WARHAMMER 40,000: ROGUE TRADER: FALLEN SUNS (40k roleplaying on the farthest frontiers)

NAMEEmil Vendigroth, Legend of the Expanse
AGE25 standard years (shiptime) Realtime Birth: 4.102.743.m41 - Age: 75 standard years)GENDERMale (S.I)RANKSixXP (U)XP (T)
HOMEWORLDThe Orphan - Imperial battleship.BIRTHRIGHTBorn to LeadCALLINGDuty to HumanityInsanityCorruption
TRAILSProduct of Upbringing - New BloodMOTIVATIONDevotion - LoyaltyLINEAGENone

6530(50) 40325053304572

Acrobatics (A)XX
Awareness (P)XY+10
Barter (Fel)XY
Blather (Fel)XX
Carouse (Fel)X
Charm (Fel)XY+10+20
Chem-Use (Fel)XX
Ciphers (Int)XXYHouse Scourge Code
Climb (Str)X
Command (Fel)XY+10+20
Commerce (Fel)XXY+10
Common Lore (Int)XXY+10*Imperial Navy, Imperium*, Rogue Trader*, Koronus Expanse
Concealment (Agi)X
Deceive (Fel)XY+10
Demolitions (Int)XX
Dodge (Agi)XY+10+20
Drive (Agi)XXYSkimmer/Hovercraft
Evaluate (Int)XY
Forbidden Lore (Int)XXY+10Xenos*
Gamble (int)X
Inquiry (Fel)X
Interrogation (Will)X
Intimidation (S/Fel)XY
Invocation (Will)XX
Literacy (Int)XXY+10
Logic (Int)X
Medicae (Int)XX
Navigation (Int)XX
Performer (Fel)XXYSex
Pilot (Agi)XXYSpace Craft
Psyniscence (Per)XX
Scholastic Lore (Int)XXYAstromancy, Tactica Imperialis, Imperial Warrants, Legends
Scrutiny (Per)XY
Search (Per)XY
Secret Tongue (Int)XXYHouse Scourge Cipher-Tongue
Security (Agi)XXY
Shadowing (Agi)XX
Silent Move (Agi)XX
Sleight of Hand (Agi)XXY
Speak Language (Int)XXYBattlefleet Calixus War-Cant, High Gothic, Low Gothic, Eldar
Survival (Int)XX
Tech-Use (int)XX
Tracking (Per)XX
Trade (Int)XXYVoidfarer
Wrangling (Int)XX

Officer ON THE DECK!Em was born on a battleship - he knows how to give orders while standing on their decks. +5 to all command tests while aboard any spacecraft.
Void AccustomedMicrogravity is not treated as a difficult terrain for Em. He's been here before.
Ship Bound FighterWhile on a planetary surface - where he is not accustomed to combat - he will get a -2 to Initiative checks and DOUBLE the BS penalty for ranged firing. He's made for close in battle.
Rival (Nobility)Em's an upstart - a bastard orphan and, far worse, a member of the...lower classes... ugh. No matter who his wife is, he has -10 to all Fell checks with other nobility.
This Ship is my HomeHe gains +5 to all Willpower and Fellowship checks while aboard his home ship.
Air of AuthorityWhile giving orders, he multiples his Fellowship bonus by ten - meaning he can influence FBx10 non-hostile NPCs with a command check.
Weapon Training (Universal)He can use pistols and swords of any make or kind. Chain, force, power, primitive, plasma, bolt, flamer, what have you. If it is a weapon and it is roughly pistol shaped, he can use it...so long as it isn't archeotech or xenotech.
Exceptional LeaderAs a Free Action, once per round, he may grant any ally who he can see and who can hear him a +10% to any one test. He made Captain at 22 for a reason.
AmbidextriousThanks to long practice, he can use both hands equally well.
Renowned WarrantNow that people know that House Scourge has returned, tongues are wagging. If Em presents himself as the Rogue Trader Scourge, he will get +10 to Fellowship checks with those who are impressed by such things.
Jaded Cannot gain insanity points from anything save for The Warp and its horrors.
Iron Discipline+10 to Boarding Actions - and any NPCs or PCs who are within line of sight and under Em's command can re-roll failed pinning and fear checks.
2WWHe can use a melee weapon in both hands, allowing more attacks per round, at a penalty.
Quick DrawHe can draw a weapon instantly, as a free action!
Peer: Imperial NavyHe gains +10 to fellowship checks with interactions with the Imperial Navy, due to his return of the Light of Terra to their ranks.
Dark SoulDue to careful exposure to the Warp from his wives, Em now takes 1/2 the penalties for the malignancy tests.
Sound Constitution (x4)He has +4 to his Wounds.
Counter AttackAfter successfully parrying, he may make a counter attack at a -20
Swift AttackHe may use the Swift Attack full round action, taking two melee attacks for the price of one!
BlademasterOnce per round, he may re-roll missed melee combat attacks.
Combat MasterHe has mastered the blade - enemies cannot gain outnumbering bonuses for ganging up on him.
Lightning AttackHe is terrifying with a blade: as a full action, he may attack THREE times rather than twice as with Swift Attack.
Master & CommanderThere can be only one captain: By spending a half action to direct allies, none will suffer from ganging up. He gains an additional +10 to defend against boarding actions.
Sure StrikeHe can invert his dice to choose where he hits (I.E, if he rolls a 05, he will hit the head rather than the torso.)
DisarmMay take a full round action to make an opposed WS check against an enemy. On a success, the enemy drops the weapon. On 3 DOS, he takes it.
Light SleeperHe is treated as being awake even while asleep.
Lightning ReflexesHe doubles his AG bonus for initiative.
LegendaryAny Influence test using PF gains 2 bonus degrees of success. Any successful interaction check gains 2 bonus DOS. In combat, Emil Vendigroth counts as having Fear (1) forcing lesser enemies to make a Will at +0 check or suffer combat shock.

Lightning - deadly power sword and heirloom of the false Karen-Pahlav dynasty
Type: Melee | Damage: 1d10+9 E (Pen: 5)
Power Field: 75% chance to DESTROY UTTERLY non-power field weapons.
Balanced: +10% to parry.

Storm - elegantly balanced parrying dagger
Type: Melee | Damage: 1d5+9 E (Pen: 5)
Power Field: 75% chance to DESTROY UTTERLY non-power field weapons.
Defensive: -10 to hit, +20% to parrying

Hellglove - gauntlet las weaponry from an artisan craftsman with a twist
Type: Pistol | Range Inc: 35m | Damage: 1d10+2 E (Pen 0)
ROF: S/-/5 | Rld: Full | Clip: 25/25
Type: Pistol | Range Inc: 20m | Damage: 1d10+1 I (Pen 0)
ROF: S/-/- | Rld: Full | Clip: 1/1
Inaccurate: No bonuses acquired from aim actions
Forearm Mounting:
Primitive: Non-primitives armor doubles its AP from a hit
Snare: On a successful hit, the enemy must make an agility test or be immobilized.

Artisanal Power Armor
Strength Enhancement: +20 to strength
Hulking Size: Enemies get +10 to hit you
Auto-Sense: +10 to perception, called shots are half action and without penalties
Osmotic Life Support: Continual life support
Vox Link: Cameras, recording systems, and biomorphic feedback systems

HEAD (0-10%) [AP 9]
R.ARM (11-20%) [AP 9]BODY (31-70%) [AP 9]L.ARM (21-30%) [AP 9]
R.LEG (71-85%) [AP 9]L.LEG (86-100%) [AP 9]

Micro Bead: Communications at range.
Void Suit: Naval issue, perfectly servicable.
Set of Fine Clothing: Never blush for your appearance again!
Xeno-Pelt Cloak: A gift from the wife, delightfully soft.
Heart Plate: Counts as an AP 7 to the body, but is at -20 to be found and cannot be detected by auspexes.
Shadowcloak: +10 to Command and Intimidate checks while worn. Also, counts as chameloline cloak (+20 to stealth checks)

None, yet

None, yet

NAMEIluryia Rackamore Vendigroth Scourge, Legend of the Expanse
AGE28 (???) actual date of birth 6.000.200.m41 (approximate realspace age: 650+)GENDERFemaleRANKSixXP (U)XP (T)
HOMEWORLDFootfallenBIRTHRIGHTScapegraceCALLINGTainted - MutantInsanityCorruption

4050(40) 30305548306030

Acrobatics (A)XX
Awareness (P)XY+10+20
Barter (Fel)X
Blather (Fel)XX
Carouse (Fel)X
Charm (Fel)XY
Chem-Use (Fel)XX
Ciphers (Int)XX
Climb (Str)X
Command (Fel)XY
Commerce (Fel)XX
Common Lore (Int)XXY+10*Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Koronus Expanse*
Concealment (Agi)X
Deceive (Fel)XY+20
Demolitions (Int)XX
Dodge (Agi)XY+10
Drive (Agi)XX
Evaluate (Int)X
Forbidden Lore (Int)XXY+10*Psykers*, Warp, Pirates
Gamble (int)X
Inquiry (Fel)X
Interrogation (Will)X
Intimidation (S/Fel)X
Invocation (Will)XXY+10+20
Literacy (Int)XXY
Logic (Int)X
Medicae (Int)XX
Navigation (Int)XX
Performer (Fel)XX
Pilot (Agi)XXY
Psyniscence (Per)XXY+10+20
Scholastic Lore (Int)XXYCryptology
Scrutiny (Per)XY+10+20
Search (Per)X
Secret Tongue (Int)XX
Security (Agi)XX
Shadowing (Agi)XX
Silent Move (Agi)XXY
Sleight of Hand (Agi)XX
Speak Language (Int)XXYHigh Gothic, Low Gothic
Survival (Int)XX
Tech-Use (int)XX
Tracking (Per)XX
Trade (Int)XX
Wrangling (Int)XX

Piractical FlourishAfter making a move action, as a free action, Ryia can take a standard ranged or melee attack.
Street KnowledgeDue to a lack of a formalized education she gets a -5 to all Scholastic Lore check.
Web of ContactsIluryia had met twelve xenos before she was nineteen and could speak half of their languages. With an intelligence check, she can make herself understood with an intelligence check so long as it is not a secret check.
Sixth SenseBeing born in the Expanse gives her an unusual connection to the Warp - granting her the Psyniscence skill as a trained skill.
Rival (Inquisition)...*gestures to the entirety of her life*
WyrdlingBorn as a witch, Iluryia has the wyrdling mutation - giving her a Psi Rating of 2 and 2 free psychic talents.
Jealous FreedomHaving been captured and forced into the life once, she will never suffer this loss again. She must make a WP test to avoid reacting as violently as humanly possible.
Hatred (Pirates)You'd think, being one, she wouldn't hate pirates. And yet, here we are. +10 WS to hit pirates.
Weapon TrainingPistols (Universal), Melee (universal)
Heightened Senses (Sight)Her acute senses give her +10 to her Perception checks involving sight.
Psy Rating (8)She is an unbounded psyker, granting her the ability to use Psy Powers. Her Psy Rating adds +5 to her Willpower Bonus for any and all psychic checks. If she uses her powers fettered, there are no risks but her Psy Rating is counted at 1/2. If she uses her powers unfettered then she risks psychic phenomenon if she rolls doubled. She may also push her powers, adding +1 to her Psy Rating per level of pushing - but forcing a roll on the Psychic Phenomenon table, at a +10 bonus per push. Her maximum push is 4.
Warp AffinityShe has an extremely strong connection to the warp - she may discard a Psychic Phenomenon roll that displeases her, take 1d5 corruption points, then re-roll WITHOUT modifiers (even if she pushed.)
Sound Constitution (x4)This grants her +1 wound per purchase.
Resistance (psychic powers)When a psychic power is used upon her, Ryia gets a +10 to her resistance roll (if any are permitted.) She's a tough cookie.
Void TacticianDue to her long expertise and command of the long guns, Iluryia gains +10 to BS check to fire all ship weapons - including torpedoes. Nice!
ParanoiaIluryia gains +2 to her initiative and she can make awareness checks without being aware of why - if she succeeds, she doesn't get ambushed.
Strong MindedShe may re-roll any failed WP tests to resist Psychic Techniques that are attempting to read her mind.
Dark SoulWhenever she tests for a Malignancy Test (may the Emperor keep this fate from her), she takes 1/2 the normal penalty.
Armor of ContemptReduce incoming Corruption points by 1, to a minimum of 0. With a willpower test, Iluryia can ignore hte effects of accumulated Corruption Points for one round.
Counter AttackAfter parrying, may make a free action to counter-attack, at a -20 to hit.
Die HardWhen suffering from blood loss, roll twice to survive.
Rapid ReactionsWhen surprised, she may make an agility check to act normally anyway.
Warp SenseShe can take Psyniscience tests as a half action.
Peer: Imperial GuardShe's...the Liberator of Damarias? She killed a Warboss in single combat in her cocktail dress according to the legends. Of course the Imperial Guard likes her. +10 to interacting with all Guardsmen.
Favored by the WarpHave I mentioned Ryia is getting real good at this? She re-rolls all Psy Phenomenon tests and takes the better.
LegendaryAny Influence test using PF gains 2 bonus degrees of success. Any successful interaction check gains 2 bonus DOS. In combat, Iluryia Rackamore Vendigroth Scourge counts as having Fear (1) forcing lesser enemies to make a Will at +0 check or suffer combat shock.


Retribution - scrap built crossbow built to fire Astartes bolt shells. Ryia has learned to load it VERY rapidly with her telekinetic talents.
Class: Pistol | Range: 30m
ROF: S/-/- (Special: If precision TK is being maintained, it has S/3/-) | Damage: 2d10+5 X (Pen 5)
Tearing: Roll damage twice, take the higher.

Spark - a deadly force sword, claimed from the orkish horde
Class: Melee | Range: Melee
Damage: 1d10+14 R (Pen 10)
Best Quality: +10 to WS!
Balanced: +10 to melee
Force: Deals extra damage after a hit with an opposed WP check.


Artisanal Power Armor
Strength Enhancement: +20 to strength
Hulking Size: Enemies get +10 to hit you
Auto-Sense: +10 to perception, called shots are half action and without penalties
Osmotic Life Support: Continual life support
Vox Link: Cameras, recording systems, and biomorphic feedback systems

HEAD (0-10%) [AP 9]
R.ARM (11-20%) [AP 9]BODY (31-70%) [AP 9]L.ARM (21-30%) [AP 9]
R.LEG (71-85%) [AP 9]L.LEG (86-100%) [AP 9]


Charm: one of Em's broken chrons, with one of Tine's necklaces wrapped around it, stolen and concealed from both, placed against your breast.
Void Suit: Your void suit.
Micro-bead: A small communication device.
Psy Focus: A small charm crafted from the bone of a xenos, giving +10 to invocation checks.

Best Quality Jovian Pattern Hab Base: A deployable barracks (40 people), comissary, medicae facility, command and communication hub complete with vox and auspex arrays, two storage sheds, a generatoria, and a prefab landing pad. Furthermore, this upgraded variation comes with a deployable bulwark with bunkers and heavy stubber turrets, with an adjacent labratoria for field survey and research.


Action: 30 minutes | FT: +0 Psyniscience
Range: 1m | Sustain?: No
Effect: Can ask a simple question - "how can we defeat our enemies?" or "where are the damn orks coming from?" - and then predict them. THe more degrees of success rolled, more information is gained.

Action: Half | FT: +0 Willpower
Range: Personal | Sustain?: No
Effect: Gain a +30 until the end of her next turn to a single skill roll.

In Harm's Way
Action: Free | FT: +0 Willower
Range: Personal | Sustain?: No
Effect: +20 to hit, enemies get -20 to hit until her next turn.

Divining the Future
Action: Full | FT: +0 Psyniscience
Range: Personal | Sustain?: No
Effect: Works like augury but can be done very very quickly (a single full action rather than 30 minutes) and it requires 2 DOS per information.

Ward the Chill
Action: Full | FT: +0 Willpower
Range: Personal | Sustain?: Free
Effect: Creates a bubble of warp that sustains life and air in the vacuum for 1 hour per Psy Rating used to activate the power. Can protect +1 person per DOS.

Quest for Warmth
Action: Half | FP: +0 Psynscience
Range: 20,000 kilometers/PR | Sustain?: No
Effect: Can detect large clusters of living, sentient minds within the void. Will not work on a living planet, but can sense starships. The more successes, the more details gleaned.

The Black Sleep
Action: Full | FP: Opposed +0 Willpower
Range: 10m/PR | Sustain?: No
Effect: Targets suffer 1 Fatigue + 1 level per 3 DOF they roll. If they are knocked out, they are frozen solid and can be kept either alive in that state or shattered by any amount of impact damage.

Void Substantiation
Action: Half | FP: +0 Willpower
Range: 1m/PR | Sustained?: Yes
Effect: Become immune to suffocation, vacuum, gain the Resistance (Cold) and Resistance (Poison), all enemies making melee attacks against the target must pass a Toughness check with a -5 per DOS rolled on the power check. If they fail, they get -10 on their attack and suffer one level of fatigue.

Spectral Hands
Action: Half | FT: WP (+20, +10, +0)
Range: 5m/PR | Sustain?: Half
Effect: Various kinds of minor TK.
+20: Move 10kg/PR in a way that can never cause damage.
+10: Throw a target backwards PR meters, +1 per DOS on an opposed check.
+0: Throw a 5kg/PR object and throw it at them, doing 1d10+1/5kg.

Precision Telekinesis
Action: Half | FT: +0 Willpower
Range: 5m/PR | Sustain?: Half
Effect: Can manipulate objects as precisely as if with her hands - using Willpower as the basic statistic, and PR as the strength modifier.

Force Bolt
Action: Half | FT: +0 Willpower
Range: 10m/PR | Sustain?: No
Effect: Fires a bolt, dealing 1d10+2/PR Impact damage, Pen 0. On 4 DOS, launch the enemy back 1d5 meters and knock them prone as well.

Telekientic Shield
Action: Half | FT: +0 Willpower
Range: Self | Sustain?: Free
Effect: Creates an invisible 1 AP per Psy Rating shield around herself, which blocks warp weapons too!


Augmetic Arm (+10 str while using it)


Her arm's missing

NAMEThe Lady Amaranthine Scourge, Legend of the Expanse
AGE24 actual date of birth 4.241.518.m41 (approximate realspace age: 294)GENDERFemaleRANKSixXP (U)XP (T)
HOMEWORLDChild of a DynastyBIRTHRIGHTVauntedCALLINGMutantInsanityCorruption
TRAILSA Product of Her Upbringing: DecadenceMOTIVATIONDutyLINEAGENone06

6035(16) [80] (8) 40324043374668

Acrobatics (A)XX
Awareness (P)XY
Barter (Fel)X
Blather (Fel)XX
Carouse (Fel)XY
Charm (Fel)XY+10+20
Chem-Use (Fel)XX
Ciphers (Int)XX
Climb (Str)X
Command (Fel)X
Commerce (Fel)XX
Common Lore (Int)XXYImperial Creed, Imperium
Concealment (Agi)XY
Deceive (Fel)XY+10+20
Demolitions (Int)XX
Dodge (Agi)XY+10
Drive (Agi)XX
Evaluate (Int)X
Forbidden Lore (Int)XXYHeresy, Psykers, Archeotech, The Warp, Daemonology
Gamble (int)XY
Inquiry (Fel)X
Interrogation (Will)X
Intimidation (S/Fel)XY
Invocation (Will)XX
Literacy (Int)XXY
Logic (Int)X
Medicae (Int)XXY
Navigation (Int)XX
Performer (Fel)XX
Pilot (Agi)XX
Psyniscence (Per)XXY
Scholastic Lore (Int)XXYImperial Creed, Imperial Warrents
Scrutiny (Per)X
Search (Per)X
Secret Tongue (Int)XXYHouse Scourge, Lowdeck Cant of the Scourge Fleet
Security (Agi)XX
Shadowing (Agi)XX
Silent Move (Agi)XX
Sleight of Hand (Agi)XX
Speak Language (Int)XXY*+10Low Gothic, High Gothic*
Survival (Int)XX
Tech-Use (int)XXY
Tracking (Per)XX
Trade (Int)XX
Wrangling (Int)XX

Dynastic Warrant+3 to the ship points for the construction of the ship. Since the Tachyon's Demise and the Revenge are already built, this shall be applied to the Colossus refit.
Honor amongst One's Peers+5 to fel checks with noble and important people.
Unseen EnemyThey've been in the background of two adventure paths so far. You remember these guys!
DecadenceCan endure twice as much drugs, sex, or other fun times as anyone else without penalties. +10 to resisting addiction and sex.
WyrdlingGains a Psy Rating of 2 and 2 psy techniques.
A Product of Her Upbringing+5 to Charm checks.
Unshakable FaithShe re-rolls failed fear checks!
Talented: CharmDue to getting Decadence twice, she gets this! +10 to Charm checks.
Talented: DeceiveDue to getting Unshakable Faith twice, she gets this! +1 to Deceive checks.
Weapon TrainingBasic (Universal), Melee (Universal)
Pure FaithShe is utterly immune to Daemonic Possession! It just does not happen.
Sound Constitution (x1)She gains +1 wound!
AutosanguineShe always counts as being lightly wounded and heals 2 points her day.
Binary ChatterShe can speak to servitors, getting +10 to any roll involving servitors. Any ship she's on gets +1 morale.
Electro Graft UseCan use her subtly concealed electroos to get +10 to Tech Use, Common Lore and Inquiry checks using any cogitation system.
Infused KnowledgeShe's very, very, very well read. All Common Lore and Scholastic Lores count as basic skills, and she gets +10 to any test for a Common or Scholastic Lore that she has already learned.
Logis ImplantBy using her reaction, she can get +10 to WS or BS for her attacks (requires a tech-use check and may cause fatigue.)
ProsanguineHer autosanguine implants can be communed with - a tech use check + 10 minutes will heal 1d5 damage.
Physical Perfection (x2)She looks soft, but she's more machine now, than woman! She can survive in a vacuum, doesn't need to eat, is immune to fire, and gets +2 AP to her entire body.
Heightened Senses (All)She has augmented perceptions, giving her +10 to all her Perception checks.
Two Weapon WielderMelee AND Ballistic
PolyglotShe can speak and read all standard languages and can make herself understood with a new one with a -10 Int check.
Warp AffinityShe may re-roll a psy-phenomenon in exchange for 1d5 CP.
Light SleeperShe never counts as being asleep for the purposes of being stabbed.
BlademasterShe can roll twice when swinging her sword to see if she can hit!
Die HardHer chances of dying from blood loss are significantly reduced.
Paranoia+2 to initiative and she can make awareness checks to make sure she's not being watched or attacked.
Peer (Nobility, Underworld)She gets along well with nobility and the lower class, remarkable! +10 fellowship checks with them.
Divine MinistrationWhen testing medicae, she may spend a WP to restore damage equal to her WB instead of the normal amount, which is then multiplied or modified by normal medicae rules. When healing a lightly wounded character, she uses WB and IB too! She may spend a FP to remove fatigue from a number of characters equal to her WB. She may burn a fate point to bring someone back to life.
The Emperor ProtectsBy spending a FP, Tine and a number of her allies equal to her WB become immune to Fear and Pinning, and all enemies get -10 to target them. by burning a FP, she can NEGATE a single attack to an ally.
Blessed RadianceWhen spending a FP on pure faith talents, those talents extend to every ally in WBx2 meters. As a free action, she can bestow an FP to an ally. Upon burning an FP, a number of allies equal to twice her WB become immune to daemonic presence, fear tests, corruption points, takes half damage from daemons and psychics, and gets +10 to resist such evil.
Hatred: Pirates+10 to WS checks against pirates of various kinds.
Resistance: Psy+10 vs psi powers!
Counter AttackAfter a successful parry, she may make a -20 counter attack!
Legend Any Influence test using PF gains 2 bonus degrees of success. Any successful interaction check gains 2 bonus DOS. In combat, the Lady Amaranthine Scourge counts as having Fear (1) forcing lesser enemies to make a Will at +0 check or suffer combat shock.


Damage: 1d10+55 E (Pen 2)
Power Field: 75% to destroy normal weapons​
Balanced: +10 to parrying​
Parrying Blade
Damage: 1d5+16 E (Pen 3)
Power Field: 75% to destroy normal weapons​
Defensive: +20 to parrying, -10 to attacking​

Twin Ripper Autogun Gauntlets
Range: 35m | ROF: -/-/6
Damage: 1d10+3I (Pen 3)
Ammo: 200/200 (2 Full)
Storm: 2 hits per DOS​
Micro: Pistol sized​
Gauntlet: Can be used without filling the hand.​
Maglev Impeller: Improves Damage​
Prognosticator: +10 to BS checks when full auto bursts.​


Artisanal Power Armor
Strength Enhancement: +20 to strength
Hulking Size: Enemies get +10 to hit you
Auto-Sense: +10 to perception, called shots are half action and without penalties
Osmotic Life Support: Continual life support
Vox Link: Cameras, recording systems, and biomorphic feedback systems

HEAD (0-10%) [15 AP]
R.ARM (11-20%) [15 AP]BODY (31-70%) [15 AP]L.ARM (21-30%) [15 AP]
R.LEG (71-85%) [15 AP]L.LEG (86-100%) [15 AP]


Void Suit: Your void suit.
Micro-bead: A small communication device.
Chameleoline Cloak: +20 to stealth checks
Medica Kit: +20 to doing the doctor stuff!

Best Quality Jovian Pattern Hab Base: A deployable barracks (40 people), comissary, medicae facility, command and communication hub complete with vox and auspex arrays, two storage sheds, a generatoria, and a prefab landing pad. Furthermore, this upgraded variation comes with a deployable bulwark with bunkers and heavy stubber turrets, with an adjacent labratoria for field survey and research.


In Harm's Way

Action: Half | FT: +0 Willpower
Range: Personal | Sustain?: No
Effect: Gain a +30 until the end of her next turn to a single skill roll.

In Harm's Way
Action: Free | FT: +0 Willower
Range: Personal | Sustain?: No
Effect: +20 to hit, enemies get -20 to hit until her next turn.

Spectral Hands
Action: Half | FT: WP (+20, +10, +0)
Range: 5m/PR | Sustain?: Half
Effect: Various kinds of minor TK.
+20: Move 10kg/PR in a way that can never cause damage.
+10: Throw a target backwards PR meters, +1 per DOS on an opposed check.
+0: Throw a 5kg/PR object and throw it at them, doing 1d10+1/5kg.

Precision Telekinesis
Action: Half | FT: +0 Willpower
Range: 5m/PR | Sustain?: Half
Effect: Can manipulate objects as precisely as if with her hands - using Willpower as the basic statistic, and PR as the strength modifier.

Force Bolt
Action: Half | FT: +0 Willpower
Range: 10m/PR | Sustain?: No
Effect: Fires a bolt, dealing 1d10+2/PR Impact damage, Pen 0. On 4 DOS, launch the enemy back 1d5 meters and knock them prone as well.

Telekientic Shield
Action: Half | FT: +0 Willpower
Range: Self | Sustain?: Free
Effect: Creates an invisible 1 AP per Psy Rating shield around herself, which blocks warp weapons too!


Baleful Eye: Has the baleful eye weapon.
Subskin Armor: +3 to AP to all areas of the body
Synthetic Muscle Graft: Gain Unnatural Strength (x2)
Pain Ward: Become able to shift around sensations to feel pain as other things, ignoring penalties from Stun, pain, or being on fire. Also, when used on other sensations (like pleasure) makes sex amazing.
Vitae Supplacement: When killed, can survive for twelve hours before fully dying. Double the effectiveness of autosanguine and prosanguine talents.
Psy Spars: Can push by +1 and get -10 to Psy Phenomenon rolls!


Stigmata: A perfect replica of the sacred wounds on the Emperor caused by the fabled Claws of Horus
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"I'm innnn loove! I'm in love! I'm gonna find the Captain and I'm gonna jump his booones!"

"Lance Corporal."

"I'm gonna fuck his massive dick! I'm gonna ride him like he's a-"

"Lance Corporal!"

"I'm, yeah, what? What, Lidda?"

Coxsfir Xotiamyl tore her eyes from her beloved, her new adoring partner, her most precious husband, her brand new Locke Mk. XI pattern boltgun. She had already cut the stock off, which had horrified her squadmates, and hung a lucky charm off the barrel, which was just good sense, and drawn a few smiling faces and scribbled her own personal motto of Promptus Dd Cenam Xenon. It was High Gothic and, according to the tattooist who had put it on the small of her back, it translated to 'die, xeno!' which seemed about right for the Imperial Guard.

Sergeant Lidda was glaring down at her.

"Stop signing," she said. "About fucking the Captain!"

"But...he's hot, though?" Xoti asked.

"He's the Captain!" Lidda said, throwing up her hands.
"And he got the entire regiment boltguns!" Xoti said, gesturing to the squad and, further, the rest of the regiment.
"I'd fuck Horus for a boltgun."

"Oh my Emperor," Lidda whispered, putting her palms over her face.

Oh my god. :lol:

"But if we convert four transports - the Liberty, Salvation, Mercy, and Respite..." Tine had named them and refused any argument. The fact that her husband and sister hadn't even bothered to argue the point had left her feeling faintly defeated, she'd found a lot of historical support for her naming conventions.

I love 'Tine very much and want us to marry her

I mean, we already did marry her

But, well, you know, still.

"Captain, m'lady, Ryia," Dr. Ventris said. "This is my guest and associate, Doctor Jonathan Balthazar."

Dr. Balthazar inclined his head.

Oh my god!

It's Dr Stephen Maturin Balthazar from "TO BURN, VENT, OR TAKE AS A PRIZE"!!

This is gonna be great! :D

Hmmm... as for the vote... Statement-wise, I actually feel like our private chambers might be showing more trust, in some ways, whilst our conference room is about showing strength? It depends on the statement we want to make.

I will vote for:

[X] Private Chambers (You all vote on how to advance you fucking maniacs)

But honestly I do not have a strong feeling as to which.
The Argent Scourge
Repulsive Class Grand Cruiser (7.4km long, 1.5km abeam, 39 megatonnes displaced, 2.4 gravities acceleration)
Horus Herald, Reclaimed - the ship is stupendously well equipped. However, a dark fate claimed it for many millennia. Will it be shaken loose?
Blasphemous Tendencies - really...are we shocked?
Horus Born: Roll twice for warp navigation encounters, take the worst, permanently reduce morale by 20 | Blasphemous: +5 to warp navigation, -5 to all WP checks made aboard ship | Haste of the Damned: Roll every 3 days for warp encounters, reduce warp travel time by 1/2 | Fail-Saves: With a -10 Tech Use tech as a free action, the shields can be doubled to 6 for one round of combat | Eyes Everywhere: +10 to Command Checks, Social Skill Checks, and BS Checks on the bridge |The Air Is Sweet: Reduce crew loss from all sources by 1 | Targeting Matrix: +5 to BS checks | Aid of the Machine Spirits: All piloting checks are +0 diff, no matter how hard


CREW (CRACK RATING)100%/100% (45%)MORALE85%/85%SUPPLY (Months)6/6

Saturnine Class 5 Modified STC-09 Compatible Plasma Drive (BQ)+9613It is the size of the Revenge's drive but provides 60% more power. The Tech Priests have no idea how. It's also faster than it should be - more efficient, easier to rig.
Miloslav H-616 Warp Engine (BQ)911An eerily fast warp drive. Ominous.
Replacement Geller Field10This is the best replacement that could be found, considering the previous systems were...not up to Imperial standards of morality, let alone functionality.
Triple Layered Castellan Shield Array (BQ)82Titanic banks of protective shielding that, under the guiding hand of tech-priests, can produce shields harder and sturdier and faster regenerating than anything seen for ten thousand years.
Bridge of Antiquity (BQ)11An ancient bridge, filled with hololithic suspensor tanks, projection-screens, and cogitators that seem almost cleverer than the officers that use them.
Ancient Life Sustainer (BQ)11Unbelievably efficient, sweet smelling air, and nearly no crew are needed to work the pumps at all! It's outright unnatural.
Voidsman Quarters (BQ)13The vast decks required for housing the thousands upon thousands of souls who serve aboard this reclaimed glory.
Auto-Stabilized Logis Targeter (BQ)40An ancient targeting apparatus, giving crystal clear signals at a fraction of the power budget.

Weapon Components (BQ)7232To call these weapons is like calling the Emperor himself an 'administrator' or 'bureaucrat.' Technically true, but utterly insulting. It was fortunate indeed that the Revenge took this ship by coming upon her aft and boarding her before she could bring the killing force of these weapons to bear. Two whole decks on the port and starboard sides dedicated purely to the focusing and launching of self-coherent plasma bolts - requiring nothing in terms of macoshells but everything in the place of raw power. And then, her dorsal ridge? Eight full heavy turrets, each loaded with an ancient and terrible Argent Pattern Lance Weapon. This is a ship to kill planets.
Auxiliary Plasma Generatoria (BQ)+4420These generatoria exist primarily to power the secondary systems - and do so dutifully. There are four decks of them. It is curious, though...why do so many of their power conduits lead downward?
Cogitator Interlink11The cogitators aboard this ship are...unsettlingly good.
Gryo-Stabilized Matrix11This gyroscopic system renders many highly difficult maneuvers as easy as piloting a ship through empty space.
Augmented Retro-Thrusters (BQ)40She's got the finest rigging that anyone in this side of the Eye of Terror has ever seen. Combined with the gyro-stabilization, she is nearly as maneuverable as a ship a quarter her size.
Munitorium (BQ)23A vast chamber full of munitions and weapons and, most importantly, focusing lenses for the plasma cannons. This volatile component makes the ship all the more potent in battle.
Temple-Shrine to the God Emperor11A requirement by the Governor-Militant and the High Matriarch of the local Ecclesiarchy before they would let this ship set sail. Helmed by Father Aldous Bishop, this temple provides succor to the crew.
Energetic Conversion Matrix261The true answer to the ship's terrifying speed. Multiple decks of generatoria, all working to do one thing and one thing alone: Power this archeotech device. The damn pirates didn't even know it was there!

Hecutor Class Plasma Broadside (Starboard)61d10+3113Starboard
Hecutor Class Plasma Broadside (Starboard)61d10+3113Starboard
Hecutor Class Plasma Broadside (Port)61d10+3113Port
Hecutor Class Plasma Broadside (Port61d10+3113Port
Argent Class Lance Weapon Turrets (Prow)41d10+4 (AP)73Fore, Port, Starboard
Argent Class Lance Weapon Turrets (Dorsal)41d10+4 (AP)73Fore, Port, Starboard



134,000 Souls


8 Servitor Controlled Freight Boosters
6 Passenger Brigs
2 Cargo Lighters
1 Cutter
1 Captain's Yacht

The Revenge
Dauntless-class Light Cruiser (4.5 km long, 0.5 km abeam at fins, 20 megatonnes approx, 4.3 gravities acceleration)
Reliquary of Mars - the Revenge is home to several pieces of ancient technology, making it difficulty for the average priest to maintain. But, it does have archeotech. So, things balance out.​
Ancient and Wise - the Revenge is a stolid and sturdy Dauntless, one that has seen immense time pass before her auspexes. She opens her doors before you come to them, and sings to herself as she sails. She's a good ship, if a bit worn.​
-20 to Tech-Use checks to repair the ship | +5 when using Active Auguries | +5 to Maneuverability to evade celestial dangers | +20 to boarding actions | +60 to hit & run actions (choose a crit between 1-6 rather than rolling, can do so without making a piloting check)​


CREW (CRACK RATING)100%/100% (40%)MORALE111%/111%SUPPLY (Months)2/6

Jovian Pattern Class 3 Drive60 (Gen)12An immense housing of metal and ceremite that contains ravening plasma engines - also contains the rigging for setting the ship up for any kind of sailing.
Strelov 2 Warp Engine1010An arcane sphere of rapidly rotating techno-sorcery, contained within the bowls of a heavily warded section of the ship. Required for Warp travel.
Geller Field10A collection of emission arrays producing a reality stability field, for the protection of soul and, less importantly, body while traveling the Warp.
Void Shield Array51A dizzyingly potent set of field emitters that jacket the ship in a (usually) invisible field of protective energy. Good against macros and lances!
Exploration Bridge41The normal layout of the Imperial Navy, interrupted: Astrographic projections and plotting tables dominate this bridge, with a focus on surveying.
Vitae Pattern Life Sustainers53The bilge decks are homes to these gurgling, burbling, bubbling machines, producing a fairly breathable atmosphere and recycling water and waste.
Voidsmen Quarters24Captain Vendigroth runs a tight ship - not pressed men, but a carefully selected crew, who have been trained sharp and well.
R-50 Auspex Multiband40A collection of carefully calibrated auspexes, designed for scrying the voids and detecting anything that might be seen.

Weapon Batteries2012A terrifying array of heavy weaponry, one that makes the ship strike like a cruiser - or at least...almost: A full broadside and a double set of the long milleniums (heavy lances, to use groundling parlance.)
Barracks24A holdover from her days in the Navy as a "flag shower", this barracks contains a regiment that was traded to the Navy several centuries ago.
Murder Servitors11A...gift...from the wife.
Teleportarium11The pride and joy of the entire ship, even if no one is insane enough to actually enjoy using it.
Medicae Deck21The new horror of Dr. Ventris, populated with hundreds of staff.

Mars Pattern Macrocannon Broadside (60 guns)61d10+265Port
Mars Pattern Macrocannon Broadside (60 Guns)61d10+265Starboard
Starfire Lance Battery (hits every 2 DOS)41d10+4 (AP)73Fore, Starboard, Port



68,000 Souls


2 Brigs (carries 12 men each, no weapons)
1 Courier (fast vehicle, 1 passenger, no weapons)
4 Haulers (slow vehicle, carries immense cargo)
3 Landers (fast vehicle, carries 12 men each, 1 heavy bolter)
1 Lighters (fast vehicle, carries 6 men each, 2 heavy bolters)
1 Captain's Yacht (fast vehicle, carries 2 in style)
2 Escort Pinnaces (medium speed vehicles, las-cannons and missiles, heavily armored)
1 Landing Attack Craft (slow vehicle, carries 150 men, 2 heavy bolters)


CHRISTENINGThe Tachyon's Demise POWER61/75
CLASSIFICATIONLunar Class Cruiser (5km long, 0.8km abeam, 28 megatonnes approx, 2.5 gravities acceleration)SPACE68/75
COMPLICATIONReaver of the Unbeholden Reaches (despite her new marriage, the Demise remains a fearsome ship that is not well liked by many ports)
MACHINE SPIRITBlasphemous Tendencies (this machine spirit prefers the warp to realspace)
MISC MODIFIERSSelf Reliant: When affecting long term repairs repair 1d10+5 Hull instead of 1d5 | Strike and Fade: +10 to silent running checks | Pirate Vessel's: -10 to all social checks | Nose for Heresy: +15 to Navigation checks, -5 to Willpower checks | +5 to Piloting and Navigation Checks | +10 to BS checks to fire ship guns | For Hearth And Home: +5 to defend against hit & run and boarding checks | Morale Reduction: -1 to morale loss to a minimum of 0 | No Broadcasting: Can use detection actions without signaling location while Running Silent | Shadow in the Void: Enemies get -20 to detect her while Running Silent.


CREW (LINE)100/100 (30%)MORALE100/100SUPPLY (Months)2/6

Jovian Pattern Class 4 Drive75 Generated14A vast collection of plasma banks, capacitators and similar, simmering devices, created for the singular aim of producing the amounts of power that a ship requires to function
Strelov 2 Warp Engine1212The most terrible and ancient device upon the ship. Allows for transit into the Warp. Survival is your prerogative.
Geller Field10A field that will ensure you arrive with the same number of souls as you left with. Hopefully one.
Multiple Void Shield Arrays72A double decked set of shield emitters, capable of producing vast amounts of defensive energies. Double the strength of her sister ship, the Revenge.
Ship's Master's Bridge43A top of the line warship bridge.
Vitae Pattern Life Sustainer53Grox pens and water processors for the entire crew.
Clan-Kin Quarters42The clan-crew of the Demise love their ship and their captain to the same near fanatical degree.
W-240 Passive Detection Array30A long, spindly collection of auspex spines that allow for detection while creeping through the Void.

Power Ram20A collection of focused power emitters that add some extra bite to the ram that follows up the Demises' classic boarding action.
Armored Prow04A massive skeletal figurehead provides additional reinforcement and armor - and conceals the forward torpedo bays.
Mars Pattern Torpedo Tubes1828A staggering array of weaponry...forward mounted torpedoes, racks of macros...enough to destroy a world.
Empyrean Mantle50A vast collection of spars and riggings that make it easier to conceal even her bulk from the other eyes in the void.

Mars Pattern Torpedo Bay [Loaded with 24 plasma torpedoes]62d10+260 VU (10 speed per round)10Fore
Port Mars Pattern Macrocannon Broadsides121d10+265Port
Starboard Mars Pattern Macrocannon Broadisdes121d10+265Starboard



95,000 Souls


10 Aquilla shuttles
4 Heavy Landers
2 Torpedo Haulers


CLASSIFICATIONLunar-class cruiser (5km long, 0.8km abeam, 28 megatonnes approx, 2.5 gravities accelerationSPACE69/75
COMPLICATIONClaimed from the Admiralty (This was once a ship of the Imperial Navy, claimed under dubious legalities)
MACHINE SPIRITWorthful (a ship bred for war, her machine spirit trembles with an eager rage, but balks at simple patrol and escort duty)
MISC MODIFIERSWon By Prize: +1 armor, +1 speed, +3 maneuverability, might cause offense to other naval captains | Rage Filled: +1 speed, +7 Maneuverability in combat, -1 speed, -5 out of it | Haste of the Damned: 1/2 warp travel speed when leading a formation, roll for warp encounters once per 3 days | Lifeline: reduce crew and morale loss from depressurization by 4 to a minimum of 0 | Living in Squalor: Reduce all crew loss from depressurization by 2, to a minimum of 0. | Flight Command: +5 to all wing tests, and rolls to ready squadrons are automatically passed | Incoming!: All BS or command checks against planetary targets get +5 | Energy Field: If the lathe bays have their hatches open for combat and lose power, they immediately become depressurized | Hull Support: Increase the ship's hull integrity by twice the power supplied to the field bracing component | Manufacturing: +10 to repair checks, can manufacture small items | Song in the Void: +10 to all social checks | Combat Ready: All Strike Craft get +2 to Attack Rating | Spare Parts: After any battle with Strike Craft losses, make a -10 tech use check and repair 2 craft per DOS | Unstable Ammunition: If the Jovian Pattern Cannon is ever Damaged it is Destroyed Instead, and then deals 1d10 damage ignoring armor | Warpsbane Hull: +10 to navigation checks, roll twice and take the better on encounters


CREW (Crack 40%)100/100MORALE105/105SUPPLY (Months)2/6

Jovian Class 4 Drive75 Generated14An immense, furious power plant that generates the energies required to sail the void. Known aboard ship as Big Red due to the paint job on the hull.
Miloslav H-616.B Warp Engine1012A much benighted and feared warp engine, known for her unlucky ways. Woe! Woe! Why is our ship cursed with this befouled thing!?
Warpsbane Hull10A mighty shield against fell daemons, focused entirely upon the true jawbone of none other than Saint Helgastram herself!
Clemency Pattern Life Sustainers55A standard life sustainer, augmented by countless thousands of bolt holes, vac-suits, and breather units. Oh! And excess bulkheads. While sneered at for being cowardly and womanly by the majority of the navy, crews that are cosseted by this needless, entirely unrequired concern for their life and limb tend to be happier than crews without.
Bilge Rat Quarters23The majority of the cabins, rather than being at the men's posts (which is the tradition) have been shifted to near the foremast. While this is "safer" and "less likely to kill them in the case of a breach", the crew despise the cramped conditions, poor light quality, and proximity of other, rival work shifts.
Flight Command Bridge22Eschewing throne and fore/aft lectern and servitor placement, this bridge is a dizzying, encircling hole of flight control shrines and work stations for the extra hundred or so officers it takes to coordinate wing upon wing of strike craft. Affectionally referred to as the See-Eye-See (as it is somewhat akin to a Arbiter's Panoptic jail), it serves as a coordination point for entire fleets during wartime.
BG-15 Assault Scanners60A set of phased forward mounted antenna sniffer and scrying aparatus, designed primarily for the identification of ground based targets, made to assist the coordination of invasions. When hooked in to a nova cannon, it becomes a terrifying example of what the Imperial Guard refer to as 'glassing'

Prow Mounted Titanforge Lance Batteries (Best Quality)136A perfectly calibrated long ranged lance battery, recently put in. Due to the number of dead crew left by the destruction of the old Jovian nova cannon, these titanforge weapons are considered to be cursed and are not well liked by the crew, despite their exceptional quality.
Flight Decks420A quartet of Lathe Pattern launch bays, these decks are arranged into two levels. The first level - called the Tops - is widely known as being where the crack squads and finer fliers are posted, while the second level - called the Belly - is the somewhat less prestigious posting. This distinction is lost on most non-flight crew, but is hotly contested between wings, often leading to brawling.
Pilot Chambers11From port-corridor C9 to the aft-port junction C98 there is a space on the Colossus that would make Lord Admiral Bastille (may he rot in hell) openly weep. It is known as the Vice Decks - an odd name for a collection of sensorium simulacration spheres and briefing rooms. But the reason has little to do with the actions going on within Vice and everything to do with the crew that dwell there. The entire flight crew come here to train, hone their skills, and practice between their realspace battles. And once they are off shift, oh! The rest of the ship knows it!
Strike Craft Repair Deck22A bustling mini-forge that sprawls along the belly of the ship, these decks are actually akin to and a part of the manufactorum detailed later. But it is here that the general purpose fabrication systems, overseen by Enginseer Bellos Ghast, give way to the specific construction of strike craft, overseen by Technowight Gillian Bright. Needless to say, Bright's half of the manufactury decks are the most important.
Manufactorum21A a bustling mini-forge that sprawls along the belly of the ship, these decks are actually akin to and a part of the strike craft repair deck detailed above. But it is here that the specialized tools for repairing strike craft, overseen by Technowight Gillian Bright, give way to the general purpose fabrication tools, overseen by Enginseer Bellos Ghast. Needless to say, Ghast's half of the manufactury decks are the most important.
Observation Deck01A set of domes for the observation of stellar phenomenon. Mostly used for the relaxation of the crew.
Melodium11This is less a component than it is a simple fact that this entire ship has an incredibly popular and long running tradition towards music and musical entertainments.
Field Bracing1-31A set of interstatic shunts that allow for the emplacement of internal void shields for the support and enhancement of ship stability.

Titanforge Lance BAttery31d10+462Fore, Port, Starboard
Launch bays3/3/2/2 (total: 10)NoneNoneNoneNone

*requires the deployment and use of your support craft


95,000 Souls (crew)
9,812 Souls (support craft pilots, approx)

200 Fury Class Interceptors
100 Starhawk Bombers
40 Aquilla shuttles
50 Brigs (carries 12 men each, no weapons)
125 Courier (fast vehicle, 1 passenger, no weapons)
50 Haulers (slow vehicle, carries immense cargo)
60 Landers (fast vehicle, carries 12 men each, 1 heavy bolter)
50 Lighters (fast vehicle, carries 6 men each, 2 heavy bolters)
1 Captain's Yacht (fast vehicle, carries 2 in style)
50 Escort Pinnaces (medium speed vehicles, las-cannons and missiles, heavily armored)

Here's a quick tutorial!
You have 10 fighter squadrons, 10 bomber squadrons, and 10 "support craft" squadrons. Support Craft help narratively - you can deploy them in massive numbers to help with Endeavors. Each squadron you deploy adds +25 to your AP totals, making the Colossus an extremely profitable ship...but if those squads are destroyed during operations, then you get NOTHING, good SIR! YOU LOSE! GOOD DAY TO YOU!


Actual use of squadrons in combat, though, works as follows!

You can launch 10 squads per round. Fighters can either CVP or Escort. CVP (Combat Void Patrol) means they shoot down incoming fighters, torpedoes, bombers, assault boats. Escort means they escort a bomber run and engage any fighters that attack the bombers, and also impart -10 to turret attacks per squad.

Bombers can only Bomb. They effectively act like extremely powerful macrocannons that ignore void shields and always target the weakest part of the ship. The only problem is that they can be shot down!

Characters can be assigned to lead fighters or bombers directly.

The remainder of your fleet are statted out in simplified forms to save my sanity! Your Grand Cruiser will be added to this Fleet Update later today via editing.

The Acheron
Speed: 7 | Piloting: 60% | Sensors (Initiative): 60% (1d10+2) | BS: 40%
Hull: 38 | Armor: 6 | Shields: 1 | TR: 1
Dorsal Macrocannons
Facing: Fore, Port, Starboard | STR: 4 | Damage: 1d10+3 | CR: 5 | Range: 6
Prow Lance
Facing: Fore | STR: 1 | Damage: 1d10+4 (AP) | CR: 2 | Range: 6

The Pax Imperialis (LOST WITH ALL HANDS)
Speed: 8 | Piloting: 57% | Sensors (Initiative): 59% (1d10+1) | BS: 40%
Hull: 36 | Armor: 6 | Shields: 1 | TR: 1
Dorsal Macrocannons
Facing: Fore, Port, Starboard | STR: 4/4 | Damage: 1d10+3 | CR: 5 | Range: 6
Prow Torpedo Bay
Facing: Fore | STR: 3 | Speed: 10 | Damage: 2d20+2 | Crit: 10 | Range: 60

The Liberty (UNKNOWN)
Speed: 3 |Piloting: 25% | Sensors (Initiative) 45% (1d10) | BS: -
Hull: 30 | Armor: 3 | Shields: 1 | TR: 1
Holds 9 Squadrons (Craft need to make a +10 check to land safely in battle conditions, on 3 DOF indicates a crash and damages their launch bay)

The Salvation
Speed: 3 |Piloting: 25% | Sensors (Initiative) 45% (1d10) | BS: -
Hull: 30 | Armor: 3 | Shields: 1 | TR: 1
Holds 9 Squadrons (Craft need to make a +10 check to land safely in battle conditions, on 3 DOF indicates a crash and damages their launch bay)

The Mercy
Speed: 3 |Piloting: 25% | Sensors (Initiative) 45% (1d10) | BS: -
Hull: 30 | Armor: 3 | Shields: 1 | TR: 1
Holds 9 Squadrons (Craft need to make a +10 check to land safely in battle conditions, on 3 DOF indicates a crash and damages their launch bay)

The Respite
Speed: 3 |Piloting: 25% | Sensors (Initiative) 45% (1d10) | BS: -
Hull: 30 | Armor: 3 | Shields: 1 | TR: 1
Holds 9 Squadrons (Craft need to make a +10 check to land safely in battle conditions, on 3 DOF indicates a crash and damages their launch bay)
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Hoo boy!

By my count, that's... 36 squadrons from the Respite, Mercy, Salvation, and Liberty? That more than doubles our strike capacity!

@DragonCobolt, do the pocket carriers have any armament except their planes? I feel like that's probably my bad if they don't. In my original draft of the plan, I did mention putting guns in the Prow slot, but then @fanficfan helpfully reminded me that in Rogue Trader you can't have launch bays on the sides of transports, so I amended it to remove details of where things went. Could we source some basic macros for their Prow slots?

(And presumably, the Port and Starboard can just remain as cargo bays, so they still have some transport capacity.)

Just feels like a few popguns might be useful so the squadron has a whole has a chance of fending off a lone raider or something.
They don't yet. The soulcages were unarmed when you took them, and you haven't had time to slot guns on their dorsal slots, and you may get the chance depending on how the conversation with the doctor goes.

Nice to know.

BTW, I had a question a bit back but that kind of came in as you were starting the big sheet stuff, so I think it might have been forgot? Or is it going to fall into a 'No Comment' hole?
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Oh, don't worry: The adventure is written on the assumptions it is merely one of a campaign - you'll go on to adventure more. But...this is the last! If you can grab it, you can keep it.
[X] Conference room (Dragon Cobolt levels the characters up from their current point to all be at the same level of XP - meaning Ryia gains 6,800 XP and Em gains a whopping 12,200!?)
[X] Conference room (Dragon Cobolt levels the characters up from their current point to all be at the same level of XP - meaning Ryia gains 6,800 XP and Em gains a whopping 12,200!?)

I actually think the private chambers is a better place for this meeting, but I don't want to do all the levelling... :cool2:
Plus, looks like DC has already levelled Em & Ryia up and they look pretty swanky.
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CHAPTER ONE: Crows in the Night (1.0)
The view through the window in the conference room of the Revenge was of titanic effort at glacial slowness. The vast bulk of a brace of Titanforge lance weapons, fully exposed from their nominal place inside of a heavy braced turret, being floated gently through the empty void of space towards the opened prow of the Colossus, which was itself a mere ten kilometers away from the berth the Revenge had taken. The hundreds of workmen in their void-suits and the webs of their safety equipment and guidance ropes shimmered like fine needlework in the light of the distant, pale white star that centered the Port Wander system.

Dr. Balthezar sat at the table, with his back facing this titanic effort, and shook his head when Em offered him some amnesac. "Tea, if you have it," he said, dryly, while Ryia looked at him as if she was measuring him for a coffin.

Tine paused to whisper in her sister's ear, speaking the House Scourge cant: "Sister, please. He's not here for you."

"And you know this how?"
Ryia muttered back.

Tine sighed, while Em finished giving the orders to the wait servitor. Soon, tea was burbling in its ornate chest, and pouring from the pointed tip of one of its fingers. Dr. Balthazar stirred it with a small silver spoon. "Any sugar?"

"Of course," Em said.

"What are you doing here?" Ryia snapped midway through the sugar pouring.

"Ryia," Em said, holding up his hand, but Dr. Balthazar shrugged one shoulder, not seeming to be particularly mussed about being interrupted. He sipped from his cup, sighed, then set it down and gave the thinnest of smiles.

"Officially, I've been preforming my duty as a xenographer for a minor noble house in the Imperium - spending my naval fortunes to buy my own travel here and there. I actually did manage to clap eyes upon a pack of Mukaali, fascinating beasts...but they were secondary to my unofficial duties as a disposable, self guided munition." He chuckled, quietly. "If I but had an explosive payload, I'd violate the Mechanicus sanctions on intelligent weaponry."

"How droll," Em said.

Tine, though, was smiling. "Ah, so, you are an Acolyte? Of an Inquisitor?"

"Yes, she prefers to send me when situations require a subtle touch and significantly fewer bodies than her normal retinue produce. They might be skilled, but they're far from...unnoticeable," Dr. Balthazar was playing with a small chron that he had pulled from his pocket, popping and closing the face lid of it repeatedly, as if to give his hands something to do. He sighed. "I admit, it's all rather tiresome, I'd much prefer to be examining my specimens, or dissecting some new cadaver or another, I'll have you know, I had to be pulled from the opening of one of the Mukaali - I'd discovered the rumors of the air bladders to assist in their ambulatory movement was quite mistaken, quite mistaken indeed, for in the chest, there was a kind of crystal..." He leaned forward, growing more animated by the moment.

"Ah, the Inquisition?" Tine prompted.

"Oh, right, them," Dr. Balthazar said, waving his hand - which provoked a faint chuckle from Ryia, more despite herself than anything else. "I was to visit several colonies that rumor had it were being hounded by the Eldar, er, that is to say, to use a more specific term, the Aeldari of a particularly piratical bent - though, fortunately, not of the alternative variation, the subspecies I've heard tell of, the Drukhari...but I doubt such differentiation matters much to the poor fellows I found dead on their frontier farms."

"Any survivors? Any clues as to why the Eldar are attacking these colonies?" Em asked.

"No, and yes," Dr. Balthazar said, sighing and pocketing his chron. "Some colonial cogitation systems and pict-captors managed to acquire some actionable intelligence about the Eldar - it behooves me to return it to Scintilla. Currently, there are no ships on the station that can make the trip quite so swiftly as your prize..." He gestures out the window, at the sleek curves of the Argent Scourge. She's fully repainted, and gargoyles and saint statues are being emplaced upon her hull, guardians and wards. The last of the fell symbols that had been bolted to her gorgeous hull had been sent to burn in the fires of the local primary, and the whole ship was teeming with workmen to ensure the entire ship would be ready to sail soon.

Ryia frowned. "You're telling me that...you...walked around the Expanse, hitching rides from any scoundrel ship you could find, visited alien planets far beyond the boarder of the Imperium...by yourself?" Her eyes flicked over him, skeptically. Her eyes said what her voice didn't: How the hell aren't you laying rotting in a ditch somewhere?

Dr. Balthazar smiled, thinly. "Yes," he said.

Em and Tine and Ryia exchanged a glance.

It was funny...

They had their house language. They had microbeads and subvocalization. They even had Ryia and Tine's telepathic arts. But they needed none of them. They knew each other, soul deep, and needed only to exchange the smallest shrug, the tiniest shake of the head, to come to a unified decision.

Obviously, you may have questions! Write in any you have.
[ ] Write In

What do you do after the questioning?
[ ] We shall set forth at once - take the Argent and leave Tabitha Von Strauss to manage the purchasing and preparations based on the previous plans.
[ ] We cannot send the Argent on this task - not with Lu'Nasad and Karrad Vall lurking on the far side of the warpstorms. We shall send the good doctor with one of our frigates. (Choose which)
[ ] Ask the doctor to delay - there are many refits that require your work, and the rest of the transports are due to arrive any day now.
hmm. I'm honestly undecided here. I feel like delaying would be a mistake, but I don't want to split up the fleet either.
I mean, if the Scourge is ready to go, we can probably get away with the rest of our build list going on while we respond to this.
[x] We shall set forth at once - take the Argent and leave Tabitha Von Strauss to manage the purchasing and preparations based on the previous plans.
the likelihood of this being somehow connected with the corrupted craftworld seems high.
[x] We shall set forth at once - take the Argent and leave Tabitha Von Strauss to manage the purchasing and preparations based on the previous plans.
[x] Ask the doctor to delay - there are many refits that require your work, and the rest of the transports are due to arrive any day now.
[x] We shall set forth at once - take the Argent and leave Tabitha Von Strauss to manage the purchasing and preparations based on the previous plans.
I hate to be the one to take a shiny away from Ryia, but her sword "Scrap" got broken in Frozen Reaches and she has a cybernetic right arm. Orks are nasty pieces of work...
We should see if Dr. Balthezar is willing to share some copies of the pict-captors and any other information just in case we can identify the pirates or come up with any other bits of useful information.
"Yes, she prefers to send me when situations require a subtle touch and significantly fewer bodies than her normal retinue produce.

I am imagining Ms. Diana Villiers as an Inquisitor, and all is right with the world.

[ ] We shall set forth at once - take the Argent and leave Tabitha Von Strauss to manage the purchasing and preparations based on the previous plans.

So, at the risk of being obvious, just to get a better idea, if we choose this, we can still roll for the rest of our purchases, and the fleet will come and meet us when they are ready? Is there a downside to leaving Von Strauss to handle this? Or, to put it another way, what are the advantages of remaining to oversee thigs ourselves?

For example, would this have a bearing on stuff like whether we can find some prow macros for the transports?
So, uh...I have built the, uh...the Argent Scourge and I may have gone a bit mad, but, it's fine!

Please enlighten us! It's relevant to the vote at hand!

EDIT: Oh my god, what a monster... It's a supercapital that can match speed with Raiders and is nearly as maneuverable between the penalty reduction of the balancers and its own considerable base Maneuverability.

We couldn't get a Warpsbane Hull tho?
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I hate to be the one to take a shiny away from Ryia, but her sword "Scrap" got broken in Frozen Reaches and she has a cybernetic right arm. Orks are nasty pieces of work...

Right those are details that should be in her sheet!

Please enlighten us! It's relevant to the vote at hand!

EDIT: Oh my god, what a monster... It's a supercapital that can match speed with Raiders and is nearly as maneuverable between the penalty reduction of the balancers and its own considerable base Maneuverability.

We couldn't get a Warpsbane Hull tho?

It's part of her big flaw, even if you got a warpsbane hull it wouldn't do anything.

So, at the risk of being obvious, just to get a better idea, if we choose this, we can still roll for the rest of our purchases, and the fleet will come and meet us when they are ready? Is there a downside to leaving Von Strauss to handle this? Or, to put it another way, what are the advantages of remaining to oversee thigs ourselves?

For example, would this have a bearing on stuff like whether we can find some prow macros for the transports?

Yes, but with each time you spent a bunch of money there is a chance (based on how many rolls you make) that chucking this much gold around will draw attention from crime or something. Without you there, Von Stauss will have to deal with it on her own!

But you can tel her to get the popguns.
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Yes, but with each time you spent a bunch of money there is a chance (based on how many rolls you make) that chucking this much gold around will draw attention from crime or something. Without you there, Von Stauss will have to deal with it on her own!

But you can tel her to get the popguns.

Hmmm.... so it would be useful to have someone "minding the shop", so to speak...

I have an idea!

[X] Ask Balthazar for pict-capts, identifying signs, anything which could help here.
[x] Write-In: We shall set forth at once - take the Argent and leave 'Tine and Von Strauss to manage the purchasing and preparations based on the previous plans.

We've just finished a campaign with 'Tine, so I am relatively comfortable with her taking the back-burner for a little while, and with her and Von Strauss together, we should be confident that the flotilla will be well organised. Tine is more than capable of dealing with any kerfuffles, and throwing around the weight of the Scourge name if needs be.

Meanwhile, Em and Ryia go on a spooky investigation! Then 'Tine arrives with the cavalry at a dramatic moment to bail them out when they bite off more than they can chew!
Adhoc vote count started by DragonCobolt on Oct 25, 2021 at 12:15 PM, finished with 13 posts and 5 votes.

  • [x] We shall set forth at once - take the Argent and leave Tabitha Von Strauss to manage the purchasing and preparations based on the previous plans.
    [x] Ask the doctor to delay - there are many refits that require your work, and the rest of the transports are due to arrive any day now.
    [X] Ask Balthazar for pict-capts, identifying signs, anything which could help here.
    [x] Write-In: We shall set forth at once - take the Argent and leave 'Tine and Von Strauss to manage the purchasing and preparations based on the previous plans.

Roll a ~mysterious roll~ for unknown reasons! 1d100!