NSMS, you have disappointed me greatly.

You had the perfect set-up to do the "I'll do anything for you" "Then perish" exchange and you didn't use it.

For shame.
NSMS, you have disappointed me greatly.

You had the perfect set-up to do the "I'll do anything for you" "Then perish" exchange and you didn't use it.

For shame.
I was paraphrasing the Princess Bride, but "I want my father back, you son of a bitch." didn't really fit the context here.
To confirm what Magnive said: we've been discussing this in PMs and I'm fine with it. In the current situation I've got no reason to know or suspect that his Limbo clones exist, so I can't take any action that would protect me from them. Add in that the strategy I've defaulted to is 'use suicidal attacks to wear him down, since this guy completely outclasses me and I can resurrect from physical damage', and there's only one possible result.
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To confirm what Magnive said: we've been discussing this in PMs and I'm fine with it. In the current situation I've got no reason to know or suspect that his Limbo clones exist, so I can't take any action that would protect me from them. Add in that the strategy I've defaulted to is 'use suicidal attacks to wear him down, since this guy completely outclasses me and I can resurrect from physical damage', and there's only one possible result.

So are you coming back as another character, or...
Don't have any plans to. Though I admit it might be funny to meet Magnive again if I do.

Me: "You killed me!"

Magnive: *blank, unimpressed look*

Me: "...I got better."
I'm sad to hear that you won't be continuing, but I'll strive to ensure that your effect on the continued story will be felt.
Just to confirm my interest here's my character sheet for Kabuto.

Alias: The Master
Name: Kabuto Yakushi
Gender: Male
Birthdate: February 29
Age: 19
Height: 176.2 cm
Weight: 65 kg
Hair Colour: ash grey
Eye Color: onyx
Blood Type: AB
Nature Release: wind, lightning
Weapons: kunai, Senbon
Team: Yoroi, Misumi, Kabuto. Unknown leader.
I suppose that I might as well make it official at this point: I'm resigning as well. Apologies to those for whom I was responsible as GL, but I've just lost momentum with the RP.
So, how do I join? do I just select who I would like to insert as and then make a sheet to see if I'm accepted?