You just claim a character and make the sheet.

You talk to GL of where you want to start post your starting post or if they do

So, how do I join? do I just select who I would like to insert as and then make a sheet to see if I'm accepted?

Be wary, some characters are dead at this time so check first by asking
(Obito, Zetsu, Danzo)
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So many options and I can only choose one, I don't particularly want to be an important character...

Can I be Ranmaru? I have the craving for being a loyal evil minion.
So many options and I can only choose one, I don't particularly want to be an important character...

Can I be Ranmaru? I have the craving for being a loyal evil minion.
Just got a ranmaru mori flashback from onimusha 3 with that one.
Anyone got Zetsu yet? I want to be that guy, either the White or Black Zetsu if one is taken. Imma be a tree and y'all all can't stop me.

On second thought, I'll take Tora the Cat just to troll everyone.
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The Sheet For Tora the Cat (Might be changed to either nerf or fit into the Story)

What Everyone Sees:

What actually Everyone Sees:

Name: Tora The Cat
Title/s (They either are all pending, or probably not true):
Accursed Cat of Konohagakure, The Speakable Terror of Genins, The One-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named, The Final Problem, The Cat with Many Names, Tora, Tora the Genin Killer, Tora the Jounin Terror, Tora the Kage's Nightmare, Tora the Pet of Fire Daimyou's Wife, Tora the Ninja Cat, THAT BASTARD CAT, Everyone's Nightmare Cat, The Cat from Hell, The END of EVERYTHING, Fearbringer, Kakashi's Nightmare, Kami's Divine Punishment, The Talking Cat?, Yami's Best Nightmare, Shinigami's Avatar, The Cat
Alias/es: Nope Train, GODs' Judgement, Hellcat, Smug Bastard

Gender: Female?
Age: BEFORE CREATION ITSELF EVEN EXISTS (Exaggeration of the report, not real; Classified, only the Fire Daimyou and his wife knows this)
BIRTHDATE: 6/6/666 BBC or Before-Before Creation (Exaggeration of the report, not real; Classified, only the Fire Daimyou and his wife knows this)
Height: Little (Classified, only the Fire Daimyou and his wife knows this)
Weight: F*CKTON (Exaggeration of a report, not real; Classified, only the Fire Daimyou and his wife knows this)
Blood Type: HELLISH BLOOD FILLED WITH FLAMES AND BLOOD OF THE INNOCENTS KILLED WITH HIS DAINTY CLAWS (Exaggeration of a report; Classified, only the Fire Daimyou and his wife knows this)

Allegiance: Self (Truth), Hell (Rumors and Exaggeration)
Rank: OH FUCK, RUN LIKE HELL! or BEYOND S-RANK or ENDBRINGER (Rumors and Exaggeration, not real. | Guys, we talked about this. Stop being overdramatic about the damn cat. - A random Shinobi from Konoha)
True Rank: PENDING
Team: Hell (Exaggeration, not real.)
True Team: None (This is true. - Hokage | OR IS IT!? - Random Shinobi trying to catch the cat | Bam bam baaaaaaaam! - Someone filing a complaint about the cat being gone again)
Partner: Satan/Yami (Exaggeration, not real.)
True Partner: Cats, or otherwise none

  • Tools from Hell (Exaggeration, not real. -ANBU | OR IS IT!? - A random drunk Samurai from Hi no Kuni)
  • Everything it has stolen (Currently: Just some toothpicks and chopsticks from a certain ramen shop. | Will update in the future.)

  • CLAWS OF DEATH (Exaggeration, these are just Ordinary Claws... No. They are just ordinary claws, don't let them peer pressured you to believing they are actually the real deal.)
  • EYES OF DEATH (Exaggeration, these are just Ordinary Eyes... Again, no. They are just ordinary eyes, don't let them peer pressured you to believing they are actually the real deal as well.)

Nature Type/s:
  • ALL OF THEM! (An Exaggeration. People, we talked about this.)
  • Wind (MASTERED | ... So that's why it is so fast.)
Known Jutsu and Skill/s:
  • ALL OF THEM! (Again, an exaggeration. This is false. - Shinobi)
  • Concealing Body Jutsu (Mastery: 0/100% | Rank: F)
  • Stealth Symphony (Mastery: 0/100% | Rank: F | Current Cooldown: 10 Turns): Your problems are your own, their problems are their own. You can now induce a temporary territory that lasts for 5 turns (or 5 comments to the RP) that will make everyone not in the range to mind their own problems while you mind yours. They could still enter the territory though, so be on guard.
  • Hiding In Plain Sight (Mastery: 10/100% | Rank: B): You have a trait or rather a skill that will allow to hide in plain sight once a turn (after the user posted comment in the RP). Those who attempts to check if you're there will have to roll a 1d20 to know if they fail or not.
  • The Art of Trolling (Mastery: 0/100% | Rank: F | Current Cooldown: 3 Turns): You can snark your way to your own goals, and troll someone to death. But do roll a 1d20 to see if you're successful.

Joke Trait/s:
  • Fluffiness of Comfort and INSTANT DEATH. (Still an exaggeration and not true.)
  • Horrible piercing eyes of death and hellish fire. (Still an exaggeration and not true, again.)
  • Able to hide in the vast dark abyss and you will never know it. (By abyss, you meant shadows? What? What do you mean this cat hid inside the shadows while twisting it's head 360 degrees? Are you sure you guys are not watching horror films again? | This is an exaggeration and not true.)
  • When it treads, Death and Chaos is where it becomes. (Kami-damnit! Stop exaggerating this! - Random Shinobi | Not true... Unless you count it escaping a lot of times and being fast as fuck.)
  • Just an Ordinary Cat (THAT IS NOT TRUE! - Random Shinobi of Konoha)
True Trait/s:
  • Animal Body (Cat): Capable of learning things 10% faster than everyone, so long as they are about physical things. However due to you being stuck at an animal body, you have -10% learning to everything related to languages.
  • The Legend of the Cat named Tora: Due to the amount of legends about this individual, the legends are now slowly blending to the individual's capabilities. (+0.025% Bonus Capabilities to all related to your Title/s. [E.G. The Cat from Hell will give +0.025% bonus to all Fire and Torture related skills and abilities.])
  • Reincarnator: This trait is not like the others for this trait will give you a curse and a blessing. Those who are not here will know you are not from here, but you will also know that they are not from here as well. It will give 50% bonus to learning everything about this world due to your very knowledge that doesn't exist on this world. This also gives you the Eidetic Memory Trait.
  • Gaming Life (Reincarnator): Your past life is quite knowledgeable about games as such it made you capable to comprehend the world as a game, unfortunately this is for cosmetic purposes and doesn't do anything at all.
  • Eidetic Memory (Reincarnator): You can now remember everything. +50% Learning Speed Bonus to all Language-related, with the added bonus that you will experience some nightmares if you've done something horrible like Genocide.
  • Outside-of-Context (Reincarnator): You are a problem outside of comprehension to this world's laws. You have the potential to become a great threat to all and also a great ally. Roll 1d20 whenever you find yourself in a pinch or in a state that you will be otherwise be in danger, if you manage to roll 15 to above then Lady Luck shines upon you. If you rolled 6 and lower, expect Unforeseen Consequences. Oh and one of the Gods (E.g. Jashin) might talk to you in the head once in a while and they will probably troll you.

Joke Project/s:
  • Learn Hellish Jutsu. (0/100%)
  • Learn to be better at torturing people. (0/100%)
  • Learn to be better at hiding. (0/100%)
  • Learn to be better at trolling everyone. (0/100%)
  • Learn all the Nature Types and become the Toravatar. (0/100%)
True Project/s:
  • Find a way to become human.
  • Learn all the Nature Types.
  • Figure out a way to silently kill a certain someone while the Genins are doing their Tora capturing missions.
  • Learn Silent Assassinations and Stealth.
  • Learn to Fake Death.

Joke Goal/s:
  • Make everyone's life a living hell.
  • Show them the might of the Hell Cat by making a Bijuu run away.
  • Make sure Someone's life will become hell-er by stealing something they need once a day.
  • Steal the Forbidden Scroll.
  • Make the Hokage's life hell-er.
  • Kill someone and frame it to someone else.
  • Become the Hokage of the Konoha for shits and giggles.
True Goal/s:
  • Become the Hokage of the Konoha for shits and giggles.
  • Steal the Forbidden Scroll, without everyone knowing it was you.
  • Fake your own Death to be free.
  • Burn down Hi No Kuni for not being on fire.

First Meeting Song:

Chase Music:

Battle or Getting to be Caught Music:
Additional Note/s:
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