Warhammer 40k: Guide the Gamer!

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Take the PC of your choice and see how far you can get in the Universe of 40k before you die! But don't worry, its not all bleak! You can make the Galaxy a better place by killing your foes, leveling up your PCs ability to do paperwork until they make Gulliman look like a chump or even becoming so skilled in being a Fleet Admiral that Abbadon fears coming out of the eye of terror!

Survive the lower levels and see if you snowball! Good luck. Keep in mind though, that you are guiding originally! It takes some level of effort to assume control of the Host who can hear what you say time to time.

HP: 100/100
Level: 1


S: 5
P: 5
E: 5
C: 5
I: 5
A: 5
L: 5







Stats Explained-

HP is the amount of Hit-Points the Padawan has. It is a byproduct of the system. Although just a hundred HP points will find themselves instantly drained by various common weaponry, it is divided into 25 points per limb cut-off.

So, for example, a shot to the chest will kill the PC's puppet. A blade cutting off one of their arms would only be 25 points. Various pieces of armor will help.

Willpower, trust, and fear all determine how the PC listens to you. Keep in mind they're still a person. It's just that you're in their head. The lower their Will-Power, the easier it becomes for you to directly take control of their body.

In regards to skills, considering in life, there are hundreds of skills someone can have, and even more in Warhammer stats work on a level of

The Overarching expertise, such as Martial, Learning, or such, determines how quickly one learns or struggles to learn in that field and if your Player can exceed the normal limits of a Mortal in that field.

One is novices who know nothing about the field or related fields.
25 being those naturally gifted
50 being those experienced
100 is the upper limit of Mortals
100+ Being the realm of Non-Mortals or those who live beyond a century.

You can also equip various titles for certain feats accomplished without getting your Player killed. These give bonuses to the one you guide.

Your starting choice will affect all the stat baselines. Good luck figuring out how and keeping your choice alive.

We are the System. You will guide a person of your choice down a path. We will see how you accomplish this. Be warned; there will be times your host will hear what you say. This can be used against or for you. First, you must choose which Mortal will serve as your victim. Once this has been chosen, we will remain silent, bar notifications or explanations, and let the story play out.

[] Mary, a young woman from a simple Argi-World taken into the schooling of the Ecchlisarchy. Of course, she is a curious and shy child, but you can already see her skills in learning. Odds are, if she is left alone, she will become a solid Priest and a loyal servant to some Cardinal. She can easily join the Sisters of Battle; it is simply not her fate.

She is an expert learner and a good administrator. She lacks any social grace or plotting abilities. Odds are, this works in your favor. You'd easily be able to gain the Child's trust to further mold them into the PC of your choice.

Start off with perk-
Blessing level 1- PC can bless a Target of her choice Healing it very slightly.

[] Johnathan, an Orphan of a pair of Guardsman who had served the Guard for years. He is currently within the schola progenium and doing well. His Will-Power is immense and makes direct control of the target near impossible.

You notice he is a Solid Leader who deeply cares for his classmates. Odds are he will have to execute one of his fellow classmates and friends before he graduates, leaving you the key chance to influence him while gaining a direct pipeline into the Imperial Guard. Free EXP.

You gain the Title Commissar upon Graduation, which grants-
Commissar- You are a rank and mill Commisar. All Guardsman or Units serving under you gain a +10 to Sanity and Morale checks. +2 in Leadership stat.

[] Kin'Ton a Deathworlder who already possesses above-human strength. His World has Ork to go alongside that, making his survival very questionable should things go awry. He, at least, has a solid family helping him learn through his childhood.

You will start out with the Tier 1 Deathworlder Perk, which grants;

Deathworlder Tier 1/3: Gain 5% Resistance to Poison, Toxin, and Venoms. Alongside this, you gain a far stronger stomach and constitution. +1 to Strength and Endurance.

[] Kaldo-192 A scared thing that has recently gained a chance to rise up from the scum of the Forge-World. He is currently competing in a local Tech Priest competition to determine who out of 300 Participants will get a chance to become a Tech Priest. The Classes will be brutal, and more than likely, all 300 will undergo various tests or experiments should they fail. The original 400 who had "volunteered" for this had already reached 300 in a span of days of just waiting.

Surprisingly, looking over his genetics and body, there are no signs of mutation despite the horrid mutation, and despite the horrid things he has eaten and drunk, his endurance is almost unnatural. Something is off here. The Target is corrupted slightly.

[] Bubba- An Ogryn. Already, their strength goes beyond the normal "Ten" Upper Limits that you will see on most mortals' SPECIAL stats. Bubba lives in the rough and cold mountain with his Mother. His Father had already been taken by the Imperium to be trained and sent off to some distant battlefield.

The combination of System and Ogryn's body will be immensely useful for combat. Alongside this, his trust should be far easier to gain than the other candidates.

Gain Ogryn Physiology perk-
Start off with 11 Strength
Limited to 5 intelligence
Limited to 7 Charisma

[] Kinsley- The Bastard of a Governer. He shows signs of being an extremely intelligent and social young man with a liking for strategy games. Although glancing at him, he is somewhat craven and fat. Something that would require a careful hand to overcome. However, his fear of you would make him an easy puppet.

It would at least arm him well should he join the Imperial Guard or give him a shot to compete for Governorship of a soon-to-be doomed world. That is ignoring the opportunities and boons chaos may grant him should he be swayed to its influence. Of course, his Father does have ties with the Imperial Navy as well. . . Competent Naval Officers are very valuable, especially when some of their perks apply to their vessels.

[] Pal'thua, a doomed Orphan. I wouldn't bother unless you enjoy their dooms. A war orphan currently trying to survive in a world being invaded by Orks. A chaos cult festering beneath the warzone growing larger with each passing month. Of course, he is a Psyker, meaning he'd need to go through training before becoming an Imperial Asset.

The Child is starved and weak, but their Faith and Willpower go beyond all others you have seen. Of course, it would make him a potent tool of Chaos should he go down that route.

Start with 1d1000 - 200 to determine Psyker Strength. Rolling with Advantage.

[] Beth- A student of the Imperial Faith. Her faith is strong, and her body is to go with it. She has great genetics and seems fit for combat, making her perfect for the Sisters of Battle. Although she is arrogant, her willpower is lower than most others making her a perfect target for full possession should you dwindle her down.

[] Trition- Born in a feudal world, he was cast from his family and orphaned for the strangeness around him. Even now, as an Orphan, the villagers are scared of him and the strange stench he carries. The boy is socially stupid, only making things worse as the villagers begin to blame their woes upon him.

He is a Resistant child with good skills in Engineering and Building already. Alongside this, he has found a passion for using Archery and swordplay.

Gain Perk: Blank- ???

[] Sila- The Daughter of a Powerful Governer who already displays high levels of Intruige and Manipulation. Especially considering how many wished to kill her so they would inherit the Governorship for themselves once her Father passed.

Her Father is a rich governor who controls trade guilds and cartels all across the Sector while utilizing the Admanatine deposits of the nearby Moon to further grow their power. Of course, such deposits, recently discovered as they are, can easily attract the more ruthless elements of Chaos if her Father had not already fallen to its corrupting influence due to his decadent ways.

Perhaps Chaos would even be her chance to go beyond just this system and her Father's influence. Perhaps, she will help purge the festering rot in this world.

[] Sik'Ar- Daughter of a Local PDF trooper who often showed his daughter the value of a good gun. She is a great shot, having learned from a young age. Although her world had been visited by an Inquisitor years ago to deal with some local Xenos cult, it was now a relatively peaceful Industrial Age world with decent water and skies. Overlooked and unimportant in the grand scheme of things.

Observing her in her social group- She is perfect Leadership material as well, only adding to her value. High chances of survival and a decent start, it seemed.

Marksman Perk Tier 1- Gain +5% Damage to all Critical Heads made with a Ranged Weapon.

Make your choice. Be warned; they have their own will and desires.

Although, you may choose one Perk to grant your PC at the start to help increase their chances of survival.

Great Memory- +1 to intelligence, + 1 to Perception. Your PC recalls many small details, including every piece of info you tell them.

Chemical Resistant- Born to a world long tainted by Humanities Industries, their genetics have adapted slightly to the horrid sludge and toxins. +5% Resistance to Toxins, Chemicals, and Poisons.

Lucky- Gain a +2 to Luck and can go beyond the Ten Cap most mortals face.

Butcher Level 1- While in melee targets adjacent to the Target you are attacking, take 25% damage. This applies to swarms.

Tough One- +50 HP and 5% Resistance to Kinetic attacks.

Medical- Capable of healing themselves in between combat with Medical supplies and Food.

Persistence Level 1- +5 Health per Hour is regained

Thermally Insulated! -25% Damage from Heat Based attacks and environmental hazards.

Quick-Draw level 1- Your PC can rapidly draw its weapon in any moment and increase its Rate of Fire while doing so by 25% percent for the first five seconds of combat.

Paper Pusher- Your PC knows how to deal with Paperwork and the Buecratic nature of the Imperium. Do not ask how they do it; that is beyond even the system.

HP: 155/155
Level: 1
WILLPOWER: 120/120


S: 5
P: 6
E: 5
C: 4
I: 6
A: 5
L: 6

Tactics: 35
Inspiration: 30
Intimidation: 20

Sword-Play: 25
Mace Play: 25
Axe Play: 25



Practice Sword-
Damage: 25




You can taste it. Something is hiding here.

Now, you will undergo the subjects "Childhood' to help further shape them to your will.

Pick an Overarching Quest to pursue through the Puppet's Childhood.

[] Something Sinister Lurks

-Discover the source of this strange feeling. Something sinister lurks in the soil here. Pursue three clues to help figure out what is hiding here.

+5 EXP
Perk: Inquistive: Gain a +10 for spotting Backstabbers or Traitors. Alongside this, gain a +1 for perception and +10 for Investigation.

Gain +20 Corruption or +10 Faith.

[] Monster or Man
-Execute three people during the courses here.

Discover signs of cowardice or iniquity within your classmates and gain approval to execute them. Although Jonathan cared deeply for all of the friends he had made, this was simply a part of a Commissar's life.

Perk: Moral Officer Novice- Executing someone grants yourself and allies a buff of +50 HP, +1 Endurance, and resistance towards Fear effects. Stacks.
+20 Pistols
-20 Willpower
-10 Faith.

[] Practice Makes Perfect

Focus on a Melee Martial skill such as

And get it to 55 Skill Points.

+1 Martial
+ 1 Strength
You will gain one of these three depending upon
-Mace Master: When wielding Mace-like weapons, gain the ability to "Pierce" Armor and Resistances by 25%.

-Sword Swinger: When wielding swords, you will gain a +10 to Dueling related rolls and +15 to Swordplay.

-The Butcher's Axe: During Combat, heal for 20 points of HP for every enemy killed with an Axe weapon.

[] Environmental training

Enlist in three of the dangerous environmental training courses during the Schola, despite the high amount of fatalities they endure during the course.

+3 Exp
+1 Endurance
+50 HP

Chemical Resistant- Born to a world long tainted by Humanities Industries, their genetics have adapted slightly to the horrid sludge and toxins. +5% Resistance to Toxins, Chemicals, and Poisons.

Tough One- +50 HP and 5% Resistance to Kinetic attacks.

[] Indomitable Will:
Raise your Willpower to 150 before the end of your schooling.

+5 EXP
+20 Trust
Indomitable Will: Any enemies attempting to possess, influence, control, or puppet the PC will suffer a -30 to their check; whenever the Commisar Drops down to 1-5 HP can roll to heal for 30 points as long as they not hit with damage that would Overkill them.

Johnathan, also often called John, was but one of the Orphans taken in by this school. His parents had served and died in the course of the battle, and he had been born during that service period and shortly shipped off to the Schola before his parent's corpses had cooled.

He often led his team to victory during the competitions the school hoisted. This led to his various classmates enjoying nicer food and beds due to their success on the obstacle courses and competitions that filled their weekends. Although five days of the week were dedicated to the physical, mental, and intellectual training of the students, the weekends mostly belonged to the Students.

Of course, they were still expected to get certain tasks and uphold critical standards during these times. Some even got saddled with duties such as cleaning off the skulls and rooms or assisting in "Faith" checks of the room for the Drill Abbots.

Jonathan held a leadership position within his Dorm Hallway and often made sure all his classmate's needs were met. He was unaware that one day if he wanted to graduate to the rank of Commissar that he would have to kill one of them as a final test.

Loyalty did not matter in this instance. Only how well the Student had performed and if they were capable of carrying out the execution. Of course, students who had to go into the Administratum did not have to do this, nor did the Students. You weren't quite sure how Jonathan would react to such news, but it would be unfitting for your Puppet to be one of the executed.

[] Begin sending him dreams and nightmares of doing such things. It will begin to harden his soft heart for what is to come.

[] Let him go unaware. Ignorance is bliss, and bliss affords him a healthy social life without worrying about his nightmares.

[] Begin sending him dreams and nightmares of going beyond going into the programs which trained you for the true Elite of the Imperial Guard.

Dreams would haunt him through the week, his only relief being the upcoming weekend. On the last day of the Week, he sat down as he always did and began to study the intercepts of the Imperial Faith that he had been tasked with memorizing.

A recent, Runaway had placed the school on tighter measures this week. Already, the Runaway had been dragged back and thrown into "confinement" with minimal rations and was pending discharge due to the Insanity he had been muttering.

Johnathan, only had so much time this weekend. How would he spend it?

[] Conducting Dorm Checks and searching for Contraband.

With the recent Runaway, you better search all your classmates for any signs of slackness. It would be quite a surprise and done at night.

[] Training with [Weapon of Choice]

[] Studying the Imperial Faith

[] Investigating the circumstances around the missing student.

[] Enlist in the Toxic Environment training course this weekend

[] Enlist in the Desert Environment Training Course

[] Enlist in the Cold Environment survival course.

Normally, upon this Argi-World, there would be many more options for visiting the small towns and villages surrounding the school or even organizing a trip for the next weekend to head into the only Hive-City on the face of this world.

The Argi-World also held a small detachment of Sisters of Battle who recruited directly from your school in many cases. Recently, they had been called to the Honor of Battle, leaving the world empty and near defenseless.
AN: All rolls were done on the post above this ones.

Jonathan had easily been swayed. With a few nudges and pushes and the Boy believes he was naturally curious about what had happened around the student. That night, when he went to sleep, he dreamed of standing amongst the most Elite Members of the Imperial Guard or beyond.

Rolling. . .75.

In the morning, Jonathan feels inspired enough to hit a longer-than-average workout session earlier than most others. He takes -5 HP of damage, but that heals back up relatively. The System prevented him from gaining any injuries that would hinder him through the rest of the day.
+1 Strength.
+1 Endurance.
+5 Trust
Finally, it was time for him to begin gathering rumors of what was going on.
Rolling for Investigation. . .97

At first, Jonathan would try and socialize and gather some intelligence through less-than-subtle methods, only to realize that he was not the most competent in his approach.

He would begin to socialize and gather rumors in a softer way. Although this ate up his weekend and moved on to the weekday, it painted a strange picture. A student, often going by the nickname Weasle, was the one who had run off. An older student was in his last year at the Schola.

He was known as Weasle, for often, he would try and seduce the various workers that kept the facility fed and working. He had even gotten caught and lashed for attempting to sneak over to the Sisters of Battle facilities.

From the student's rumors, Weasle had been attempting to sneak over to the Sister's Dormitory once more before he had run off. He had been dragged back and was still awaiting his sentence in the lower levels of the facility.

He was not content to stop his Investigation here. He delved deeper into this by utilizing his position as a Leader among the students to access some of the Staff who had actually taken the man down.

Careful wording, and it appeared as if Jonathan was asking so he knew what sort of behavior to watch out for when in reality, it was your simple curiosity that had pushed him here.

The Abbot hums at him when he asks, "You have always set a solid precedent for other Students here, Jonathan, and I expect such work to continue."

"As my parents serve, so do I, Abbot Kingsly," Jonathan spoke with true conviction earning a pleased smile from the Abbot.

"Weasel, as your Peers call him, has recently cracked under pressure. The Boy was found raving and mad. A priest tried to exorcise the foul spirits from the boy but failed."

"Hmm, well, he is a drain on resources. I can help watch over him with a few of the other-"
rolling. . .8 + 10 = 18.
Rolling. . .35

"There is no need. He has already been executed for being unfit for duty, and his remains will be properly disposed of."

"Of course, Abbot as I was," Jonathan bows and leaves Abbot's office relatively quickly. Jonathan did not notice the faint scowl on Abbot's face as he left, nor had he noticed how Abbot Kingly was hiding something. Peering at their desk, you see there was a report here detailing how Weasly had raved about "Flesh Eaters," whatever that meant.

Jonathan was fully invested in this now and had learned a solid chunk.

Perception +1
Intrigue + 1
Investigation + 10
Diplomacy + 3
Socializing + 10

Of course, you could try and inform him that you had picked up on Abbot's strange behaviors and the paperwork on their desk, but it would come at the cost of your existence being known to Jonathan.
[] [Write In 300 Character limit]

[] Remain Silent.

The Week went on, and Jonathan was still curious in regards to the Investigation, but odds are he would have more time at a later date to pursue it. The dreams and nightmares he had been getting lately have been pushing his desire to perfect his fighting abilities this Week.

[] Push him to keep Investigating
  • Abbot is suspicious

New Option Unlocked-
[] Allow him to organize a Duelist Club.
This would allow him to use his new Social skills to network and grants him the environment needed to compete and work on a Weapon skill of his choice.

[] Enlist in the Toxic Environment training course this weekend

[] Enlist in the Desert Environment Training Course

[] Enlist in the Cold Environment survival course.

[] Pain training. Work on raising the Boy's Willpower. If he is gathering the attention of something that drove another student mad, then he will need every ounce he can get.

Enemy Roll. . .2

Although, the word did hit Jonathan's ears in regards to one of the people in his dorm having an extremely messy room. . .It was wretchedly messy. Jonathan comes down upon them like the wrath of the Emperor and gets them put on extra work duties, extra labor, and even taking a few night shifts.

There were also classes provided here. With a slight nudge, you're certain you can get him more invested and efficient in one of them.

[] Tactics

[] Moral and Psychology

[] Paperwork and Logistics

[] Diplomatic Understanding

[] Cultural Sensitivty

[] How to Investigate the Troops 101


HP: 160/160
Level: 1
WILLPOWER: 120/120


S: 6
P: 7
E: 6
C: 4
I: 6
A: 5
L: 6

Tactics: 35
Inspiration: 30
Intimidation: 20

Sword-Play: 25
Mace Play: 25
Axe Play: 25

35 Investigation

35 Socializing



Practice Sword-
Damage: 25





-Something Sinister Lurks

-Discover the source of this strange feeling. Something sinister lurks in the soil here. Pursue three clues to help figure out what is hiding here.
Clue 1 Obtained. Abbot and Mad Student

+5 EXP
Perk: Inquistive: Gain a +10 for spotting Backstabbers or Traitors. Alongside this, gain a +1 for perception and +10 for Investigation.

Gain +20 Corruption or +10 Faith.
Rolling. . .43
One night before bed, you would wait for your chance. Waiting for Jonathan to keep his eyes closed and begin to drift off to sleep when you hit him with the thought.

He pauses for a few seconds pondering. His eyes open, and he sits up for a few seconds, clearly thinking before shrugging it off. Although he was slightly suspicious still, and his curiosity had been rekindled, he did not doubt the words of the Abbot. It was a blind loyalty to the Imperium that was keeping him from truly suspecting anything worse than perhaps some student incompetence and weakness.

Yet, your words plant that seed of doubt. It was an ember, but he was thinking more about it.

Paranoia + 5

Rolling. . .49 + 5 = 54.

His attempts at creating a dueling club for after-hours went with mixed results. Although some avoided this Club due to Jonathan's recorded strictness and lack of social grace, there was still a decent enough turnout.

Regarding Jonathan's efforts within the Club?

Rolling. . 87 + 5

Jonathan had taken quite well to dueling, utilizing his favored sword in dealing with the other students and often spending his time showing younger students the ropes.

Of course, it's during this time he affirms his best friendship with a Man by the name of Timot. A tanned-skinned boy with black hair and hazel eyes. Timot was clearly destined for a life within the Paperwork-filled halls of the Imperium, yet despite this, Timot quite often showed up to Jonathan's Duelist club and even tried to learn the ropes of an Axe.

Of course, you can keep pushing Jonathan to get even better. That would grind upon his will and push him even further.

+15 Sword Skill
+10 Social
+5 EXP
[] Spend 20 Willpower to add a + 15 to the Roll

[] Retain the current results of his efforts?

You do notice Timot and Jonathan spent a lot of time together, forming a truly deep friendship beyond the level of what Jonathan showed to any other of his classmates within the Schola. . .Timot was not the best performer.

Of course, Jonathan does begin to notice something strange of his own accord due to the dreams you've granted. There were a few students starting to sneak out.

Timot could be a distraction and lessen your influence over Jonathan. Alongside, there was no telling his true intentions. He did not contain the System. He is a liability.

[] Bad Ending for Timot.

[] Leave The Boy Alone.

Rolling. . .87 - 5 + 10 = 92

In regards to the Paperwork class Jonathan actually found a few tricks despite struggling at first due to his low Learning Abilities. It was due to the assistance of Timot that he went even further into this.

He learns the Paperwork of the Imperium and finds something called the "Unofficial" Handbook, which was a gift from Timot. It was a useful thing that explained the reality of Imperial Paperwork and how it utilized durable sheets of Paper vs. any data storage because the Paper would often last longer over the centuries.

The Unofficial Handbook also details a lot about Imperial Incompetence regarding Paperwork and that whenever submitting requests for Reinforcements or logistics, it was always prudent to do so three times in certain ways so that three different Clerks would see the Paperwork and minimize the chances of any accounting errors.

Diplomacy + 1
Governing + 1
Paperwork + 15
Faith - 5

Now, that left a few more options for your little Commisar to head into.

[] Investigating where some of the other Students are sneaking off to. It was prudent to know, and Jonathan was more than eager to look into such things.

[] Enlist in the Toxic Environment training course this weekend

[] Enlist in the Desert Environment Training Course

[] Enlist in the Cold Environment survival course.

[] Pain training. Work on raising the Boy's Willpower. If he is gathering the attention of something that drove another student mad, then he will need every ounce he can get.

[] Spending time with Timot. It could be very refreshing for Jonathan and could help them regain some lost willpower. Alongside this, it could be a good way to further exercise his Diplomatic muscle.

[] Stalk the Abbot after hours to try and get a chance to overlook the Paperwork. Jonathan didn't wanna get his fellow students in trouble, but he needed to make sure they were safe and utilize his unique position as a student to make sure they stayed that way.

[] Focus on Classes. If you wanted to become the Elite of the Imperium, your performance must reflect it. Spend, the next bit of time focusing on getting your grades and performance perfect.

[] Practice your Sharpshooting.

New Quest: To be the Very best that ever was!
When, getting a chance to test, Jonathan must score above 75 in five of these seven classes.
-Combat Proficiency
-Interrogation and Interigated Class
-Cultural Sensitivity

+ 5 Exp

Title: Elite Candidate! Your efforts have been noticed by the Schola and you have been nominated to compete for the upper rankings within the Imperium.
+10 to Ballistic Skills
+2 to Martial Skills.

Perk- Prodigy: Pick a skillset of your choice and add a +10 to all Skills within that tree.

While this title is equipped, the Instructors will be more trusting and willing to listen to Jonathan and take his word.
+15 when talking to the Imperial Staff or Instructors here.
+5 when talking or ordering other students.

Perk Gained: Due to so many successes of such a high degree during their Childhood stage Jonathan has gained a new Perk.

Lucky: Gain +2 to Luck
8 Rolls did in total. 50% done above 70+.


HP: 160/160
Level: 1
EXP: 5/10
WILLPOWER: 120/120


S: 6
P: 7
E: 6
C: 4
I: 6
A: 5
L: 6 (8)

Tactics: 35
Inspiration: 30
Intimidation: 20

Sword-Play: 40
Mace Play: 25
Axe Play: 25

35 Investigation
35 Paranoia

45 Socializing

45 Paperwork
Lucky: Gain +2 to Luck
Practice Sword-
Damage: 25





-Something Sinister Lurks

-Discover the source of this strange feeling. Something sinister lurks in the soil here. Pursue three clues to help figure out what is hiding here.
Clue 1 Obtained. Abbot and Mad Student

+5 EXP
Perk: Inquistive: Gain a +10 for spotting Backstabbers or Traitors. Alongside this, gain a +1 for perception and +10 for Investigation.

Gain +20 Corruption or +10 Faith

Quest: To be the Very best that ever was!
When, getting a chance to test, Jonathan must score above 75 in five of these seven classes.
-Combat Proficiency
-Interrogation and Interigated Class
-Cultural Sensitivity

+ 5 Exp

Title: Elite Candidate! Your efforts have been noticed by the Schola and you have been nominated, to compete for the upper rankings within the Imperium.
+10 to Ballistic Skills
+2 to Martial Skills.

Orignal Roll 90+ DC Met. Rolling for Bonus Effort. . .90

-15 Willpower

Jonathan did not just push. He went beyond a Prodigy of the Blade made from sheer repetition and dedication. He soon becomes the undisputed Champion of the Schola and, as a byproduct, is sent to compete against the Sister of Battle Trainees in a competition against both schools.

He wins this competition despite the exhaustion gained from the Training. It was a remarkable event, and Jonathan came out with full Honors and the attention of the Abbots for putting the local Sisters to shame.

The Ecchlisarchy soon gets word of this competition and forbids future events of a similar nature. No one was gonna enforce that.

+ 10 Swordskill
+2 Martial
+3 Exp

Jonathan's Popularity and legend spread across both his Schola and the Sisters of Battle Aspirants and leaked into the nearby villages and towns.


Rolling. . .47 + 10 = 57. Noted.

Rolling Relationships. . . 87

Jonathan spent his days with Timot. The pair of them grows closer and closer when you come to a faint realization.

Jonathan and Timot were growing enamored with one another. A young love that caused Jonathan to nearly stumble upon his next clue.

Jonathan and Timot were returning from the Duelist Club when Jonathan saw some of Timot's friends approaching them. Timot was on the fast track for an Administrative position and had wisely formed friendships with people from all walks of life.

This includes the Outcast, Hu'Tsal, an accented girl who had pale, gaunt flesh and chapped lips. Her genetics had long adapted to toxic worlds, which sealed shut the mouths of those born there.

Hu'Tsal was taken into the Schola older than most, but she was on track for becoming an impressive Commisar despite the dreaded reputation she held ever since she beat someone to death with a brick. No one knew why; just the Abbots had encouraged the blood sport.

"Timot, they were talking to me again," She whispers, barely heard by Jonathan, who quirks an eyebrow.

Timot shakes his head, clearly displeased, as he begins biting on his finger nail, "Thats. . . They still haven't left you alone? I think you need to go tell the Abbot they're harassing you."

"Maybe- They keep talking about this Festival about the God of Hunger and Fear, and it's weirding me out," The Girls stern features showed that she was not easily disturbed.

Jonathan's eyes narrowed and he asked, "God of Fear and Hunger?"

Hu'Tsal meets his gaze and is weary, glancing at the practice sword at Jonathan's hip, "Some of the Schola Students are celebrating an Angel of the Emperor. A local variant, at the very least. The Locals call him the Father of the Revenants, the God of Fear and Hunger, but the Ecchlisarchy long approved of this variant of the Emperor's Faiths."

Jonathan nods, sensing no deceit as he asks, "Then what's wrong?"

"Old friends keep trying to get me to join them during the Festival. They intend to celebrate off schola grounds,"

"Indeed. If they keep bothering you, you may just have to hangout with Jonathan and me,"

"How exactly does this God of Fear and Hunger tie into the Emperor?"

"You'll have to ask them. Eitherway, I have to go see you later Timot," She says waving at the both of you as she leaves.

[] Investigate into the God of Fear and Hunger.

[] Attempt to befriend Hu'Tsal for more information, sadly leaving Timot Alone.

[] Spend more time with Timot studying your Paperwork skills, to keep an eye on the situation incase the Outcast tried anything to crazy.

Eitherway, this weekend seemed to be a vital event for the school and with Jonathan being one of the top Duelist- He was elected to help represent the school.

It was the tenth child of the Sector Governer coming to visit the Schola and help determine who would be picked for the Administrative Branches of the Imperium!

[] Help Timot stick out this weekend to help secure his chances landing a higher ranking job within the Administratum

[] Focus on the competitions and games. Its a great chance to refine your skills, and can easily land you the chance to become a Scion of the Imperium!

[] Focus on Socializing with the Tenth Son. Its a great foot into the doorway of local Imperial politics.

[] Keep an eye on the troublemaker and outcast so they don't bother the VIP with their weird ideas and forms of Imperial Worship.

[] Ditch the Competition and investigate the Outcast and their strange upcoming celebration for any signs of Heresy

Rolling for pain training. . . 90

Jonathan's pain training goes well, and after getting someone to beat the hell out of him through most of the night.

Alongside this he also opts into an Interrogation class as the Tortured here inflict massive pain on him. He finds them wanting.

+ 20 Willpower
No HP Malus for the next turn due to High Roll


HP: 160/160
Level: 1
EXP: 7/10
WILLPOWER: 125/125


S: 6
P: 7
E: 6
C: 4
I: 6
A: 5
L: 6 (8)

Tactics: 35
Inspiration: 30
Intimidation: 20

Sword-Play: 50
Mace Play: 25
Axe Play: 25

35 Investigation
35 Paranoia

45 Socializing

45 Paperwork
Lucky: Gain +2 to Luck
Practice Sword-
Damage: 25





-Something Sinister Lurks

-Discover the source of this strange feeling. Something sinister lurks in the soil here. Pursue three clues to help figure out what is hiding here.
Clue 1 Obtained. Abbot and Mad Student

+5 EXP
Perk: Inquistive: Gain a +10 for spotting Backstabbers or Traitors. Alongside this, gain a +1 for perception and +10 for Investigation.

Gain +20 Corruption or +10 Faith

Quest: To be the very best that ever was!
When getting a chance to test, Jonathan must score above 75 in five of these seven classes.
-Combat Proficiency
-Interrogation and Interigated Class
-Cultural Sensitivity

+ 5 Exp

Title: Elite Candidate! Your efforts have been noticed by the Schola, and you have been nominated to compete for the upper rankings within the Imperium.
+10 to Ballistic Skills
+2 to Martial Skills.

Rolling. . . 70 +5

Jonathan began to focus his efforts on befriending Hu'Tsal, which went swimmingly well. Timot was busy preparing for his end of things while Jonathan got the story out of Hu'Tsal. Those who had trouble adjusting to the Schola or just dealing with the lifestyle of the school fled to this group that celebrated the God of Hunger and Fear.

She explains how they believed in a Winged Archangel who had once descended upon the world with his starving legion of Angels who had consumed the flesh of the Rebellious and sick lords who once ruled the planet.

It was a local cult of the Imperial Faith that had long been shrouded in controversy and shame. Yet, there were still some Villagers who had shared its practices with a few of the Students within the Schola and Sister of Battle Temple. While not illegal, it was something that had caused quite a bit of controversy and was often viewed as the mutation of a pagan and heretical belief.

They had mostly perished over the centuries due to the Imperium's efforts here. But, the Outcasts had begun to seek their faith in this strange view of this Archangel of the Emperor known as the God of Fea and Hunger.

Rolling. . .42
Yet- Jonathan did not feel content with this story but failed to sense any deception within the girls. So, he brushed aside these whispers of this strange Godling Archangel they spoke of and went to focus on the competition.

First came the dueling aspect, where he would face both the entourage of those flocking here due to the Bastard's presence. This would be against both locals from around the planet and hive city seeking employment and those from the Schola.

Martial 6
Swordsman ship 50- Average Adult

Modifier- +15

Rolling. . .
6 + 14 vs 15

23 +15 vs. 22

96 + 15 vs. 62

20 + 15 vs. 17

Generating Fighting Style. . .

-5 Swordsman Ship.

Although, he had won every single one of his matches which had gained the attention of many. . .It, also had many whispering about the fact that he had won out of luck in many of these cases. The first match, he had been losing till the man misstepped and broke his ankle-

The second had been mostly skill, and a slight mistake on the man wielding the Dull Axe blade. Jonathan, had managed to kick him in the stomach and get a lucky hit in on his chin.

The third match had gained hooting and hollaring and even gained the attention of the Bastard Son when you had gone head to head with an Underhiver. A rough gangster who was stupidly skilled with his daggers. In the end, Jonathan had gotten to show off this match and ended the battle with his opponent yielding after being parried and poked in the chest.

+3 Exp


Rolling for RNG Perks Quality. . .32, 80, and 74.


[] Hairline Trigger- Whenever, you are attacked in melee gain a chance to parry instantly as long as you have a melee weapon on you. This applies to ambushes as well.

[] Unyielding Will- If you are brought below 0 HP convert all Willpower into Temporary Hit Points. Willpower x 5 = Temporary HP

All Damage you take during this period must be healed up before the Temporary HP wears off or PC will Die.

[] Bodyguard- When protecting a target, take 50% of the damage they take with 25% resistance.


[] Wars of Logistics- Whenever handling Paperwork, roll with Advantage when requesting resources. Will, spawn in resources if need be.

[] Sword Understanding- Reroll Rolls lower then 15 once per Turn. Only applies to Sword based rolls.

Level-up rewards based off choices-
+1 Martial
+1 Leadership
+10 Inspiring
+1 Diplomacy
+5 Swordsman Ship
+5 Paperwork
+20 Willpower

Rolling. . .
Under Hiver 78 VS
BodyGuard 8 VS
SoB Acolyte 18 VS
Jonthan 67

The next competition which earned Jonathan second place was a sharp shooting one. The Underhiver had earned himself first place in this. Honestly, this left Jonathan one last chance to win the competition.

It, is only then that Jonathan notices something strange. Timot was missing.

Did you-


Jonathan, begins searchin for Timot failing to find him anywhere when he finds a disturbing sight. A bloody tooth outside of Timots dorm room. . .Timot was missing.

25 + 53 = 77 DC HIT.

You saw it for a brief moment. Some, demonic influence attempted to whisper to Jonathan that this was normal and nothing was wrong. That this was all normal and to be ignored. Jonathan pushes past the fog that tries to cover his mind and steels his will. He was going to find his best friend no matter what even if current affairs had the Schola utterly jam packed.

+5 Faith.
-5 Willpower

[] Quickly seek out the Abbot's Help.

[] Utilize your reputation with Teachers and Students to discover what had happened to Timot.

[] Confront Hu'Tsal. Something about her made the back of Jonathan's head itch in suspicion.


HP: 165/165
Level: 2
EXP: 0/20


S: 6
P: 7
E: 7
C: 4
I: 6
A: 5
L: 6 (8)

Tactics: 35
Inspiration: 40
Intimidation: 20

Sword-Play: 50
Mace Play: 25
Axe Play: 25

35 Investigation
35 Paranoia

45 Socializing

50 Paperwork

Lucky: Gain +2 to Luck
Practice Sword-
Damage: 25





-Something Sinister Lurks

-Discover the source of this strange feeling. Something sinister lurks in the soil here. Pursue three clues to help figure out what is hiding here.
Clue 1 Obtained. Abbot and Mad Student
CLUE 2 OBTAINED. Cult of the God of Hunger and Fear

+5 EXP
Perk: Inquistive: Gain a +10 for spotting Backstabbers or Traitors. Alongside this, gain a +1 for perception and +10 for Investigation.

Gain +20 Corruption or +10 Faith

Quest: To be the very best that ever was!
When getting a chance to test, Jonathan must score above 75 in five of these seven classes.
-Combat Proficiency
-Interrogation and Interigated Class
-Cultural Sensitivity

+ 5 Exp

Title: Elite Candidate! Your efforts have been noticed by the Schola, and you have been nominated to compete for the upper rankings within the Imperium.
+10 to Ballistic Skills
+2 to Martial Skills.

Rolling. . .17 + 20 = 30
Rolling. . .59
Rolling. . .32

Despite his reputation, Jonathan struggles to determine what happened to his friend. As the day progresses, you can see the panic settling into Jonathan.

What starts as just a single day turns into three, and it already begins to impact Jonathan's performance. The Festival ends, and there is no sign of him.

The Governer's Bastard departs without a word to you, and Jonathan only gets a small handful of Thrones as a reward for his outstanding performance in the tournament.

You can feel how this messes with your Host. On the sixth day, things change, with Timut labeled a Deserter and Hu'Tsal struggling to find any leads where their friend went.

Rolling. . .97 + 15
Hairline Trigger ACTIVATED.

Returning and going back to the dorms, a trio of men attempt to ambush Jonathan. One grabbed his arm, and the other tried to push a rag against the to-be commissar's face.

Jonathan snaps back like a blur with a hardened wooden stick in hand. He often used it to duel, and here he instantly breaks the wrist of the man grabbing him before slamming it into the second assailant's head. Both full-grown men crumble.

The third one tries to punch Jonathan in the head.

Rolling. . .18

It hits.
-10 HP

But Jonathan is utterly unphased by this as he headbutts the full-grown man knocking him out. He finishes this kidnapper off with a stomp to the throat as he turns to the other two and snarls, "You kidnapped Timut, didn't you? Where. Is. He."

Rolling. . .85

"I-I swear to you he's over at an old basement in the old chapel at the Western side of the Sorotios Dorms. He's the small one we t-took, I think. Just let us go" The man misspoke the name of the Sisters of Battle, but Jonathan ignored it. Rage and fury filled your Hero's chest as he lashed out.

He stomps on the man's jaw before digging through their clothes. He takes a serrated knife from them before grabbing the padded jacket as well.

He alerts somebody to the intruders who were most likely let onto the Campus by a student. He doesn't waste time talking to the staff as he heads to the Chapel. A fifteen-minute journey thereafter he hitches a ride with a local trolly that carries people to and from the town.

Once he got to town, he bolted straight for the Temple on the Ecclesiarchy training grounds. Easily jumping over the fence and bypassing the guards with a knife in hand, you feel something new in Jonathan.

In the place of worry and the kindness he often felt was a boiling rage and hate. Hate at those who had taken his closest friend. You tried to steer his path another way, but you felt his will rebuff your influence.

He reaches the Chapel and glances at the doorway where some villagers stand smoking. The villager paused and shouts, "Heya, this place is off limits, pal head on back. . ."

"Ah, this is where I heard about The God of Fear and Hunger was having his ceremony," Jonathan says, watching for a reaction. The man's eyes widen, and he reaches into his jacket.

Jonathan closes the distance, but the man pulls a gun. He fires, hitting Jonathan in the chest, the padded jacket reducing much of the damage. Jonathan stabs the man in the side of the head.
- 20 HP

He pulls the blade out and takes the gun. Glancing at the poor-quality pistol and the now ruined jacket, he simply winces, prodding at the wound before pushing on. He was tough enough to ignore his wounds as he entered the church.

A statue of the Arch-Angel Sanginius overlooking the temple. A pair of men come rushing up the stairs leading to the basement of the temple, "What the fuck is that-"

Jonathan just shoots both of them in the head. . . Something has turned its gaze to Jonathan's soul.

[] Open his Soul to its corruption

[] Help defend his mind and Soul.

You, can see Jonathan's gaze move along the floor. He can spot a few weakness in the building making it easy to collapse this upper level if he started a small fire.

Alongside this, how does Jonathan approach this?

[] Guide him to head down into the Cellar. Head first into battle.

[] Setup an ambush for whoever leaves or comes in. Its a siege.

[] Take their clothes and use it to catch your enemies off guard.


HP: 140/165
Level: 2
EXP: 0/20


S: 6
P: 7
E: 7
C: 4
I: 6
A: 5
L: 6 (8)

Tactics: 35
Inspiration: 40
Intimidation: 20

Sword-Play: 50
Mace Play: 25
Axe Play: 25

35 Investigation
35 Paranoia

45 Socializing

50 Paperwork

Lucky: Gain +2 to Luck

Hairline Trigger- Whenever you are attacked in melee, gain a chance to parry instantly as long as you have a melee weapon on you. This applies to ambushes as well.

Practice Sword-
Serrated Knife
Damage: 25





-Something Sinister Lurks

-Discover the source of this strange feeling. Something sinister lurks in the soil here. Pursue three clues to help figure out what is hiding here.
Clue 1 Obtained. Abbot and Mad Student
CLUE 2 OBTAINED. Cult of the God of Hunger and Fear

+5 EXP
Perk: Inquistive: Gain a +10 for spotting Backstabbers or Traitors. Alongside this, gain a +1 for perception and +10 for Investigation.

Gain +20 Corruption or +10 Faith

Quest: To be the very best that ever was!
When getting a chance to test, Jonathan must score above 75 in five of these seven classes.
-Combat Proficiency
-Interrogation and Interigated Class
-Cultural Sensitivity

+ 5 Exp

Title: Elite Candidate! Your efforts have been noticed by the Schola, and you have been nominated to compete for the upper rankings within the Imperium.
+10 to Ballistic Skills
+2 to Martial Skills.

You steel his soul for the horrors within as the Creature's very presence tries to corrupt him. You help ward that off as Jonathan grips his knife and gun tightly and begins heading down.

You feel the sheer desperation in him. The desperate hope shined inside as he went down the stairs. He prayed to the Emperor that his friend was alive, and he was pushing onward to find him.

But you already know what happened to Timot, don't you?

You know what world Jonathan lives in, and the most likely outcome here for someone kidnapped for so many days.

Answer honestly. How does this make YOU feel?

[] Entertained.

[] Angry

[] Curious.

[] Bored.

[] Sad.

Rolling. . . 67 + 15

Jonathan reaches the bottom of the stairs, where a fat village lady stands next to an older man in robes. On the older man's outfit was the Aquila, the double-headed equal that many Priests wielded.

Jonathan does not give them a second to speak. He raises his gun and fires off two times. Both are falling to the ground. Another man comes rushing in from the side, and Jonathan aims-


The Gun jams, but Jonathan hits the side of the gun and fires. The man quickly perishes soon after. These were untrained civilians, in most cases, against someone you had blessed.

Jonathan's gaze turns to the statue in the room. A two-headed angel coated in dried Blood. A strange symbol on its chest as a series of plates with old food sits at the base of this first statue. The smell of pork lingers in the room.

Jonathan moves forward as he heads into the next room- He pauses at the sight of emptied cages.

Rolling. . . 49 and 57

-20 Willpower.
- 10 Willpower
+5 Corruption.

Despair makes its way into his heart as he stares at this despair which blossoms into a bloody rage as he ventures deeper.

Rolling. . . 72 + 15
Someone rounds the corner with a bored in hand. Jonathan ducks under it before springing upwards. The knife digs into the man's jaw as he cries out.

Jonathan only pauses when he realizes the man is wearing an outfit from the Schola. A student in his final year asked, "Why?"

The man gurgled, unable to answer. His cry of pain and noises brought three more men into the room. One absolute giant of a man, with two women standing at his side.

"You defile an Ecchlisarchy tolerated Religious ritual, boy. You dare murder Imperial Citizens! You'll rot in a penal Legion for this," The fat man tries to bluff. Jonathan does acknowledge that he could become a scapegoat for these wicked false worshippers.

Rolling. . .NAT 1

The fat man reaches down to his hip and throws a giant Butcher's cleaver directly at Jonathan's head. It lands, and Jonathan staggers as the piece of metal buries itself in the side of his face destroying his eye and embedding itself within his very skull.

Jonathan just slowly looks forward, his body screaming in pain as he lets loose a small laugh. The three strange-looking people pause at this laugh, waiting for Jonathan to fall.

Yet he refuses to. He smiles at them as he hisses, "Where is Timot? Where!" He shouts, and when both women reach for the guns on their hips-
Rolling. . .
56 + 10
53 + 10

Jonathan is quicker and blows both their heads off their shoulders as he aims at the fat man and shoots him in the knee. The Blood pours down Jonathan's face as he snarls, "Where are your captives!"

-60 HP
+5 Corruption

"U-Understand everything we do is for the Arch-Angel, and God of fear and Hunger please. . .please spare us," The chef blubbers as Jonathan rips the Butcher's cleavers from his face and keeps walking.

Jonathan takes the ammo and guns from the two dead. Finally, he heads into the next room, glancing at the small makeshift kitchen in the corner of the room before turning his gaze to the center of the room.

At the center of the room, an angelic statue stood. Multiple heads were nailed to the figure, the rest of their bodies a shredded mess of meat and bone, which sat at the statue's base. Before it, a woman with dyed white hair stood.

She slowly turns, raising an eyebrow. Her gaze moved to the wound on Jonathan's face. Jonathan's eyes roam the statue, soon settling upon the severed head of the one whom he searched for.

Both of his eyes squeezed shut as the tears began, "It's not prudent to be distracted."

"Why," Jonathan hissed through clenched teeth as he opened his eye. His gaze settled on the Amulet on the Sister of Battle's chest. Something about the purple gem sitting in the gold chain was calling to him.

Rolling. . .53 + 10

He brushes it off to focus on the rage inside him to listen to the whispers of the Amulet. His hand clenching his gun tightly as he snarls at the woman in a rage, demanding, "Answer me!"

"Why? Because Boy, the Enemies of Mankind do such horrific acts to weaker horrors for just crumbs of power. Because I have seen Horrors beyond your imagining. I have been enlightened about the power of pain. We revere the Arch-Angel Sangiunus with these offers of Blood and flesh," She pauses, realizing the boy was unaffected by the Amulet she wore.

"This is heresy," Jonathan mutters staring at the blood and bone at the base of the statue and the bloody handprints covering the floor. He tries to brush that from his mind.

"This is the future for Mankind, boy. It is a shame you are so pig-headed," The woman darts forward unnaturally fast, pulling an actual ceremonial sword from her hip. She swings-


The woman gasps in shock as Jonathan uses the Butcher's blade to parry the strike and stab at her. The edge lands on her shoulder, and the woman steps back. The Amulet on her chest glowed brighter, as Jonathan just spits on her face and jumps back to help further the distance.

Rolling. . .42 + 15
Jonathan narrowly remains on the defensive, blocking another strike as he takes a few steps back. Panting in exhaustion, Blood stained his uniform as the woman smiled wickedly at him, "You are truly skilled. Come, join me, child, and I will show you the power of our God."

Rolling. . .2
+10 Corruption
-10 Willpower

Whispers fill Jonathan's head as his eyes widen, "You do not follow an Angel of the Emperor. Only something which parades itself as one. I will send you and it to the Hells where all traitors burn!"

"You're barely standing. How do you intend to kill me?"

"With hate," He spits out as he darts forward, firing his pistol at the woman. She rolls to the side and launches herself ahead, closing the distance far too fast for any average person.

Rolling. . .82 + 15

Jonathan steps back and slams her blade downward with the flat of the Butcher's blade before elbowing her in the face. Saving his breath as he quickly transfers into a harsh kick to the woman's stomach.

The woman just smiles at the pain grabbing his leg and pulling him forward, allowing her to headbutt him. The woman was older and more experienced, and it showed.

-10 HP
Rolling . . .23
Rolling. . .2

Jonathan aims the gun at her, but she grabs his wrist and bends it to the side. She quickly steps back, taking the gun from Jonathan, and unloads three shots into his chest before it clicks empty.

-60 HP
Rolling. . .95 + 15
The woman pauses at the fact that the boy still stands. Blood poured from his face and chest. His legs shake as he snarls, "You killed him. I said I was going to kill you for that."

Jonathan darts forward, Blood pouring down his chest as he swings his blade. It catches her Amulet cutting the gold and letting the gem clatter to the floor. She, howls in rage at this trying to catch the amulet in mid air but her speed fading the moment it began to fall.

The gem cracks, and a howl fills the room, making Jonathan sick with its very foul presence.
Rolling. . 38
-10 Willpower.
+5 Corruption

98 + 15

The woman desperately reaches for the Amulet, but Jonathan swings at her arm, cutting it off from the elbow down. The woman screams, her seeming immunity to pain now gone as Jonathan pushes onward with all his strength. The woman grabs her blade-

Both of them charge at the other. All or nothing in this single moment. Should they fail, neither have the energy or endurance to go beyond this attack!

85 + 15

Jonathan uses the combat knife in one hand and the Buthcer's blade in the other. He evades the woman's blade with the flat of the Butcher's blade before slamming the combat knife into her stomach. The woman gasps as she screams, "W-Wait! I can show you the God of Hunger and fear themselves! Tangible proof of the Arch-Angel-"

"Shut the fuck up," Jonathan whispers as he begins stabbing her. The blade was ripped from her stomach. He does not stop stabbing her. Even as he begins to cry and sob, he does not stop stabbing her.

The rage and pain were apparent, driving him onwards as he finally came to a stop. He was panting as he sat on the cooling corpse beneath him. Half his face was a mixture of Blood and tears, and the other a bloodied mess with a destroyed eye.

He stumbles, slowly rising as he turns to the cracked Amulet sitting on the floor.

[] Take the Amulet.

[] Destroy it.


HP: 10/165
Level: 2
EXP: 0/20


S: 6
P: 7
E: 7
C: 4
I: 6
A: 5
L: 6 (8)

Tactics: 35
Inspiration: 40
Intimidation: 20

Sword-Play: 50
Mace Play: 25
Axe Play: 25

35 Investigation
35 Paranoia

45 Socializing

50 Paperwork

Lucky: Gain +2 to Luck

Hairline Trigger- Whenever you are attacked in melee, gain a chance to parry instantly if you have a melee weapon. This applies to ambushes as well.

Practice Sword-
Serrated Knife
Damage: 25





-Something Sinister Lurks

-Discover the source of this strange feeling. Something sinister lurks in the soil here. Pursue three clues to help figure out what is hiding here.
Clue 1 Obtained. Abbot and Mad Student
CLUE 2 OBTAINED. Cult of the God of Hunger and Fear

+5 EXP
Perk: Inquistive: Gain a +10 for spotting Backstabbers or Traitors. Alongside this, gain a +1 for perception and +10 for Investigation.

Gain +20 Corruption or +10 Faith

Quest: To be the very best that ever was!
Jonathan must score above 75 in five of these seven classes when getting a chance to test.
-Combat Proficiency
-Interrogation and Interigated Class
-Cultural Sensitivity

+ 5 Exp

Title: Elite Candidate! The Schola has noticed your efforts, and you have been nominated to compete for the upper rankings within the Imperium.
+10 to Ballistic Skills
+2 to Martial Skills.

Last edited:
Calculating EXP. . .

Total Kill EXP: 18 Points

Quest Completed!

+5 EXP

Gained Perk!

Inquisitive: Gain a +10 for spotting Backstabbers or Traitors. Alongside this, gain a +1 for perception and +10 for Investigation.

Calculating Results. . . Sad. . .

Sad? Really? Why not be bored? Or angry at the obvious death of Timot? Did you not see it coming?

I thought I made it obvious enough- ERROR. Normalcy returned.

Level up!

Pick a Perk!

Rolling RNG Perks. . . 53, 11, 23.

53- Unlocked by 50 Sword Skill and certain events

[ ] Dual Wielder- Wield two blades at once with Proficiency. No longer suffer a Malus for dual-wielding melee weapons and wields each one with the strength of two hands.


[ ] Corruption + 5


[ ] Holding on- Corruption - 10

1 Endurance
2 Martial
15 Sword
10 Pistol

Jonathan kneeled there, silent as the blood dripped from his destroyed face. Utterly silent as he slowly rose, shaking as he reached down, gripping the purple gem.

His eyes stare at it, staring with loathing and hate. On the surface of the gem, he sees the smiling face of his beloved friend. His one good eye was lit up by the purple glow coming from the gem.

Across the metal, blood dripped from its golden surface. The metal warm to the touch as whispers filled Jonathan's mind, a flicker of lust and desire fills him.

Only to be smothered by the dying rage as his grip tightened on the blade.

He simply slams it to the ground, shattering it. A howl fills the room as purple smoke bleeds from the gem for a few seconds. The light dies down, leaving Jonathan alone with his thoughts of-

[ ] The Imperial Faith, which sprung this foul religion.

[ ] The Foul Heretics who disguised themselves as the Loyal.

His gaze slowly turns to the bloodied statue of Sanginius, a deep hate stirring inside him as he stares at the stone statue. He turns his head as down the stairs the Arbites come, led by the Abbot.

The Abbot paused at the sigh, his face shifting to one of hate and rage as he stared at the corpses surrounding the statue before turning to the silent Jonathan, who simply stared down at the ground where the amulet lay shattered.

The Abbot paused, recognizing Jonathan despite his face being mangled and destroyed. The Abbot soon turns to the statue and mutters, "I told the Ecclesiarchy to be weary of these fools."

Rolling. . . 11 + 5

Jonathan doesn't even bother responding as the Arbites rush forward, grabbing him. The Officer paused as he struggled to move the boy. It took two of them to begin dragging Jonathan out of the cellar as they secured it.

Jonathan just lays down in their grip and allows himself to be dragged away. Soon, he finds himself locked into a small and burning-hot interview room. A lack of AC during the midst of summer makes the room very unpleasant.

It had been six to seven hours with only the occasional Interrogation. A pitcher of water sitting next to Jonathan left relatively untouched.

Half of Jonathan's face had been wrapped up in bandages, and the bullets painfully pried out of him before some basic medicines had been applied.

Rolling. . . 77 + 10

Finally, the door opens, and Jonathan looks up. The young boy slowly looks up and pauses at the sight of an ancient-looking woman slowly walking into the room with the assistance of a cane and two women.

Jonathan's eyes dart to the woman in question. Both wearing pitch-black metallic armor and wielding Flamers with Chainswords strapped to their hips. The whirring of their power armor bothered Jonathan slightly.

He waits, the Old woman taking a seat unbothered by the intense heat as she gives him a soft smile, "You should be dead. Its extremely rare for one your age to kill not just full grown men, but a Veteran as well."

Jonathan just nods, glancing down at his still bloodied clothes, "Indeed."

"Yet you persist. Where Locals and pencil pushers hindered my work, you found proof of unacceptable practices within this slander of the Imperial Faith. I am sorry about the pain one of my disciples caused you," The Old woman carefully analyzed Jonathan.

"Who was she?"

"One who ventured into the dark with me as a child and never returned. I kept her here, hoping she would recover her faith. . . I was unaware of what she had hidden. Tell me, did you notice anything strange about the Fallen woman," The Old lady leans forward, her eyes locking directly onto Jonathan's features.

[ ] Tell the Truth about the amulet.

[ ] Lie about the amulet.


HP: 170/170

Level: 3

EXP: 03/30








S: 6

P: 7

E: 8

C: 4

I: 6

A: 5

L: 6 (8)



Tactics: 35

Inspiration: 40

Intimidation: 20


Sword-Play: 65

Mace Play: 25

Axe Play: 25

Pistol: 35


35 Investigation

35 Paranoia


45 Socializing



50 Paperwork


Lucky: Gain +2 to Luck

Hairline Trigger- Whenever you are attacked in melee, gain a chance to parry instantly if you have a melee weapon. This applies to ambushes as well.

Inquistive: Gain a +10 for spotting Backstabbers or Traitors. Alongside this, gain a +1 for perception and +10 for Investigation.


Practice Sword-

Serrated Knife


Damage: 25




Perk: Inquistive: Gain a +10 for spotting Backstabbers or Traitors. Alongside this, gain a +1 for perception and +10 for Investigation.

Gain +20 Corruption or +10 Faith

Quest: To be the very best that ever was!

Jonathan must score above 75 in five of these seven classes when getting a chance to test.

-Combat Proficiency



-Interrogation and Interigated Class

-Cultural Sensitivity




+ 5 Exp

Title: Elite Candidate! The Schola has noticed your efforts, and you have been nominated to compete for the upper rankings within the Imperium.

+10 to Ballistic Skills

+2 to Martial Skills.

Last edited: