Virtual Reality Civilization

[X] Write in - Declare clemency to all who attack you so long as they come before you and beg for the opportunity to perform a service of some kind. Make clear, however, that such a policy will not lead to clemency in battle nor the serial forgiveness of serial offenders.
[X] Write in - Speak thusly, "While I admire a man with vision for what we as a nation may one day become, the weight of such a vision must in part be based on who the man offering it is. Speak further upon what knowledge you have to offer, on these policies you dream of and how they will affect my city, and on why I should trust you."

"While I admire a man with vision for what we as a nation may one day become, the weight of such a vision must in part be based on who the man offering it is. Speak further upon what knowledge you have to offer, on these policies you dream of and how they will affect my city, and on why I should trust you." you respond after considering for a moment. Theodore laughs, his robes billowing behind him.

"Who the man offering it is? I am a genius, as you know. I know how to make a city succeed better than anyone else with my knowledge of economics. I could win any war I am put in charge of with my knowledge of military history." As he speaks, little flecks of magic begin to circle around him in a very pretty pattern.

"That still doesn't answer my question. What policies would you be advocating for? All you are saying now is self-praise, which I am not impressed by." you interrupt.

"Specific policies? I would be trying to see if we can make boats, for one. The ability to trade and to have fast travel would be a great boon. Other than that, I suppose we will have to see, as we do not yet know the options available to us. Of course, I would never do anything if you wouldn't be okay with it as the king, my queen." he answers with a smooth voice.

How do you reply?
[] Agree to let him become prince, he has convinced you.
[] Don't let him become prince, he still might be against you.

With that settled, you move onto the matter of the two who attacked you. You know you shouldn't be too harsh, because then people might want a change in leadership.

"There will be clemency to all who attack me so so long as they come before me to beg for an opportunity to preform a service. So I say this to the two who attacked me earlier then ran away: come before me now! Or you shall never receive forgiveness. Do not mistake this for a sign that I will show weakness in battle nor forgive repeat offenders forever, for I shall not." you declare to the crowd, and wait for the two from earlier to come to you. And wait. And wait.

"I will be waiting in the throne room" you quickly say to salvage the situation, then hurry out. Now, with time to spare, you figure you may as well decide what to do next before you log out for the day.

Plan vote! Please keep personal options and city options separate, but put them in the order you want to do them in.

Personal Options (Pick 4)

[] Practice forming magic
[] Practice unarmed combat
[] Practice swordplay (Note: Reduced effectiveness without a permanent sword)
[] Practice archery (Note: Reduced effectiveness without a permanent bow.)

[] Theodore

Shop (All buying counts as one action, can buy as many as you like)
[] Stabilizer ($100)
[] Lvl. 5 Sword ($150)
[] Lvl. 5 Bow ($150)
[] Lvl. 5 Helmet ($200)
[] Lvl. 5 Chest-Plate ($500)
[] Lvl. 5 Leggings ($300)

Create Item
[] Sword (Requires Stabilizer)
[] Bow (Requires Stabilizer)
[] Helmet (Requires Stabilizer)
[] Chest-Plate (Requires Stabilizer)
[] Leggings (Requires Stabilizer)
[] Write in. (Requires Stabilizer)

[] Join a raiding party to attack traveling NPCs of another city so you can level and gain money.
[] Join a research group in trying to research something.
[] Write in personal action.

City Actions (Pick 3)
(If you have a prince then s/he will choose an additional one)

Research ($500 each)
[] Magic seems to easily shatter when hit. Research how to make it stronger.
[] There must be some way to utilize magic in fighting other than just making weapons.
[] Would it be possible to shape magic into objects for something other than weapons?
[] Write in research.

Upgrades and Building
[] Upgrade the Stabilizer so you can buy a better version. ($2000)
[] Upgrade the shop to be able to buy higher level gear. ($2000)
[] Upgrade the wall from 2 meters thick 4 meters tall to 3 meters thick and 6 meters tall. ($1500)
[] Upgrade the gate.
-[] Make it a drawbridge. ($1000)
-[] Make it a vertically closing gate attatched to rope and a winch so it can be easily opened and closed. (Google portcullis for an image similar) ($1000)
-[] Keep it as two doors, but add a large door bar to keep it from easily being broken open.
[] Build a watchtower. ($500)
-[] Where?
[] Build a village, which can serve as a staging point and has a NPC shop. ($5000)
-[] How many NPCs to move there? (2% instead of 1% growth)

Internal Affairs
[] Set taxes to gain more revenue for the city.
-[] What in specific?
[] Request donations from the players of the city.
[] Write in internal action.

[] Attack another city.
-[] At night or at day? (In-game time)
-[] Which city?
-[] Do you join with the attack? (Does not count as a personal action)
[] Ask for an alliance with another city.
-[] Which city?
[] Write in diplomacy

Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Nov 25, 2017 at 8:35 PM, finished with 40 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Plan To Defend A Village
    -[X] Agree to let him become prince, he has convinced you.
    --[X] We shall see if his boasts can be backed up with words.
    -[X] Personal
    --[X] Training
    ---[X] Practice Forming Magic
    ---[X] Practice Swordplay
    --[X] Social
    ---[X] Theodore
    --[X] Shop
    ---[X] Lvl. 5 Sword ($150)
    ---[X] Lvl. 5 Leggings ($300)
    -[X] City
    --[X] Would it be possible to shape magic into objects for something other than weapons? ($500)
    --[X] Build a watchtower. ($500)
    ---[X] At the northern edge of the River, near the unknown city.
    -[X] Build a village, which can serve as a staging point and has a NPC shop. ($5000)
    --[X] Build it in the unoccupied territory to the west, away from all other known cities
    --[X] How many NPCs to move there? (2% instead of 1% growth)
    ---[X] 800
    [X] Challenge one of them to a duel.
    -[X] Bradley the Bandit
    --[X] Make sure to challenge him under the pretenses of us being a city of honor and justice instead of everyone devolving into banditry.
    [X] Challenge one of them to a duel.
    -[X] Bradley the Bandit
    --[X] Make sure to challenge him under the pretenses of us being a city of law and order instead ofeveryone devolving into banditry.
    [x] Demand that anyone who knows where they are to bring them to you so you can kill them.
    [x] Deny his deal. You don't want anyone who might be opposed to you to have so much power.

Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Nov 25, 2017 at 8:36 PM, finished with 14 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] Plan To Defend A Village
    -[X] Agree to let him become prince, he has convinced you.
    --[X] We shall see if his boasts can be backed up with words.
    -[X] Personal
    --[X] Training
    ---[X] Practice Forming Magic
    ---[X] Practice Swordplay
    --[X] Social
    ---[X] Theodore
    --[X] Shop
    ---[X] Lvl. 5 Sword ($150)
    ---[X] Lvl. 5 Leggings ($300)
    -[X] City
    --[X] Would it be possible to shape magic into objects for something other than weapons? ($500)
    --[X] Build a watchtower. ($500)
    ---[X] At the northern edge of the River, near the unknown city.
    -[X] Build a village, which can serve as a staging point and has a NPC shop. ($5000)
    --[X] Build it in the unoccupied territory to the west, away from all other known cities
    --[X] How many NPCs to move there? (2% instead of 1% growth)
    ---[X] 800

Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Nov 26, 2017 at 8:43 AM, finished with 37 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Plan To Defend A Village
    -[X] Agree to let him become prince, he has convinced you.
    --[X] We shall see if his boasts can be backed up with words.
    -[X] Personal
    --[X] Training
    ---[X] Practice Forming Magic
    ---[X] Practice Swordplay
    --[X] Social
    ---[X] Theodore
    --[X] Shop
    ---[X] Stabilizer ($100) 2x
    ---[X] Lvl. 5 Sword ($150)
    ---[X] Lvl. 5 Bow ($150)
    -[X] City
    --[X] Would it be possible to shape magic into objects for something other than weapons? ($500)
    --[X] Build a watchtower. ($500)
    ---[X] At the northern edge of the River, near the unknown city.
    -[X] Build a village, which can serve as a staging point and has a NPC shop. ($5000)
    --[X] Build it in the unoccupied territory to the west, away from all other known cities
    --[X] How many NPCs to move there? (2% instead of 1% growth)
    ---[X] 800
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City Character Sheet:
Name: Prares
Named: Alakhai, Theodore
Players: 501 (+5 per round)
Available NPCs: 2020 (+1% per round)
Tech: Stabilizers
Money: $5000
Revenue: $1 Per NPC per round
Government: Kingdom
King: Alakhai (you)
Walls: 2 meters wide, 4 meters tall
Gate: A double-door.
@GilcuruLend do we get to spend the income we'll be receiving this round this round?
I.e., can we spend $7020 or only $5k?
What level of gear can we make with our currently available stabilizer?
Are all actions below City Actions part of the city actions?
Would you mind formatting the Personal & City choice lines w/ bold and the following subcategories w/ underlines so that they can be more clearly distinguished?

[X] Plan War on the Horizon
[X] Agree to let him become prince, he has convinced you.
-[X] You're coming across as baselessly self-entitled, but I'll give you a chance.
[X] Personal
-[X] Theodore
-[X] Shop
--[X] Stabilizer ($100)
--[X] Stabilizer ($100) x2
--[X] Lvl. 5 Sword ($150)
--[X] Lvl. 5 Bow ($150)
-[X] Practice forming magic

-[X] Chest-Plate (Requires Stabilizer)
[X] City
-[X] Magic seems to easily shatter when hit. Research how to make it stronger.
-[X] There must be some way to utilize magic in fighting other than just making weapons.
-[X] Build a village, which can serve as a staging point and has a NPC shop. ($5000)
--[X] How many NPCs to move there? (2% instead of 1% growth)
---[X] 800

[] Set taxes to gain more revenue for the city.
-[] A 10% tax on all armor and weapons purchases. Citizens are encouraged to create and maintain their own gear. Upgrades to the purchasable Stabilizer module will be forthcoming.
[] Seek rumors of the City to the East (hereafter to be known as Enemy #1 /jk).

Edit - Defense/Explanation of Choices:
Practice Magic is necessary to eventually be able to make a horse.
Socializing is necessary to figure out whether Theodore is a prick we need to murder or simply utterly self-entitled but somewhat useful.
Shopping is necessary to armor up for raiding in the future, but since everything but weapons and stabilizers are expensive I'm mostly buying those so that we can make our own gear. If we end up only being able to make weak-ass weapons with our current stabilizer I'm going to change my vote to buying leggings and a bow and then go raiding instead of crafting.

Building a village gives us faster population growth but identical taxes. So it's money spent to have money gained.
Researching less-shatterable-magic seems pretty important.
So does being able to use magic in a non-fighting way.

I expect that Theodore will use his action to pick either the research to make non-martial items w/ magic, or just like "How 2 maek boats???" which might come out to be the same thing.

If we can set up taxes & stuff this turn that would be cool, but otherwise it can wait.
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What level of gear can we make with our currently available stabilizer?
Are all actions below City Actions part of the city actions?
Would you mind formatting the Personal & City choice lines w/ bold and the following subcategories w/ underlines so that they can be more clearly distinguished?
The level of gear you can make is equal to your level atm. So you can make level 2 gear. Sorry, I should have made that more clear.
Yes, all actions below city actions are a part of it. I can reformat it like that if it would be easier.

Edit: To be more clear on the making gear stuff, at the moment you can create level 2 gear. Upgrading the stabilizer will mean you can do more kinds of things with it rather than it making anything stronger, so an upgraded stabilizer would still only let you make level 2 gear.
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[X] Plan Gear Up
-[X] Agree to let him become prince, he has convinced you.
--[X] We shall see if his boasts can be backed up with actions.
-[X] Personal
--[X] Training
---[X] Practice Forming Magic
---[X] Practice Swordplay
--[X] Social
---[X] Theodore
--[X] Shop
---[X] Stabilizer ($100) 2x
---[X] Lvl. 5 Sword ($150)
---[X] Lvl. 5 Bow ($150)
---[X] Lvl. 5 Helmet ($200)
---[X] Lvl. 5 Chest-Plate ($500)
---[X] Lvl. 5 Leggings ($300)
-[X] City
--[X] There must be some way to utilize magic in fighting other than just making weapons. ($500)
--[X] Would it be possible to shape magic into objects for something other than weapons? ($500)
--[X] Build a watchtower. ($500)
-[X] At the northern edge of the River, near the unknown city.

Hmm, since we can only make Level 2 Gear, it's better we buy Level 5 instead, assuming of course, that we can equip them.

I'm wary of creating a Village outside our walls since we're so near to another polity that if they attack, we won't be able to respond quickly enough. So, we build a watchtower to give us advanced warning first for safety and possibly, scouting the Unknown City.

Hmm, the Romans were fond of turning their Forts into full-blown settlements, markets and all, so maybe we can do something similar instead?

Anyways, for now, total cost of the plan: $3,000.
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[X] Plan Gear Up
-[X] Agree to let him become prince, he has convinced you.
--[X] We shall see if his boasts can be backed up with words.
-[X] Personal
--[X] Training
---[X] Practice Forming Magic
---[X] Practice Swordplay
--[X] Social
---[X] Theodore
--[X] Shop
---[X] Stabilizer ($100) 2x
---[X] Lvl. 5 Sword ($150)
---[X] Lvl. 5 Bow ($150)
---[X] Lvl. 5 Helmet ($200)
---[X] Lvl. 5 Chest-Plate ($500)
---[X] Lvl. 5 Leggings ($300)
-[X] City
--[X] There must be some way to utilize magic in fighting other than just making weapons. ($500)
--[X] Would it be possible to shape magic into objects for something other than weapons? ($500)
--[X] Build a watchtower. ($500)
-[X] At the northern edge of the River, near the unknown city.

Hmm, since we can only make Level 2 Gear, it's better we buy Level 5 instead, assuming of course, that we can equip them.

I'm wary of creating a Village outside our walls since we're so near to another polity that if they attack, we won't be able to respond quickly enough. So, we build a watchtower to give us advanced warning first for safety and possibly, scouting the Unknown City.

Hmm, the Romans were fond of turning their Forts into full-blown settlements, markets and all, so maybe we can do something similar instead?

Anyways, for now, total cost of the plan: $3,000.
1) Spending city money on personal outfits is a major no, to me.
2) We can build the village outside our walls away from the unknown city, i.e. to the west, where there's only a coastline. The earlier we create it the more it pays off (with its doubled NPC growth rate) and the more time we will have to build walls around the village, if necessary.
3) Do you have any deep reasoning behind your research choices?
4) Do you have any deep reasoning behind swords > unarmed?

I'd be fine with building an Oppidum - Wikipedia but it's not necessarily accurate to call it a fort, as it's more of a walled settlement. Also, I'd like to do rapid growth/settlement of the western side near the coast first, to take advantage of our excellent location.
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@Hannz Compromise vote:

[X] Plan To Defend A Village
-[X] Agree to let him become prince, he has convinced you.
--[X] We shall see if his boasts can be backed up with words.
-[X] Personal
--[X] Training
---[X] Practice Forming Magic
---[X] Practice Swordplay
--[X] Social
---[X] Theodore
--[X] Shop
---[X] Stabilizer ($100) 2x
---[X] Lvl. 5 Sword ($150)
---[X] Lvl. 5 Bow ($150)
-[X] City
--[X] Would it be possible to shape magic into objects for something other than weapons? ($500)
--[X] Build a watchtower. ($500)
---[X] At the northern edge of the River, near the unknown city.
-[X] Build a village, which can serve as a staging point and has a NPC shop. ($5000)
--[X] Build it in the unoccupied territory to the west, away from all other known cities
--[X] How many NPCs to move there? (2% instead of 1% growth)
---[X] 800

Makes a village where it is unlikely to be attacked.
Makes a watchtower so we can fight off people.
Researches alternative uses for magic.
Doesn't spend city money on personal items.
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1) Spending city money on personal outfits is a major no, to me.
Understandable. Guess we'll need to earn our keep via loot.
2) We can build the village outside our walls away from the unknown city, i.e. to the west, where there's only a coastline. The earlier we create it the more it pays off (with its doubled NPC growth rate) and the more time we will have to build walls around the village, if necessary.
I did not take that into consideration. The closer a Village is to a body of water, the better for growth and defense.
3) Do you have any deep reasoning behind your research choices?
Better fightiness, basically. If we're able to utilize our magic in more ways, our duels will be a lot more decisive.
4) Do you have any deep reasoning behind swords > unarmed?
When we were still fighting for Kingship, most of our fights were mainly unarmed. Sure, it's because no one had any equipment, but if we ever run into someone we can't beat in a swordfight, our unarmed skills can help in disarming them and turning it into a wrestling match where we have the advantage.

Vote Switch

[X] Plan To Defend A Village

My only requests would be to replace the Leggings with a Bow so we can take advantage of our High Archery. It's cheaper, and definitely more useful. That, and to replace this "--[] We shall see if his boasts can be backed up with words." with this "--[] We shall see if his performance can live up to his boasts." since I worded the former weirdly.
My only requests would be to replace the Leggings with a Bow so we can take advantage of our High Archery. It's cheaper, and definitely more useful. That, and to replace this "--[] We shall see if his boasts can be backed up with words." with this "--[] We shall see if his performance can live up to his boasts." since I worded the former weirdly.
Will do the bow. Shall I also add in purchasing Stabilizers x2?

"if his boasts can be backed up with words" is somewhat charming in how it indicates that, ultimately, he's not going to be doing anything beyond saying things. So I kind of want to keep it. If I was going to replace it I would say something like "We shall see if his boasts have basis," but that might be a tad boring.
Anyone else have an opinion?
Will do the bow. Shall I also add in purchasing Stabilizers x2?

"if his boasts can be backed up with words" is somewhat charming in how it indicates that, ultimately, he's not going to be doing anything beyond saying things. So I kind of want to keep it. If I was going to replace it I would say something like "We shall see if his boasts have basis," but that might be a tad boring.
Anyone else have an opinion?
Go ahead with the Stabilizers, if nothing else, they'll might help with research.

As for the boast, we can keep it. I like that interpretation much more than what I had in mind.
[X] Plan To Defend A Village

I mostly agree with the plan, I just think the Watchtower is not needed at this point in the game. I think we would profit more from research at this point... but I don't feel strong enough about this to make my own plan.

Also, if it's acceptable write-ins, I would put a bounty on information given to the city. The first person to give a new information will receive the bounty. The next 4 to get the same information will get to know that they are appreciated and maybe receive a job to work at the research of our kingdom.

I feel this would make us liked by those who are good at the intellectual side of things, but bad at the fighting side. Also, I imagine with a bounty system in place we would gain information without the need to spend turns to do it ourselves.
[X] Plan To Defend A Village

I mostly agree with the plan, I just think the Watchtower is not needed at this point in the game. I think we would profit more from research at this point... but I don't feel strong enough about this to make my own plan.

Also, if it's acceptable write-ins, I would put a bounty on information given to the city. The first person to give a new information will receive the bounty. The next 4 to get the same information will get to know that they are appreciated and maybe receive a job to work at the research of our kingdom.

I feel this would make us liked by those who are good at the intellectual side of things, but bad at the fighting side. Also, I imagine with a bounty system in place we would gain information without the need to spend turns to do it ourselves.
a) I, too, would rather not do the watchtower and do research instead. But this plan is a compromise plan. I would furthermore direct your attention to the "[] Join a raiding party to attack traveling NPCs of another city so you can level and gain money." option. Clearly it is possible, and perhaps likely, that the PC's of our neighboring city will seek to assault our own NPC's. The Watchtower would provide our own PC's and NPC's with forewarning of such attempts.

b) In regards to your write-in, while it sounds like a good idea it also would take an action. We only get 3 controllable actions. At present, we are doing the village (to foster more income), the research (to foster more income, and martial and non-martial versatility), and the watchtower (to protect our income, to make our own raids easier, to have a good idea of the surrounding land). Next turn we will likely be doing an Upgrade to our Stabilizers, possibly establishing an NPC shop or instituting a set of taxes, and one or two research actions. We probably should establish the information bounty, but it will depend on whether other people agree that it's worth delaying research/item-gain opportunities. I would put limits on it and make the rewards for people after the first individual or group decidable per instance. Also, to some degree it's simply better to be proactive.

Edit: I think we have room for like... 3 villages, max, where we are now. We'll have to invade the city across the river sooner rather than later.

We should probably make a bridge across the river first, and then start building villages on the other side or something.
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I mostly agree with the plan, I just think the Watchtower is not needed at this point in the game. I think we would profit more from research at this point... but I don't feel strong enough about this to make my own plan.
Think of it as a form of XP Denial. We're a War specced character, so fighting is our way to victory. The neighboring City is just a target for us to raid and eventially conquer, and we can do so easily by making sure that the enemy stays at a lower level than us.

With a Watchtower on our side, our civilians can better avoid getting killed by their troops, and that will only get better once we have horses, carts, etc.
The current plan spends like... 6k + whatever Theodore spends, so next turn we can expect to be able to spend only ~2-3k. I.e., next turn we will likely only be able to do research actions.

Next turn we might want to continue the training choices we did this turn and perhaps to do two different raid actions, though we may want to socialize instead. We might also consider replacing the magic training action with a research action, but to some degree blunt personal capability is still quite effective.

Raiding twice would make us harder to kill later on, and put more pressure upon our neighboring city. But spending so much time out in the wild rather than socializing with Theodore or our research teams also, to some degree, leaves us open to social maneuvering. But then again, if we're powerful enough social maneuvering won't matter.

Personal power transmutes into social power easily.
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