock or not?"

"Well of course."

Volkhard's wagon was loaded up with five ploughs, two hundred hammers and enough barrels of nails that you can't imagine ever running out. All at the cheap price of 725 coins. The wagon ride home was less bumpy, and far slower. The wagon groaned a fair bit, the aurochs groaned a fair bit and Volkhard groaned a fair bit when he had to try and get his wagon out of a muddy divot he hadn't seen.

Descending once more on Clan Tumbleberry, Volkhard could see Halflings going just about every which way. Wagons had been moved around, the aurochs and goats were grazing on the hills and a field had been marked out with wooden posts. Hopping down from his wagon, Volkhard could see several Halflings rushing over at Elder Tumbleberry's insistence. The ploughs were already being taken away to the field and trunks of hammers moved into the wheel of wagons with their nails. Elder Tumbleberry then arrived. "Did any coin survive the Hollyfeet?"

[] Yes Elder
Give Elder Tumbleberry the 275 coins that weren't spent.

[] Not A Single One
Borrow the remaining coins for yourself.

Taking a day to reacquaintance himself with the cooks, Volkhard then set off again. With his short stick in hand, doubling as a handy walking stick, and a backpack the size of a Halfling stuffed with rations he wandered away into the north. The western river sat to his left as he approached the towering northern forest. He'd heard the easiest river crossings were in the depths of the woods. And he'd heard that some oddity of the forest kept making Halflings walk straight back out.

For him, this proved no real issue. The forest behaved about the same as any other. Trees blotted out the sun, bushes swelled all around him and an eerie howling of the wind swept the forest into a dance. A wild screech sounded from the left, no from the right. Had it come from behind him? Volkhard stumbled as he turned around, tripped over a root, and landed on a muddy bottom. The screech continued to echo and fade.

Gathering himself and setting off north again, Volkhard was soon at the northern river. His backpack was only a quarter empty, and he'd spent the past half a day nibbling on a loaf of bread to comfort his nerves. As evening fell he set up camp between the woods and the river, tomorrow he'd look for one of those crossings he'd been told of.

He put his backpack of food on his head, gripped it with one hand and held his stick firmly with the other. His shoes and trousers were not made for crossing rivers. As shallow as the water was at the ford he'd found, it wasn't any less cold as it soaked into his feet. Fortunately, only the smallest pocket of his backpack opened as he walked across the river. Unfortunately, it had all the chewing tobacco he'd borrowed for the journey. Volkhard called for it to come back even as it was washed away forever.

The far side of the northern river was open and empty plains that went on as far as the eye could see. And Volkhard had to walk across it looking for something of note to bring word of back to the clan. Three days wander, and only a quarter of his backpack left with food and Volkhard was about ready to consider going home. Maybe he'd walk up that hill over to the west and see what he could see from the top of it first though.

And what he could see was a Tall Folk village. It had a neat little log palisade and a few long houses with smoke steadily rising from chimneys. Naturally, Volkhard wandered down to the village to give it a good look over.

The first thing he came across in the village was a group of Tall Folk children play a game together. Volkhard shuddered, Tall Folk children were a nasty sort, and these ones proved no different. "Ho there Tall Folk, I'm Volkhard Tallowman and I'm here exploring. Which Tribe are you all from?" Their response was not the Tall Folk tongue that Volkhard was long practiced in. This was not a Tribe that had taken part in the Great Migration.

"Are your elders around?" Volkhard took a step forward to have a look past the gathering children. Their response might have been a no or might have been a taunt. Volkhard tilted his head and squinted. The biggest child came to stand right in front of him and poke him in the chest.

Volkhard shook his head and stepped to one side to go find an elder of this Tribe. The child grabbed him by the hair and threw him backwards. The group laughed. Volkhard brought up his stick with a swish and huffed. As the child moved in for a swing, Volkhard answered in kind. The stick thwacked against the ground; the fist knocked Volkhard to the same. A boot struck somewhere along Volkhard's ribs and with a wild lash, Volkhard's stick struck the child on the nose. The shocked gasp and Volkhard's winded standing up was about the end of their little scramble for the building beside them burst into flames.

Arrows rained down on the village and a trio of chariots rushed through the palisade. Spears in hand and the riders laid waste to the denizens of the street. Tall Folk came out of the houses and tried to fight but the charioteers' friends came up into the village and any resistance was broken before it could truly form. A chariot came back around and stopped in front of Volkhard. "No! I'm a Halfling!" And the charioteer understood.

"And I'm an Asoborn. What is a Halfling doing in a Styrigen village?" He waved a hand at the graveyard around them, the blazing buildings illuminating the pair amidst the smoke and ash.

"I was sent out exploring." Volkhard waved his stick at the charioteer who hummed thoughtfully.

"Come aboard then master Halfling, I think Patches should be able to pull your weight too." And he motioned Volkhard onto the chariot. "I am Friedbert Kriesel, master of chariots for my Lady Hemma Hezig."

"I'm Volkhard Tallowman, I'm exploring for Elder Tumbleberry." Friedbert nodded and together they rode out of the collapsing village. Friedbert's warband had been hunting for Styrigen villages in this region for a while now, but they could divert south for a bit to drop Volkhard off home. These chariots were much faster than wagons. You couldn't possibly make a cookchariot however, it wasn't stable enough at all and the food would go everywhere.

The northern river ran across the ground between the plains and the Mootland and they weren't particularly close to the ford that Volkhard had found earlier. "Well then Volkhard, it has been a pleasure to have your company." Volkhard nodded along.

"And yours." He stepped down from the chariot. "And Patches'" An apple from his backpack was summarily delivered to said horse. Volkhard looked up and down the river wondering which way looked most likely to have a ford.

"Is something the matter Volkhard? Can you not swim across the river?" And Volkhard turned back to the Tall Folk.

"Of course, I can swim across the river." He crossed his arms, huffed, and strode into the shallow edge of the river. Friedbert simply watched as Volkhard stepped deeper and deeper. "I can do anything a Tall Folk can do you know. We Halflings aren't children." And Volkhard jumped into a river knowing full well that he had never learnt to swim.

And the river, probably also knowing full well that he couldn't swim, was merciless. Friedbert calling out to Volkhard was the last thing he heard. Until he woke up again in some woods and against the banks of a river. His backpack was entirely gone, and his ribs were even worse than before.

With the rising sun marking East, Volkhard was happy to know he was on the south edge of the river and so probably just in the Northern Forest. Setting off southbound and through the woods was simple enough. His walking stick had to carry most of his weight as he manoeuvred around roots and boulders and kept looking around for the strange shrieking echoes that ringed in his ears and seemed to come from everywhere.

Until a bird the size of him fell from a tree and the shrieking came from firmly in his face. A fluffy bird that seemed to be largely unharmed and yet unable to fly wriggled onto its feet and stared straight at Volkhard. "Ho there." And the bird squawked softly before preening. Volkhard tried to straighten and winced as he stretched a rather sore bruise. A hand to his chest. "I'm Volkhard." The bird hopped from foot to foot, chattering away in its own tongue, and then turned away with tail feathers flapping. If Elder Tumbleberry was here he'd be able to talk to it. Volkhard sighed. Elder Tumbleberry can even talk to aurochs. Apparently they were as dull in conversation as they seemed outside of it.

"Well, I'm going to go this way." And Volkhard gestured homewards. The bird screeched, probably in protest, and came bouncing right back. Fortunately matters were taken out its hands when a parent arrived and scooped the bird up in a single motion before ascending up into the canopy. Hopefully it was a parent and not a predator, the 'parent' had been bigger than an auroch. Maybe as big as a wagon.

The edge of the northern forest was not terribly far after this. With stick in hand Volkhard managed to walk back to Clan Tumbleberry where his ploughs and that marked out farm were being put to good use. The field was fully ploughed and many clanlings were on hand and knee weeding between the rows.

On a bed in an Esmereldan shrinewagon, Volkhard recounted his tale of adventure to Elder Tumbleberry with a few added winces from the prodding of the healer.

With his ribs bound up and pasted over, Volkhard was sent out to enjoy some free time. But with a week or so spare at the end of the month he had time for only two things really.

[] Swimming
Learn to swim. That bout with the river was unkind.

[] Fighting
Learn to fight. You did not make the best showing against that child.

[] Riding
Learn to ride a goat. You'd need to borrow one from the Clan, but the Tall Folk ride animals all the time.

[] Languages
Spend some time learning one of the tongues of the people around you.
- [] Dwarfen
You didn't get much time to learn Dwarfen beyond the basics, find another Halfling to teach you some more.

[] Meet with someone
- [] Clan Elder Tumbleberry
- [] A Tumbleberry Clanling
- [] Family Elder Tallowman
- [] A Tallowman Cousin
- [] Friedbert Kriesel
- [] Someone visits you

[] The Gods
Go around the Shrinewagons and offer prayers to the Pantheon, talk to some shrinetenders.

[] Rest Up
You're injured, you could do with spending some time resting, relaxing and definitely eating.

[] Explore
- [] Go find the big birds again
- [] The eastern wood
- [] Visit the rest of the Clans
Clan Hollyfoot
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Clan Hollyfoot
Clan Elder: Esmee Hollyfoot of Clan Hollyfoot
Master Carpenter, Esmee Hollyfoot can work wood like few others. She spent much of the Great Migration fixing up wagons and if her own wagon is any indication she has an eye for artistry as well.
Master Smith, Elder Hollyfoot has a small anvil and a big hammer in the back of her wagon. She's more than capable of fixing up busted tools.

25 cookwagons/2 kitchens.

Esmerelda – 3 shrinewagons/1 restaurants (Pie Week is in month 3 each year)
Hyacinth – 2 shrinewagons/0 nurseries (Flower Week is in month 4 each year)
Phineas – 2 shrinewagons/1 item vaults (The Wad-Spitting contest is in month 6 each year)
Quinsberry – 1 shrinewagons/0 libraries (The Big Read is in month 8 each year)
Josias – 2 shrinewagons/0 granaries (Harvest Festival is in month 10 each year)

Halfling Coin – 8,725 coins
Timber – 0 logs
Stone – 10 tons
Food – 2 months (On only seconds)
Tobacco – 5 months
Iron – 5 tons

Axes - 0
Ploughs - 15
Shovels - 200
Hammers - 400

60 Families – 6,000 Halflings
6,500 aurochs, 600 goats

All Halfling clans are allied.
Clan Hollyfoot has no enemies.
The Halflings have been separated from the Tall Folk from the Great Migration.
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[X] Not A Single One

Diplomats need bribe money.

[X] Swimming
[X] Fighting

I'd very much like to meet the rest of the Clans, learn to ride a goat, and learn khazalid but survival comes first. Besides we can always defer things related to dealing with the halfling clans or the dwarfs until later by taking the east, and west explorations next turn, or if it comes up we can go north again to try, and establish official contact with the humans.

Also, oof our stubborn trait kicked our ass this update.
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