Turn 7 (2426 IC)
The past year went far better than the year before. Your patrols encountered no major problems. You get no reports at all of the Goatslayers or "Grendels." With your steel weapons, the Baersonlingers managed to hold off the Kurgans for another year.
Also, Ashi's raid may have been cut short, but it still raised a lot of enthusiasm for the war effort, especially in Jotungram. It seems your people's ancient hatred of Aeslings has been rekindled and stoked to a mighty blaze. That brings you to the greatest peace of news of all. Between Nameless' two years of work, Ashi's raids, and Ashmunt's failure to mount a full scale attack on the Dwarfs, the Aeslings have collapsed into a full-scale civil war.
The Khornite fools spent the whole year butchering each other. Even if Ashmunt can regain control over his tribe, there will be a lot fewer Aeslings.
Ashi urges you to declare war on the Aeslings now, but you wonder if it would be better to wait another year. The Aeslings might continue to massacre themselves, or they might regain some semblance of order.
Population (All numbers are approximate)
Total: 26,000
Jotungram (Capitol Holdfast): 5,000
Jotunvagga (Holdfast, with lots of farming): 6,000
Jotunhroc (Holdfast): 4,000
Assorted Villages: 10,000
Military (Purely volunteer force. Distinctions are "iffy")
Morale: Medium
Number Readily Available: ~6,800
Absolute Every Fighter: ~15,000
(Below numbers represent the number readily available)
Soldiers (Rank and file profesisonal soldiers. Above Average Attack. Average Defense and Mobility. High Morale): 3,500
Scouts (Scouts culled from the greatest hunters in your tribe. High Attack. Medium Defense and Mobility. High Morale. Special: Stealth, Bows, Volley-Fire): 1104
Cavalry (Fighter trained to use lance and sword from atop mountain horses. High Attack. Medium Defense. High mobility. High Morale.) 1150
Rune Warriors (Their weapons and armor bear Dwarf runes. Each piece cost a fortune, and they have only been accumulated over generations.HighAttack. High Defense. Average Mobility. High Morale): 500 + 50 (Rune Weapons recovered in Mountain's crown) = 550
Sleipnir Cavalry (The greatest riders and fighters are allowed to ride the holy Sleipnir into battle. High Attack. Above Average Defense. Extreme Mobility. High Morale): 608
War Mammoths (Massive attack. High defense. Above Average Mobility and Morale. Special: Smash): 19
Initiate Shaman: 51 + 43 = 54
Master Shaman: 19 + 1 = 20
Treasury: 2,250 - 95 = 2155
Trade Income: 525 (Dwarfs + Baersonlings)
Tax Income: 150 (Low Taxes, inefficient collection)
Military Upkeep: 170 (Patrols and Professional Army)
Infrastructure Upkeep: 125 (Sleipnirs and Stewards)
Diplomatic Upkeep: 25 (Professional Diplomats)
Piety Upkeep: 50 (School)
Net Income: 305
Jotungram (Capitol): 7
Yotunvagga (Farms): 7
Jotunhroc (Ravens): 8
Villages: 7
Dwarfs: 5
Baersonlinger: 5
Ashi 8/10
Ingga 6/10
Nameless 7/10
Tahvi 10/10
Maybol 6/10
Sayble 6/10
Food Situation
Current - Large Surplus
Over the course of the year, you speak with the greatest figures of your tribe and discuss their plans for the coming year.
You may double-down on one action a turn. Doing so will provide a +20 boost, but it will cost more money and resources. Also, if you still fail, thefailure will be spectacularly bad.
Abbreviate doubling-down as "DD"
You may give one action Thorfin's personal attention. That action will receive a bonus equal to the relevant attribute - 10. (So, having him help with a Piety task would give 21-10= +11 to the role. But having him attend to a Diplomacy task would give 5-10= -5 to the role). In addition to the bonus,special secret rewards may be unlocked if Thorfin attends to certain tasks.
Abbreviate Thorfin's Personal Attention as "TPA"
Ashi has grown accustomed to her new role and new authority, so she can do more than ever before. You may now give one action Ashi's personal attention. That action will receive a bonus equal to the relevant attribute - 10. (So, having her help with a Martial task would give 29-10= +19 to the role. But having her attend to a Piety task would give 4-10 = -6 to the role). In addition to the bonus,special secret rewards may be unlocked if Ashi attends to certain tasks.
Abbreviate Ashi's Personal Attention as "APA"
Military: Ashi Axe-Child is your wife, the greatest fighter in the tribe, and the leader of the first professional Jotunheimer army. All things considered, you think you married quite well. She strongly advocates hitting the Aeslings hard this turn. (Choose 2)
[] Raid the Aeslings Again- Your raids were cut short this year, but you can try again, and with the disorder and Nameless's scouting, you could reap great profit. Ashi may not like it if this is the only action you take against the Aeslings this year, but it is a safe option.
Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Plunder, Some Dead Aeslings, draw Aesling attention, Small chance of completely stopping invasion of Dwarf lands
[] War! - You have raided the Aesligns and sown discord among them, Ashi urges you to allow her to attack with her all her soldiers. Giving her permission will please her, but it risks many Jotunheimer lives. Cannot be taken with "It Would be Rude to say 'Genocide'"
Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Reward: War Turns. Maybe lots of plunder. Maybe Lots of Dead Aeslings. If successful, will stop Aesling invasions for foreseeable future.
[] It Would be Rude to say 'Genocide' - After you learn of the Aesling civil war, Ashi proposes her boldest plan yet. She wants to go to war with the Aeslings, but not to just defeat their armies and break their strength. She wants to kill them. All of them. If you give permission, she will do her all to burn every Aesling village and town, kill every human and mutant, and eradicate the Aeslings once and for all. She admits this will be a challenge, and, if you succeed, you will definitely gain the attention of the other Norscan tribes, but she urges you to think of the glory of finally destroying the Aeslings.
Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Reward: More Difficult War Turns. If successful, huge amounts of plunder, all Aeslings killed, all Aesling land seized, massive boost to Dwarf opinion. Attention of other Norscan tribes. ???
[] Lions and Tigers and Bears. Oh my! - Your mountains are filled with mountain lions, Sabretooth tigers, and Dire bears. You could set your military togo about killing as many as they can. You could might turn a nice profit off the hides, and maybe you'll get lucky and find other rewards.
Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80 Reward: 3d100 Profit, ???
[] Aid the Baersonlingers - They've done alright against the Kurgans so far, but who knows when that will change. You send some troops to aid your newfound friends.
Cost: 50 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Probably delays Kurgans
Diplomacy: Ingga Honey-Tongue calls himself a goatherd, and, in truth, he does spend most of his time lead his flocks of Dire Goats from settlement to settlement. However, he carries messages between groups of Jotunheimers, and when conflict arises between villages, he is always quick to use his sweet words to settle the dispute. He served the last chief well for many years.
(Choose 2)
[] Other tribes? - Innga mentions that, while talking with the members of the farthest out villages, he discovered some of your people conduct a little trade with other tribes. Few goods exchange hands, rarely more than a few deer-skins for some grain, or the like. However, it could be the start of something more. Jotunheim officially has no contact with other Norscans, but maybe you could change that. You could have Ingga go beyond the mountains and see how the other tribes fair. You know you are surrounded by Chaos-worshipping scum, but maybe you could find a few allies? However, it would be dangerous for Ingga.
Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Knowledge of nearby tribes. Warning: Ingga may be injured or killed.
[] Dwarf Best Friend - Your people and the Dwarfs have been allies and trading partners for generations. Maybe you could grow even closer or at leastget better trade deals. Ashi has been bugging you about getting better steal or maybe even more rune weapons for your warriors. You send Ingga to open negotiations with the Dwarfs and to deny no request out of hand. The Dwarfs will demand a price for any aid they offer, but they have deep coffers and excellent smiths, so surely the deal will benefit you greatly.
Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Deepened relations with Dwarfs. More trade. ??? Unavailable until Aeslings are defeated.
[] Send me your tired, your weary, your huddled masses - Ingga noticed that the Baersonlingers, like all people, have a lot of non-warriors. Right now, the tribe is spending a lot of time shuttling them about, so they aren't targeted by the Kurgans. You could offer them a sanctuary. It has never been done before, but you could invite non-Jotunheimers to live in your mountains. Many would probably return home once the Kurgan threat ended, so you would not get much of a population boost, but you would gain approval with the Baersonlingers. By freeing up some of their resources, you might even help the war effort a little. You personally think the refuges might just help your people open their eyes to the world outside your mountains
Cost: 0 (Refugees will work to pay for their stay) Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 60 Reward: Baersonlinger opinion, small boost to war with Kurgans, exposure to outside culture
[] About those Kislevites - You have heard rumors of great kingdoms to the south. As far as you know, they do not even know you exist. The Baersonlingers claim to have some contacts with Kislev, the closest kingdom. Ties with Kislev could benefit your people a great deal. But it would be a time consuming process. First, you must convince the Baersonlingers to show Ingga the (relatively) safe routes through the Troll Wastes. Odds will improve with Baersonlinger opinion
Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 50 Reward: Land Routes to Kislev
[] Settling a Grudge - If you go to war with the Aeslings and especially if you try to exterminate them, you will need all the help you can get. Dwarfs are very cautious and conservative by nature, but they despise the Aeslings. Maybe Ingga can convince them to send for their armies to help you defeat them.
Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Dwarf aid in War Turns. If you do not invade this turn, they will help you when you do invade.
[] Baiting the bear - If you go to war with the Aeslings and especially if you try to exterminate them, you will need all the help you can get. The Baersonlingers have recently learned of you, and you are far from dear friends. However, they also hate the Aeslings who frequently raid them. May Ingga can convince them to help you in battle? Two Suboptions
-[] With Plunder - Ingga promises them a large portion of the Aesling loot, a large number of steel weapons and armor, and your assistance with the Kurgans.
Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Baersonlinger aid in War Turns. Less plunder. Must spend money. If you do not invade this turn, they will help you when you do invade, so long as the Kurgans do not break them.
-[] With Land - Ingga promises them more than treasure. He promises them a new home. Baersonlingers live right next to the Troll Waste and the Dark Lands. They would probably be better off if they lived in Norsca proper, which is really saying something. Aesling land is actually pretty good, and there's more of it than you could hope to control yourself. Only available if you try to eradicate the Aeslings.
Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Baersonlinger aid in War Turns. Less land. If you do not invade this turn, they will help you when you do invade, so long as the Kurgans do not break them.
Intrigue: You've acquired a Nameless to serve as your sneak, which leaves a bad taste in your mouth. You can only hope that he proves competent.
(Choose 1)
[] Knowledge of Norsca - You don't really know that much about Norsca beyond your mountains. You could send your Nameless out into the wilderness to wander the lands and see what can be found. Perhaps you will find allies who also revile Chaos? If nothing else, you will know the current state ofyour corrupted cousins.
Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Knowledge of Norsca. Knowledge of potential allies.
[] Far Wanderings: Kislev - You have heard many tales of Kislev, the closest of the southerlands. Perhaps Nameless could establish contact with them?He and a select few would have to journey through the troll waste, but the risk might be worth the reward of gaining an ally that, just like your people, has fought chaos for centuries. Before setting out, Nameless can try to pick up some pointers from the Bearsonlingers
Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Contact with Kislev. The Old World becomes aware of Jotunheim. ???
[] Seeking the Jotun - The Jotun are all gone. You know this. Everyone knows this. But the lore Tahvi found and the information Sayble gathered containa few hints, a few rumors, that maybe they aren't. You send Nameless to track down these legends and do the impossible, find a living Jotun
Special: This option may only be taken once. If there's nothing to find, there's nothing to find. Doubling Down will cost 200. If you use Personal Assistance, you will add your piety bonus - 10 ( for a total of +11). Identical to the piety option of the same name.
Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: ??? + 5% (Lore) + 5% (This Land is Our Land) Reward: A living Jotun???
[] Third Verse... Still same as the first? - Nameless isn't really sure what else he could do shake up the Aeslings, but he can certainly try.
Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Possibly delaying the Aesling invasion. Chance of increasing internal squabbles.
[] Cracking the Crab - Assassinating your enemy is incredibly dishonorable, but Ashmunt is Chaos-worshipping scum, so he does not deserve honor. However, this particular scum travels with a berserker army, and they're a superhuman mutant. Still, Nameless says he is willing to try and kill the abomination, in exchange for a favor to be named later. It's risky, but if he can kill Ashmunt, he would shatter the last shreds of order among the Aeslings. Also, if either you or Ashi helped, he might be able to get your or her into a duel with Ashmunt. Khornites are scum, but they don't interfere with single combat. (SPECIAL: APA or TPA will significantly reduce difficulty and give a chance to duel Ashmunt)
Cost: 50 (Supplies) Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Killing Ashmunt, breaking the Aeslings, huge bonus to war turns (if there are any). But Nameless might die.
[] Talking to the Grendels - Those grendel creatures were quite strong and quite tough, and they seemed somewhat civil, besides from the man-eaters. Also, they like goats. Well, you have a lot of goats, and you could always use more warriors. It couldn't hurt to have Nameless try to contact them and see if they're open to a little mercenary work. To make a good impression, you have Nameless bring some goats and some ale. Identical to the personal action.
Cost: 20 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Meeting with grendels
Piety: Tahvi Two-Lives is perhaps the most faithful and blessed Jotunheimer alive. A living legend, he earned his honor-name when, in a time of greatstrife, he willingly offered himself as sacrifice to the Allfather. Giving up not just his eye but his very life, and, miraculously, the Allfather gave it back. However, it seems like he will soon die again, and you doubt he will receive a third life.
(Choose 3)
[] Preparing for war: MOAR Seeking Arrows - You ask Tahvi and his shamans to craft Seeking Arrows, enchanted weapons magically drawn to the archer'starget. Your shamans have made them for centuries but only for special circumstances. You do not know how many they could make in a year if they focused on this task alone. Your new knowledge of the Runesmith's lore will allow your people to enchant more arrows than before
You currently have two battles' worth.
Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 100% Reward: A number of Seeking Arrows
[] Preparing for war: MOAR Avalanche Stones - You ask Tahvi and his shamans to craft Avalanche Stones. These rune-marked rocks are designed suchthat, when activated and rolled down a slope, they will gather more stone and snow, causing an artificial avalanche. They cannot be used everywhere, but in certain slopes and mountain passes, they could do incredible damage to an enemy force. You do not know how many they could make in a year if theyfocused on this task alone. Your new knowledge of the Runesmith's lore will allow your people to enchant more stones than before
Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 100% Reward: A number of Avalanche Stones
[] About that prophecy - Have Tahvi and his shamans do all they can to divine the specifics of the Allfather's plan for you.
Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 50% Reward: ???
[] Lost Lore: The Chooser of the Slain - These days your people mostly just worship the Allfather and the Jotun, but your shamans discovered that, once, far greater attention was paid to all of the progenitors, the first generation from whom all your people are descended, in spirit if not by blood.You ask your shaman to research the Allfather's warrior daughter, the Chooser of the Slain. Perhaps, old prayers and blessings may be recovered to improve your troops.
Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Rituals of the Chooser of the Slain
[] MOAR Ever-Block Blades - You made a few of these as a proof of concept. Given a year, you could probably equip every Rune Warrior with one of these.
Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Rune Warriors get Ever-Block blades.
[] The Runesmith: Spell-catchers - It's widely known that lighting seeks out bits of metal in a storm. These enchanted items will work similarly, drawing a spell in and dissipating it harmlessly. Unfortunately, they're only good for one use each before they crumble. Increased experience with runes has increased your odds of success with this task
Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Spell-catchers.
[] Seeking the Jotun - The Jotun are all gone. You know this. Everyone knows this. But the lore Tahvi found and the information Sayble gathered contain a few hints, a few rumors, that maybe they aren't. You send Nameless to track down these legends and do the impossible, find a living Jotun
Special: This option may only be taken once. If there's nothing to find, there's nothing to find. Doubling Down will cost 200. If you use Personal Assistance, you will add your piety bonus - 10 ( for a total of +11). Identical to the intrigue option of the same name.
Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: ??? + 5% (Lore) + 5% (This Land is Our Land) Reward: A living Jotun???
[] Lost Lore: The Purifier - These days your people mostly just worship the Allfather and the Jotun, but your shamans discovered that, once, far greater attention was paid to all of the progenitors, the first generation from whom all your people are descended, in spirit if not by blood. When you reclaimed Mountain Crown, you learn much of the Purifier, the wife of the Allfather and mother to their three legendary children. The ancient texts of Mountain Crown claim that she studied with the Jotun and even received the honor of being declared an honorary Jotun herself. She is said to know more about warding off and purifying the taint of Chaos than human to ever live.
Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Rituals of the Purifier
[] The Runesmith: Blood-Seeking Arrows - You've uncovered new possible rune enchantments. These arrows are supposed to be a more advanced version of Seeking Arrows. Runes grant them a hunger for blood. They not only seek out they're foes, they even seek out the gaps in armor, so they might embed themselves in flesh. Bonus to accuracy and armor penetration.
Cost: 25 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Blood-Seeking Arrows
[] The Runesmith: Bulwark Shields - You've uncovered new possible rune enchantments. These curious runes, when activated, make something harder to move. The lore describes it as like driving something through thick mud, and it suggests putting these runes on shields. In battle, one must be able to move a shield quickly to block a blow, so the runes would not always help, but they would be a great boon to holding one's ground against a charge.
Cost: 25 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Bulwark-Shields
[] The Singer: Blessing the Fields - One of the simplest Singer rituals involves placing a divine blessing upon fields. This should increase farm yields significantly.
Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Reward: More trade. More food.
[] The Singer: Blessing the Beasts- There is a ritual for increasing the health and fertility of one's herds. It is a little more difficult than blessing one's fields, but it is the first step to increasing human fertility.
Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: More trade. More food. Unlocked rituals to boost human fertility
[] The Allfather: Little Jotenheim - Having survived crafting the Eye of the Allfather, Tahvi has found a new project to risk his life on. This project involves crafting a miniature replica of the Jotenheim mountains. It must have exacting detail, and it would fill up a large room. Needless to say, it would be expensive to build and to maintain. However, it would greatly improve one's ability to find people or things within your mountains, although you would have to have some idea of who or what you are looking for. One could not simply ask "Where are my enemies?" or "Where is the location of a hypothetical traitor?" This is a truly great ritual, and even using the newly recovered lore for the Allfather and also the Runesmith it will be incredibly difficult. Tahvi's great skill is all that makes it possible. Even if it succeeds, it may kill him. If he dies before he can perform the ritual, then it cannot be done until another prodigy appears.
Cost: 100 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Massive boost to rolls to find specific people or things in Jotenheim. May kill Tahvi
[] The Allfather: Augurs - Tahvi describes this a a poor-man's version of the Eye of the Allfather. Instead of making a specific item, you will make tools and develop rituals that will give your shamans a limited ability to glimpse the future. This will allow them to offer advice on other endeavors.
Cost: 25 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: +10 to action of your choice this year. Unlock ability, to do this again in future years.
Write in which action you want to use Augurs to boost, like so
-[X] Augurs - Action Name
Stewardship For decades, Maybol has worked as a smith and builder, making tools for the tribe and rebuilding mountain passes when they break down. She has never earned an honor-name, because her work is never noticed when it is done well, and she always does her work very well. She comes to you with enthusiasm typical of a person half her age. It seems the last chief was against large projects.
(Choose 2 - 2 = 0) Locked
[] Moar Mammoths! - She has a great fondness for the huge beasts, and she would love to domesticate more of the herds that roam through the lower portions of the mountains. However, doing so would require constructing holding pens and training facilities far closer to Aesling lands than yourpeople normally go. Now that you can make trade goods out of mammoth byproducts, this will also increase trade income.
Cost: 0 Time: 2 year Chance of Success: 80% Reward: More tamed mammoths. Increased chance of raids. More trade income.
[] All Roads lead to... nowhere. - Maybol has been to Dwarven mountain holds, and she says that, compared to their roads, ours aren't fit to pisson.With Sayble's maps, she could make some new roads. They wouldn't be the equal of the Dwarven ones, of course, but they would at least be shorter and straighter than the deer-trails that your people currently use. It would be expensive and time-consuming, but people love good roads
Cost: 100 Time: 2 year Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Easier traveling, more trade, opinion boosts, faster spread of information, faster deployment of military
[] Don't make a left at Albuquerque - Now that she has more workers, Maybol is considering her most ambitious project ever. She wants to dig a tunnel all the way from Jotunheim to the Dwarf tunnels. If she can manage it, she can greatly increase trade with the Dwarfs. You can also send soldiersthere much more easily. Getting help from the dwarfs will greatly help with this project.
Cost: 100 a turn until completed Time: 5 year Chance of Success: 70% (every turn) Reward: More trade. Dwarf opinion boost. Faster access to Dwarf lands.
[X] Border Security - Your patrols have been running for a few years now, but Maybol thinks she can improve your defenses and increase your territory. Her workers could build defenses in a few key mountain passes, and, with a few garrisons, you could hold a larger swatch of the mountains than ever before. Better yet, the new territory is warmer and more fertile, which means more crops and more livestock. You just have to hope your workersaren't raided.
Cost: 100 Time: 3 year Chance of Success: 70% (each turn) Reward: More land. Bonus to border defense. More food. More trade.
[X] Resettling Mountain Crown. - Maybol want to rebuild old farms, set up new grazing areas, and generally make Mountain Crown fit for resettlement. With the right incentives, people will flock to the area. It will be expensive, but it could yield more food, more trade goods, and population growth as Jotunheimers will have space to expand for the first time in generations.
Cost: 100 Time: 2 year Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Food, Trade, Population Growth, ???
[] Tax Collectors - Having persuaded people to pay more taxes, you set up an organization to collect them. You will have these people to collect taxes, but it will work out to a net profit.
Cost: 25/Year Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: More Tax Income
[] Who let the dogs out? - Now that Sayble has proven the concept of Dire Dogs, Maybol wants to develop a useful number of them. Right now, you don't even have enough Dire Dogs for a breeding population. She could probably acquire enough Dire Wolves to fix that in one year, but it will take a few additional years to breed a useful number of Dire Dogs.
Cost: 50 Time: 1 year (Results in five) Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Useful number of Dire Dogs
Learning: Sayble runs your stables. Please don't crack a joke. She's heard them all. As the official caretaker of the holy Sleipnirs, she is extremely knowledgeable about all remaining lore on that species. She is extremely knowledgeable about other lore because… well… she likes books. She has anumber of ideas for you.
(Choose 1)
[] I'm on a bird! - Flush from the incredible success with the Sleipnirs, Sayle now dares to go even further. She wants to try to domesticate the Dire Ravens of Jotunhroc, because she's fairly certain they're large and strong enough that they could bear a human aloft. It would be a very challenging process, but it would be useful to have even a handful of units that could stay in the air for hours at a time.
Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Raven Riders.
[] Runes in Flesh: Plants - Sayle heard about the new rune lore unlocked by your shamans, and she got to thinking, if you can enchant a chunk of metal, why can't you enchant a living being? She wants to try and find out. She'll start with plants first, of course. She's not a monster, although it would be easier to believe that if she stopped laughing maniacally. Creating Ever-Block Blades allows Sayble to make predictions on this project. At the very least, she could try to increase farm yields.
Cost: 0 Time: ??? year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Money or ???
[] We need more steel - Sayble thinks she's got a handle on the basic process, but it's still expensive, and she doesn't know if she can make enough for all the Bearsonlingers.
Cost: 50 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Steel arms and armor for the Baersonlingers. Will increase Baersonlinger opinion
[] An army of scholars? - Sayble's own research has kept her busy so far, but now she wishes to try out making a formal organization of 'professional scholars.' And she's always like more funding for research.
Cost: 25/year. Chance of Success: 90% Reward: +1 Learning action/turn
Personal: You have finally gotten a handle on your duties as chief, and you have managed to actually make more time for yourself to explore your owninterests.
(Choose 2)
[] Prayer - Pray to the Allfather. Ask for wisdom. Ask for guidance. Ask for help.
Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 50% Reward: ?
[] Train with Ashi - Truly, you are only an average fighter for a Norscan. This is not fitting for a chief. You decide to ask Ashi to teach you some of her skills. If nothing else, being seen with Ashi will probably boost your popularity in Jotungram
Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Martial traits and/or increased popularity in Jotungram
[] I was made for loving you, baby - You think the Singer may have kindled the beginning of love between you and Ashi. You two could work to fan theflames.
Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Increased Ashi opinion, Higher chance of pregnancy, Love
[] Touched by a god - Ashi was literally blessed by a deity. Maybe by working from that starting point, you can increase her faith?
Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Ashi gains piety and/or piety traits.
[] Talking to the Grendels - Those grendel creatures were quite strong and quite tough, and they seemed somewhat civil, besides from the man-eaters. Also, they like goats. Well, you have a lot of goats, and you could always use more warriors. It couldn't hurt to personally try to contact them and see if they're open to a little mercenary work. To make a good impression, you bring some goats and some ale.
Cost: 20 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Meeting with grendels
Write-ins are permitted. Comments and suggestions are appreciated.