WARHAMMER 40,000: ROGUE TRADER: THE CITADEL OF SKULLS (Roleplaying on the Farthest Frontiers)

Well, you know what, there's no reason we can't just have all three multiclasses, lol.

Like I was saying, my interest is having Tine just be the sweet, fluffy, adorable girl who's combat build is Juggernaut Cosplay, we've got the Basically an Ordinary Guy who somehow keeps up with the insanity that is his SOs with Em, and we've got Ilyria as our hard bitten space wizard girl.

The trinity thus is completed.
NAMEThe Lady Amaranthine Scourge
AGE24 actual date of birth 4.241.518.m41 (approximate realspace age: 294)GENDERFemaleRANKFiveXP (U)XP (T)
HOMEWORLDChild of a DynastyBIRTHRIGHTVauntedCALLINGMutantInsanityCorruption
TRAILSA Product of Her Upbringing: DecadenceMOTIVATIONDutyLINEAGENone06

6035(16) [80] (8) 40324043374668

Acrobatics (A)XX
Awareness (P)XY
Barter (Fel)X
Blather (Fel)XX
Carouse (Fel)XY
Charm (Fel)XY+10
Chem-Use (Fel)XX
Ciphers (Int)XX
Climb (Str)X
Command (Fel)X
Commerce (Fel)XX
Common Lore (Int)XXYImperial Creed, Imperium
Concealment (Agi)XY
Deceive (Fel)XY+10+20
Demolitions (Int)XX
Dodge (Agi)XY
Drive (Agi)XX
Evaluate (Int)X
Forbidden Lore (Int)XXYHeresy, Psykers, Archeotech, The Warp, Daemonology
Gamble (int)XY
Inquiry (Fel)X
Interrogation (Will)X
Intimidation (S/Fel)XY
Invocation (Will)XX
Literacy (Int)XXY
Logic (Int)X
Medicae (Int)XXY
Navigation (Int)XX
Performer (Fel)XX
Pilot (Agi)XX
Psyniscence (Per)XXY
Scholastic Lore (Int)XXYImperial Creed, Imperial Warrents
Scrutiny (Per)X
Search (Per)X
Secret Tongue (Int)XXYHouse Scourge, Lowdeck Cant of the Scourge Fleet
Security (Agi)XX
Shadowing (Agi)XX
Silent Move (Agi)XX
Sleight of Hand (Agi)XX
Speak Language (Int)XXY*+10Low Gothic, High Gothic*
Survival (Int)XX
Tech-Use (int)XXY
Tracking (Per)XX
Trade (Int)XX
Wrangling (Int)XX

Dynastic Warrant+3 to the ship points for the construction of the ship. Since the Tachyon's Demise and the Revenge are already built, this shall be applied to the Colossus refit.
Honor amongst One's Peers+5 to fel checks with noble and important people.
Unseen EnemyThey've been in the background of two adventure paths so far. You remember these guys!
DecadenceCan endure twice as much drugs, sex, or other fun times as anyone else without penalties. +10 to resisting addiction and sex.
WyrdlingGains a Psy Rating of 2 and 2 psy techniques.
A Product of Her Upbringing+5 to Charm checks.
Unshakable FaithShe re-rolls failed fear checks!
Talented: CharmDue to getting Decadence twice, she gets this! +10 to Charm checks.
Talented: DeceiveDue to getting Unshakable Faith twice, she gets this! +1 to Deceive checks.
Weapon TrainingBasic (Universal), Melee (Universal)
Pure FaithShe is utterly immune to Daemonic Possession! It just does not happen.
Sound Constitution (x1)She gains +1 wound!
AutosanguineShe always counts as being lightly wounded and heals 2 points her day.
Binary ChatterShe can speak to servitors, getting +10 to any roll involving servitors. Any ship she's on gets +1 morale.
Electro Graft UseCan use her subtly concealed electroos to get +10 to Tech Use, Common Lore and Inquiry checks using any cogitation system.
Infused KnowledgeShe's very, very, very well read. All Common Lore and Scholastic Lores count as basic skills, and she gets +10 to any test for a Common or Scholastic Lore that she has already learned.
Logis ImplantBy using her reaction, she can get +10 to WS or BS for her attacks (requires a tech-use check and may cause fatigue.)
ProsanguineHer autosanguine implants can be communed with - a tech use check + 10 minutes will heal 1d5 damage.
Physical Perfection (x2)She looks soft, but she's more machine now, than woman! She can survive in a vacuum, doesn't need to eat, is immune to fire, and gets +2 AP to her entire body.
Heightened Senses (All)She has augmented perceptions, giving her +10 to all her Perception checks.
Two Weapon WeilderMelee AND Ballistic
PolyglotShe can speak and read all standard languages and can make herself understood with a new one with a -10 Int check.
Warp AffinityShe may re-roll a psy-phenomenon in exchange for 1d5 CP.
Light SleeperShe never counts as being asleep for the purposes of being stabbed.
BlademasterShe can roll twice when swinging her sword to see if she can hit!
Die HardHer chances of dying from blood loss are significantly reduced.
Paranoia+2 to initiative and she can make awareness checks to make sure she's not being watched or attacked.
Peer (Nobility, Underworld)She gets along well with nobility and the lower class, remarkable! +10 fellowship checks with them.
Divine MinistrationWhen testing medicae, she may spend a WP to restore damage equal to her WB instead of the normal amount, which is then multiplied or modified by normal medicae rules. When healing a lightly wounded character, she uses WB and IB too! She may spend a FP to remove fatigue from a number of characters equal to her WB. She may burn a fate point to bring someone back to life.
The Emperor ProtectsBy spending a FP, Tine and a number of her allies equal to her WB become immune to Fear and Pinning, and all enemies get -10 to target them. by burning a FP, she can NEGATE a single attack to an ally.
Blessed RadianceWhen spending a FP on pure faith talents, those talents extend to every ally in WBx2 meters. As a free action, she can bestow an FP to an ally. Upon burning an FP, a number of allies equal to twice her WB become immune to daemonic presence, fear tests, corruption points, takes half damage from daemons and psychics, and gets +10 to resist such evil.
Hatred: Pirates+10 to WS checks against pirates of various kinds.
Resistance: Psy+10 vs psi powers!
Counter AttackAfter a successful parry, she may make a -20 counter attack!


Damage: 1d10+55 E (Pen 2)
Power Field: 75% to destroy normal weapons​
Balanced: +10 to parrying​
Parrying Blade
Damage: 1d5+16 E (Pen 3)
Power Field: 75% to destroy normal weapons​
Defensive: +20 to parrying, -10 to attacking​

Twin Ripper Autogun Gauntlets
Range: 35m | ROF: -/-/6
Damage: 1d10+3I (Pen 3)
Ammo: 200/200 (2 Full)
Storm: 2 hits per DOS​
Micro: Pistol sized​
Gauntlet: Can be used without filling the hand.​
Maglev Impeller: Improves Damage​
Prognosticator: +10 to BS checks when full auto bursts.​


Artisanal Power Armor
Strength Enhancement: +20 to strength
Hulking Size: Enemies get +10 to hit you
Auto-Sense: +10 to perception, called shots are half action and without penalties
Osmotic Life Support: Continual life support
Vox Link: Cameras, recording systems, and biomorphic feedback systems

HEAD (0-10%) [15 AP]
R.ARM (11-20%) [15 AP]BODY (31-70%) [15 AP]L.ARM (21-30%) [15 AP]
R.LEG (71-85%) [15 AP]L.LEG (86-100%) [15 AP]


Void Suit: Your void suit.
Micro-bead: A small communication device.
Chameleoline Cloak: +20 to stealth checks
Medica Kit: +20 to doing the doctor stuff!

Best Quality Jovian Pattern Hab Base: A deployable barracks (40 people), comissary, medicae facility, command and communication hub complete with vox and auspex arrays, two storage sheds, a generatoria, and a prefab landing pad. Furthermore, this upgraded variation comes with a deployable bulwark with bunkers and heavy stubber turrets, with an adjacent labratoria for field survey and research.


In Harm's Way

Action: Half | FT: +0 Willpower
Range: Personal | Sustain?: No
Effect: Gain a +30 until the end of her next turn to a single skill roll.

In Harm's Way
Action: Free | FT: +0 Willower
Range: Personal | Sustain?: No
Effect: +20 to hit, enemies get -20 to hit until her next turn.

Spectral Hands
Action: Half | FT: WP (+20, +10, +0)
Range: 5m/PR | Sustain?: Half
Effect: Various kinds of minor TK.
+20: Move 10kg/PR in a way that can never cause damage.
+10: Throw a target backwards PR meters, +1 per DOS on an opposed check.
+0: Throw a 5kg/PR object and throw it at them, doing 1d10+1/5kg.

Precision Telekinesis
Action: Half | FT: +0 Willpower
Range: 5m/PR | Sustain?: Half
Effect: Can manipulate objects as precisely as if with her hands - using Willpower as the basic statistic, and PR as the strength modifier.

Force Bolt
Action: Half | FT: +0 Willpower
Range: 10m/PR | Sustain?: No
Effect: Fires a bolt, dealing 1d10+2/PR Impact damage, Pen 0. On 4 DOS, launch the enemy back 1d5 meters and knock them prone as well.

Telekientic Shield
Action: Half | FT: +0 Willpower
Range: Self | Sustain?: Free
Effect: Creates an invisible 1 AP per Psy Rating shield around herself, which blocks warp weapons too!


Baleful Eye: Has the baleful eye weapon.
Subskin Armor: +3 to AP to all areas of the body
Synthetic Muscle Graft: Gain Unnatural Strength (x2)
Pain Ward: Become able to shift around sensations to feel pain as other things, ignoring penalties from Stun, pain, or being on fire. Also, when used on other sensations (like pleasure) makes sex amazing.
Vitae Supplacement: When killed, can survive for twelve hours before fully dying. Double the effectiveness of autosanguine and prosanguine talents.
Psy Spars: Can push by +1 and get -10 to Psy Phenomenon rolls!


Stigmata: A perfect replica of the sacred wounds on the Emperor caused by the fabled Claws of Horus
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So, a quick explanation: The vitae sustaining systems turned out to be redundant with the Augmeticist class ability of Physical Perfection, so I swapped it for a LASER EYE

Also, Tine, buck naked, can have the same armor value as Carapace Armor! (5 for subskin armor and physical perfection, +2 for your psy rating, for 7 in total)

She also can, uh, survive in space without a spacesuit!

Mechawife is go.
I almost feel something else would be better than the Baleful eye even if that makes her very shooty.
CHAPTER ONE: A Ghost From the Past (1.1)
You snatched up your sword, strapped her to your hip, then frowned as the tip of the sword bumped against the floor.

You're too big, you thought.

Why I never!

With Aria's grumbling in your head, you started to adjust the grip, about to swing the witchblade over your back, but then to your startlement, there was a shimmer, a glow, a flare, and then the sword began to sing softly. The song was eerie and quiet and beautiful, causing your skin to prickle into gooseflesh. Flufferkins, your several legged alien felinid pet (the slightly less destructive of your two prizes from the Dread Pearl), peeked his nose out from among your closet at the sound of the singing sword. The sword, before your eyes, shrank, slendered down, and became an arming sword rather than a two hander. The song stopped, and you heard Aria's panting voice in your head.

Too big indeed!

You blinked, then gave a nervous smile. "Thank you..." you snatched up your tricorn, shrugged on your red jacket, then paused to look yourself in the mirror, your eyes glittering. On the surface, you looked precisely as you wished to look - soft, cuddly, a bit short. But under your generous curves, you were hard as steel. Literally, you had augmetics aplenty that were just required to survive in this world of nobility that you'd been born in, and you were fairly sure that you were more clockwork and circuitry than you were squishy organs. Of course, your husband hadn't noticed, because you'd been quite clear on your specifications!

You gave a nod to the mirror. "Better than mortal men deserves," you whisper, trying to cram down your nerves.

When you open the door out, you find Em has been waiting for you like Saint Stentinous, patient as the dawn, and you feel the all too normal bubbling excitement and glee that hits you whenever you see him. You're married! To him! You leap up and scissor your legs around his belly as your arms wrap around his shoulders, drawing him into a tight hug and kiss alike. Em's arms go wide and he flails them as he stumbles and a few crew who are hurrying to their places pause in their dragging of the plasma rigging to give great big huge smiles. You break the kiss and give them a saucy wink, while Em harrumphs, coughs, then grabs onto your hips to draw you away and put you down.

"As you were, Mr. Bowers," he says, frowning to the mid who is in charge of the cabling party.

"Come on, boys!" The midshipman says, his face beat red. "Move on! Move along!"

The crew start their walking again as Em shakes his head and gives you a smile.

"Glad to see you're not as nervous as me, then?"

"Oh, me? No!" you laugh, and cram your nerves down.

The Revenge and the Tachyon's Demise drop from the warp with a screaming roar of energies - and you bounce before the vistaplates as the hands on the bridge drag them down with rattling and clanking bangs. The officers in the auspex pits are at their work, but you want to see the system with your own eyes. The sun that burns at the heart of her is a huge, ruby red and casts her blood red colors along the bridge. There is a thick pal of dust between you and the sun, transfiguring its brightness into a murky gloom.

"Oh wow! What a lovely new hellhole we've chosen as our rendezvous," your older sister, Ryia, drawled from the side of the captain's throne. Despite Em not even sitting in it, Riya would rather lean against it than take the seat. Some silly naval thing about who got to sit where.

"Technically, you chose it, Ryia," Em says, while you giggle.

"I thought you were trying to be less negative," you say.

"This is less negative," she says, frowning slightly, then rolling her new augmetic arm - she had chosen it to suit her own personal styling meaning it was quite strong - nearly as strong as your own synth-grafted tissue augmentations. But where your muscle tissue was threaded through with subtle strands of genesequenced arcana that had only ever been detected by your ship's chirgeon after almost two years of checkups, Riya had gone for the ominous black arm of pure obsidian ending in razor sharp talons that she could clack together ominously.

The Revenge's first officer stepped to Em, quietly speaking to him. He gave a subtle nod and murmured the words 'come to general quarters.' Your ears perked and you cocked your head as your logis implant chittered in the back of your head. Come to general quarters - that was the subtle code for beat to quarters. Same order, less drumming. And, because it was significantly slower, it did send up less of those little obvious plumes of heat that could be spotted by other ships.

"Something the matter, honey?" you ask.

"The Colossus hasn't arrived yet," he says. "That's not unusual - we expected them to either overshoot us by a week or two, or to undershoot us by a week or two..." He frowns. "It's something else. There is a colony world here, Chorda's Folly. The orks may have passed here, but the system shows no sign of despoiling. The colony's satellite fixtures are there, they even have an auto-repeater announcing they have water and victuals for passing voidships."

"And?" You ask as Ryia clicks her taloned finger against her taloned thumb.

"We've sent a hail and have gotten no response," Em says, quietly. "There's no interference, no static, no sign of anything being wrong. The lights are on. No one is home."

Oh dear...

[ ] We should stay in the outsystem. The bumboats can fish for ice comets and we have enough victuals to keep us until the Colossus shows up. I want to make sure that, when our kids show up, they have a formation round them
[ ] We should go insystem and check on those people - Chorda's Folly has seventy thousand souls, they can't have all vanished.
[ ] Write In
[X] We should go insystem and check on those people - Chorda's Folly has seventy thousand souls, they can't have all vanished.
[X] We should go insystem and check on those people - Chorda's Folly has seventy thousand souls, they can't have all vanished.

Adventure? For this family? Yes please!
[X] We should go insystem and check on those people - Chorda's Folly has seventy thousand souls, they can't have all vanished.
[X] We should go insystem and check on those people - Chorda's Folly has seventy thousand souls, they can't have all vanished.
[X] We should go insystem and check on those people - Chorda's Folly has seventy thousand souls, they can't have all vanished.
[X] We should go insystem and check on those people - Chorda's Folly has seventy thousand souls, they can't have all vanished.
[X] We should go insystem and check on those people - Chorda's Folly has seventy thousand souls, they can't have all vanished.
Of course, your husband hadn't noticed, because you'd been quite clear on your specifications!
This does recolor some past events. One wonders whether Em is being nice enough to pretend not to notice, or if there will be some suprise when half her face gets shot of Terminator style.

Like, retcanonically

"Can I get a grappling hook too!?" Tine asks, excitedly.

"No," Ventris says.

"I can cut my arm off!"

Tine has already cut out most of her arm when this event happens.

Also, she could have helped with the Ork with the eye but I guess she dodn't want to mess with Riya's style.
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[X] We should go insystem and check on those people - Chorda's Folly has seventy thousand souls, they can't have all vanished.

Time to shoot some Collectors
[X] We should go insystem and check on those people - Chorda's Folly has seventy thousand souls, they can't have all vanished.

Edit: On one hand, damn it, I was too late for the second vote. On the other hand; another chapter waiting and ready to be read! Yey!
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[X] We should stay in the outsystem. The bumboats can fish for ice comets and we have enough victuals to keep us until the Colossus shows up. I want to make sure that, when our kids show up, they have a formation round them
So, a quick explanation: The vitae sustaining systems turned out to be redundant with the Augmeticist class ability of Physical Perfection, so I swapped it for a LASER EYE
So, as inherently dope as a LASER EYE inarguably is... any chance the swap could be for Aether Wave-Spars instead? Even aside from the Push bonus, -10 to all Psychic Phenomena rolls is just way too good. Obviously, the final word on the character belongs to the QM, but I feel like it makes more sense for an - at most - informally trained Psyker to want to prioritize making her powers less hazardous over being somewhat shootier. She already has hands-free shooting from the FULLY AUTOMATIC RAILGUN GAUNTLETS (these also receive the all caps treatment due to being automatically boss as fuck) after all. Just my $0.02, y'know?