Warhammer 40k: Guide the Gamer!

I take it our voice is identical to Jonathan's inner voice? It would just be weird if he had sexy female voices talking in his head.

Just for reference, if we indicate that we are talking in a sexy female voice, is that okay?:oops:
Talk in any voice you wish just make sure to place context beforehand what the Voice sounds like or it will default to Jonathan's Inner sounding voice
[X]Plan: Plan
-[X] During bedtime, inspire him with the thought: "How are the documents connected with the "flesh eaters" and the student of the schola? You need to carefully look for information"

-[X] Allow him to organize a Duelist Club.
This would allow him to use his new Social skills to network and grants him the environment needed to compete and work on a Weapon skill of his choice.

We initially have a good will + we do not know which planet we will be sent to. It is logical to develop individual skills.

-[X] Paperwork and Logistics

Bureaucracy is the worst enemy of the Imperium. Victory on paper is victory on the battlefield.
[X]Plan: Plan
-[X] During bedtime, inspire him with the thought: "How are the documents connected with the "flesh eaters" and the student of the schola? You need to carefully look for information"

-[X] Allow him to organize a Duelist Club.
This would allow him to use his new Social skills to network and grants him the environment needed to compete and work on a Weapon skill of his choice.

We initially have a good will + we do not know which planet we will be sent to. It is logical to develop individual skills.

-[X] Paperwork and Logistics

Bureaucracy is the worst enemy of the Imperium. Victory on paper is victory on the battlefield.
For the Record, Willpower can be used between resisting Possession of any kind. I never did state the specifics of what kind of Possession in question.

It'll also come very handy as a secondary HP pool almost depending on what horrors you encounter off world
Propa threw 3 100-faced dice. Total: 179
43 43 49 49 87 87
Propa threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: PAPERWORK Total: 87
87 87
Rolling. . .43
One night before bed, you would wait for your chance. Waiting for Jonathan to keep his eyes closed and begin to drift off to sleep when you hit him with the thought.

He pauses for a few seconds pondering. His eyes open, and he sits up for a few seconds, clearly thinking before shrugging it off. Although he was slightly suspicious still, and his curiosity had been rekindled, he did not doubt the words of the Abbot. It was a blind loyalty to the Imperium that was keeping him from truly suspecting anything worse than perhaps some student incompetence and weakness.

Yet, your words plant that seed of doubt. It was an ember, but he was thinking more about it.

Paranoia + 5

Rolling. . .49 + 5 = 54.

His attempts at creating a dueling club for after-hours went with mixed results. Although some avoided this Club due to Jonathan's recorded strictness and lack of social grace, there was still a decent enough turnout.

Regarding Jonathan's efforts within the Club?

Rolling. . 87 + 5

Jonathan had taken quite well to dueling, utilizing his favored sword in dealing with the other students and often spending his time showing younger students the ropes.

Of course, it's during this time he affirms his best friendship with a Man by the name of Timot. A tanned-skinned boy with black hair and hazel eyes. Timot was clearly destined for a life within the Paperwork-filled halls of the Imperium, yet despite this, Timot quite often showed up to Jonathan's Duelist club and even tried to learn the ropes of an Axe.

Of course, you can keep pushing Jonathan to get even better. That would grind upon his will and push him even further.

+15 Sword Skill
+10 Social
+5 EXP
[] Spend 20 Willpower to add a + 15 to the Roll

[] Retain the current results of his efforts?

You do notice Timot and Jonathan spent a lot of time together, forming a truly deep friendship beyond the level of what Jonathan showed to any other of his classmates within the Schola. . .Timot was not the best performer.

Of course, Jonathan does begin to notice something strange of his own accord due to the dreams you've granted. There were a few students starting to sneak out.

Timot could be a distraction and lessen your influence over Jonathan. Alongside, there was no telling his true intentions. He did not contain the System. He is a liability.

[] Bad Ending for Timot.

[] Leave The Boy Alone.

Rolling. . .87 - 5 + 10 = 92

In regards to the Paperwork class Jonathan actually found a few tricks despite struggling at first due to his low Learning Abilities. It was due to the assistance of Timot that he went even further into this.

He learns the Paperwork of the Imperium and finds something called the "Unofficial" Handbook, which was a gift from Timot. It was a useful thing that explained the reality of Imperial Paperwork and how it utilized durable sheets of Paper vs. any data storage because the Paper would often last longer over the centuries.

The Unofficial Handbook also details a lot about Imperial Incompetence regarding Paperwork and that whenever submitting requests for Reinforcements or logistics, it was always prudent to do so three times in certain ways so that three different Clerks would see the Paperwork and minimize the chances of any accounting errors.

Diplomacy + 1
Governing + 1
Paperwork + 15
Faith - 5

Now, that left a few more options for your little Commisar to head into.

[] Investigating where some of the other Students are sneaking off to. It was prudent to know, and Jonathan was more than eager to look into such things.

[] Enlist in the Toxic Environment training course this weekend

[] Enlist in the Desert Environment Training Course

[] Enlist in the Cold Environment survival course.

[] Pain training. Work on raising the Boy's Willpower. If he is gathering the attention of something that drove another student mad, then he will need every ounce he can get.

[] Spending time with Timot. It could be very refreshing for Jonathan and could help them regain some lost willpower. Alongside this, it could be a good way to further exercise his Diplomatic muscle.

[] Stalk the Abbot after hours to try and get a chance to overlook the Paperwork. Jonathan didn't wanna get his fellow students in trouble, but he needed to make sure they were safe and utilize his unique position as a student to make sure they stayed that way.

[] Focus on Classes. If you wanted to become the Elite of the Imperium, your performance must reflect it. Spend, the next bit of time focusing on getting your grades and performance perfect.

[] Practice your Sharpshooting.

New Quest: To be the Very best that ever was!
When, getting a chance to test, Jonathan must score above 75 in five of these seven classes.
-Combat Proficiency
-Interrogation and Interigated Class
-Cultural Sensitivity

+ 5 Exp

Title: Elite Candidate! Your efforts have been noticed by the Schola and you have been nominated to compete for the upper rankings within the Imperium.
+10 to Ballistic Skills
+2 to Martial Skills.

Perk- Prodigy: Pick a skillset of your choice and add a +10 to all Skills within that tree.

While this title is equipped, the Instructors will be more trusting and willing to listen to Jonathan and take his word.
+15 when talking to the Imperial Staff or Instructors here.
+5 when talking or ordering other students.

Perk Gained: Due to so many successes of such a high degree during their Childhood stage Jonathan has gained a new Perk.

Lucky: Gain +2 to Luck
8 Rolls did in total. 50% done above 70+.


HP: 160/160
Level: 1
EXP: 5/10
WILLPOWER: 120/120


S: 6
P: 7
E: 6
C: 4
I: 6
A: 5
L: 6 (8)

Tactics: 35
Inspiration: 30
Intimidation: 20

Sword-Play: 40
Mace Play: 25
Axe Play: 25

35 Investigation
35 Paranoia

45 Socializing

45 Paperwork
Lucky: Gain +2 to Luck
Practice Sword-
Damage: 25





-Something Sinister Lurks

-Discover the source of this strange feeling. Something sinister lurks in the soil here. Pursue three clues to help figure out what is hiding here.
Clue 1 Obtained. Abbot and Mad Student

+5 EXP
Perk: Inquistive: Gain a +10 for spotting Backstabbers or Traitors. Alongside this, gain a +1 for perception and +10 for Investigation.

Gain +20 Corruption or +10 Faith

Quest: To be the Very best that ever was!
When, getting a chance to test, Jonathan must score above 75 in five of these seven classes.
-Combat Proficiency
-Interrogation and Interigated Class
-Cultural Sensitivity

+ 5 Exp

Title: Elite Candidate! Your efforts have been noticed by the Schola and you have been nominated, to compete for the upper rankings within the Imperium.
+10 to Ballistic Skills
+2 to Martial Skills.

[X] Spend 20 Willpower to add a + 15 to the Roll
[X] Leave The Boy Alone.
[X] Pain training. Work on raising the Boy's Willpower. If he is gathering the attention of something that drove another student mad, then he will need every ounce he can get.
[X] Spend 20 Willpower to add a + 15 to the Roll
[X] Leave The Boy Alone.
[X] Pain training. Work on raising the Boy's Willpower. If he is gathering the attention of something that drove another student mad, then he will need every ounce he can get.

we can just bad end people? Nice!
[X] Spend 20 Willpower to add a + 15 to the Roll
[X] Leave The Boy Alone.
[X] Pain training. Work on raising the Boy's Willpower. If he is gathering the attention of something that drove another student mad, then he will need every ounce he can get.
[X] Spend 20 Willpower to add a + 15 to the Roll
[X] Leave The Boy Alone.
[X] Pain training. Work on raising the Boy's Willpower. If he is gathering the attention of something that drove another student mad, then he will need every ounce he can get.
[X] Spend 20 Willpower to add a + 15 to the Roll
[X] Leave The Boy Alone.
[X] Pain training. Work on raising the Boy's Willpower. If he is gathering the attention of something that drove another student mad, then he will need every ounce he can get.

we can just bad end people? Nice!
The system, cannot act of its own violation but certain people that can interfere greatly with the development of the PC, or who the System views as hindrance to the gathering of EXP.

[X] Spend 20 Willpower to add a + 15 to the Roll
[X] Leave The Boy Alone.
[X] Pain training. Work on raising the Boy's Willpower. If he is gathering the attention of something that drove another student mad, then he will need every ounce he can get.
Also I want all you to mind if the Pain training goes horrifically wrong then you're gonna have to deal with possibility of a Will Drain then a Will Gain.

We're looking at a roll under 30 here for that though. Just a disclaimer.
Propa threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: BONUS WORK Total: 90
90 90
Propa threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Luck Perk Total: 47
47 47
Propa threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Relationship Total: 87
87 87
Propa threw 1 100-faced dice. Total: 90
90 90
[X] Spend 20 Willpower to add a + 15 to the Roll
[X] Leave The Boy Alone.
[X] Pain training. Work on raising the Boy's Willpower. If he is gathering the attention of something that drove another student mad, then he will need every ounce he can get.
Orignal Roll 90+ DC Met. Rolling for Bonus Effort. . .90

-15 Willpower

Jonathan did not just push. He went beyond a Prodigy of the Blade made from sheer repetition and dedication. He soon becomes the undisputed Champion of the Schola and, as a byproduct, is sent to compete against the Sister of Battle Trainees in a competition against both schools.

He wins this competition despite the exhaustion gained from the Training. It was a remarkable event, and Jonathan came out with full Honors and the attention of the Abbots for putting the local Sisters to shame.

The Ecchlisarchy soon gets word of this competition and forbids future events of a similar nature. No one was gonna enforce that.

+ 10 Swordskill
+2 Martial
+3 Exp

Jonathan's Popularity and legend spread across both his Schola and the Sisters of Battle Aspirants and leaked into the nearby villages and towns.


Rolling. . .47 + 10 = 57. Noted.

Rolling Relationships. . . 87

Jonathan spent his days with Timot. The pair of them grows closer and closer when you come to a faint realization.

Jonathan and Timot were growing enamored with one another. A young love that caused Jonathan to nearly stumble upon his next clue.

Jonathan and Timot were returning from the Duelist Club when Jonathan saw some of Timot's friends approaching them. Timot was on the fast track for an Administrative position and had wisely formed friendships with people from all walks of life.

This includes the Outcast, Hu'Tsal, an accented girl who had pale, gaunt flesh and chapped lips. Her genetics had long adapted to toxic worlds, which sealed shut the mouths of those born there.

Hu'Tsal was taken into the Schola older than most, but she was on track for becoming an impressive Commisar despite the dreaded reputation she held ever since she beat someone to death with a brick. No one knew why; just the Abbots had encouraged the blood sport.

"Timot, they were talking to me again," She whispers, barely heard by Jonathan, who quirks an eyebrow.

Timot shakes his head, clearly displeased, as he begins biting on his finger nail, "Thats. . . They still haven't left you alone? I think you need to go tell the Abbot they're harassing you."

"Maybe- They keep talking about this Festival about the God of Hunger and Fear, and it's weirding me out," The Girls stern features showed that she was not easily disturbed.

Jonathan's eyes narrowed and he asked, "God of Fear and Hunger?"

Hu'Tsal meets his gaze and is weary, glancing at the practice sword at Jonathan's hip, "Some of the Schola Students are celebrating an Angel of the Emperor. A local variant, at the very least. The Locals call him the Father of the Revenants, the God of Fear and Hunger, but the Ecchlisarchy long approved of this variant of the Emperor's Faiths."

Jonathan nods, sensing no deceit as he asks, "Then what's wrong?"

"Old friends keep trying to get me to join them during the Festival. They intend to celebrate off schola grounds,"

"Indeed. If they keep bothering you, you may just have to hangout with Jonathan and me,"

"How exactly does this God of Fear and Hunger tie into the Emperor?"

"You'll have to ask them. Eitherway, I have to go see you later Timot," She says waving at the both of you as she leaves.

[] Investigate into the God of Fear and Hunger.

[] Attempt to befriend Hu'Tsal for more information, sadly leaving Timot Alone.

[] Spend more time with Timot studying your Paperwork skills, to keep an eye on the situation incase the Outcast tried anything to crazy.

Eitherway, this weekend seemed to be a vital event for the school and with Jonathan being one of the top Duelist- He was elected to help represent the school.

It was the tenth child of the Sector Governer coming to visit the Schola and help determine who would be picked for the Administrative Branches of the Imperium!

[] Help Timot stick out this weekend to help secure his chances landing a higher ranking job within the Administratum

[] Focus on the competitions and games. Its a great chance to refine your skills, and can easily land you the chance to become a Scion of the Imperium!

[] Focus on Socializing with the Tenth Son. Its a great foot into the doorway of local Imperial politics.

[] Keep an eye on the troublemaker and outcast so they don't bother the VIP with their weird ideas and forms of Imperial Worship.

[] Ditch the Competition and investigate the Outcast and their strange upcoming celebration for any signs of Heresy

Rolling for pain training. . . 90

Jonathan's pain training goes well, and after getting someone to beat the hell out of him through most of the night.

Alongside this he also opts into an Interrogation class as the Tortured here inflict massive pain on him. He finds them wanting.

+ 20 Willpower
No HP Malus for the next turn due to High Roll


HP: 160/160
Level: 1
EXP: 7/10
WILLPOWER: 125/125


S: 6
P: 7
E: 6
C: 4
I: 6
A: 5
L: 6 (8)

Tactics: 35
Inspiration: 30
Intimidation: 20

Sword-Play: 50
Mace Play: 25
Axe Play: 25

35 Investigation
35 Paranoia

45 Socializing

45 Paperwork
Lucky: Gain +2 to Luck
Practice Sword-
Damage: 25





-Something Sinister Lurks

-Discover the source of this strange feeling. Something sinister lurks in the soil here. Pursue three clues to help figure out what is hiding here.
Clue 1 Obtained. Abbot and Mad Student

+5 EXP
Perk: Inquistive: Gain a +10 for spotting Backstabbers or Traitors. Alongside this, gain a +1 for perception and +10 for Investigation.

Gain +20 Corruption or +10 Faith

Quest: To be the very best that ever was!
When getting a chance to test, Jonathan must score above 75 in five of these seven classes.
-Combat Proficiency
-Interrogation and Interigated Class
-Cultural Sensitivity

+ 5 Exp

Title: Elite Candidate! Your efforts have been noticed by the Schola, and you have been nominated to compete for the upper rankings within the Imperium.
+10 to Ballistic Skills
+2 to Martial Skills.

[X] Attempt to befriend Hu'Tsal for more information, sadly leaving Timot Alone.

- getting attached to someone as a future commisar is stupid. Only service to the Emperor is eternal

[X] Ditch the Competition and investigate the Outcast and their strange upcoming celebration for any signs of Heresy

- we have a quest here and our martial abilities does not need improvement at this time
[X] Investigate into the God of Fear and Hunger.

[X] Focus on the competitions and games. Its a great chance to refine your skills, and can easily land you the chance to become a Scion of the Imperium!

You can never have to much martial prowess in 40k.
[X] Attempt to befriend Hu'Tsal for more information, sadly leaving Timot Alone.

[X] Focus on Socializing with the Tenth Son. Its a great foot into the doorway of local Imperial politics.

It is better to have friends in local politics than to go to the Death World as the first task.
It would be funny if all our suspicions are not justified. Interesting moral on the topic - paranoia is good, but not always true.
Indeed, I do hope we have someone deep enough on the lore to figure out the historical context of where this legend comes from
Well, I know the source of the God of Fear and Hunger and the meaning behind the Girl's Ascension, and I see how it could fit with the Emperor as an Ascended God powerful enough to challenge the Old Hods and guide Humanity towards a new age...

But on the other hand, it couldalso be a Nurgle Cult or some shit...

[X] Attempt to befriend Hu'Tsal for more information, sadly leaving Timot Alone.
You guys skills also are almost at the point of being Scion. You'll also have a level up vote soon
Does that mean that we would graduate as a stormtroopers rather than a Comissar?

[X] Focus on the competitions and games. Its a great chance to refine your skills, and can easily land you the chance to become a Scion of the Imperium!

[X] Ditch the Competition and investigate the Outcast and their strange upcoming celebration for any signs of Heresy
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Well, I know the source of the God of Fear and Hunger and the meaning behind the Girl's Ascension, and I see how it could fit with the Emperor as an Ascended God powerful enough to challenge the Old Hods and guide Humanity towards a new age...

But on the other hand, it couldalso be a Nurgle Cult or some shit...

[X] Attempt to befriend Hu'Tsal for more information, sadly leaving Timot Alone.

Does that mean that we would graduate as a stormtroopers rather than a Comissar?

[X] Focus on the competitions and games. Its a great chance to refine your skills, and can easily land you the chance to become a Scion of the Imperium!

[X] Ditch the Competition and investigate the Outcast and their strange upcoming celebration for any signs of Heresy
Ya, I stated that an earlier chapter that you can end up as a Storm Trooper or even an Inquisitor Acolyte if you hit certain DCs

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