Warhammer: The Old World General Thread (Fantasy Battles also welcome!)



Brutal Kunnin' Smasha Cunning Brutes
Welcome one and all, to the general thread for discussion about Warhammer: The Old World, as well as its predecessor and sequel Warhammer Fantasy Battles! My intent with this thread is to create a place for discussions about the wargames, the models, and the lore of the setting, separately and interweaved. I want to welcome anyone, whether you're a grizzled veteran with a copy of 1st edition Warhammer Fantasy in your shelf, someone who built a cool army during 8th edition you wanna get the chance to play again, an AoS or 40K player who wants to take a tour in the Old World, someone who got into the Warhammer universe by way of Total War or any of the other successful video game adaptations, or someone who just happened across Warhammer randomly and wanted to see what all the hubbub was about!

For those curious who stumble in here, or those new to the hobby, Warhammer Fantasy Battles was a miniatures fantasy wargame released by Games Workshop in 1983 and ended in 2015. It was succeeded by Warhammer Age of Sigmar, which takes place in another fantasy setting entirely but features some returning characters. There is also Warhammer 40,000 which released in 1987, again taking place in another setting entirely, this time as sci-fi. Warhammer: The Old World is a return to the world of Fantasy Battles in a more limited scope, set some 300 years or so in the past of Fantasy Battles. It hits store shelves on January 20th 2024, with preorders opening January 6th 2024.

As Warhammer: The Old World is a direct prequel to Warhammer Fantasy Battles, featuring events and some characters that have already been explored as historical happenings and facts influencing the world in the lore of Warhammer Fantasy Battles, and the fact that it is at least in some parts a revival of Fantasy Battles putting some of the armies from there back into production it only makes sense to me that this thread is open for both lines. Undoubtedly some new lore and new perspectives on events will be developed by GW, which will hopefully bring new appreciation for how events during WHFB were influenced by what happened in the settings past. There have been a couple threads on WHFB before here on Sufficient Velocity, but those haven't been active for years and given that The Old World seems likely to stay a living game for the near future I don't imagine they would fault me for bringing WHFB along here.

To start getting up to speed on Warhammer: The Old World, especially if you're a returning WHFB player, I would suggest checking out this Warcom article, where some of the developers talk about developing the game and also mention the unfortunate WHFB armies that will only get a pdf army list and explicitly will not be getting game rules, model ranges, receive any ongoing support, be legal for tournaments, and also not take part in the ongoing background narrative. At the end of the article is a list of previous articles for the game that talks about various facets you might find interesting, check them out!

Lastly, I want to take a moment encourage everyone who participates in the thread to be respectful and keep a good tone during discussions. I know by experience that discussions around Warhammer can become rather intense on occasion, as it is a hobby that many people invest a significant amount of time and effort in and thus are quite passionate about. Of course, differences of opinions and likes between members are inevitable when it comes to communities as large as Warhammer's, and I think that is very good as it allows us to engage with and take in perspectives on the games and related media that we may not have thought of ourselves. I only ask that we strive to do so in a fair and open manner, and that we perhaps take one more moment to breathe while in the midst of an exchange that is heating up to think about if our typed-out response is really helpful/productive/conducive to the discussion or if it will only inflame it. I also believe that each of the Warhammer settings has their own interesting points and that it is fine to enjoy each and any of them, so it would sadden me to see any discussions devolving into "AoS bad", "WHFB sucks", "40K is shit" etc. Not enjoying one of the settings and knowing what it is that makes it not click for you is perfectly fine, but it should mostly be possible to talk about such problems without talking down on those who enjoy the setting.

Hope this thread will serve you all well!
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I am planning to get the rules. Dwarfs will probably hit the table first. Chaos Dwarfs (like my avatar) later. With luck, this game will survive its rocky start.

I'm hearing rumblings about stock allocation and the like.
I am planning to get the rules. Dwarfs will probably hit the table first. Chaos Dwarfs (like my avatar) later. With luck, this game will survive its rocky start.

I'm hearing rumblings about stock allocation and the like.

Yeah, the news that the legacy armies Lizardmen, Dark Elves, Skaven, Ogres Kingdoms, Vampire Counts, Daemons, and Chaos Dwarfs will only barely get a bone thrown at them seems to have put a damper overall on many members of the community who were pretty excited. I certainly didn't believe GW were going to pull out all the stops and go all in on the Old World, but I did think they would get around to doing a bit more with the legacy factions later down the line. The main factions still have enough draw to get the game rolling I think, but I don't imagine this is exactly building up the hype

I've also heard talks of allocation issues. I've certainly not got it on good authority, but from posts I've seen here and there people seem to be talking about GW misjudging demand for the release products. Hard to know for sure though, guess we'll see what happens tomorrow
The superior base returns, exalted in it's glory, carried upon it's sacred receptacle (the tray).

Hail the square! Hail the square! Hail the square!
Really not liking GW phrasing TOW as The Horus Heresy of WHFB. In addition to implicitly putting it as lesser than 40k, it also just doesn't make sense as a comparison. Frankly, most of my interest in official Warhammer Fantasy stuff will probably continue to be the roleplaying game.
My stance on Old World is a firm "I will shout at clouds but I will also see how it plays out". The Tomb Kings stuff is a big disappointment and has me very cautious about upcoming Asrai and Beastmen lore, but overall the Bretonnia stuff has been an improvement and I am curious to see how the new mechanics play out.
The superior base returns, exalted in it's glory, carried upon it's sacred receptacle (the tray).

Hail the square! Hail the square! Hail the square!
Minor cautionary word if you haven't paid close attention to the bits and pieces revealed so far: It looks... unlikely that 20mm bases will be making a return. It looks like GW is going to standardize at 25mm as the smallest. Cavalry in many cases might also be moving to a 30mmx60mm. I bring this up mostly as anyone using old models might need to do some rebasing if this isn't just them having a brain hiccup.
Looks like there's certainly some interest at least, preorders opened an hour or so ago over here and it's currently a 50 minute queue just to get onto GW's website
I must admit, GW explicitly stating they do not intend to ever support the Legacy Armies [instead of it merely being something for the future] in recent WH Community articles is a bit of a hard kick to the shins. Especially since that puts into doubts the prospects of any faction not already announced. Going further to also say "None of these Legacy armies will ever be tournament legal" is... rough. A lot of people were hoping it might at least be a thing 2-3 years down the line and that the initial focus was going to be on ensuring a strong launch with cohesive lore and mechanical tightness.
I must admit, GW explicitly stating they do not intend to ever support the Legacy Armies [instead of it merely being something for the future] in recent WH Community articles is a bit of a hard kick to the shins. Especially since that puts into doubts the prospects of any faction not already announced. Going further to also say "None of these Legacy armies will ever be tournament legal" is... rough. A lot of people were hoping it might at least be a thing 2-3 years down the line and that the initial focus was going to be on ensuring a strong launch with cohesive lore and mechanical tightness.
On the other hand, if they're not doing the legacy factions for ages (if ever), that might instead allow Kislev and Cathay to 'move up the line'.

All depends on how much this is getting supported.
Honestly, if this does well and makes a lot of money, then that is obviously subject to change. In the words of the Dawi, 'Gold, Gold...Gold!'.
Minor cautionary word if you haven't paid close attention to the bits and pieces revealed so far: It looks... unlikely that 20mm bases will be making a return. It looks like GW is going to standardize at 25mm as the smallest. Cavalry in many cases might also be moving to a 30mmx60mm. I bring this up mostly as anyone using old models might need to do some rebasing if this isn't just them having a brain hiccup.
I'm okay with this. It could be an absolute nightmare to get models to fit next to each other with how tightly packed they were meant to be. My solution was to build each model to fit into a specific spot in the formation, so I at least had one way that I knew they would fit together.
I don't quite think it's being set up to fail. Okay, I don't think that at all.

I just think they're trying to replicate the success of Horus Heresy, forgot that unlike HH you can't really focus on only two factions for WHFB (especially since gaffes early in announcement mean people expect WHFB to come back, not just something like Manfred the DoomSkavenslayer), and catering to a different audience than many of us belong to. And failed to account for how many people were curious about or miss WHFB.
GW isn't a monolith. But there are definitely people in the company that want Old World to fail and have deliberately fucked with its scope
Interesting bits about how old models were given some touch-ups:

"This also meant cutting them up slightly differently, as the manufacturing process for resin is different to metal. He resculpted every rivet on the Bretonnian Trebuchet, the eye socket on every skull, sharpened all manner of other details, and even added some additional work. For example, there is now an inside to the Casket of Souls! He has had a lot of fun looking at these kits and working out what best to do.

"He also addressed the joints on the Tomb Scorpion to make it easier to assemble and more posable – it's now all ball joints. He created a new third variant of the Carrion based on Trish's*** original two. This allowed us to put them in a pack of three, which we think better serves how people will want to use them in the game.

There will be a smattering of remastered models coming to the other core armies once each range gets its release, and there are loads of surprises returning on a Made to Order basis. Don't forget to check back on Saturday for… something.

Love the details on several! However, alas, under the impression that some of these Made to Order would still be metal, that's a dampener on getting the Ushabti. Unless I plan on moving a few states north the weather just is increasingly too unfavorable for the ideal preservation conditions and would make Mail Order extremely risky in terms of QA. Also having pets again would make the risks of filed resin powder a concern once more.

Be lighter transportation for those who pick 'em up, at least. 20 BOrcs were always fun to move while metal.
Love the details on several! However, alas, under the impression that some of these Made to Order would still be metal, that's a dampener on getting the Ushabti. Unless I plan on moving a few states north the weather just is increasingly too unfavorable for the ideal preservation conditions and would make Mail Order extremely risky in terms of QA. Also having pets again would make the risks of filed resin powder a concern once more.

Be lighter transportation for those who pick 'em up, at least. 20 BOrcs were always fun to move while metal.
Games Workshop wants you to be healthy. With metal you can spend hours painting and still work out your biceps!
Games Workshop wants you to be healthy. With metal you can spend hours painting and still work out your biceps!
That's why I hoped for metal!

But yeah this is a dampener on expanding my Tomb Kings as if I'm going to put $200+ for an order I'd like some degree of protection against the product warping because it was a 95 degree day and UPS didn't drop it off until 4:30 in the afternoon after five hours in a 120 degree truck with other packages. Metal is reliable. Finecast less so. A shame as lots of nice models. But the nearest GW is a four hour drive. Also concerns about resin dust in a household with pets that love to linger around where I'd work.
Tin, which GW uses in its white metal (not lead anymore), is super expensive right now.