[X] Hire Greek Hoplite Trainers: If war is going to be brought to the Greek city-states eventually, it would be prudent to upgrade your tactics. Hoplites are the finest soldiers of the known world, and a few captains have offered their services in exchange for high compensation.
[X] Subvert Xerxes: Sway the incoming King to your point of view, and as such, the rest of the Empire will mirror your actions for the next few turns.
[X] Expand Farms: People need food. More food means more people down the line.
[X] Build Stable: Allows the creation of Chariot Archers.
[X] Engineering: Unlocks Aqueducts and Arenas.
[X] Metal Casting: Unlocks Forges.
[X] Plan Foundation

[X] Hire Greek Hoplite Trainers: If war is going to be brought to the Greek city-states eventually, it would be prudent to upgrade your tactics. Hoplites are the finest soldiers of the known world, and a few captains have offered their services in exchange for high compensation.

[X] Subvert Xerxes: Sway the incoming King to your point of view, and as such, the rest of the Empire will mirror your actions for the next few turns.

[X] Expand Farms: People need food. More food means more people down the line.

[X] Build Mine: Adds +1 Stewardship per 3 pop.

[X] Engineering: Unlocks Aqueducts and Arenas.

[X] Metal Casting: Unlocks Forges.
Adhoc vote count started by Chrestomanci on Mar 14, 2018 at 9:16 AM, finished with 127 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Plan Foundation
    [X] Hire Greek Hoplite Trainers: If war is going to be brought to the Greek city-states eventually, it would be prudent to upgrade your tactics. Hoplites are the finest soldiers of the known world, and a few captains have offered their services in exchange for high compensation.
    [X] Subvert Xerxes: Sway the incoming King to your point of view, and as such, the rest of the Empire will mirror your actions for the next few turns.
    [X] Expand Farms: People need food. More food means more people down the line.
    [X] Build Mine: Adds +1 Stewardship per 3 pop.
    [X] Engineering: Unlocks Aqueducts and Arenas.
    [X] Metal Casting: Unlocks Forges.
    [X] Hire Greek Hoplite Trainers: If war is going to be brought to the Greek city-states eventually, it would be prudent to upgrade your tactics. Hoplites are the finest soldiers of the known world, and a few captains have offered their services in exchange for high compensation.
    [X] Subvert Xerxes: Sway the incoming King to your point of view, and as such, the rest of the Empire will mirror your actions for the next few turns.
    [X] Expand Farms: People need food. More food means more people down the line.
    [X] Build Stable: Allows the creation of Chariot Archers.
    [X] Engineering: Unlocks Aqueducts and Arenas.
    [X] Metal Casting: Unlocks Forges.
Voting time will end 9am EST tomorrow. At least at the start, expect a fairly quick turnaround time for turns.
Concrete - Wikipedia

According to this, both settlements in Syria/northern Jordan in "prehistory", and in Egypt (possibly even now), might know how to make concrete. As concrete was one of the big techs that the Romans got so much use out of, we should push for developing high-quality concrete, it'll help our various planned infrastructure projects a lot.
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So, people need to do their own tally for each turn and then associate the various dices rolled to the options selected?

I've seen quests without threadmarks, badly implemented systems and atrocious formating, but this one win the prize for the worst ergonomical implementation
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So, people need to do their own tally for each turn and then associate the various dices rolled to the options selected?

I've seen quests without threadmarks, badly implemented systems and atrocious formating, but this one win the prize for the worst ergonomical implementation

Why, because I don't post the final tallies? That's why you're bitching? I see what I see and go based on that. Nothing more, nothing less.
Violation of Rule 3 - This is not civil behaviour
Bitching? You have no 'Turn 1 : Results'. A reader trying to read your quest in a few months wouldn't be able to know/extrapolate the options selected during turn 1 except if they took the time to read every single page of the thread to determine which options won and, even then, they would have to write down the dices rolled to know if they succeded.

Have you ever read a quest on this subforum? There are plenty of well made ones constructed in a manner which will make it easily for readers to follow. What you've done by writing
'Turn 1 : Options'
'Tun 1 : War Averted' - only showing the results from one intrigue option
'Turn 2 : Options'
Is an useless mess. Merely these two facts :
1) You said that my criticism was bitching
2) You couldn't place yourself in the shoes of your reader to produce or replicate an ergonimical system while they are plenty of exemples to see.

Show me that you're either extremely lazy, thus this quest won't go far, or incompetent.
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...WTF is this, mate?

I understand your comments and where they're headed, but your level of rancor was beyond the pale. That's the sort of hostility that can kill a game like this, and as a player who happens to like what has just begun here I really don't like what you just pulled here.

Basically, if you can't be polite when you offer constructive criticism, leave. We don't want jerks like you around here.
Staff Notice - This is not civil behaviour
I'll be updating tomorrow guys. The asshole had a point though. I'll be more attentive in the future.
Apologies to all. Had to deal with some family issues and let this lapse. I'll update over the weekend.