the catwalk is above and around a kind of flat topped stone cap that surrounds the elevator, which is in the center of the of the cap!
I think they were also wondering what's on the "ceiling" in this part - like, are there stalactites up there we could theoretically be trying to drop on these fuckers or something? I think people are leery of committing to anything because we're outnumbered against enemies with superior firepower, and there doesn't seem to be much in the way of environmental elements we could theoretically leverage to even the odds. So just wading in seems liable to turn into an ungodly bloodbath with our beloved MCs at the center of it, which is an unappetizing prospect.
I mean, even a man-portable lascannon (and I'm assuming the vehicle-mounted Daemon Engine version is probably even worse) does 5d10+10 damage with Pen 10, which with a bad damage roll is enough to potentially one-shot Tine even with her crazy soak. That would be scary to fight even if it was on its own, but it's not. It's ALSO got almost a dozen daemonettes (which will be doubling their toughness bonus to soak damage from everybody except Tine and Ryia) and four power-armored troops with Heavy Bolters for backup. While on our side we've got a smaller number of Kriegers with no heavy weapons for backup. And the only idea I could come up with to potentially even the odds looks to be a wash.
At this point, barring somebody else having a brilliant idea, backtracking and seeing if we can still go with "[ ] Shell the fort and deploy the 101st" as an option is starting to look appealing tbh.
...Although, hang on. I didn't like the defeatist tone of this post, so I started doing some more digging before hitting post. I think if Em and Ryia chip in, the skill test idea I came up with becomes more feasible. I didn't want to push to commit to it because even if we got Foreshadow off, we'd be rolling against a 43 which is not an amazing chance of success. But Ryia is also trained on Forbidden Lore for Psykers and The Warp, and while she doesn't have Archeotech she does have a +10 for Psykers. So with DC's approval she can assist with the Lore test for Tine, which means the difficulty modifier would be reduced to a -20 from a -30, and also if Tine succeeds she gets a bonus degree of success. And Em has the Exceptional Leader ability, which lets him give an ally who can see and hear him +10% to ANY skill test once per round.
So with both of them, if Tine gets Foreshadow off she'd be rolling against a 63 rather than a 43, which looks much more feasible, especially since we'd still have FP to use if the first roll doesn't succeed.
Now, I did already roll for Foreshadow and it was a bust. But it occurs to me, there's actually no rule saying she can't just wait a round and then try again. She didn't provoke Psychic Phenomena or anything so, like. Why not.
DC, can you confirm that all that is viable/kosher? I'm going to go ahead and roll for Foreshadow Redux because I'm antsy but, like. Disregard if inapplicable obviously.