One last last-minute change - a surprise conflict came up and I'll have to start late myself, at 4:30pm EST/8pm GMT/4am CST. (With apologies, again, to @ChineseDrone.)
One last last-minute change - a surprise conflict came up and I'll have to start late myself, at 4:30pm EST/8pm GMT/4am CST. (With apologies, again, to @ChineseDrone.)
Oops. Knew I was going to make a mistake eventually with all the timezone changes...I'll be there. Though you did confuse me there, since 4:30 EST is 9:30 GMT, and I just logged into the room thinking I was late to find nobody there...
Ah, yes, and of course, everyone's favorite: experience points!
2xp to everywhere who was present yesterday, for starters. 1 more xp to everyone (@NonSequtur included) for finishing the first story arc. @Maugan Ra, as noted, take 1xp for successfully completing the social challenge and bringing a measure of civility to a Code GODLIKE; @ocelotcrown and @Teceler, take 1xp each for completing the combat challenge and bringing a measure of plasma to a Code GODLIKE.
Let's see - if you showed up to every session, you'd get 11xp. I'm pretty sure everyone missed at least one session, though. 10xp is about right, I think, @Maugan Ra - for some reason I thought you missed a session? That or we just never got to the museum side during one of the Haywain scenes, I forget.
*is still working on his xp tracker, should probably have kept a spreadsheet in the meantime*
Rather than that, I'm generally willing to be flexible about expenditures. You can only buy stuff in downtime, so if you miss a major purchase by 1xp or something I'll let you go into xp debt for it. Easier on me than trying to figure out after the fact who could use an extra point or two.Can I just say I have 12 xp? I only missed one session because someone else missed it, and I think I made it up.
Thread index/meta-thread is up. Let me know if any of them sound interesting and I'll make a specific thread to rp in.
If you want to try and build contacts across the Ascension War, this is probably going to be your best chance in a while.
The actual work is basically offscreened tactics and a focus for coop-casting Mind/DSci/Time Rotes on Orochi and his minions; it's a good vehicle for any amount of "you accidentally got in contact with some big name on either side", though.Well, the listed opportunity for James to do something useful while in confinement sounds interesting. Not sure what it would actually end up being, but hey, worth checking out.