Well, FUCK. My confidence that we could take on Vall in a fleet action suddenly seems woefully naive.
@DragonCobolt Are our Eldar pals willing to share how many Eldar ships might, theoretically, be available to contribute here? From the Crow Spirits and Craftworld Kaelor, respectively?
For now, I'll try to break down the relative merits of each option:
[ ] The Screaming Vortex and Q'Sol - and see how badly they hate Vall as well.
I liked the character from there and would be quite interested to see more of DC's take on Q'Sol from a narrative standpoint. From a pragmatic standpoint, we established their idea of naval scale is tiny compared to ours, and I'm thus deeply skeptical they've got anything that can stack up against any of Vall's line ships.
[ ] The Dread Pearl and her webway gate. Warpstorm or no, we will use her.
I'm honestly not clear on how this would even be helpful. DC, can you comment?
[ ] Kaledor herself.
Almost certainly the largest possible source of reinforcements, but they're very likely to be reluctant to spend Eldar lives and ships on saving humans. If we could plausibly pitch them on reclaiming Lu'Nusad that might improve matters, though.
[ ] The Void Dancers' Roil - we shall find a second Passage straight to Purgatorio or die trying.
Hazardous, and I'm not sure what this would buy us besides a different place to die. DC, could you comment here as well?
My best idea for a plan prior to answers on some of the above is something like:
[X] Then we shall not face him...at the Maw. Set course for...
-[X] Kaelor herself.
-[X] Compose astropathic messages to Q'Sol, the Navy, and any other Rogue Traders you think you might be able to reach. Tell them all that if Vall isn't stopped now, he will take the entire Expanse and likely the Calixus Sector with it, and they will lose everything. Say that you are assembling a coalition to bring him down, and promise that you will be committing everything you have to it yourself.
--[X] "It is only in extremis that faith and valor are truly tested. Just such a test is upon us now. The Faceless Lord sails for the Maw, with every reaver in the Expanse gathered behind him and the weapon he has spent so long searching for as well. If he is not stopped now, he will take the Expanse itself, and all others who dwell within shall lose
everything. And from there, I fear the forces he has gathered will enable him to claim the Calixus Sector itself next. You know my name, and if you know of me you know I would not speak of such things lightly. House Scourge shall devote everything we have to stopping Vall, and we are assembling a coalition to fight alongside us. Join, and stand with us in glory as we smite the wicked to spare the innocent. Abstain, and for a hundred, no, a thousand years you and your descendants shall be left to look aside in shame when asked where you were when the Faceless Lord came to smother the light. I look forward to seeing you beside us."
--[X] Ask Balthazar to lend the Inquisition's imprimatur to your message (well, maybe not to the one for Q'Sol) if he is able and willing.
I'll write up some more fluff for the message if this plan still makes sense after the QM responds.
Edit: Actually, I need to go to sleep. If the vote is still open when I check tomorrow I may revise then depending on the response.