Warcraft: Saving Azeroth by possessing its heroes

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"Greetings mortals, I am Algalon the Observer. I have spent many years watching the ongoings of...
Intro/character selection


F#$k you I'm a dragon
"Greetings mortals, I am Algalon the Observer. I have spent many years watching the ongoings of the mortals of Azeroth. Seeking to understand what lets them achieve greatness beyond what a mortal should be able to. Contemplating what lets them defy the odds and fate in such ways as they have. My watch ended the day everything went wrong. I now speak to you with the last of my power in the hopes you can prevent that day from ever happening again.

I will not speak of that day, it is too horrific to recount even for myself. I had to look beyond Azeroth to find a way to change the past to save the present and future. In so doing I found your world, Earth. Your people lacked magic in any significant amount and amount and yet in many ways the people of earth achieved more than all the races of Azeroth ever did. Your creativity, curiosity, and drive to learn the truths of excistance that has proven to be your greatest strengths. You will need to hone those strengths to an even greater extent to change the past, and save the future.

In Azeroth's more recent years several of its heroes with the most potential, the greatest ability to do good, either were corrupted to evil or failed to achieve their full potential. That is why I have called upon all of you, I will send you into the past. Your sentience, your very souls will be sent to intergrate with and guide one of the heroes of the past to realize their true potential.

You must all be asking 'why me? why all of us?' The answer is simple young mortals. I have noticed that all of you have the spark that several of Azeroth's weakest but greatest heroes had.The heroes that were known to people of Azeroth as 'adventurers'. They were the ones to defeat threats to their world before finally succumbing themselves because of their lack of power. However the spark they held within them gave them the potential for change and to do the impossible. I hope all of you will be able to do what they could not with the strength of Azeroth's mightiest in your hands, and save Azeroth from the flame.

Now you must must choose whose fate you will alter. Who you will guide to change the past and save Azeroth and Existence itself from their fates. Choose wisely lest you find yourself unable to affect the changes needed to alter the future."

Your First option is the physically mightiest of your choices. However he is also the one who is the least able to affect change upon the timeline. Dranosh Saurfang, son of Varok Saurfang, nephew of Broxigar Saurfang. He was one of the uncorrupted among the Orcish race who stayed behind in the remains of draenor when the first Horde invaded Azeroth. He ended up joining the new Horde after the portal to the outlands was reopened and eventually rose to a position of prominence in their ranks. He was commanding the warsong offensive against one of the Lich King's Wrath Gates when he fell. He tried to charge the Lich King when he appeared to win the battle in one mighty stroke, but was instead cut down by the Lich King with the greatest of ease. The Lich King later turned him into the first and strongest of his death knights before he was cut down once more by the adventurers who ended the Lich King's Reign. If you choose to take up Dranosh's burden, these are the points in his past that you can start in.
[] Dranosh Saurfang
-[] a short time before the battle where he first died starts.
-[] When the Dark portal was first closed and Draenor was shattered.

Your second option is the weakest among the number, but the greatest commander among them. However he is a commander lacking an army and burdened by his past. Jarod Shadowsong, Brother of Maiev Shadowsong, Former High General of the night elven army during the war of the ancients. He has commanded the likes of Demigods, Dragon Aspects, immensely powerful mortal heroes, and a Coalition of several different races. He survived one on one combat with the likes of Archimonde and is revered by his people. However he rose too far too swiftly and he broke under his burdens. After he saw his people recovered from the war against the Burning Legion he left, running into the wilderness where he lived a simple life with his mate for the next ten thousand years. If you choose to relieve Jarod of the weight of his immense burdens then you must start here.
[] Jarod Shadowsong
-[] When His mate dies from old age and sickness.
-[] When the humans and Orcs first land in Kalimdor, and he sees these new races land there and realizes something is wrong in the world.
-[] When his mate was killed by a roving band of Centaur while Jarod was out hunting for food.

The next choice is the diplomat among the number. However she is known for her indecisiveness and hesitation, and for betraying those closest to her when they lack that hesitation. Jaina Proudmoore ruler of Theramoore and princess of Kul Tiras. She brokered may a peace treaty between the Horde and the Alliance. She abandoned her first love when he needed her most. She lost the very city she founded when the new Horde leader broke their peace treaty with his new super bomb destroying it and ending her people. She changed her stance on peace with the horde to wanting to wipe them out completely after her heart broke with her city. She never fell so much as she never truly realized her full potential because she always held herself back one way or another. If you choose Jaina as your harbinger of change these are the times in her life that you can start from.
[] Jaina Proudmoore
-[] When her father comes to her city to meet her while looking for survivors of Lordaeron.
-[] While she is preparing to leave for Kalimdor as she realizes she should at least warn some of her closest friend of the peril to come.

Next is the tragedy among your options. He is known as the tragic hero among his people, as the child who died so his father could live. Liam Greymane Prince of Gilneas is the next on this list of untapped potential. He led his people to victory after victory against the worgen curse invading his homeland even as his father ended up bitten and disappeared and his home city fell. He then led his people through battle after battle against the Forsaken who dared to invade his homeland. Then reunited with his father with the Worgen curse dealt with he fought to save his capital city. Finally as the leader of the Forsaken was forced into retreat but unwilling to leave without getting her revenge she stood poised to shoot his father in the heart and he jumped in the way of the arrow taking the blow meant for his father and dying in his place. If you choose to take the place of Liam here are the times where you can do so.
[] Liam Greymane
-[] At the beginning of the attack on the capital of Gilneas
-[] When the curse of the Worgen was first revealed
-[] during the third war as the Gilnean wall neared completion and a company of volunteer soldiers were trying to leave to aid the Alliance against the Scourge.

[]The fifth Hero available to you is the mage with few equals. He is known as a prince and leader to his people who fell to corruption in his quest to cure his people of their addiction to magic. He ended up a servant of Kil'jaeden and led many of his people to their doom by getting them to absorb demonic magic to feed their addictions. Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider is an obvious choice for someone desiring to change past events. If you choose Kael'thas these are the few points in which you can alter his past from.
[] Kael'thas Sunstrider
-[] When Lord Garithos ordered him to hold the line against the undead without the backup of any humans or dwarves.
-[] When Arthas started the invasion of Lordaeron as a deathknight

The sixth option among your choices is the most adept at stealth. She calls the forests of Quel'thalas her home and knows them better than any other. Ranger General Sylvanas Windrunner is best known for her failed defense of her homeland against Death Knight Arthas Menethil. She was turned into a banshee after Arthas tortured her for hours on end and forced into the service of the scourge her screams slaying many of her former people. She later regained her mind and founded the Forsaken and took over the former Capital of Lordaeron for her new people. In time she joined the Horde and after several years finally gained her revenge on Arthas for what he did to her. She continued to lead her people and eventually she ended up in the position of Warchief of the Horde after the death of the previous one in battle against the Burning Legion. She ended up leading the Horde right to its doom. Choosing the path of Sylvanas lets you start to change her life at these points in time.
[] Sylvanas Windrunner
-[] Shortly after the fall of the moongate as Arthas marched on Silvermoon and she tried to warn them of what was coming
-[] As the Scourge started to invade Lordaeron under Arthas
-[] When the first evidence of the plague came up in the region of Andorhal

Your Seventh choice is the pious hero who has complete faith in his religion. He is known for being one of the strongest witch doctors and one of the greatest leaders of his people. He is Vol'jin Chieftain and witchdoctor of the Darkspear trolls. He led the rebellion against the leader of the Horde Grommash Hellscream after he betrayed its ideals and pushed all the races but the orcs out of it. He never truly amounted to much however, always faithfully following the leader of the Horde Thrall to repay the debt owed to him by his people. If you choose to guide Vol'jin to a greater future for the trolls then you will start out at one of these times.
[] Vol'jin
-[] Just After the defeat of Admiral Proudmoore
-[] A month after the battle of Mount Hyjal
-[] Just after the Trolls and Orcs land on Kalimdor

Your Eighth and final choice is the child whose life ended before his time. He was a bright child who never achieved much before his death but idolized his three sisters. He was Lirath Windrunner, Brother of Ranger Generals Sylvanas, Alleria, and Vereesa Windrunner. He had immense potential but was cut down long before he could see it utilized. If you choose to save Lirath from his fate this is the only time you can alter his future from.
[] Lirath Windrunner
-[] The day of his death.

"I Pray that you have chosen correctly. NOW GO and may you succeed for if you do not, then NOTHING will be able to alter what has happened and your world will eventually follow the fate of azeroth's as all the lights of the multiverse are extinguished one by one."

INTRO ends here

ok guys if you want to know anything more about the choices, like when in the timeline each option starts at, or who exactly certain characters are just let me know :D

oh also for everyone, when I describe a heroes abilities with tactics, stealth, diplomacy, piety, etc. that is their best stat and they are better in that stat than anyone else
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First I want to say that the credit for the creation of these mechanics goes to @DragonParadox and @Emperor Toast though I did make a couple of adjustments to this version.

This will play like most CKII quests (thought your stats are War, Administration, Diplomacy, Intrigue, Research, Magic and Combat) but some mechanics that might be different are listed below:

Your stat in a given category -10 will determine the additional bonus to any actions you take.

You do not have a set number of actions per a given type instead you have a pool of actions that you can spend as you like. There is nothing that prohibits you from spending all your actions on developing domestic infrastructure or making diplomatic overtures. This pool is called Heroic Command.

Your Heroic Command pool is based on a combination of how happy your civilians are, how much your army believes in your abilities and your influence with each sub-faction in your faction. This is reflected in population morale, Army faith and the faction influence pools.

Faction influence pools can be increased by enacting policies that help them, defending them from enemies and other such activities. You can think of it as your political support from the leadership of a given sub-faction. The stronger it is the more you can do.

Population morale begins at different levels based on your character selection but will likely be average and represents a mildly content but not particularly happy or industrious society. Things like victorious campaigns, food surplus, certain buildings being built, and so on can increase this. Higher levels of population morale will provide modifiers to tax income and grants additional Heroic Command. You can think of this as your popular support.

Army Faith starts at different levels based on your character choice. Things like victorious campaigns, Winning duels against significant enemies, and winning battles with a low cost in lives to your own army can increase this. Higher levels of Army Faith grants increased troop moral, will allow you keep the army on campaign for longer, and grants increased Heroic Command. This is your military support.

Bureaucratic Inefficiency is a penalty taken to your income to reflect malfeasance, inefficient tax codes, corruption, inaccurate tracking of funds, etc. This number typically grows with the Faction though you can take steps to counteract it. It is easier to counteract the lower bureaucratic inefficiency is, but they take time to put into place so the trade off is tying up your Authority over a few turns in exchange for easier rolls. A delicate balancing act.

Lastly are your advisors and hero units. Some of these are interchangeable, your military ones in particular. Your advisors are VERY important as they grant you additional actions in a given category. They are however not easy to recruit, though you do have time to find them. You will start out with a handful but definitely not one for every category.

Hero units are individuals of great military might, capable of impacting your battles. This might mean warriors capable of fighting entire units, generals with unusually high capability or magic casters that can rain fire from the sky. Careful usage of these can swing the tides of war in your favor. Enemies however have access to their own such units.

Omake Policy:

The standard reward for an omake or art piece is +10 that can be assigned to an action. This is the equivalent of assigning an extra Authority to a given action. If you complete a series of connected omakes or just write a ton of them I will grant special bonuses. There is a generic omake series reward and also a related series reward. The latter has chosen topic, the former is whatever floats your boat. The list of rewards will likely grow but for now:

Generic Series: Special Unit (Hero, Advisor or Agent)

Related Series: New unit type to your army, bonus stats or equipment to an existing hero, etc.

Combat System:

When a unit attacks another the advantage difference between the units will impose a modifier on a 1d100:

+10 advantages: Massive damage caused destruction or rout guaranteed barring special circumstances
+9 advantages: Roll twice take the higher value +125
+8 advantages: Roll twice take the higher value +100
+7 advantages: Roll twice take the higher value +80
+6 advantages: Roll twice take the higher value +60
+5 advantages: Roll twice take the higher value +45
+4 advantages: +45
+3 advantages: +30
+2 advantages: +20
+1 advantages: +10
No advantage: +0
-1 advantages: -10
-2 advantages: -20
-3 advantages: -30
-4 advantages: -45
-5 advantages: Roll twice take the lower value -45
-6 advantages: Roll twice take the lower value -60
-7 advantages: Roll twice take the lower value -80
-8 advantages: Roll twice take the lower value -100
-9 advantages: Roll twice take the lower value -125
-10 advantages: No damage caused barring special circumstances

What gives advantages:

A) The comparative attack and defense tiers of the units engaged in combat determine advantages.

-for instance a unit with 11 attack that enters combat with a unit with 7 defense would have +4 advantages and thus a +45 all other things being equal-

B) Strength in numbers:
5 to 1: +7 advantages
4 to 1: +5 advantages
3 to 1: +3 advantages
2 to 1: +2 advantages
1.2 to 1: +1 advantage
1 to 1: no advantages
1 to 1.2: -1 advantage
1 to 2: -2 advantages
1 to 3: -3 advantages
1 to 4: -5 advantages
1 to 5: -7 advantages
Note one: Getting to use odds of 5 to 1 or above in any single clash is impossible barring special circumstances. Indeed the use of disciplined formations and terrain features can make leveraging even lesser numeric superiority impossible however it is possible to swarm an enemy (see below).

Note two: Constant attrition against fresh enemies can grind down an army's advantages of quality or positioning. Advantages can be lost to fatigue after the first three clashes in quick succession. The rate at which they are lost depends on the results of the rolls themselves as well as the endurance of the outnumbered troops (Grinding dwarfs down for example is very difficult indeed)

C) Positioning:

Flanking grants +3 advantages with even more given to troops with the ability to charge like cavalry, monstrous cavalry or monsters.
Attacking the rear of an army works the same as flanking except the base value is +5 advantages.

D) The impact of Martial skill:
Commander of considerably less than base human norm (0 to 4): -3 advantages
Commander of less than base human norm (5 to 9): -1 advantages
Commanders of exactly base human norm (10): no advantage
Commanders of more than base human norm (11 to 15): +1 advantages
Commanders of considerably more than base human norm (16 to 20): +2 advantages
Commanders of extraordinary skill relative to the base human norm (21 to 24): +3 advantages
Commanders of peek human skill (25 to 30): +4 advantages
Commanders of a skill that transcends human limits (31 to 34): +5 advantages
Commanders of a skill that greatly transcends human limits (35 to 40): +7 advantages
Commanders of demigod skill (41 to 44): + 9 advantages
Commanders of greater demigod skill (45 to 49): + 11 advantages
Note Three: The full bonus always applies to whatever unit the commander is personally in charge of. Leveraging the higher levels of expertise for the entire army requires ever more complex levels of communication with demigod level bonuses and above being impossible to apply though purely mundane means. Examples of extraordinary communication include Daemonic communion, necromantic or other forms of magical control.


A unit will take a morale test if the beings fighting within it have been flanked, attacked from the rear, or can sense that the battle is turning against them. Sufficiently powerful fear or terror effects can also induce a morale check.

Circumstantial bonuses:

Things like the strength of the Orcish bloodrage, the grim determination of the dwarfs, the fanaticism of the Naga and the crazed zeal of Burning Legion worshipers can add modifiers to both attack and morale rolls as will more mundane things like experience.

Ranged combat:

Ranged combat benefits from only half of the advantages given by commander skill (there is only so much skill involved in setting up archers) but is not at all affected by superior enemy numbers. Height advantage and fortifications grant additional advantages to ranged troops


Mobility is the marker for how well troops can move around the battle field with 4 mobility and above being the mark of flight or other magical means of locomotion.

Note Four: Successful disengaging requires higher mobility than the enemy and may trigger a moral check if the unit is either too low on morale (and thus likely to rout) or too impetuous (and thus unwilling to disengage).
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Character sheets
Name: Sylvanas Windrunner
Age: 306
Titles: Ranger-General of Silvermoon.

War: 26
Administration: 25
Diplomacy: 13
Intrigue: 42
Research: 17
Magic: 22
Combat: 24
Effective Combat Score: 44



Military Noble Lineage - Sylvanas is a descendant of a long line of High elven nobles who served in the military of Quel'thalas with every generation. (+1d5 to each of her stat rolls)
Ranger general: adds 1/3 of magic and 1/3 of war stat to combat stat.
High elf: adds 1/5 of magic stat to combat stat, +2 magic.
Name: Alanassori Morningray
Age: 142
Titles: Apprentice mage of Silvermoon.

War: 5
Administration: 17
Diplomacy: 10
Intrigue: 6
Research: 28
Magic: 26
Combat: 12
Effective Combat Score: 27

Description: A serious and logical individual, Mage Morningray is one of the more talented apprentice mages in Silvermoon.

elite apprentice Mage: adds 1/3 of your magic to your combat score.
High elf: adds 1/5 of magic stat to combat stat, +2 magic.
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Prologue: falling through time, a report, lies and truth.
"I pray that you have chosen correctly. NOW GO and may you succeed for if you do not, then NOTHING will be able to alter what has happened and your world will eventually follow the fate of azeroth's as all the lights of the multiverse are extinguished one by one."

After he states that you feel a sense of vertigo that makes you feel as if you are falling and feel as if time itself is rushing past you. As you fall you begin to see and hear random flashes of images and sounds going by so swiftly that at first you can't make them out but then they slow down slightly you begin to understand them.

You see the image of twisted shadowy being screaming while their face is glowing red and tendrils of shadow stream off her while above two massive armies fighting each other, and then hear a scream of "FOR THE HOOOORRRDE!!!!" Then suddenly your surroundings turn in to a confusing tunnel of sights and sounds again.

Next you see a sickly looking Troll with an glowing bandage wrapped wound on his stomach speaking to a grey skinned elven figure. You hear him gasp out "You must be.... Warchief......" Once more you zoom past this moment.

Then you see a old grey haired man walking off while snapping the end of an arrow from his cheat as the same grey skinned elven figure looks towards a giant golden angel rising up and hear the man growl out "You took my son's future... And now, I've taken your's." Time then speeds up again.

Now you see the elven figure on a skeletal horse surrounded by scores of armed humans and wolfmen that seem to be held in place by some kind of power. The figure has her bow drawn and raised at the Wolfman standing alone directly in front of her and you hear the words

"Lets see how brave Gilneas gets on without it's stubborn leader!"

as she releases the arrow at him you hear a scream of "Fatherrrr!" Before the scene cuts out once more.

Next you then see the grey skinned Elf again This time she is in some kind of giant chamber with blue flamed torchers and many people dressed in armor both golden and black. You see someone handing something to her and then you hear her say

"May Azeroth never fail to remember the terrible price we paid for our weakness... for our pride... But what now? What of those freed from his grasp, but still shackled to their mortal coils?"

Once again the scene cuts out your surrounding speeding past you.

Now you see the grey elf standing next to a demonic figure burning houses surrounding them and a few ghouls in the background chewing on the corpses of an ornately armoured human and his horse. you hear her proclaim

"...We are no longer part of the Scourge. From here on out we shall be known as the Forsaken. We will find our own path in this world Dreadlord, and slaughter anyone who stands in our way."

The scene ends and you see the flashing tunnel of images once more though you notice the intervals getting shorter and shorter between each scene.

Just after your realization another scene appear. This scene shows the grey skinned white haired elf dressed in a dark hooded outfit standing in front of a grey skinned human manan dressed in brutal looking armor sitting atop a skeletal horse with several ghosts surrounding them. As it becomes apparent that the human is frozen in place you hear them speak.

"The paralysis your experiencing is but a fraction of the agony you have caused me."

"Finish me, then."

"A quick death, like the one you gave me? No. You're going to suffer as I did. Thanks to my arrow, you can't even run. Give my regards to hell, you son of a bitch."

Before the scene fades away once again, you see her chased away by several Skeletal figures.

Then you see a new scene almost right after the last. It shows the elf from before but dressed differently and with light colored skin and blonde hair. But she is forced to sit before the brutal looking grey skinned human man from the last scene. This time he is holding her cheeks together and looking at her with a cruel smile. You then hear them talk.

"Finish it! I deserve... A clean death."

"After all you've put me through, woman, the last thing I'll give you is the peace of death."

"No! You wouldn't dare." she gasps out before suddenly her spirit raises out of her corpse with an unholy scream.

Finally you see one last scene before you as time seems to stop. You see the elf from before with her peach skin and blonde hair with her blue outfit on standing in the middle of a forest. Then suddenly you feel yourself rush forward directly towards her before your viewpoint spins around and you feel... yourself... Cease...

"Damn what just happened. It felt like back when Alleria let me have alcohol the first time, ugg and now I have a hangover too." Sylvanas grumbled holding her head as the pounding slowly went away. "Damn it all, I come out here to watch the sun rise and then this happens. What a bad omen to start today of all days with."

Sylvanas then turned around and started moving back to her camp still thinking while muttering to herself. "*sigh* I come out here for some time to think alone and relax on a short hunt and once I move on my way back to the capital this happens. Just what I needed before I have to try and convince those old fools about our duty to at least offer some token aid to the rest of the alliance for the troops they lose in the war to save us."

Packing up her camp she looks it over and sighs once more. "Oh well, I have no time to waste I had better get moving." She states as moves along the road towards Silvermoon once more. As she walks along the road she thinks back to the report she received from her only Human Ranger-Lord that sent her on this path to the capital of Quel'thalas once more.

Flashback time!!!

"So Nathanos, you said you had something urgent to tell me when you called me down here for a visit. What is it that has you so worried that you felt the need to actively call me down here?"

"Well My Lady, I'm not certain if you have heard of it or not but there is a plague spreading throughout the Northern regions of Lordaeron currently. It is said to originate in Andorhal and the Kirin Tor believe it to be magical in origin."

"Yes I know of all this, I also know that the Alliance leadership is dismissing the concerns of the Kirin Tor at the moment. I assume you know something I do not?"

"Yes milady, I personally went over there to investigate a short while ago and found signs of darker magics in the region, Necromancy to be specific."

"Necromancy! Are you certain of this?" Sylvanas shouts out in surprise.

"I came back here to contact you immediately as I learned the Kirin Tor intend to send one of their best mages to investigate the region as well as Prince Arthas himself as their escort." Nathanos stated with a grim face. "This shows just how serious they are about this threat. I felt you would likely wish to investigate yourself given the last notable necromancers are the Orcish warlocks."

"Indeed you were right to bring this to me. Hopefully I will be able to convince the old fools in Silvermoon to let me go and investigate the region, or at least trick them into thinking I am doing something else outside of Quel'thalas and then visit there first." Sylvanas said, commending Ranger lord Nathanos on a job well done.

"I hate to cut this short, but with the information you gave me I need to make arrangements to move out as soon as possible." Sylvanas said, getting up to leave.

"I thought you would my lady. I wish you luck in convincing the King on this matter. Also Sylvanas?"

"Yes?" Sylvanas states as she halts where she has the door open and is about to leave and turns to face Nathanos.

"Be careful once you get to Andorhal alright? I have a gut feeling that this is far more dangerous than it appears."

"I will Nathanos, and thank you for the warning."


Sylvanas finally reaches the gates of Silvermoon and starts up the path to the palace while thinking of how to get permission to leave Quel'Thalas so she could investigate Andorhal.

'Now I just need to figure out how I will convince the King to let me leave Quel'thalas to investigate the Andorhal. I could just tell him the truth, but the chances of it working are very low though it would allow me to bring more troops along than a standard honor guard.'

'I could simply lie to him and not say anything about the region and convince him I am going to visit my sister Vereesa. However that won't let me bring more than an honor guard and if I am gone too long the King will realize I lied.'

'Perhaps it would be best to do both. I could tell him I wish to visit my sister and I also heard of some rumors of the plague over in Andorhal and felt I might as well look into it on the way there as it would take little time. Plus if I tell even a part of the truth I should be able to convince the king to lend me the aid of one of the mages to determine the origins of the plague with certainty.'

Finally as Sylvanas comes out of her thoughts, she looks up realizing she has already arrived at the palace entrance. 'Oh well, whatever I decide I had best do it swiftly.'

How do you convince the King and his advisors to let you leave Quel'thalas.

[] Tell the truth - Tell the King and his council of the plague in Andorhal and the rumors of its magical origin.

Skill: Diplomacy
Chance of success: 10%
Reward: Can take a much larger force with you to the region, gain the aid of a mage advisor, no risk of reputation loss with the King.

[] Lie - Tell the king you intend to visit your Sister Vereesa.

Skill: Intrigue
Chance of success: 80%
Reward: Can only take a basic honor guard with you, no mage advisor, if you take too long the king will find out the truth and you will have a reputation loss with him.

[] Tell part of the Truth - Tell the King that you intend to visit your sister, but along the way you wish to investigate the rumors surrounding Andorhal, while playing down the mundane danger and playing up the magical kind.

Skill: Intrigue
Chance of success: 50%
Reward: Can take a powerful honor guard with you, chance of getting a mage advisor, no risk of reputation loss with the king, higher roll lets you take more troops.

END Prologue

So ya you guys only rate as a hangover lol ;)

For those of you thinking this was a full possession it wasn't, it is a fusion of yourselves and Sylvanas. The fusion is why her stats were changed sadly most of you fools are no good at combat, and few of you are good with tactics. Anyway that is the premise for all the changes happening to Sylvanas and the choices you make coming forward :D

i honestly have to ask though, did you guys really think a bunch of schmucks from Earth would really be able to fully possess and overwhelm the will of any of Azeroth's most powerful heroes? Not very likely in my eyes. :cool:
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As she walked on the approach to the palace entrance Sylvanas was reminded of more reasons why she always hated coming here.

'Why must the entire place be so damn gaudy and wasteful. There is too much gold everywhere, Combined with the scarlet red matching it, it just looks disgusting. Stupid nobles always thinking more expensive is always better.' Sylvanas thought while looking at all the decorations in disgust.

'I mean really, all the money and effort spent on these statues could be spent on better protecting our kingdom or on helping out our allies. But no all these nobles want is to live in their lives in a dream uncaring and ignorant of the troubles of everyone else.'

As Sylvanas walked through the gates of the overly extravagant palace and moved towards the throne room she decided she would tell the king the truth buried within a lie to make it easier for the king to allow and accept.

[X] Tell part of the Truth

As she finally reached the throne room she moved to wait by the door until her presence was announced and she was called in by the king. After a short time she was called forward and walked to kneel before a white haired obviously aging though still regal elf. With his courtiers and advisors around him.

"Bal'a dash Lady Sylvanas, Doral ana'diel? Why do you come before me today?"

"I am fine King Anasterian. I come before you to ask your permission to visit my sister in Dalaran. It has been too long since I last spoke to her as I was unable to attend her wedding thanks to the trolls causing ruckus at the time."

The king smiled. "Yes they do tend to cause trouble at the most inconvenient times don't they? Very well, you have my permission to visit your sister as there are no problems currently thanks to your excellent service Ranger General."

"Thank you my king, however there is one other issue I would like to bring to your attention. I have has several reports from my contacts in the Lordaeron of a plague there. Apparently the Kirin Tor believe it to be magical in origin. Finally my contacts noticed an unusual increase in undead in the region..."

"What of it? That is the problem of the humans not of us Ranger General." A high Elven Courtier interrupted.

"Now now, Athaniar I am certain the ranger general has her reasons for bringing the problems of Lordaeron to this court, don't you Lady Sylvanas?" The king questioned with a tight smile on his face.

"Yes, your majesty. As I was getting to before I was interrupted I believe that the Alliance has not been as thorough in its extermination of the Orc's foul spellcasters as we first believed. I know of few spellcasters both powerful and willing to use necromancy that also have a grudge against the alliance and possible rouge orcish warlocks are the first on that list." Sylvanas stated with a grim look in her eyes.

"I would like permission to look into the possibility and exterminate the beasts on the way if it is the case, my king."


The king's eyes widen in surprise at Sylvanas's belief that orcish warlocks are the cause of the humans current problems. "Indeed, there are very few spellcasters willing to commit such vile acts and the Orcs are certainly the most likely suspects. Normally I would not give you permission to interfere in the affairs of Humans in such ways but given what their kind did to your family that would be cruelty itself." The king stated with a small amount of grief tingeing his voice and eyes.

"Very well." The king says nodding to himself. "You have my full permission to look into this problem and to take a small honor guard with you to help with it. Finally I grant you the service of Alanassori Morningray one of the mages tasked with managing the sunwell to help identify and locate the creators of these undead."

(Reward: Magic Advisor)

"Thank you for your aid your majesty, it is greatly appreciated." Sylvanas said, surprised that this went so well.

"Now then, mage morningray should be in the enchanters district learning from her teacher. Take this letter to her and she will join you for your trip. Al diel shala, Lady Sylvanas." King Anasterian stated handing her the letter.

"Shorel'aran King Anasterian." Sylvanas said before turning and leaving to prepare for the journey ahead.

Walking through the city to reach the enchanters district Sylvanas started to plan what troops she would bring with her to deal with any threats in the human kingdom.

Vote time.

(Reward: can now take a force of military units equal to 7 points but no more than 300 troops.)

Point value is not just equal to the strength of the troops you can select! the selection matches both that AND the fact that taking the most elite troops out of the kingdom would bother the king, as well as how the swordmasters are not under your command though can be called in for a minor favor (which is represented by the extra point.)

For every point below 6 you gain an extra 5% chance of getting the king to do what you want next time you talk and if you only take 100 troops that's another 10%. In reverse if you take 7 points and 300 troops you gain a 15% malus on convincing the king next time you talk!!!

Military Experience Levels: Green -3 Advantages < Recruit -2 Advantages < Trained -1 Advantage < Professional 0 Advantage < Bloodied + 1 Advantage < Veteran + 2 Advantages < Elite + 3 Advantages < Legendary + 5 Advantages

[] 1 point: 100 High Elven Archers: Attack 2 {3} Defense 2 Mobility 3 Experience: Professional 0 Advantages Upkeep: 12 gold

Description: Most basic unit of the Kingdom of Quel'thalas. They are equipped with a bow, a short sword, and leather armor. They fire their arrows in the defense of their homeland.

Special Traits: Forest fighters - High Elven Archers are trained to be at home in any forest on top of living in one from birth. +2 advantages when fighting in forest terrain.
Ranged - can attack at range

[] 2 points: 100 High Elven Snipers: Attack 3 {5} Defense 3 Mobility 3 Experience: Bloodied + 1 Advantage Upkeep: 15 gold

Description: Skilled and experienced archers Of Quel'thalas. They are equipped with a bow, a short sword and a chainmail shirt. They snipe the leaders of any invasion of their homeland with extreme prejudice.

Special Traits: Forest fighters - High Elven Archers are trained to be at home in any forest on top of living in one from birth. +2 advantages when fighting in forest terrain.
Ranged - can attack at range
Sniper training - These Elven Archers have been trained to pick out and pick off important enemies. Once a battle can target a specific enemy unit with +3 advantages.

[] 2 points: 100 High Elven Magic Swordsmen: Attack 6 Defense 5 Mobility 3 Experience: Professional 0 Advantages Upkeep: 14 gold

Description: Skilled Elven Swordsmen who use magic to supplement their attacks and defense. They are equipped with a longsword and a chainmail shirt, skirt and hood. They wield both blade and magic in defense of Quel'thalas.

Special Traits: Discipline - bonus to moral checks from the training these swordsmen underwent.
Magical charge: When charging High Elven Magic Swordsman throw a blast of pure arcane force ahead of them to disrupt enemy formations and weaken their defences. On charge negate up to 2 defensive advantages of the unit you are attacking and gain +1 advantage from the charge.

[] 3 points: 100 High Elven Rangers: Attack 5 {6} Defense 4 Mobility 3 Experience: Veteran +2 Advantages Upkeep: 20 gold

Description: These elite Archers of Quel'thalas utilize their tracking and forestry abilities to easily ambush and pick off the enemies of their kingdom. They are equipped with a combination of high quality leather and chainmail armor as well as a hand crafted bow and dual short swords to destroy the enemies of Quel'thalas.

Special Traits: Forest fighters - High Elven Archers are trained to be at home in any forest on top of living in one from birth. +3 advantages when fighting in forest terrain.
Ranged - can attack at range
Sniper training - These Elven Archers have been trained to pick out and pick off important enemies. Once a battle can target a specific enemy unit with +3 advantages.
Long Range - Can fire twice as many times as a normal archer before an enemy reaches melee range.
Scout: Capable of detecting and setting up ambushes.

[] 4 points: 100 High elven Magic Swordmasters: Attack 8 Defense 6 Mobility 4 Experience: Bloodied +1 Advantage Upkeep: 24 gold

Description: Elite Elven Swordsmen who use powerful magic to supplement their attacks and defense as well as to move around the battlefield. They are equipped with a longsword and a chainmail shirt, skirt and hood. They wield both blade and magic in defense of Quel'thalas.

Special Traits: Discipline - bonus to moral checks from the training these swordsmen underwent.
Magical charge: when charging High Elven Magic Swordmasters throw a blast of pure arcane force ahead of them to disrupt enemy formations and weaken their defences. On charge negate up to 2 defensive advantages of the unit you are attacking and gain +1 advantage from the charge.
Blink: Can teleport a short distance allowing them to disengage from their enemies without risk as well as to dodge an enemies charge and hit them from their flanks instead. +3 advantages with your enemies charges you, negate all enemy advantages from the charge.

[] 5 points: 100 High Elven Farstriders: Attack 8 {8} Defense 6 Mobility 3 Experience: Elite +3 Advantages Upkeep: 28 gold

Description: Though few in number these archers are among the best Quel'thalas has to offer and are more than capable of defeating nearly any enemy of Quel'thalas that dares to test them. Armed with their stylized bows and longsword and armored in high quality scale mail the farstriders are very well equipped. The farstriders are willing to defend their homeland to the last if need be.

Special Traits: Forest fighters - High Elven Archers are trained to be at home in any forest on top of living in one from birth. +4 advantages when fighting in forest terrain.
Ranged - can attack at range
Sniper training - These Elven Archers have been trained to pick out and pick off important enemies. Once a battle can target a specific enemy unit with +3 advantages.
Long Range - Can fire twice as many times as a normal archer before an enemy reaches melee range.
Scout: Capable of detecting and setting up ambushes.
Highly Disciplined - rendered nearly fearless from the sheer amount of training and loyalty to their kingdom it takes a lot to break the moral of a Farstrider. Massive bonus to moral checks.

Chapter ends here.

So ya sorry again for the delay hard chapter for me plus busy :(

No need to worry about upkeep costs yet while you are campaigning in Andorhal the troops are paid for already.

Oh and yes the army size seems a bit big (and the gold amounts a bit small) but the games are scaled down in army size for ease of control. Major battles in the books have literally tens of thousands of troops fighting each other and larger villages and small towns like Goldshire tend to have at minimum 100 troops guarding them and larger towns like redridge have more like 500 troops at minimum. (more for contested zones or at risk towns/villages.)

Finally about the next rolls, If you fail to change Arthas's path (which is highly likely) then your best chance of changing canon lies in convincing Dalaran and Quel'thalas of the threat to them. Go with max number of troops if you want to gamble on Arthas, and minimal number of troops if you choose to put all your bets on changing canon without Arthas.

Here is an example of a non-committed to either convincing Arthas or not army combination [] 100 Rangers + [] 100 magic swordsmen

Gives you plenty of power while keeping you at 5 points and 200 troops giving you 5% to convincing the king later on if you fail on Arthas. ;)

just remember, taking too little might end up with you getting wiped out in Andorhal. :o
Campaign part 1: Leaving Silvermoon, Arriving in the Andorhal region, and a slaughter.
Finally reaching the Enchanters District, Sylvanas sees the building where the mage that the king assigned to her is supposed to be. She walks through the front door of the store and tells the Elven lady managing the front desk that she has business with Alanassori Morningray.

"She is just finishing with her lesson and she will be up here in just a moment lady Sylvanas." The shopkeeper replied.

"That is fine, I will wait. However I hope she is swift as I am on a time-sensitive mission." Sylvanas stated.

"No need, Ranger General, I am right here." A new voice said. "You caught me at the perfect time. Now what is your business with me."

Sylvanas turns towards the voice and matches it with the blonde emerald eyed Elven woman standing in the doorway leading to the stairs down to the basement. She was dressed in a red and purple outfit with gold trim that left her stomach bare. She had a neutral expression on her face as she addressed Sylvanas.

"The king assigned you to aid me in identifying and finding the culprits of the plague in the Andorhal region. The reports from my spies indicate that there is a high likelihood that it is being caused by orcish warlocks." Sylvanas said showing her the king's letter. "This is because of the high amount of Undead in the region."

Alanassori's face turns downwards in a serious frown. "I see, Just allow me to pack some things and I will be ready to leave."

"All right but be swift we leave within the hour. I just need to get the Farstriders we are going to be taking with us ready. After that I will see by the gates." Sylvanas states exiting out the door of the shop.

Sylvanas then traveled through the city towards the main barracks to notify the Farstriders in the city that they she had chosen them as her honor guard for her trip to see her sister in Dalaran.

Finally reaching the barracks Sylvanas move through the entrance and towards the Farstrider section of it, approaching the area she is greeted by the captain of this Squadron of Farstriders.

"Ranger General, what brings you to the capital city. I was not told you were inspecting our unit today." the Farstrider captain said in surprise.

"I am here to Commission your squadron to be my honor guard during a visit to my sister.I was given permission by the king to investigate the plague in the Andorhal region on the way to Dalaran to see her. Sylvanas stated. "The reports from my contacts in Lordaeron have led me to believe that orcish warlocks are responsible for the plague because of the large amount of undead in the region."

"I can see why you are bringing us then, when do we move out Ranger-General."

"We move out within the hour captain. I will be busy doing some last-minute preparations of my own, I will expect to see you at the main gates then." Sylvanas said dismissing the captain and leaving the barracks.

Sylvanas walked through the city and visited the apothecary to buy some healing potions to heal any injured troops given the lack of a priest in her forces. After which she then traveled to the main gates of Silvermoon.

Arriving at the gates Sylvanas sat down on a bench nearby and began to sharpen and maintain her weapons while waiting for her escort to arrive.

First to arrive was mage Morningray as she walked at a brisk pace towards Sylvanas once she caught sight of her. Mostly looking the same as earlier she had two notable additions to her outfit those being her metal staff topped with a red crystal and the other being a backpack carrying obvious travel supplies mixed with Scrolls and books.

"I see I'm on time." Morningray stated. " I assume we will be leaving as soon as the Farstriders get here?"

"Indeed." Sylvanas said. " they should be here at any moment, you may sit down and wait with me if you wish."

"Thank you my lady." Morningray says sitting down alongside her. Then she pulled out one of her books and started reading while they waited.

Soon enough the Farstriders arrived wearing their green camouflage armor that makes them so deadly in a forest. With their bows and packs on their backs they moved into formation in front of Sylvanas with the captain reporting they are ready to go.

Sylvanas swiftly packed up for weapons and got up throwing her pack over her shoulders alongside her bow. She then ordered everyone to move out as she led the way through the gates on their first steps towards Andorhal.

time skip time skip time skip time skip time skip time skip time skip time skip time skip

A few weeks of travel later Sylvanas and her Honor Guard approach the Andorhal region. as they get closer to their destination the Farstriders she sent out to scout, reported back that they found a large number of zombies ghouls and skeletons nearby.

Sylvanas desides the best option is to ambush them. Sylvanas and her Farstriders moved through the treetops with stealth and cunning. Then once the undead were in sight they moved into position and unleashed a volley of arrows primarily focused on the zombies and ghouls.

Farstriders ranged attack: 8 vs zombie defense: 0 = +8 advantages + forest fighting: +4 advantages + ambush: +2 advantages + Sylvanas commander bonus: + 2 = +16 advantages -Zombie ???: -1 advantages = 15 -Zombie ???: -1 advantage = 14 advantages = automatic maximum roll outcome.
roll: too op = MASSIVE DAMAGE… all zombies wiped out.

The Farstriders arrows dealing enormous damage ending all the zombies. With the zombies down the Farstriders then unleash another volley of arrows against the skeletons even as they try to figure out who is attacking them. While this goes on the handful of ghouls start rushing the places the arrows were coming from.

Farstriders ranged attack: 8 vs skeleton defense: 1 = +7 advantages + forest fighting: +4 advantages + Sylvanas commander bonus: +2 advantages + ambush: +1 advantage =14 advantages -Skeletons skeletal: -2 advantages = 12 advantages -Skeletons pain resistance: -1 advantages = 11 advantages -Skeletons horrific: -1 advantage = 10 advantages = automatic maximum roll outcome
Roll: too op = MASSIVE DAMAGE…. All skeletons wiped out.

The skeletons follow the zombies and fall to a pile of bones and dust. Then the ghouls reach the nearest Farstriders and make to attack them as the Farstriders put their bows away and draw their longswords to meet the ghouls attack.

Farstriders vs ghouls: Farstriders melee attack vs ghoul defense: 8 vs 2: +6 advantages for the farstriders + Farstriders numbers advantage 2-1: +2 advantages + Farstriders forest fighting: +4 advantages + Sylvanas commander bonus: +4 advantages = 16 advantages - Ghoul horrific: -2 advantages = 14 advantages - Ghoul pain resistance: -1 advantage = 13 advantages = Automatic maximum roll outcome.
Roll: too op MASSIVE DAMAGE…. All Ghouls wiped out

Ghoul melee attack vs Farstrider defense: 3 vs 6: -3 advantages for the ghouls - Farstrider numerical advantage 2-1: -2 advantages + charge: +1 advantage - Ghoul Trained experience level: -1 advantage = -5 = Roll twice take the lower value -45 penalty
Roll: roll 1: 65-45 = 20 roll 2: 93-45 = 48… 20 result= 2 Farstriders receive minor cuts.

The ghouls manage to scratch several Farstriders with their clawed boney hands, though only 2 scratches manage to be deep enough to bleed. The ghouls are then almost immediately cut down by the Farstriders longswords putting the last of the undead in the vicinity to rest permanently.


The injured Farstriders bandage their wounds while Sylvanas and the rest of the Farstriders gathered the corpses of the undead into one massive pile and then they lit them aflame to ensure that they never rise again.

The Farstriders and Sylvanas then take a short rest and gather their spent arrows and treat their bows and swords before putting them away. They then continue onwards following the tracks the undead made hoping to find the masters of the undead they slew.

Update ends here.

So that happened, now I hope you realize just how overpowered elite units are.

Also I split the update in two because it was getting a bit long and too much time passed so I will have the rest of the update including the end result of that timing roll out to you guys soon :D

In the meantime however, I'm going to need a couple more rolls from you... all for determining the rest of your mage advisors stats. ;) I decided to just say fk it and give her the rest of the stats for now.

anyway thats a 2d5, a 3d5+5, a 3d5, a 2d5, a 4d5+10, and finally another 4d5

thanks everyone and remember first come first serve but everyone only gets to roll once ;) (unless no one else wants to roll.)
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campaign part 2: Undead base, Recon and battle preparation.
The Farstriders and Sylvanas then take a short rest and gather their spent arrows and treat their bows and swords before putting them away.

"Alright, let's get to following these tracks back to whoever is creating these undead." Sylvanas orders.

The Farstriders and Sylvanas and her mage advisor set off following the tracks to find the necromancer who created these undead.

Finally reaching the end of the trail made by the undead they had slain their problems only increased. As they came to the end of the trees they saw what could only be a massive undead base.

"There has to be at least several hundred undead in there..." On Farstrider gasps out face paling in shock.

"Indeed, and look over there... those are Human necromancers, not Orcish ones like we believed. They must be raising the dead constantly for there to be such a saturation of dark magic in this area." Alanassori stated worried about the sheer numbers of undead and necromancers in the base.

"Enough, we need to figure out exactly what these necromancers are up to. Spread out a bit try to survey the base as best you can. Mage Morningray, try to reach out with your more arcane senses and figure out if there are any notable spellcasters or potent sources of magic in that base. Anything that stands out note it down and report it to me." Sylvanas said, handing out orders to her forces.

With that Sylvanas and Co. watch the base for a few hours in an attempt to figure out weaknesses and what is going on.

Time skip time skip time skip time skip time skip time skip time skip time skip time skip time skip time skip

After the 3 hours Sylvanas told them to watch the base passed the party regathered in the original location giving Sylvanas their reports.

"General, The first item of note we found was that the necromancers gather the newly raised undead into a large group roughly every hour and send them out in a single Direction. Presumably a human town that is holding out against them." The Farstrider captain reported. "Secondly one of the more daring Farstriders among us peeked deeper inside the base and found a new kind of undead. She reported that this new kind looks like several corpses all stitched together into some kind of unholy abomination. That is everything of note we were able to find out other than the number of undead in the base is closer to 1000 than 700 like we originally believed."

"Damn, that is not good news. My own observations forced me to conclude that not only are these undead stronger than the ones we fought based off of the unholy energy coming off of them, but that most of them are those running ones we termed 'ghouls'" Sylvanas stated with a grimace.

"That isn't the worst of it my lady. As I felt out the base for powerful sources of magic I came across a few notable ones... and one truly powerful source." Alanassori said with a frown. "The first source I found was from the largest building in the center. As far as I can tell it functions as the backbone of their base much like a town hall or castle does for the alliance.

"The second source of note came from the crypt over near the other side of their base. I believe that is where they animate most of their forces from. The next source is coming from all of the smaller buildings spread throughout the area. They seem to provide some kind of renewing necromantic energy flowing into the undead and necromancers. I believe it keeps the undead from rotting and boosts the necromancers mana levels and magical strength. Several of the buildings also have a crystal over it and increased necromantic energy that I believe allows it to serve as a defensive structure much like our arcane towers.

"Finally the largest power source I noticed... I believe it is coming from a powerful spellcaster, perhaps even a Lich with the amount of necromantic energy wafting off of it." Alanassori Morningray reported.

"Thank you Alanassori... This base is far too dangerous for us to attack alone. So now lets... wait what are those machines?" Sylvanas questioned.

The group turned to look at what Sylvanas saw, and found several strange looking catapults along with several ghouls and a few necromancers.

"I don't know my lady... but more importantly they seem to be heading in a different direction than the previous groups, should we follow them?" A farstrider asked.

'We must follow them there is no question about that. The only question is should I leave a small group here to keep watch over the base in case of a development or to send someone to warn the Human town.' Thinking for a moment before answering Sylvanas said. "Yes, the Human town has held out this long they should be fine. Let us follow them, Also..."


[] Take everyone with you: keep all forces together, no risks of losing anyone from being discovered and killed because of a lack of backup

[] Leave 5 Farstriders to guard the undead base, they will split up to report to you and warn the Human town if something important happens: will prevent you and the Human town from being taken by surprise if the undead make any more unusual movements.

[] Send 5 Farstriders to let the Human town know you are in the area and let them know what you are doing and help them defend the town: Will reduce Human losses, will increase how much the humans like you, chance of the humans sending aid to help destroy the undead group you are after.

(you can vote to do both of the last votes.)
time skip time skip time skip time skip time skip time skip time skip time skip time

After a couple hours of following the undead force Sylvanas and her farstriders finally come within sight of the target of the undead attack, it turns out to be a seemingly defenceless human village.

"Damn... well now we know who the undead are attacking at least. But if they take out that village that would be dozens of more troops for them to say nothing of the slaughter of innocent people." Sylvanas stated grimacing. "Alright everyone we are defending these people as we are likely the only defence they have."

"Understood my lady." The farstrider captain states. "What are your orders?"

How do you fight?

[] Bombard the undead from the treeline and force them to come to you though you are at risk from a counter bombardment from the catapult things.
-[] What does mage-chan do?

[] Shoot a quick volley of arrows into the undead ranks before charging in to close and prevent being bombarded by the catapult things.
-[] What does mage-chan do?

[] Focus fire on the necromancers and catapult things from the treeline before volleying the rest of the undead.
-[] What does mage-chan do?

[] Write-in your own tactics.

Chapter ends here.

sorry for the delay everyone, there were a lot more problems with the original than I thought. :(

anyway here it is and let me know what you think :D
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campaign part 3: battle of the village, first losses and burning the dead.
-[X] Leave 5 Farstriders to guard the undead base, they will split up to report to you and warn the Human town if something important happens: will prevent you and the Human town from being taken by surprise if the undead make any more unusual movements.
-[X] Send 5 Farstriders to let the Human town know you are in the area and let them know what you are doing and help them defend the town: Will reduce Human losses, will increase how much the humans like you, chance of the humans sending aid to help destroy the undead group you are after.

"Squad leader Foralion, you and your four troops will stay here and keep observing the base. If the Undead do anything unusual, such as sending an attack in another direction than the Human town, then send a report to me or the Human town depending on who it is most likely affect." Sylvanas ordered.

"Next, squad leader Laendra, take your four troops down to the Human base to let them know what the rest of us are doing. Help them hold out against these undead and try to reduce their casualties as much as possible, but not at the risk of yourselves, understood?"

"Yes, Ranger-General!" The squad leaders saluted before moving off onto their duties.

Timeskip! (where last chapter left off.)

"We will bombard them with volleys of arrows to distract them from the villagers and force them to come to us. Alanassori you are to first attempt to take out one of the necromancers with the arcane spell you judge most likely to succeed even if it might seem like overkill to you. Then you are to cast slow on as many of the ghouls as you can to keep them from either chasing the villagers down and getting to us too easily. The arrow volley is to land as Alanassori attacks the necromancer. Now you have your orders, get ready to fire!" Sylvanas barks out her orders to her forces as they got into position for combat.

Alanassori began the attack with her Arcane blast against the necromancers...

Alanassori ranged attack: 17 vs Necromancer defense: 7 = +10 advantages +Sylvanas commander bonus: +2 = +12 advantages = automatic maximum roll outcome.

The Arcane Blast slaughtered the leading necromancer by exploding his head. the sheer force of the explosion caused some of the leftover force to propel shards of his skull into two more necromancers slaying them as well.

Next Sylvanas and her Rangers launched the volley of arrows they had knocked beforehand directly into the ghouls...

Farstriders vs ghouls: Farstriders ranged attack vs ghoul defense: 8 vs 2: +6 advantages for the Farstriders + Farstriders forest fighting: +4 advantages + Sylvanas commander bonus: +2 advantages = 12 advantages - Ghoul horrific: -2 advantages = 10 advantages - Ghoul pain resistance: -1 advantage = 9 advantages = Roll twice take the higher value +125
Roll:99+125 = 224
Result: 100 Ghouls slain

Resulting in the fire magic infused arrows peppering the ghouls killing half of them while Sylvanas and a couple of the more experienced farstriders decide to show off their skills and shoot three and two arrows respectively to the regular Farstriders one arrow. This display of skill was followed by Alanassori casting slow on as many Ghouls as she could landing the attack on...

Alanassori spellcasting roll: 70+16
Result: 86 ghouls slowed.

Eighty six of the ghouls. With such a high number of ghouls effected and with many of them in the front of the pack, they ended up slowing the entire charge against the High elven down to half their normal speed. This allowed for a second volley of flame arrows to come out from the Farstriders...

Farstriders vs ghouls: Farstriders ranged attack vs ghoul defense: 8 vs 2: +6 advantages for the Farstriders + Farstriders forest fighting: +4 advantages + Sylvanas commander bonus: +2 advantages + slow spell creating easier targets: +2 advantages = 14 advantages - Ghoul horrific: -2 advantages = 12 advantages - Ghoul pain resistance: -1 advantage = 11 advantages = INSTANT KILL
Result: All ghouls slain with impunity.

Which flew into the ghoulish ranks once more pinioning them with arrows burning the ghouls with contemptible ease thanks how slowed down they were.

However not everything was to go the High elves way in this battle as the catapult like things were able to turn around and launch an attack against their position by the time they had finished with the ghouls.

Meat wagons vs Farstriders: Meatwagon ranged attack vs farstrider defense: 14 vs 6: +8 advantages for the meat wagons = 8 advantages = Roll twice take the higher value +100
Roll: 146
Result: 5 Farstriders slain, 20 more heavily injured and out of the battle.

Necromancer Moral roll: 98+10 = 108
Result: Failed!

The corpses launched by these evil contraptions landed right on top of several of their number before exploding in a blast of dark magic and body parts. The attacks dealing massive damage to The High Elves having flattened four elite Farstriders and critically injuring many more with bone shard stuck in some of their bodies. This forced Sylvanas to order them to be targeted down by Alanassori and bring her personal attention to them as well. As she went to focus on the Corpseapults she had the healthy Farstriders to split up, half of the Farstriders focused on the remaining necromancers even as they tried to flee while the other half were to heal the wounded. Sylvanas meanwhile aided Alanassori in taking down the corpse-apults.

Alanassori ranged attack vs meatwagon defense: 17 vs 3 = +14 advantages +Sylvanas commander bonus: +2 = +16 advantages = automatic maximum roll outcome.
Result: 1 meatwagon destroyed!

Sylvanas ranged attack vs meatwagon defense: 44 vs 3 = +41 advantages = +41 advantages = automatic maximum roll outcome.
Result: 3 meat wagons destroyed!

Farstrider ranged attack vs necromancer defence: 8 vs 3 = +5 advantages +Sylvanas commander bonus: +2 = +7 advantages = Roll twice take the higher value +80.
Roll: 117
Result: remaining 3 necromancers slain!

While Alanassori was able to deal with one of the corpse-apults with a quick application of arcane might blowing up the wheels and snapping ropes of the horrific machine. Sylvanas showed her up with ease destroying the other three corpseapults with quick shots of fire and arcane magic infused arrows blowing the entire machine to pieces and scattering the wreckage from the across the clearing near instantly.

Meanwhile the Farstriders still in combat condition that were not attending the wounded easily took down the fleeing necromancers with a few volleys of arrows each of which hit into the fleeing backs of the cowardly necromancers.

After the combat was over Sylvanas started handing out orders. "Alright Farstriders, I want all the bodies of the dead gathered into one big pile alongside the remains of the corpse-apults. Mage apprentice Alanassori, I want you to burn the remains once they finish gathering them. Magical fire should get everything done faster."

"But Lady Sylvanas, surely you don't mean to stack our own dead with the others and simply burn them?!?" A Farstrider called out in shock.

"Yes I damn well mean our own dead as well! If we don't burn them they will either weigh us down and likely end with more of us dead and if we bury them then they will likely be raised as undead which is a fate I will not have anyone under my command share!" Sylvanas said in anger while glaring at the Farstrider who spoke out.

As the Farstriders Gathered their dead Sylvanas went to talk with the villagers who were just now coming out of their homes.

"I am Ranger General Sylvanas Windrunner, who is in charge of this village?"

The villagers al look at each other in shock before one steps forward. "I am Milady, I am Boe the mayor of this village. We would like to thank you for saving us."

"It was nothing, however you all need to evacuate this village and gather with the other villages in this region. There are far more necromancers and undead in this area and the town of Andorhal is under assault by them at the moment. I will escort you to the next village but then it will be on you. I strongly recommend to gather a few personal belongings and some supplies along with whatever armor and weapons you have and get ready to move. I am not waiting longer than one hour for you all and anyone who isn't ready will be left here to catch up." Sylvanas stated giving a slight glare at the villagers to get them moving a bit faster.

"Yes milady, and thank you once more for your aid, here take this item it is the least we can give you for your troubles." The mayor states handing Sylvanas a medallion of courage.

"Thank you, but hurry up now we need to leave." Sylvanas states before going back to her Farstriders and aiding them in getting all the bodies into a pile with plenty of firewood before Alanassori set them aflame.

Then after the bodies were well aflame and would continue burning until they were consumed, Sylvanas and her Farstriders gathered around the villagers to provide an escort as they formed up to move to the next village. Leaving the village along the road to the village Sylvanas hoped the Human town could last without her aid as the villagers only had a few troops without her Farstriders and until they gathered with the next villages troops they would be extremely vulnerable.

Chapter Ends here

So there you go, as promised I am not ending this story I just needed a break from it for a bit. I will also be updating this quest as well as my Starcraft/Halo quest less often than my Hyrule quest for a bit. However bother of those quests will have more meat to their updates as well as new content than the Hyrule one since these have yet to reach their first actual turn whereas Hyrule is fully in its turn by turn stage.

Also sorry for the lack of votes here, there will be one next chapter though, that I promise.